본 연구는 일회성 발목가동성 운동프로그램이 만성적인 발목불안정성(CAI)에 나타나는 발목가 동범위와 통증 수준에 미치는 영향을 확인하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 대상자는 발목불안정성 설문지 검사에 서 좌, 우측 평균 점수가 24점 이하인 성인여성 20명을 선정 하였으며 집단은 일회성 발목 가동성 운동프 로그램 집단(Ankle mobility exercise program, AE, n=10)과 대조군(CON, n=10)으로 구분하였다. AE 처 치는 일회성 운동에 대한 반응을 확인하기 위해 좌·우측 발목을 각각 1회(20분) 실시하였으며 처치 전후 발목불안정성 검사, 통증 및 발목가동범위를 확인하였다. 먼저 AE 프로그램을 실시한 AE 집단의 통증 수 준은 사전과 비교하여 사후 유의하게 감소하는 것으로 나타났다(p<.01). 또한 AE 프로그램 처치한 AE 집 단에서 배측굴곡이 사전과 비교하여 증가하는 것으로 나타났다(p<.05). 이러한 결과를 종합해 보면 일회성 발목 가동성 운동 프로그램은 CAI에서 나타나는 발목 통증과 발목의 가동범위를 개선시켜 결과적으로 발 목 불안정성을 완화시킬 수 있는 효과적인 운동 중재 방법이라고 생각된다.
본 연구의 목적은 딥 스쿼트 동작 시 발목 관절 유연성이 무릎 관절의 운동역학적 요인들간의 관련성을 분석하는데 있었다. 본 연구는 최근 1년간 하지 근골격계 병력이 없는 성인 남성 19명과 여성 8명이 연구대상자로 참여하였다. 딥 스쿼드 시 발목 관절 유연성과 하지 관절의 운동역학적 요인들과 상관관계를 검증하기 위해 pearson의 적률상관계수(pearson’s correlation coefficient)를 이용하였고(SPSS 24.0, Armonk, NY, USA), 통계적으로 유의미한 상관성을 나타낸 변인들은 단순회기분석(simple regression analysis)을 실시하였으며, 유의 수준은 .05로 설정하였다. 본 연구를 통해 발목 관절 유연성과 무릎 관절의 압력을 결정하는 최대 관절모멘트와 관절반발력 요인들 간의 관련성을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러므로 근력 트레이닝 시 딥 스쿼트와 같은 무릎 관절에 많은 부하를 발생시킬 수 있는 운동을 적용할 때 개인에 신체적 특성 중 발목 관절의 유연성의 정도를 확인하는 것은 신체의 안정성과 무릎 관절의 상해 위험성을 감소시킬 수 있는 운동 강도를 설정하는데 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
Background: Stretch-oriented home exercise programs are often used as treatments for patients with adhesive capsulitis; however, there is lack of research on home exercise programs to strengthen rotator cuffs.
Objects: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of home exercise programs for rotator cuff strengthening on pain, range of motion (ROM), disability level, and quality of life in patients with adhesive capsulitis.
Methods: Twenty-two patients with adhesive capsulitis volunteered to participate in this study. The subjects were randomly divided into an experimental group (n = 11) and control group (n = 11). For the experimental group, manual therapy and home exercise programs for rotator cuff strengthening were applied for 6 weeks; for the control group, only manual therapy was applied for 6 weeks. Shoulder pain (quadruple visual analogue scale, QVAS), ROM, disability (shoulder pain and disability index-Korean version, SPADI), and quality of life (world health organization quality of life scale-Korean version, WHOQOL-BREF) were evaluated at baseline, after 3 weeks, and after 6 weeks of intervention. The changes in the measurement variables were analyzed by using repeated measure analysis of variance.
Results: Significant differences were observed between the experimental group and control group in the QVAS; SPADI-pain scores; SPADI-disability scores; SPADI-total scores; flexion, abduction, internal and external rotation ROM of the glenohumeral joint; and WHOQOLBREF total, overall, physical health, and psychological scores. All groups displayed statistically significant improvements as observed in the QVAS, SPADI, flexion, abduction, external and internal rotation ROM of the glenohumeral joint, and WHOQOL-BREF.
Conclusion: Home exercise programs for rotator cuff strengthening had a positive impact on shoulder pain, shoulder ROM, disability level, and quality of life in patients with adhesive capsulitis. Therefore, we propose the use of home exercise programs for rotator cuff strengthening in the exercise rehabilitation of patients with adhesive capsulitis.
Background: Thoracic spine self-mobilization exercise is commonly used to manage patients with neck pain. However, no previous studies have investigated the effects of thoracic spine self-mobilization exercise alone in patients with chronic neck pain.
Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of thoracic self-mobilization using a tool on cervical range of motion (ROM), disability level, upper body posture, pain and fear-avoidance beliefs questionnaire (FABQ) in patients with chronic neck pain.
Methods: The subjects were 49 patients (21 males, 28 females) with chronic neck pain. The subjects were randomly divided into an experimental group (EG, n = 23) and control group (CG, n = 26). For the EG, thoracic self-mobilization was applied. We placed a tool (made with 2 tennis balls) under 3 different vertebral levels (T1-4, T5-8, T9-12) of the thoracic spine and the subjects performed crunches, which included thoracic flexion and extension in supine position. Five times × 3 sets for each levels, twice a week, for 4 weeks. Cervical pain, disability, upper body posture, FABQ results, and ROM were evaluated at baseline, after 4 weeks of intervention, and at 8 weeks of follow-up. Assessments included the quadruple visual analogue scale (QVAS); Northwick Park neck pain questionnaire (NPQ); craniovertebral angles (CVA), forward shoulder angle (FSA) and kyphosis angle (KA) measurements for upper body posture; FABQ and cervical ROM testing.
Results: The EG showed a statistically significant improvement after intervention in the QVAS (–51.16%); NPQ (–53.46%); flexion (20.95%), extension (25.32%), left rotation (14.04%), and right rotation (25.32%) in the ROM of the cervical joint; KA (–7.14%); CVA (9.82%); and FSA (–4.12%).
Conclusion: These results suggest that, for patients with chronic neck pain, thoracic selfmobilization exercise using a tool (tennis balls) is effective to improve neck pain, disability level, the ROM, and upper body posture.
Background: Sling exercises are frequently used for the rehabilitation process of patients with shoulder joint injuries, but research on the significant frequency intensity and appropriate treatment duration for sling exercises with local vibration stimulation is lacking.
Objects: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sling exercise with vibration on shoulder range of motion (ROM), muscle strength, pain, and dysfunction in patients with a medical diagnosis of shoulder joint injury.
Methods: Twenty-two patients were randomly assigned to the experiment and control groups. Six sling exercises with and without 50 ㎐ vibrations were applied in the experiment and control groups, respectively. Each exercise consisted of 3 sets of 5 repetitions performed for 6 weeks. The assessment tools used included shoulder joint range of motion, muscle strength, pain level, and shoulder pain and disability index for functional disability. We conducted re-evaluations before and 3 and 6 weeks after intervention. The changes in the measurement variables were analyzed and compared between the two groups.
Results: The ROM of the external rotation of the shoulder joint had a significant interaction between the group and the measurement point (F=3.652, p<.05). In both groups, we found a significant increase in external rotation angle between the measurement points (p<.05). The flexor strength of the shoulder joint significant interaction between the group and the measurement point (F=4.247, p<.05). Both the experiment (p<.01) and control groups (p<.05) showed a significant increase in shoulder flexor strength at the measurement points. After 6 weeks of the interventions, both the groups showed significantly improved VAS (p<.01), SPADI (p<.01), and orthopedic tests (p<.01). However, there was no significant difference between the group and the measurement point in terms of the clinical outcomes observed.
Conclusion: The sling exercise with local vibration of 50 ㎐ affected the external rotation of the shoulder range of motion and improved shoulder flexor strength in the patients with shoulder injuries. Therefore, we propose the use of the sling exercise intervention with vibration in the exercise rehabilitation of patients with shoulder joint injuries.
Musculoskeletal disorders are generally caused by physical activity and job stress, lack of exercise, neck, shoulders, and back. In this paper, we were implemented using the IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor rehabilitation contents and measurements of the cervical range of motion that can help the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal system. It was compared to the CROM method for verification of the IMU sensor data, the error rate was the result of less ±0.3. In other words, the results indicate that there is no problem to measure the cervical range of motion. So we were calculated the quaternion angle for each flexion, extension, and lateral flexion and extension, the contents for these was implemented. In addition, the implementation of a virtual reality-based contents using the Google cardboard was to show the possibility to replace existing high virtual reality contents.
This study aimed to determine the effect of lower trapezius muscle strengthening exercises on pain, neck disability index (NDI), cervical range of motion (ROM), and lower trapezius muscle strength in patients with unilateral neck pain. Following baseline measurements, the subjects (N=40) with unilateral neck pain were randomized into one of two 5 weeks exercise intervention groups: a experimental group (EG, n1=20) that received strength training of the lower trapezius muscles or a control group (CG, n2=20) that received routine physical therapy program. Each group participated in the intervention for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, for 5 weeks. All participants performed 2 repetitions of each intervention per day. The numeric pain rating scale for pain, NDI, ROM, and lower trapezius strength were recorded both pre- and post-intervention for both groups. Paired t-tests were used to determine significant changes post-intervention compared with pre-intervention and independent t-tests were used to analyze differences in the dependent variables between the 2 groups. After the 5-weeks intervention, both groups experienced significantly decreased pain and disability level (p<.05) and significantly increased cervical flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation ROM (p<.05). The EG that received strength training of the lower trapezius muscles showed greater improvements in pain and functional disability level, cervical rotation, and lower trapezius strength than the CG (p<.05). These results suggest that a lower trapezius strengthening exercises reduce neck pain and neck disability level and enhance cervical ROM and lower trapezius strength level in patients with unilateral neck pain.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of smartphone use on muscle fatigue and tenderness in the cervical erector spinae (CES) and the upper trapezius (UT) and on the cervical range of motion among subjects with and without neck muscle pain. The subjects were 30 smartphone users in their 20 s who -were assigned to either an experimental group with neck muscle pain or a control group without neck muscle pain. Muscle fatigue and tenderness in the CES and the UT as well as the subjects’ cervical range of motion were measured before and after 20-min smartphone sessions in a sitting position. In a between-group comparison of muscle fatigue, the experimental group showed a significantly greater decrease in median frequency in the CES and the right UT after smartphone use (p<.05). Regarding the assessment of muscle tenderness after smartphone use, the experimental group showed a statistically significant decrease in the pressure-pain threshold (PPT) in all muscles (p<.05), whereas the control group showed a significantly decreased PPT in the right CES and the UT (p<.05). The assessment of the cervical range of motion revealed a statistically significant reduction in the cervical flexion-extension and left lateral flexion in the experimental group (p<.05) after smartphone use. However, there was no significant change in the cervical range of motion in the control group (p>.05) after smartphone use. When compared with the control group, the experimental group demonstrated greater changes in cervical extension, lateral flexion, and rotation, except for cervical flexion (p<.05). In conclusion, when smartphone users have pre-existing neck muscle pain, the use of a smartphone further increased muscle fatigue and tenderness in the neck and reduced PPT and the cervical range of motion.
The range of motion (ROM) of ankle dorsiflexion in older women was associated with gait abnormalities and the risk of falls. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-stretching exercise on the flexibility of the plantar flexors of the ankle and the characteristics of gait in healthy elderly women. Fifteen participants were assigned randomly into an exercise (n=8) or control (n=7) group. The exercise group attended a self-stretching program approximately 30 minutes for 3 days per week for 4 weeks. The active ankle dorsiflexion ROM and gait measurements were taken prior to beginning the stretching program and 1 day after the last stretching day. Results showed that the active ankle dorsiflexion ROM was significantly increased in the exercise group than in the control group after the stretching program (p<.05). However, gait parameters, including gait speed, cadence, and stride length were not significantly different between the two groups (p>.05). The results suggest that a 4-week self-stretching program is capable of provoking a significant increase in ankle dorsiflexion ROM in elderly, community-dwelling women. Additional research is needed to investigate the effect of gait-specific exercise combined with stretching exercise on gait ability.
The purpose of this study was to compare the electromyography (EMG) activities of the lumbar extensor muscles during motion of trunk flexion-extension and compare range of motion (ROM) with a 3-dimensional motion analysis system of the lumbar region between subjects with chronic low back pain (CLBP) and healthy subjects during the trunk flexion-extension, trunk rotation and trunk lateral flexion cycle. Thirty CLBP subjects and thirty healthy subjects were included. We measured the root mean square (RMS) value of the lumbar extensor muscles from resting, standing, lumbar flexion and return position. The RMS ratio was normalized from maximal EMG activity of the lumbar extensor muscles during trunk motion. The results of this study showed that the RMS ratio of the lumbar extensor was significantly higher in CLBP subjects than healthy subjects during all of trunk motion (p<.05). The ratio of the highest RMS value during flexion and extension was higher in CLBP subjects than in healthy subjects (p<.05). The ROM of the lumbar region was significantly lower in CLBP subjects than healthy subjects during trunk flexion-extension, trunk rotation and lateral flexion cycle. The relationship between the RMS ratio for full lumbar flexion and the ROM of lumbar flexion was not correlated significantly. CLBP subjects have both decreased ROM of the lumbar region and higher muscle activities of the lumbar extensor muscle than healthy subjects.
For effective rehabilitation of the shoulder, physical therapists must have correct knowledge of shoulder movements. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between shoulder movements and the rotation of the humerus in the sagittal, coronal and scapular planes. Fifty normal subjects(25 male, 25 female) were tested using a Dualar-plus digital goniometer and an air-splint. The subjects performed active shoulder elevation in each plane with the humerus rotated in both medial and lateral directions. The range of motion(ROM) of the glenohumeral joint was measured three times. The paired t-test was used to determine the difference in ROM between medial and lateral rotation of the humerus. Results showed that, in the sagittal and the coronal planes, there was a significant difference(p < 0.01) in ROM of the shoulder between medial rotation and lateral rotation which was greater. But in the scapular plane, there was no difference between medial and lateral rotation. Physical therapists should consider these results when the goal of treatment is to increase ROM of the shoulder.
본 연구에서는 CT영상기반 3차원 고관절모델을 이용한 컴퓨터시뮬레이션을 통해서 고관절의 운동범위 (Range of Motion)를 측정하는 방법을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서는 그 측정방법에 대한 기술적인 사항을 제시하고, 그 기술이 재현성 있게 실현할 수 있도록 대퇴골두 중심점의 결절, 대퇴골 외전(Abduction)/내전(adduction)회전축, 굽힙(flexion)/신전(extension) 회전축을 정의하고 측정하는 명확한 방법을 제시하였다. 외전각은 해부학적인 시상면(Sagittal plane)상의 Anterior-Posterior축에 대해 아래쪽(Inferior)면으로부터 Lateral 쪽으로의 회전각으로 정의된다. 최대외전각은 대퇴골두가 엉덩이뼈(Pelvis)의 절구(Acetabulum)의 테두리와 겹치지 않고 Anterior-Posterior축을 중심으로 회전할 수 있는 최대 외전각으로 결정된다. 굴곡각은 해부학적인 관상면(Coronal plane)상의 Medial-Lateral축에 대해 아래쪽(Inferior)면으로부터 회전각으로 정의된다. 최대굴곡각은 대퇴골이 Medial-Lateral축을 중심으로 엉덩이뼈(Pelvis)의 절구(Acetabulum)의 테두리와 겹치지 않고 회전할 수 있는 최대 굴곡각으로 결정된다. 정상고관절에 비해 인공고관절술을 받은 해당 환자의 경우, 외전에서는 60도 정도, 굽힘에서는 4도 정도 운동범위가 줄어들 수 있다는 예측이 나왔다. 본 연구에서 행한 시뮬레이션을 해보고 외전의 경우 운동범위의 감소가 예측되므로, 대퇴골두를 조금 큰 것을 고르거나 대퇴골목부의 길이 (femoral neck offset)를 길게 시술해야 할 필요가 있음을 의미한다.