본 연구는 양마 3품종을 재식거리, 품종 및 수확시기에 따른 건물수량과 사료성분의 변화를 검토하고자 강원도 철원지역에서 2005년 5월 20일부터 2005년 9월 12일까지 수행되었다. 시험배치는 3반복 분할구 배치로 주구는 재식거리와 수확시기를, 세구는 양마 3품종(Dowling, Everglade 및 Tainung)을 배치했으며, 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 생육일수에 따른 건물 생산량은 93일까지는 재식거리가 구에서 높게 나타났다. 품종별 건물생
This study was carried out to investigate the usefulness of kenaf as a forage crop by studying dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value of four different kenaf cultivars (Tainung, Fuhong, Everglade and Dowling). They were planted in Chunchon area on May 24, 2004 and harvested on July 2, 8 and 13, 2004, respectively. The DM yields were similar in all four cultivars as about 2 ton/ha on July 2, but the DM yields were significantly higher in Tainung (5 ton/ha) and Dowling (4.9 ton/ha) on July 13. In all four cultivars, the crude protein (CP) contents decreased as the harvest was delayed. In all three harvests, the CP content was highest in Dowling (17.9, 16.0 and 14.2% on July 2, 8 and 13, respectively) and lowest in Fuhong (13.3, 12.3 and 11.2% on July 2, 8 and 13, respectively). The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents of all four cultivars increased with the delayed harvest, although in Dowling and Everglade, the increase was rather slow after July 8. The CP cotent of leaf decreased with late harvest. The CP content was significantly higher in Dowling (about 24. 5%) compared to others. The NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents of leaf tended to increase as the harvest was delayed, but there was no significant difference among cultivars. The CP content of stem tended to decrease and this tendency was most significant on July 13. When averaged three harvests, the CP content of stem was significantly higher in Dowling as 7.5% and lower in Fuhong as 4.9%. The NDF and ADF contents of stem increased as the harvest was delayed. The results showed that the DM yields of kenaf grown in Chunchon area were similar to those of kenaf grown in Jeju area. The nutritive values of kenaf were higher than those of other forage crops such as rye or oat. Especially, the leaf of kenaf has higher CP content than alfalfa hay. However, the DM yields of kenaf were lower than those of rye, oat and Sudan grass. Therefore, we consider the harvest to be delayed after July 13 for greater DM yield, which cause the relationships between the DM yield and nutritive value to be weighed.
본 시험은 제주지역에서 양마의 적응성과 생산량 및 사료가치를 구명하기 위해서 양마 Evergrlades 41, China Chong-pi 3 및 수수수단 교잡종 Pioneer 947를 이용하여 2000년 5월부터 11월까지 제주의 4개 지역( 제주시, 서귀포시, 성산 수산 및 한림 금악)에서 수행되었다. 건물수량은 수수수단 교잡종 (pioneer 947), 양마 (Everglades 41) 및 (China Chong-pi 3)을 비교시 각각 7,313,
본 연구는 제주지역에서 양마의 주당 본수 1(16,000주/10a), 2(34,000주/10a), 3(48,000주y10a), 4(64,000주/10a), 및 5본(80,000주/10a)에 따른 생육특성, 사료수량성 및 사료가치를 검토하고, 가축 조사료로 이용하기 위하여 2001년 4월 13일부터 10월 8일까지 수행하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 초장은 주당 1본에서 176cm였으나 주당 2본에서 185cm로 길어졌으나 그 이상 주당 본수
제주지역에서 예취높이에 따른 (2, 4, 6, 8 및 l0cm)에 따른 양마의 생육특성, 수량성 및 사료가치를 구명하기 위하여 2001년 4월 13일부터 10월 8일까지 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 초장은 2cm 예취에서 157.7cm였던 것이 예취높이가 높아짐에 따라 점차적으로 커져서 10cm 예취에서는 180.2cm로 커졌다. 엽수, 분지수, 경직경 및 주당 무게는 초장반응과 비슷한 경향이었다. 생초, 건물, 단백질 및 TDN 수량은 2cm 예취에서
본 시험은 제주지역에서 양마의 적정질소시비 횟수를 구명하기 위하여 2001년 4월 13일부터 10월 8일까지 질소시비량을 240kg/ha 고정하고 30일 간격으로 1~5회 분시하여 양마의 생육특성, 사료수량성 및 조성분 함량 등을 조사하였다. 초장은 분시 횟수가 많을수록 증가하여 4회 분시구에서 최고인 201cm를 보이다가 5회에서 줄어들었다. 분지수, 엽수, 경직경 및 개체당 무게도 초장과 같은 경향으로 4회 분시에서 가장 우세하였다. 생초, 건물,
In order to determine the influence of nitrogen on agronomic characters, forage yield and quality, a Kenaf was cultured on the volcanic ash soil at the Experimental Farm of Cheju national University under the seven levels of nitrogen rates(0, 50, 100, 150
최근 건설현장에서 작업자의 고령화 및 숙련공 부족 현상이 중요 문제로 부각되고 있으며, 또한 최근 건설구조물이 점차 고층화, 대형화됨에 따라 부재의 형상이 복잡해지고 있다. 이러한 건설 환경의 변화에 따라 국내 및 국외에서 고유동 콘크리트에 대한 연구 및 개발이 증대되고 있다. 고유동 콘크리트는 재료분리 없이 굳지 않은 콘크리트의 유동성을 개선시켜 다짐 작업 없이 자기 충전이 가능한 콘크리트를 말한다. 하지만 고유동 콘크리트는 인장 및 휨 강도의 저하와 균열 등의 문제점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 고유동 콘크리트에 양마섬유를 혼입하였다. 양마섬유의 경우 천연섬유로 친환경적이며 이산화탄소의 흡수량이 많아 콘크리트 생산과정에서 배출되는 이산화탄소의 양을 상쇄시킬 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 또한, 기존 콘크리트의 섬유 보강재로 사용되었던 황마와 유사한 특성을 지녔으며 짧은 생육 기간으로 대량생산이 가능하여 경제적이다. 양마섬유는 섬유 표면이 거칠어 콘크리트와의 부착력이 뛰어나고 섬유의 인장력이 우수하여 콘크리트의 인장강도 증진과 균열 저감 효과가 있을 것으로 사료된다. 또한, 산업부산물의 일종인 플라이애쉬와 고로슬래그를 혼입하여 탄소저감 효과와 폐기물의 처리로 환경적인 측면에서 긍정적인 효과가 기대된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이와 같은 재료로 시멘트의 일부를 대체하여 양마섬유를 혼입한 고유동 콘크리트의 강도 특성을 알아보고자 하였다.
Background : Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is a member of the malvaceae family and has been prescribed in traditional folk medicine in Africa and India. It showed broad biologicas activities such as hepatoprotective activity, antioxidative activity and haematinic activity. Kenaf leaves contain a lot of vegetable calcium, protein, iron and vitamins, so have high potential as functional food. Thus, the present study purposed to analyze useful substances contained in kenaf leaves and their activities and look for their possibilities as the materials of food and medicine. Methods and Results : We sowed the seeds of three varieties of kenaf, namely, Dowling, Everglade-41 and Tainung-2 at planting space of 20 × 20㎝ on the field and collected plants on the 98th , 127th and 141st days from sowing. The total polyphenol content was measured using a slightly modified Folin-Denis method, which uses the phenomenon that a phenolic substance turns blue by reaction with phosphomolybdate. Conclusion : We analyzed SOD enzyme activity related to the scavenging of superoxide anion radical (․O2-) through NBT reduction. As for the SOD activity of leaf extract by variety, the activity was 92.6%, 91.0% and 92.6%, respectively, in Tainung-2 on day 98, 127 and 141 from sowing, slightly higher than those in the other two varieties but not significantly different. The activity was slightly higher in the middle period of growth than in the harvest period, but not much different according to harvest time. As for the DPPH radical scavenging activity of leaf extract by variety, the activity was 80.87% and 80.71%, respectively, in Tainung-2 on day 98 (30th of October)and day127 (28th of September), slightly higher than the other two varieties.
Background : This study analyzes changes in DPPH radical scavenging activity, total polyphenol contents, and total flavonoid contents of six different kinds of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) leaves which are identified as herbaceous plants, and are living in the subtropics. The data of changes in polyphenol, flavonoid contents and DPPH radical scavenging activities were analyzed, based on two different lengths of growth period.. Methods and Results : The six different kinds of cultivars ; Jangdae in Korea, and El-1, R, G-1, Ef-1, Ef-2 in the State of Israel were collected on the 43th and 62nd day from when they have planted. The collected cultivars were dried at 70℃, and 80% of methanol concentration was applied to each ground specimen. Extraction was made by immersion and filtering process at room temperature. Samples were classified into two groups, one for cultivars that were collected on the 43th day, and the other for the collection of the 62nd day. We measured the rate of DPPH radical scavenging activity, total polyphenol contents, and total flavonoid contents for every Samples. For the group of the 43th day collection, Jangdae showed the highest rate of radical scavenging activity as well as the highest polyphenol contents, and El-1had the highest flavonoid contents. For the group ofthe 62nd day collection, R demonstrated not only the highest contents of polyphenol and flavonoid, but alsothe highest rate of antioxidant activity. When we compared each cultivar from another regardless its date of collection, R resulted biggest increase in all of functional components. Conclusion : Based on the test results, useful components and antioxidant activity of kenaf leaves increase in proportion to longer growing period. Particularly, the study indicates that R can be utilized as a cosmetic ingredient crop, as the rate of increase in polyphenol and flavonoid contents were highest among the six cultivars.
Background : Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is a member of the malvaceae family and has been prescribed in traditional folk medicine in Africa and India. It showed broad biologicas activities such as hepatoprotective activity, antioxidative activity and haematinic activity, Recently, immunomodulatory effect of kenaf extract has been elucidated. However, depigmenting activity from kenaf extract has not been evaluated. In the present study, the tyrosinase inhibitory effect of kenaf leaf extract was investigated before and after subjecting the extract to together with infrared(FIR) irradiation. Methods and Results : FIR irradiation involves electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from 4 to 15 μM. It has been hypothesized that FIR treatment during extraction of polyphenols from plant cells stimulates exudation of chemical components in cells without destroying the cells by radiant heat and breaks covalent bonds of polymerized polyphenols resulting in the release of active, natural antioxidants with a low molecular weight. The purpose of this study was to evaluate not only the changes in antityrosinase activity but also the chemical transformation of kenaf extract exposed to FIR(Scheme 1). Conclusion: The tyrosinase inhibitory activity of kenaf xtract was evaluated after far-infrared (FIR) irradiation. The ethanol extract of kenaf was prepared and its main component was analyzed as a kaempferitrin (kaempferol-3,7-O-a-dirhamnoside). Inhibitory activity of kenaf extract was not detected in tyrosinase assay. However, tyrosinase inhibitory activity was observed in kenaf extract treated with FIR irradiation. After 60 min of FIR irradiation onto kenaf extract at 60oC, a ethanolic extract was prepared and it showed significant tyrosinase inhibitory activity (IC50=3500ppm). According to HPLC analysis, kaempferol, afzelin and minor product were detected(. The inhibitory activity may be due to the existence of kaemperol, afzelin and minor product. This study showed that FIR irradiation method can be used as a convenient tool for deglycosylation of flavonoid glycoside.
In this study, kaempferol and its rhamnosides (α-rhamnoisorobin, afzelin, kaempferitrin) were isolated electively by bioconversion technology from Hibiscus cannabinus L. leaves to evaluate the anti-wrinkles effects and anti-microbial effects. In order to evaluate anti-wrinkles activity, reduction of expression matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) protein and proliferation/ pro-collagen production were investigated. Kaempferol and α-rhamnoisorobin showed inhibition activity of MMP-1 generated to compared to positive control. In HaCaT cell proliferation assay, kaempferol and α-rhamnoisorobin significantly promoted cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, procollagen synthesis assays (by HDF-N cell) showd that TGF-β induced procollagen production and also, all four kinds of experimental significantly promoted procollagen synthesis in a concentration-dependent manner. Kaempferol and α-rhamnoisorobin exhibited strong antimicrobial activities on five of microbes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger.
In this study, to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of kaempferol and its rhamnosides isolated from Hibiscus cannabinus L. leaves, we investigated UVB-induced inhibitory effects on inflammatory reaction by measuring the cytokine as the prostaglandin (PGE2), interleukine-6 (IL-6) and interleukine-8 (IL-8). We investigated the inhibitory effects of kaempferol and its rhamnosides on TARC (thymus and activation-regulated chemokine) and PGE2. Kaempferol and α-rhamnoisorobin showed inhibition activity of TARC generated to compared to positive control. Kaempferol, α-rhamnoisorobin and afzelin Inhibited the release of PGE2. Also, only kaempferol significantly inhibited interleukine-6 (IL-6), interleukine-8 (IL-8) among UVB-induced inflammatory cytokine.
The results on the useful functional compounds of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) leaves cultivated in reclaimed lands and the biological activity effects of extracts were as follows. On 98 days after sowing (DAS) Tainung-2 showed the highest total chlorophyll content (1.68 mg/g), and on 141 DAS Dowling showed higher chlorophyll content (1.50 mg/g) than the other two did. In all cultivars the total chlorophyll content was higher on 141 DAS than on 98 DAS. Total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents were the highest in Tainung-2 (30.50 mg/g and 57.03 mg/g, respectively), and total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents (30.50 mg/g and 57.03 mg/g, respectively) were the highest in 30% ethanol extraction. Ascorbic acid contents were higher on 141 DAS than on 98 DAS in three cultivars. SOD activities of kenaf leaf extract were generally over 90%. DPPH radical scavenging activity of Tainung-2 was higher than others.
제주지역에서 파종기이동(4월 25일, 5월 10일, 5월 25일, 6월 10일, 6월 25일)에 따른 양마의 생육특성, 수량성 및 사료 가치를 구명하기 위하여 1999년 4월 25일에서 6월 25일까지 15일 간격으로 시험하였다. 1. 초장은 4월 25일 파종구에서 278.6 cm 였던 것이 파종기가 지연됨에 따라 점차적으로 작아져서 6월 25일 파종에서 초장은 205.7 cm로 짧아졌다. 엽수, 고엽수, 경직경, 분지수 및 개체당 무게는 초장과 비슷한 경향이었다. 2. 생초, 건초, 단백질 및 TDN수량은 4월 25일 파종구에서 각각 98.5MT/㏊, 20.7MT/㏊, 2.9MT/㏊, 11.6MT/㏊로 가장 높았으나 만파할수록 점차적으로 감수되어 6월 25일 파종에서 생초수량은 45.9MT/㏊, 건초수량은 8.2MT/㏊, 단백질수량은 1.3MT/㏊, TDN수량은 5MT/㏊로 감수되었다. 엽과 경의 생초, 건초, 단백질 및 TDN수량도 만파할수록 감소되었다. 3. 파종기가 4월 25일에서 6월 25일로 지연됨에 따라 엽의 단백질 함량은 21.5%에서 24.4%로, 조지방 함량은 5.2%에서 6.1%로, NFE 함량은 39.9%에서 41.2%로, TDN 함량은 64.3%에서 69.7%로 증가한 반면에 조섬유 함량은 엽에서 20.8%에서 17.5%로, 조회분 함량은 7.9%에서 7.0%로 감소되는 경향이었다. 경의 조단백, 조지방, NFE, TDN함량은 만파 할수록 증가되었으나 조회분 및 조섬유 함량은 반대의 경향이었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 제주도 기상, 토양의 환경조건하에서 양마의 파종적기는 4월 25일로 판단되었다.