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        검색결과 25

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한강 하구는 오염물질과 병원성 미생물의 유입 및 확산 가능성으로 인해 이곳에 서식하는 수산생물에 피해가 발생할 수 있다. 하지만 지금까지 이 지역 서식 생물에 대한 법정전염병 병원체 감염 여부가 조사된 자료는 찾아보기 힘들다. 본 연구에서는 한강 하구 전류리에 서식하는 수산 생물 중 잉어과 어류와 갑각류를 대상으로 법정전염병 (잉어봄바이러스병, SVC; 잉어허피스바이러스병, KHVD; 유행성궤양증후군, EUS; 흰반점병, WSD) 및 기생충의 감염 여부를 조사하였다. 전류리 유역에서 채집된 어류는 잉어과 어류가 가장 많았으며 주연성 어류와 일차 담수어가 같이 관찰되었고, 갑각류는 해산종이 채집되었다. 채집된 잉어과 어류와 갑각류에 대해 PCR을 이용한 법정전염병 검사 결과 이들 질병에 감염된 개체는 없었다. 기생충성 질병 검사 결과 공중보건상 위협요인인 간흡충이 검출되지는 않았지만 일부 어류에서 다른 흡충류의 metacercaria와 nematode, cestode, copepod, 단생충 및 구두충 등의 감염을 확인할 수 있었다. 이상의 결과는 아직 한강 하구가 주요 수산생물 전염병 병원체에 심각하게 오염되지 않았음을 의미한다. 그러나 한강의 수질 상태는 지속적으로 변화 하고 수서 생태계에 대한 전염병의 파괴력은 예측하기 힘들 정도로 위험하므로, 지속적인 방역 노력이 진행되어야 할 것이다. 이를 위해 조사 지역을 전류리뿐만 아니라 이곳보다 상류로 확대하고 조사 개체 수를 늘려서 질병모니터링을 실시할 필요성이 제기된다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Korea, ecological research on the goral is underway to restore and increase population size of these ungulates, but clinical research on gorals species is still in its infancy. Owing to the nature of the gorals’ habitat, several animals live together within limited areas; so, the risk of parasitic infection is very high. In this study, we performed physical examination of 17 gorals undergoing breeding and restoration at the Korean Goral Restoration Center. Weight, ear height, horn length, withers height of the anthropometric data of this study were no differences from other researchers. Blood samples from each species were analyzed. There was no significant difference among individuals in terms each value examined, although some hematological and biochemical values, such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, glucose and amylase showed differences among individuals. The average values of blood tests in gorals ware lower in lymphocytes, blood urea nitrogen, and calcium than in livestock goats, and hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and glucose were higher in livestock. Helminth eggs were detected in 15 out of 17 gorals by microscopic examination of their fecal samples, and Eimeria spp. and Strongyloides spp. were detected in all the gorals. However, there may be cases of death due to diarrhea, which may lead to a decrease in growth and production. Therefore, proper prevention and treatment are needed. These results may serve as an important reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment of gorals. This information helps further understand the current health status of these species and may contribute to a more systematic restoration of the gorals.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In freshwater ecosystems, the types of fish parasites are diverse and routes of infection are complicated because they maintain the life cycle in a variety of host animals, The present study investigated the infestation characteristics of parasites occurring in abdominal cavity of Zacco platypus in Seom River from February to October 2007. At the same time, four streams (Gam Stream, Daepo Stream, Yangsan Stream, and Yulha Stream) were also surveyed for the reference of fish infection. Aquatic insects and shellfish predominated benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages by 90.4% and 7.7% of relative abundance, respectively. Aquatic insects were composed mostly of Ephemeroptera (46.8%) and Trichoptera (29.8%), and shellfish was Gastropods. Freshwater fish was most abundant Cyprinid and Z. platypus by 85.7% and 48.8%, respectively. Among waterfowl, Anas poecilorhyncha and Egretta garzetta were dominant in August. Fish parasites observed in the abdominal cavity of Z. platypus was classified as Ligula intestinalis, belonging to Phylum Platyhelminthes Cestoda Pseudophyllidae. L. intestinalis was observed from Z. platypus in October, as the number of one individual in the Seom River and fifteen individuals in the Yangsan Stream. Infection rate of plerocercoid ranged 1.4~15.8%. We discussed the relationship between the life cycle of the parasite and the host, and hope our results to be useful for understanding the ecology of the fish abdominal parasites in Korean river ecosystem.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was performed reviewing references determine the infection status of Korean freshwater fishes and relation with climate change of Korean peninsula. The most common infections of Korean freshwater fishes are flatworms (trematodes) and spiny-headed worms (acanthocephalans). Total 61 species of Korean freshwater fishes for infectious disease has been reviewed. Among them, 44 species of freshwater fish belong to Cyprinidae and 17 species for Cobitidae, Siluridae, Bagridae, Amblycipitidae, Synbranchidae, Centropomidae, Odontobutidae, Belontiidae, and Channidae. The Korean freshwater fishes had total 35 kinds of parasite pathogenic organisms (Acanthocephala opsariichthydis, Centrocestus sp., Cyathocotyle sp., Diplostomum orientale, Diplostomum sp., Echinochasmus sp., Echinostoma sp., Genarchopsis sp., Holostephanus metorchis, Metacercaria hasegawai, Metagonimus sp., Metorchis taiwanensis, Neoplagioporus zacconis, Palliolisentis chinanensis, Palliolisentis chunjuensis, Prosorhpynchus sp., Centrocestus armatus, Clonorchis sinensis, Holostephanus nipponicus, Metorchis orientalis, Cyathocotyle orientalis, Pseudexorchis major, Exorchis oviformis, Trachelobdella sinensis, Metagonimus miyata, Isoparorchis hypselobagri, Clinostomum complanatum, Centrocestus asadai, Metagonimus yokogawai, Echinostoma cinetorchis, Echinochasmus japonicus, Diplozoon nipponicum, Metagonimus takahashii, Carassotrema koreanum, and Echinostoma hortense). Maximum infections belonged to Pseudorasbora parva as Cyprinidae had 19 kinds of parasite organisms, including Centrocestus armatus, Clinostomum complanatum, Clinostomum complanatum, Clonorchis sinensis, Cyathocotyle orientalis, Echinochasmus japonicus, Exorchis oviformis, Holostephanus metorchis, Holostephanus nipponicus, Metacercaria hasegawai, Metagonimus yokogawai, Metorchis orientalis, Metorchis taiwanensis, Pseudexorchis major, Cyathocotyle sp., Diplostomum sp., Echinochasmus sp., Metagonimus sp. and Prosorhpynchus sp. Human foodborne trematode infections are an important public health concern in Korea. In the future, under the climatic extremes on Korean peninsula such as floods, drought and temperature variability, in particular, the susceptibility of freshwater fishes to infection will be decreased.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine the status of Korean wild reptiles and amphibians infection and relation with climate change of Korean peninsula, references were reviewed. Wild animals serve as intermediate, reservoirs and paratenic hosts to zoonotic parasites of human beings. The parasites and disease can be a serious problem for all herptiles. The infectious diseases, in particular, become parasitized through contact with other reptiles or contaminated objects and environments, or by eating infected food items. Worms are one of the most common intestinal parasites. Among reptiles, the most common infections are flatworms (trematodes), roundworms (nematodes), tapeworms (cestodes), and spiny-headed worms (acanthocephalans). A total of 20 species for infectious diseases from Korean wild reptiles and amphibians has been reviewed. Among them, 11 species was amphibians and 9 species for reptiles. The Korean wild herptiles had total 41 kinds of parasite pathogenic organisms. Meximum infections belonged to Rana nigromaculata as amphibians had 22 kinds of parasite organisms, including Gorgodera aponica, Gorgodera bombinae, Diplodiscus japonicus, Haematoloechus sibiricus japonicus, Pleurogenoides japonicus, Haematoloechus nanchangensis, Haematoloechus variegatus, Haematoloechus lobatus koreanus, Neodiplostomum seoulense, Halipergus japonicus, Haematolechus japonicus, Loxogenes liberum, Baerttia japonica, Ophiotaenia manae, Oswardcruzia lualata, Icosiella kobayashi, Pharyngodon pobypedates, Gyrinicola japonica, Catadiseus sp., Ophisthodiseus sp., Diplorchis sp., and Sparganum. Also, Dinodon rufozonatum as reptiles had 5 kinds of parasite, including Cotylaspis coreensis, Cotylaspis sinensis, Cephalogonimus japonicus, Astiotrema reniferum, Astiotrema odheri, Kaurma orientalis, and Astiotrema sp.. In the future, under the climatic extremes on Korean peninsula such as floods, drought and temperature variability, in particular, the susceptibility of amphibian and reptiles to infection will be increased and they have implications for the emergence of disease and the potential for climate change to exacerbate amphibian decline.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease caused by the infection of plerocercoid tapeworm larvae of the genus Spirometra. Up to date many cases of oral sparganosis had been diagnosed from biopsy specimens in Korea, however, in this study a 14 years old male showed an oral sparganosis in his buccal nodule producing its eggs, which were extruded through the ulcerated surface of buccal nodule. In the cytological observation for the pus‐like exudates many ovoid parasite eggs were found with a lot of inflammatory cells, which were mostly composed of eosinophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). The eggs were measured about 50x50x80 μm, and had an operculum without opercular shoulder. In the subsequent biopsy examination the buccal nodule disclosed a diffuse granulomatous lesion with tunnel‐like spaces containing eosinophilic materials of parasite tegument, also infiltrated with a lot of eosinophilic PMNs. Therefore, we diagnosed it oral sparganosis producing its eggs with the characteristic features of sparganum granuloma in the cytological and histological observations, and also suggested that the cytological finding of parasitic eggs would be helpful to confirm the parasitic infection of sparganum matured enough to produce its eggs.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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