
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 29

        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        음이온은 인체에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀지며, 다양한 연구자에 의하여 녹지내에서 발생하는 음이온발생량에 요인을 규명하기 위하여 다양한 노력을 수행하고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 연구들은 녹지유형, 녹지의 유무, 단순 기상요소들과의 상관관계를 살펴보며 궁극적으로 녹지의 유무, 녹지의 형태가 음이온 발생에 미치는 총 효과에 대해서만 언급할 뿐 매개효과 등의 간접효과에 대한 연구는 전무한 실정이다. 여기서 말하는 매개효과란 독립변수와 종속변수의 연결고리 역할을 하는 변수를 뜻한다. 매개변수는 독립변수의 결과이면서 동시에 종속변수의 원인이 되는 변수로 설명될 수 있다. 유의한 매개변수가 존재한다면, 독립변수가 종속변수에 주는 영향을 크게 직접효과와 간접효과로 나뉘게 된다. 직접효과는 매개변수가 존재함에도 불구하고 매개변수를 거치지 않고 종속변수에 영향을 주는 것이고, 간접효과는 매개변수를 통해 종속변수에 영향을 주는 것이다. 여기서 말하는 매개효과는 간접효과를 뜻한 것으로 직접효과와 간접효과를 합한 것을 총 효과 또는 전체효과라고 하는데 이것은 매개변수를 고려하지 않았을 때의 독립변수가 종속변수에 주는 영향과 같다. Baron와 Kenny(1986)는 매개작용을 완전매개와 부분매개로 구분하고 각 매개작용이 성립되기 위해서는 네 가지 조건들이 충족되어야 한다고 보고하였다. 즉, (1) 1단계에서 독립변수는 매개변수에 유의적인 영향을 미쳐야 하고, (2) 2단계에서 독립변수는 종속변수에 유의적인 영향을 미쳐야 하며, (3) 3단계에서 매개변수는 종속변수에 유의적인 영향을 미쳐야한다. (4) 매개변수를 포함한 회귀방정식에서 종속변수에 대한 독립변수의 영향은 조건 (2)의 경우보다 적거나 전혀 없어야 한다. 감소한 경우는 부분매개효과가 존재함을 의미하며 전혀 없는 경우는 완전매개효과가 존재함을 의미한다. 이에 녹지의 배치형태를 독립변수로 설정하고 녹지배치형태의 차이에 따라 달라지는 기상요소를 매개변수로 설정한 후 각각 음이온 발생량에 미치는 영향을 파악하고 녹지의 배치형태가 음이온 발생량에 미치는 총 효과 외에 기상요소를 변화시킴으로써 음이온 발생량에 미치는 간접효과를 확인하기 위하여 본 연구를 진행하였다. 그 결과, 음이온 발생량과 기상요소 그리고 녹지배치형태의 Pearson 상관분석을 실시하였으며, 이에 대한 내용을 자세히 살펴보면, 음이온 발생량은 녹지배치형태와 유의한 부의 상관관계인 것으로 분석되었다(r=.07, p < 0.01). 음이온 발생량과 기상요소 하위요인들 간의 상관에서는 기온(r=.41, p < 0.01)과 광도(r=.38, p < 0.01), 절대습도(r=.29, p < 0.01)에서 각각의 유의한 정의 상관관계를 보인 반면, 상대습도(r=-.02, p > 0.05), 풍속(r=.03, p > 0.05)의 경우 상관관계가 나타나지 않았다. 녹지배치형태와 기상요소 하위요인들 간의 관계를 살펴보면, 기온(r=-.33, p < 0.01)의 경우 유의한 부의상관관계인 것으로 분석되었으며, 상대습도(r=.52, p < 0.01), 광도(r=.27, p < 0.01), 절대습도(r=.25, p < 0.01)의 경우 유의한 정의 상관관계인 것으로 분석되었다. 그러나 풍속(r=-.01, p > 0.05)의 경우 유의한 상관관계는 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 음이온 발생량과 녹지 배치형태에서 공통적인 상관관계를 나타낸 기온, 일사량, 절대습도에서 매개효과가 있을 것으로 예상되었다. 이에 독립변수로 녹지배치 형태를 설정 하였으며, 매개변수로 기상요소의 하위 요인인 기온, 일사량, 절대습도로 설정하였다. 이에 대한 음이온 발생량은 종속변수로 설정하였다. 분석결과, 모든 기상 하위요인에서 매개효과가 있는 것을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 이는 단순 녹지의 배치형태가 음이온 발생량의 차이를 나타낼 뿐만 아니라 기상요소를 현저히 다르게 형성함으로 써 음이온 발생량에 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료되었다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 2005~2010년 기간 동안 영동지역의 지형성 강풍과 관련된 태백산맥 풍하측에서 관측된 기상요소들을 분석하였다. 강풍 사례는 강원지역에서 풍속이 14 m s−1 이상인 조건을 이용하여 선정하였다. 강풍 사례는 총 15일로 나타났고, 모두 영동지역에 위치한 속초, 강릉, 동해, 그리고 태백 지역에서 발생하였다. 사례 중 태풍(세 사례) 그리고 영동지역의 대설(두 사례)과 호우(두 사례)와 관련된 7개 사례는 이 연구에서 제외하였다. 8개 강풍 사례를 분석하기 위하여 종관 일기도, 속초 고층 관측, 강릉 수직측풍, 그리고 수치모델 자료를 사용하였다. 선정된 사례는 무강수 혹은 일강수량 1mm 이하의 강수를 보였다. 종관 일기도에서 나타난 지상과 상층의 특징은 기압분포가 한반도를 중심으로 남고북저형을 보였고, 영동지역으로 온도능(warm ridge)이 위치하였다. 역전층(혹은 안정층)과 온도능은 하층 강풍대와 함께 산 정상의 약 1~3 km (925~700 hPa) 고도에 위치하였다. 또한 지역예보시스템에서 분석된 온난핵과 온도능은 산 정상 상공의 850 hPa 등압면 고도에 위치하였고, 이 고도에서 수평 온도 경도는 0.10~0.23oC km−1로 분석되었다. 이러한 분석 결과는 영동지역 강풍 예보 가이던스로 요약되었다.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 동계에 한랭 건조한 대륙성 기단이 서해를 통과할 때 서해 연안지역인 인천, 군산, 목포의 적설량과 해양기상요소와의 관련성에 대하여 조사하였다. 한반도 서해 연안지역인 인천, 군산, 목포의 동계(12월~2월) 평균 적설량은 군산이 12.7cm로 가장 많았으며, 목포(9.0cm), 인천(7.8cm) 순으로 나타났다. 특히, 세 지역에서 적설량은 12월과 2월에 지역적인 차이를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 지역적인 적설량의 차이는 대륙성 고기압의 확장과 관계하였다. 대륙성고기압은 12월에 중국 화남지방에 중심을 두고 산동반도 및 한반도 서부연안지역을 통과하고, 1월에는 중국 화북지방에서 한반도 중부지방으로 확장하며, 2월에는 중국의 북쪽지방에서 발해만과 요동반도를 통과하여 한반도의 중부지방으로 확장하였다. 이 대륙성고기압의 확장과 관련하여 인천은 적설이 2월이 12월보다 많았고, 군산과 목포는 12월이 2월보다 많은 적설을 나타내었다. 세 지역에서 대설은 열손실이 100 w/m2 이상일 때 나타났다. 또한, 대설은 대륙성 고기압과 저기압의 배치가 서부지역에 전선이 형성되는 서고동저형일 때 발생하였고, 이때 바람은 4-8m/sec 세기의 북서풍 또는 북풍이 우세하였다.
        2000.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조선왕조실록(朝鮮王朝實錄)에 기록된 기상자료를 가지고 조선 시대의 기후를 분석하고, 서울의 과거 기후와 비교하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 서울 지역을 중심으로 기상요소(강수, 우박, 서리, 안개 등)수를 비교하면 조선 시대에 기록된 자료는 최근 자료의 5.4%로 빈약하여 조선왕조실록만을 가지고 조선 시대의 기후를 복원한다는 것은 어렵다. 기우제(祈雨祭)와 기청제(祈請祭) 일수는 강수 일수와는 상관관계가 없다. 강수와 우박 일수는 자료가 부족하긴하나 월별 현황은 최근의 경향과 비슷하다. 서리와 안개의 일수 현황은 과거 10년 동안의 현황과는 많은 차이가 있다. 이것은 피해없이 내린 경우에는 기록되지 않았고 많은 재산과 인명의 피해를 준 것은 기록되었기 때문이라 추측된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the weather conditions, fine particle concentration, and ion components in PM2.5 when two cold fronts passed through Busan in succession on February 1 and 2, 2021. A analysis of the surface weather chart, AWS, and backward trajectory revealed that the first cold front passed through the Busan at 0900 LST on February 1, 2021, with the second cold front arriving at 0100 LST on February 2, 2021. According to the PM10 concentration of the KMA, the timing of the cold front passage had a close relationship with the occurrence of the highest concentration of fine particles. The transport time of the cold front from Baengnyeongdo to Mt. Gudeok was approximately 11 hours . The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Busan started to increase after the first cold front had passed, and the maximum concentration occurred two hours after the second cold front passed. The SO4 2-, NO3 -, and NH4 + concentration in PM2.5 started to increase from 1100 to 1200 LST on February 1, after the first cold front passed, and peaked at 0100 LST to 0300 LST on February 2. However, the highest Ca2+ concentration was recorded 2-3 hours after the second cold front had passed.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Better understanding the mechanism of black ice occurrence on the road in winter is necessary to reduce the socio-economic damage it causes. In this study, intensive observations of road weather elements and surface information under the influence of synoptic high-pressure patterns (22nd December, 2020 and 29th January, and 25th February, 2021) were carried out using a mobile observation vehicle. We found that temperature and road surface temperature change is significantly influenced by observation time, altitude and structure of the road, surrounding terrain, and traffic volume, especially in tunnels and bridges. In addition, even if the spatial distribution of temperature and road surface temperature for the entire observation route is similar, there is a difference between air and road surface temperatures due to the influence of current weather conditions. The observed road temperature, air temperature and air pressure in Nongong Bridge were significantly different to other fixed road weather observation points.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The relationship between night cooling rate and meteorological elements was investigated over the past five years (2016-2020), using weather data from the new (Daegu(143)) and old (Shinam(860)) Daegu Regional Meteorological Agency located in the suburban and urban regions, respectively. There was a correlation between the total daily amount of solar radiation (Stot) and the night cooling rate in the both regions. However, a higher correlation was observed at the new Daegu Regional Meteorological Agency station (Daegu(143)). In particular, data from the new Daegu Regional Meteorological Administration's observatory, which experiences a low thermal storage effect caused by artificial structures, showed a higher correlation between nighttime cooling and weather factors. The reason for this is that the lesser the heat storage effect caused by the artificial structures, the better the effect of surface radiation cooling on temperature reduction. These findings confirm that the correlation between night cooling and weather factors can be used to assess the impact of artificial structures in cities.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to understand the formation of internal wind paths of open space and its effect on meteorological factors and the generation of negative air ions. Various types of internal wind paths of open space were formed. Subsequently, changes in meteorological factors in each type were measured and the generated negative air ions were analyzed. The four key findings of the study are summarized as follows. First, the average wind speed formed inside the open space was analyzed such that the difference in wind speed was dependent on the difference in the composition of the wind path. Second, the negative air ion generation was observed to have the same trend as the average wind speed difference. Third, changes to the meteorological factors were more evident depending on the difference in wind path formation patterns. Solar radiation was expected to be highly affected by the physical structure (direction) of the target site. The relative humidity was found to show large difference depending on the different wind path type; however, this difference was significantly reduced when converting to absolute humidity. Fourth, it was found that the wind path formation type of open space affects meteorological factors through path analysis, and the changed meteorological factors affect the amount of generated negative air ions. Two conclusions can be obtained based on these results. First, the changes in internal wind speed formation of open space directly reduced the amount of generated negative air ions. Second, the changes in wind speed affect meteorological factors as well as the amount of generated negative air ions.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the temporal and spatial variations of marine meterological elements (air temperature (Temp), Sea Surface Temperature (SST), and Significant Wave Height (SWH)) in seven coastal waters of South Korea, using hourly data observed at marine meteorological buoys (10 sites), Automatic Weather System on lighthouse (lighthouse AWS) (9 sites), and AWS (20 sites) during 2013-2017. We also compared the characteristics of Temp, SST, and air-sea temperature difference (Temp-SST) between sea fog and non-sea-fog events. In general, annual mean values of Temp and SST in most of the coastal waters were highest (especially in the southern part of Jeju Island) in 2016, due to heat waves, and lowest (especially in the middle of the West Sea) in 2013 or 2014. The SWH did not vary significantly by year. Wind patterns varied according to coastal waters, but their yearly variations for each coastal water were similar. The maximum monthly/seasonal mean values of Temp and SST occurred in summer (especially in August), and the minimum values in winter (January for Temp and February for SST). Monthly/seasonal mean SWH was highest in winter (especially in December) and lowest in summer (June), while the monthly/seasonal variations in wind speed over most of the coastal waters (except for the southern part of Jeju Island) were similar to those of SWH. In addition, sea fog during spring and summer was likely to be in the form of advection fog, possibly because of the high Temp and low SST (especially clear SST cooling in the eastern part of South Sea in summer), while autumn sea fog varied between different coastal waters (either advection fog or steam fog). The SST (and Temp-SST) during sea fog events in all coastal waters was lower (and more variable) than during non-sea-fog events, and was up to 5.7℃ for SST (up to 5.8℃ for Temp-SST).
        2017.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Provider-oriented weather information has been rapidly changing to become more customer-oriented and personalized. Given the increasing interest in wellness and health topics, the demand for health weather information, and biometeorology, also increased. However, research on changes in the human body according to weather conditions is still insufficient due to various constraints, and interdisciplinary research is also lacking. As part of an effort to change that, this study surveyed medical practitioners at an actual treatment site, using questionnaires, to investigate what kind of weather information they could utilize. Although there was a limit to the empirical awareness that medical staff had about weather information, most respondents noted that there is a correlation between disease and weather, with cardiovascular diseases (coronary artery disease (98.5%) and hypertension (95.9% ), skin diseases (atopic dermatitis (100%), sunburn (93.8%)) being the most common weather-sensitive ailments. Although there are subject-specific differences, most weather-sensitive diseases tend to be affected by temperature and humidity in general. Respiratory and skin diseases are affected by wind and solar radiation, respectively.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recent climate change has led to fluctuations in agricultural production, and as a result national food supply has become an important strategic factor in economic policy. As such, in this study, panel data was collected to analyze the effects of seven meteorological elements on the production of five types of grain with error component panel data regression method following the test results of LM tests, Hausman test. The key factors affecting the production of rice were average temperature, average relative humidity and average ground surface temperature. The fluctuations in the other four grains types are not well explained by meterological elements. For other grains and beans, only average temperature and time (year) affect the production of other grains while average temperature, ground surface temperature, and time (year) influence the production of beans. For barley and millet, only average temperature positively affects the production of barley while ground surface temperature and time (year) negatively influence the production of millet. The implications of this study are as follow. First, it was confirmed that the meteorological elements have profound effects on the rice production. Second, when compared to existing studies, this study was not limited to rice but encompassed all five types of grains and went beyond other studies that were limited to temperature and rainfall to include various meteorological elements.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to clarify the characteristics of Photo-Volatic(PV) power generation over the Korean peninsula with complex terrain, special meteorological observation campaign was carried out for one year from 25 May 2011. Analysis is based on the comparison between observed meteorological elements and PV values generated at rated capacity 200 kW power plants. Solar radiation observed at 15° inclined surface is 11 % larger than that observed at horizontal surface due to low elevation angel of the sun during winter season. The PV power generation tend to be more similar the variation of inclined surface irradiance than horizontal surface irradiance. Increasing air temperature often induce disturbance of the PV power generation. However, the higher the air temperature in winter season, the higher PV power generation because the PV module may be more activated at higher air temperature. PV generating efficiency tends to be conversed the value of 15%.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        PM10 concentration is related to the meteorological variables including to local and synoptic meteorology. In this study the PM10 concentrations of Busan in 2007~2011 were analyzed and the days of yellow sand or rainfall which is more than 5 mm were excluded. The sections of PM10 concentration were divided according to 10-quantiles, quartiles and 90-quantiles. The 90-quantiles of daily PM10 concentration were selected as high concentration dates. In the high concentration dates the daily mean averaged cloudness, mean daily surface wind speed, daily mean surface pressure and PBL height were low and diurnal variation of surface pressure and daily maximum surface temperature were high. When the high PM10 dates occurred, the west and south wind blew on the ground and the west wind blew strongly on the 850 hPa. So it seemed that long range transboundary air pollutants made effects on the high concentration dates. The cluster analysis using Hysplit model which is the backward trajectory was made on the high concentration dates. As a result, 3 clusters were extracted and on the short range transboundary cluster the daily mean relative humidity and cloudness were high and PBL height was low.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recent climate change has led to fluctuations in agricultural production, and as a result national food supply has become an important strategic factor in economic policy. As such, in this study, panel data was collected to analyze the effects of seven meteorological elements and using the Lagrange multipliers method, the fixed-effects model for the production of five types of food crop and the seven meteorological elements were analyzed. Results showed that the key factors effecting increases in production of rice grains were average temperature, average relative humidity and average ground surface temperature, while wheat and barley were found to have positive correlations with average temperature and average humidity. The implications of this study are as follow. First, it was confirmed that the meteorological elements have profound effects on the production of food crops. Second, when compared to existing studies, the study was not limited to one food crop but encompassed all five types, and went beyond other studies that were limited to temperature and rainfall to include various meterological elements.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of partial solar eclipse on 21 May 2012 in Korea on meteorological variables in Busan. 0800 LST(Local Standard Time) solar radiation was similar or lower than 0700 LST solar radiation, and sunshine duration decreased by 0.2∼0.5 hours in Busan and great cities under the influence of the partial solar eclipse. Temperature drop due to the partial solar eclipse was 0.2∼2.0℃, time taken to arrive at maximum temperature after onset of eclipse was 8∼62 minutes, and time taken to arrive at minimum temperature after maximum eclipse was -9∼17 minutes in Busan. Change of wind speed was negligible as partial solar eclipse occurred in the morning. Soil temperature of 5 ㎝was minute as well, the increase of soil temperature due to sunset was delayed by more than 1 hour.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ozone is the secondary photochemical pollutant formed from ozone precursor such as nitrogen dioxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds(VOCs). The ambient concentration of ozone depends on several factors: sunshine intensity, atmospheric convection, the height of the thermal inversion layer, concentrations of nitrogen oxides and VOCs. Busan is located in the southeast coastal area of Korea so the ozone concentration of Busan is mainly affected from the meteorological variables related to the sea such as sea breeze. In this study the ozone concentrations of Busan in 2008~2010 were used to analyse the cause of the regional ozone difference in eastern area of Busan. The average ozone concentration of Youngsuri was highest in Busan however the average ozone concentration of Gijang was equal to the average ozone concentration of Busan in 2008~2010. The two sites are located in eastern area of Busan but the distance of two sites is only 9km. To find the reason for the difference of ozone concentration between Youngsuri and Gijang, the meteorological variables in two sites were analyzed. For the analysis of meteorological variables the atmospheric numerical model WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) was used at the day of the maximum and minimum difference in the ozone concentration at the two sites. As a result of analysis, when the boundary layer height was lower and the sea breeze was weaker in Youngsuri, the ozone concentration of Youngsuri was high. Furthermore when the sea breeze blew from the south in the eastern area of Busan, the sea breeze at Youngsuri turned into the southeast and the intensity of sea breeze was weaker because of the mountain in the southern region of Youngsuri. In that case, the difference of ozone concentration between Youngsuri and Gijang was considerable.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Agriculture is more influenced by environmental factors rather than other industries. Among the environmental factors, the meteorological conditions mainly impact the output of agricultural products. Hence, the purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of meteorological factors on the output of elemental agricultural products. As a first step, we obtained the data of the meteorological factors (i.e., precipitation, humidity, temperature, insolation, snowdrifts, wind velocity) and the output of the various agricultural products (i.e., grain, fruits and vegetables, root crops, green vegetables, seasoned vegetables, fruits, special crops) from the year 1990 to 2009 (20 years) of Seoul and the six metropolitan cities in Korea. Then, the analysis of the correlation between the agricultural product with the largest output and the meteorological factors of the place where the corresponding agricultural product is most produced, was carried out in order to determine the core meteorological factor that most impacts the output of agricultural product. The correlation analysis revealed that humidity, insolation and wind velocity have been the crucial meteorological factors to influence the output of the agricultural products. From the result, we can induce that the meteorological forecast information about the vital meteorological factors, i.e., humidity, insolation and wind velocity, facilitates the optimized cultivation plan to maximize the output of agricultural products.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects on meteorological variables in Seoul, Busan and Jeju during the partial solar eclipse event of 22 July 2009 in Korea. Solar irradiance decreased 16 and 19 minutes after eclipse in Seoul and Busan, and 6 minutes before eclipse in Jeju. Minimum solar irradiance occurred 7 and 3 minutes after maximum eclipse in Seoul and Busan, respectively, and 8 minutes before maximum eclipse in Jeju. Solar irradiance began to increase after maximum eclipse in Seoul and Busan, and recovered to the original state as eclipse ended. On the other hand, recovery of solar irradiance after maximum eclipse in Jeju was slower than those of two cities. Temperature drop due to partial solar eclipse were 0.7℃, 4.0℃, 1.5℃ in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju, respectively, and time needed to arrive minimum temperature from maximum eclipse were each 12, 32, 30 minutes, respectively. Change of relative humidity during partial solar eclipse were 2.6%, 17.4%, 12.3% in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju, respectively. Temperature drop turned out to be sharper as altitude increases. Wind speed decreased by each about 1.1 ㎧, 3.4 ㎧, 1.4 ㎧ due to partial solar eclipse in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju. Soil temperature of 5 ㎝ equally decreased by 0.2℃ in Seoul and Busan, soil temperature of 10 cm maintained almost constant, and soil temperature of 20 cm was hardly affected by eclipse.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1988년부터 2009 년까지 강원도 춘천지역에서 수행된 벼 작황조사시혐의 오대벼와 일품벼 관련 기상요소 및 조사성적을 바탕으로 각 기상요소가 벼 생육 및 수량에 미친 영향을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 벼 출수기, 간장, m2 당 수수 및 수당립수는 품종 및 생육 단계별로 다소 차이는 있었지만 대제로 총수기 까지의 일평균 기온, 강수량, 일조시간, 기온일교차, 풍속 및 상대습도의 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 출수기는 일평균 기온과 상대습도의 영향을, 간장, m2 당 수수 및 수당립수는 일교차 의 영향을 가장 크게 받은 것으로 나타났다. 벼 등숙율, 천립중 및 쌀 수량은 벼 출수기 부터 40 일간의 일평균 기온, 기온일교차, 강수량, 일조시간에 대하여 오대벼와 일품벼가 전혀 다른 반용을 보였으나, 풍속 및 상대습도에 대해서는 대체로 비슷한 영향을 받은 것으로 나타났는데, 그 중에서 쌀 수량은 풍속이 높을수록, 상대습도가 낮을수록 높은 경향을 보였다. 풍속과 상대습도는 기온, 기온일교차, 일조량 등에 비해 상대적으로 벼 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향이 적은 것으로 인식되었기 때문에, 지금까지의 국내 벼 연구에서는 거의 다루어지지 않았으나, 본 연구에서 상대습도가 낮고 바람이 충분한 환경에서 벼는 활발한 증산 작용과 광합성을 통해 수량이 증가되는 것으로 나타났다.
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