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        검색결과 55

        2024.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        내구연한이 도래한 아스팔트 혼합물은 사용자의 주행성 및 안전성 확보를 위해 주기적인 유지·보수를 실시한다. 과거에는 유지·보수 과정에서 발생된 폐아스팔트 혼합물을 각종 건설현장에서 단순 매립재로서 활용하였으나, 재활용 아스팔트 혼합물의 배합설계 기술이 확립된 이후에는 도로포장재료로서의 재활용되어왔다. 하지만 현재 시공된 재활용 아스팔트 혼합물 또한 내구연한이 다가옴에 따라 노화된 재활용 아스팔트 혼합물의 처리방안 수립이 필요한 시점이다. 본 연구에서는 한번 재활용된 아스팔트 혼합물이 기존의 재활용 배합설계법으로 반복적인 재활용이 가능한지 검증해보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 아스팔트 혼합물의 물성을 결정하는 가장 큰 요인 중 하나인 아스팔트의 물성이 노화 및 재생을 반복할때 어떻게 변하는지를 시험을 통해 분석하였다. 아스팔트 바인더의 노화를 모사하기 위해 공용성등급시험에 사용되는 단기노화 장비(Rolling Thin Film Oven, RTFO)와 장기노화 장비(Pressure Aging Vessel, PAV)을 활용하 였다. 노화된 아스팔트의 회생을 위한 재생첨가제 사용량은 국토부 시공지침의 배합설계법을 참고하였다. 실험결과, 노화된 바인더는 회생시 원바인더에 비해  sin는 감소하였으나, 회생된 바인더 간에는 유사한 결과값을 보였다. 반면 단기노화 시료는 회생이 반복 됨에 따라  sin이 감소한 경향을 보였으며, 장기노화시료는 회생이 반복되어도  sin가 유사한 것으로 확인되었다.
        2024.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        교통량이 증가하고 교량과 같은 특수구조물에 아스팔트 포장이 시공되는 사례가 증가함에 따라 일반적으로 사용되는 아스팔트보다 높은 성능을 가진 아스팔트에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있다. 일반 아스팔트 혼합물은 내구연한이 지나면 재생첨가제 등을 사용하여 다 시 도로포장재료로서 재활용할 수 있는 방안이 마련되어 있으나, 개질 아스팔트가 사용된 폐아스팔트 혼합물은 매립재로 사용하는 것 이외에는 별다른 대안이 없는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국토부 지침에 규정된 재활용 아스팔트 혼합물 배합설계법을 적용하여 개질 폐아스팔트 혼합물을 재활용할 수 있는지를 검토해보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 개질 아스팔트를 활용하여 혼합물을 제작하였으며, 현장에서 수거되는 폐아스팔트 혼합물의 노화상태를 모사하기 위해 AASHTO R 30을 참고하여 강제 노화를 실시하였다. 노화 및 추출 과정에서 아스팔트의 물성 변화를 확인하기 위해 절대점도, DSR, MSCR 시험을 실시하였다. 시험결과, 추출 후 바인더의 절대점도는 감소하였으나 G*(복합전단계수)와 δ(위상각)은 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 소성변형 저항성을 확인하기 위해 MSCR(다중 응력 크리프 및 회복) 시험을 실시한 결과,  이 2배 가까이 증가하여 소성변형 저항성이 감소한 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 추출시 사용 되는 용매가 개질첨가제를 추출하지 못하여 기인한 결과로 판단된다. 따라서 개질 폐아스팔트 혼합물을 재활용하기 위해서는 기존과 는 다른 별도의 배합설계법이 개발되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다.
        2022.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of ions in emulsion asphalt on recycling cold asphalt concrete and suggest the possibility of using anionic and nonionic emulsion asphalt. METHODS : In this study, indirect tensile strength, toughness, tensile strength ratio, and dynamic immersion tests were conducted to determine the effects of cation, anion, and non-ion emulsified asphalt on the cold recycled asphalt mixture. Crack resistance was evaluated through indirect tensile strength and toughness tests and the tensile strength ratio and dynamic immersion test were evaluated through tensile strength ratio and dynamic water immersion test. RESULTS : Indirect tensile strength and toughness measurement results demonstrated that the mixture using anion and non-ion emulsified asphalt tended to be higher than that using cation emulsified asphalt; this is due to the high content of reclaimed asphalt pavement with a cationic or ionic surface, which is related to the use of cation-emulsified asphalt in the mixture and has shown a low strength tendency. The tensile strength ratio measurement demonstrated that the mixture using non-ion emulsified asphalt tended to be approximately 15 % higher than that of the anion mixture. This demonstrated that the chemical additive used in the mixture showed a complete hydration reaction with the distribution to the mixture. The dynamic immersion test indicates that the aggregate film rate of asphalt is highly influenced by the surface electric charge of the new aggregate while the ionicity effect appears to be insignificant, at 75 - 85 %, when circular aggregates are used. CONCLUSIONS : High reclaimed asphalt pavement content in cold recycled asphalt mixture, as well as non-ion and anionic emulsified asphalt, is advantageous, reducing cracking and improving moisture resistance. It is believed that anions and non-ions may be better utilized than applying the existing criteria to the cold temperature recycled asphalt mixture with high reclaimed asphalt pavement content. In addition, if the scope of the emulsified asphalt is expanded, various additives can be used, which will require analysis of materials, such as fertilizers and additives.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The use of reclaimed aggregate has been recently increasing with the increase in the amount of waste asphalt concrete. The application of these materials can reduce the properties of the asphalt pavement when compared with the case when recycled aggregate is not used. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of the asphalt mixtures with various mix ratios of reclaimed aggregate. METHODS : To measure the performance, the following tests using the mixtures prepared in accordance with the Korea Standards were conducted: Hamburg wheel-tracking test, third-scale model mobile loading simulator test, and dynamic modulus test. RESULTS : The test results of the Hamburg wheel-tracking test indicate that the water resistance was similar in each mixture and the plastic deformation resistance was good in the high-ratio reclaimed aggregate mixture. In the case of the third-scale model mobile loading simulator test, the plastic deformation demonstrated a high resistance in the high-ratio reclaimed aggregate mixture. The results were similar to those of the Hamburg wheel-tracking test; however, the cracking resistance was poor with a high recycled aggregate incorporation ratio. The dynamic modulus test results demonstrated excellent resistance to plastic deformation at a relatively high ratio of reclaimed aggregate admixture. The crack resistance was weakened when a high ratio of reclaimed aggregate mixture was used. CONCLUSIONS: As the reclaimed aggregate content increased, the plastic deformation resistance increased and the crack resistance decreased.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this paper is to develop an evaluation method for aged reclaimed asphalt pavements using RAP mortar specimen and FTIR method. METHODS: To evaluate the low-temperature behavior of aged reclaimed asphalt pavements, an indirect tensile strength test was adopted with an RAP mortar specimen. The RAP mortar specimen without a rejuvenator was fabricated with two fine aggregate types as a function of passing sieve sizes. The fabricated RAP mortar specimen was frozen for 24 h at -20℃. The indirect tensile strength was measured as a function of different absolute viscosities. The indirect tensile strength and displacement were varied as functions of the dosage of the rejuvenator. The spectroscopy analysis of four asphalt binders was performed under attenuated total reflection. The four asphalt binders comprised of a virgin binder, two extracted RAP binders, and a mixed virgin and extracted RAP binder. To evaluate the oxidation of the binder, the carbonyl index was calculated. RESULTS : The four extracted RAP binders were measured with an extremely wide range of absolute viscosity from 30,000 poise to 170,000 poise. The indirect tensile strength of the RAP mortar decreased as the absolute viscosity increased. This means that at lower temperatures, the indirect tensile strength can indicate the oxidation of RAP. Also, the indirect tensile strength and displacement changed sensitively as the dosage of the rejuvenator was changed. Based on the FTIR principle, a good relation was observed between the dosage of the rejuvenator and the FTIR absorbance peak. It can be used to estimate the dosage of the rejuvenator in hot reclaimed asphalt mixture. Also, the carbonyl index of the RAP binder was calculated to evaluate asphalt oxidation using the FTIR principle. CONCLUSIONS : There is a good relation between the indirect tensile strength of RAP mortar and its absolute viscosity. This indicates that RAP mortar can be used to estimate the properties of aged RAP. Also, the usage of rejuvenator can be evaluated with both the indirect tensile strength and FTIR absorbance peak. The carbonyl index can be used to predict asphalt oxidation.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The object of this study is to select appropriate inorganic materials, and find the best mixing formula to secure fast curing time and enough initial strength, and then to evaluate the durability of the asphalt mixtures according to the degree of addition of the compound manufactured by the determined blending ratio. METHODS : The breaking time and reactivity between seven kinds of inorganic minerals, and the selected recycled aggregate and emulsified asphalt were compared to determine the best initial curing strength for the mixtures. Then, three inorganic materials were chosen as the materials that provide good breaking time and reactivity, and the best mixing formula for the three materials was determined. The chemical composition of the compound manufactured using the mixing formula was analyzed by energy dispersive x-ray system method. Finally, indirect tensile strength (ITS) test was performed (for two days) at room temperature to determine the proper amount of additives that will provide the best initial strength. RESULTS: From the results of the reactivity test, the best mixing formula (A:C:G = 60:30:10) for the three selected inorganic materials with short braking time and high reactivity was determined. The four types of cold reclaimed asphalt mixtures for ITS testing were manufactured by adding the inorganic material compounds at 0%, 3%, 5%, and 7%, and the ITS values were measured after two curing days. The ITS values at 5% and 7% were 0.308 MPa and 0.415 MPa, respectively. The results of quality control tests (Marshall stability, porosity, flow value, etc.) at 5% and 7% satisfied the specification criterion for the cold recycled asphalt mixtures. CONCLUSIONS : The selected inorganic materials (A, C, and G) and the best mixing formula (A:C:G = 60:30:10) accelerated the reaction with emulsified asphalt and shortened the curing time. Depending on the inorganic material used, the breaking time and reactivity can be directly related or unrelated. This is because of the chemical compositions of recycled aggregates, infiltrated foreign matter, and chemical reactions between the inorganic materials and other materials. Therefore, it is important to select the proper materials and the best mixing formula when evaluating the characteristics of the practically used materials such as recycled aggregates, inorganic materials, and emulsified asphalt.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to examine the manufacturing method for emulsified asphalt and its bond performance by analyzing the properties of the emulsifier used to produce cold recycled asphalt mixtures. METHODS: In this study, four types of slow-setting cationic emulsifiers, a microsurfacing emulsifier, and six types of nonionic emulsifiers were used to manufacture emulsified asphalt. Because each emulsifier requires its own unique effective dose to provide the best performance, the optimum asphalt content for each effective dose was determined. Then, the optimum asphalt content for the emulsified asphalt mixture was determined by the tests to check its basic physical properties. By using the determined optimum content, asphalt mixtures were manufactured and dynamic immersion and tensile strength tests were conducted on the mixtures to analyze the influence of the emulsifier on the physical properties of the mixtures. RESULTS : The dynamic immersion test results showed a coating ratio of 54-85%, which is considerably higher than that of using ordinary straight asphalt. The tensile strength test yielded noncompliant values less than 0.4 N/mm, which is the standard requirement for dry indirect tensile strength. The correlation analysis between the dynamic immersion and tensile strength ratio tests showed very high correlation of 0.78. The correlation between the emulsifier content and water resistance performance was low, between -0.55 and -0.24. CONCLUSIONS : While the storage stability improves with increasing emulsifier, the effectiveness proportional to the increase is weaker as the emulsifier increases. The performance testing of asphalt residues before and after manufacturing the emulsified asphalt showed no significant change. It is proved that the emulsified asphalt maintains high coating resistance according to the dynamic immersion test results. In addition, according to the results of tensile strength ratio, cold recycled asphalt mixtures manufactured by the materials normally and commercially used are not compliant with the national standard specification; thus, additional effective materials will be needed for quality compliance. In conclusion, it is evident that the dynamic immersion and tensile strength ratio tests have good correlation, but the quantity of emulsifiers used is not related to the level of moisture resistance.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Using recyclable materials in asphalt pavement industry is one of the essential tasks not only for saving construction budgets but also for mitigating environmental pollutions. Over the past decades, several efforts have been made by road maintenance agencies to incorporate various recyclable materials into virgin asphalt paving mixtures. As a result, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), which consists of old pavement material was selected as one of most widely used recyclable materials. In this paper, the effects of using different amounts of single-recycled RAP (SRRAP) and double-recycled RAP (DRRAP) on the low-temperature characteristics of asphalt mixtures were investigated. METHODS: To evaluate the low-temperature characteristics of SRRAP and DRRAP mixtures, two experiments, the bending beam mixture creep test and semicircular bending fracture test were performed. The experimental parameters: creep stiffness, m-value, thermal stress, critical cracking temperature, fracture energy, and fracture toughness were computed then compared. RESULTS : RAP mixtures (SRRAP or DRRAP) showed lower mechanical performance compared with conventional asphalt mixtures. The differences became distinct with increased RAP addition. However, the performance differences between SRRAP and DRRAP mixtures were not significant in all cases, which indicate the possible application of re-recycling technology (DRRAP) in the asphalt pavement industry. CONCLUSIONS : The addition of RAP to virgin asphalt can mitigate low-temperature performance despite the improvement in fracture performance observed in some cases. Therefore, using RAP (SRRAP or DRRAP) mixtures on inter or sublayer construction, but not on the surface layer, is recommended. Moreover, the possibility of applying double-recycling technology in asphalt pavement industry can be introduced in this study because not significant performance differences were found between SRRAP and DRRAP mixtures especially at low temperature.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Using recycled asphalt materials (called Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement: RAP) from existing asphalt pavement layers in newly constructed asphalt pavement is an essential option not only for lowering the construction budget but also for mitigating environmental pollution for society. For this reason, many pavement agencies in South Korea, the USA, and Canada have observed the effect of RAP on conventional asphalt pavement to evaluate and set proper material specifications and addable amounts. In this paper, effect of recyclable material on low-temperature performance of asphalt materials was investigated with two different mechanical tests. Among the recyclable material sources, RAP and Taconite Aggregate (TA), which is mainly produced in northern Minnesota (USA), were considered. METHODS : To evaluate the low-temperature mechanical performance of a RAP mixture, two different experimental tests (In-Direct Tensile (IDT) low temperature creep test and Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) test) were considered. The mechanical parameters creep-stiffness, relaxation modulus, fracture energy, and fracture toughness were computed then compared. RESULTS: More brittle characteristics were observed with RAP-added asphalt mixtures compared to the conventional asphalt mixtures, as expected. However, the differences of computed mechanical performances were not significantly distinct for RAP mixtures compared to conventional mixtures when the RAP proportion was around 20%, and with the addition of TA up to 20%. CONCLUSIONS : It can be concluded that up to 20% of RAP addition (along with TA up to 20%) in a virgin asphalt mixture does not provide significant performance reduction. This addable proportion can be viewed as a successful minimum level when considering the addition of RAP to hot-mix asphalt (HMA). Moreover, applying TA with RAP could offer a successful alternative for asphalt recycling and the materials industry.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the physical properties of recycled asphalt mixtures reinforced with glass fiber. METHODS: Firstly, mixing design was conducted on recycled asphalt mixture for use of 50% recycled aggregate. Various laboratory tests were performed on four types of recycled asphalt mixtures with different glass fiber content to evaluate the physical properties. The laboratory tests include indirect tensile strength test, dynamic modulus test, Hamburg wheel tracking test and tensile-strength ratio to evaluate cracks, rutting and moisture resistance of mixtures. RESULTS: The indirect tensile strength of fiber reinforced glass increased about 139.4%. As a result of comparing the master curves obtained by the dynamic modulus test, the elasticity was low in the low temperature region and high in the high temperature region when the glass fiber was reinforced. The glass fiber contents of PEGS 0.3%, Micro PPGF 0.1% and Macro PPGF 0.3% showed the highest moisture resistance and rutting resistance. CONCLUSIONS : The test results show that use of glass fiber reinforcement can increase the resistance to cracking, rutting, and moisture damage of asphalt mixtures. It is also necessary to validate the long-term performance of recycled asphalt mixtures with glass fiber using full scale pavement testing and field trial construction.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mechanical properties of a cold-recycling asphalt mixture used as a base layer and to determine the optimum emulsified-asphalt content for ensuring the mixture’s performance. METHODS: The physical properties (storage stability, mixability, and workability) of three types of asphalt emulsion (CMS-1h, CSS-1h, and CSS-1hp) were evaluated using the rotational viscosity test. Asphalt emulsion residues, prepared according to the ASTM D 7497-09 standard, were evaluated for their rheological properties, including the G*/sinδand the dynamic shear modulus (|G*|). In addition, the Marshall stability, indirect tensile strength, and tensile-strength ratio (TSR) were evaluated for the cold-recycling asphalt mixtures fabricated according to the type and contents of the emulsified asphalt. RESULTS: The CSS-1hp was found to be superior to the other two types in terms of storage stability, mixability, and workability, and its G*/sinδ value at high temperatures was higher than that of the other two types. From the dynamic shear modulus test, the CSS-1hp was also found to be superior to the other two types, with respect to low-temperature cracking and rutting resistance. The mixture test indicated that the indirect tensile strength and TSR increased with the increasing emulsified-asphalt content. However, the mixtures with one-percent emulsified-asphalt content did not meet the national specification in terms of the aggregate coverage (over 50%) and the indirect tensile strength (more than 0.4 MPa). CONCLUSIONS : The emulsified-asphalt performance varied greatly, depending on the type of base material and modifying additives; therefore, it is considered that this will have a great effect on the performance of the cold-recycling asphalt pavement. As the emulsified-asphalt content increased, the strength change was significant. Therefore, it is desirable to apply the strength properties as a factor for determining the optimum emulsified-asphalt content in the mix design. The 1% emulsified-asphalt content did not satisfy the strength and aggregate coverage criteria suggested by national standards. Therefore, the minimum emulsified-asphalt content should be specified to secure the performance.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to estimate the optimum content of an inorganic additive for cold-recycled asphalt mixtures and evaluate its performance. METHODS: An indirect tensile test, a tensile-strength ratio test, and an indirect tensile-fatigue test were conducted on cold-recycling asphalt mixtures with various additives. RESULTS: The laboratory performance tests indicated that granulated blast-furnace slag mixed with inorganic and cement activators provided optimum performance. The performance results of the cold-recycled asphalt pavement were similar to the inorganic and cement activators’ performance in terms of the indirect tensile strength, tensile strength ratio, and indirect tensile-fatigue test. CONCLUSIONS : Overall, the performance of a cold-recycled asphalt mixture using inorganic additives and emulsion asphalt was comparable to a warm-recycled asphalt mixture. However, more experiments aimed at improving its performance and studying the effect of the inorganic additives must be conducted.
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