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        검색결과 23

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to present a plan for reducing noise between floors of apartment houses in Korea and to examine the method for evaluating noise blocking performance rating between floors. The definition of floor noise and classification method of floor noise can be described, and floor noise can be distinguished into lightweight impact sound and heavy impact sound. The wall-type structure, which is mainly adopted in domestic apartments, relatively transmits vibration caused by impact sources rather than using columns and beams, so noise problems between floors are relatively higher than systems using columns and beams. Three representative methods for reducing and blocking floor noise are described, and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of floor noise reduction by each method are described. In addition, the method for noise reduction and blocking grades for each construction method currently applied in Korea was described, and as a result, it was judged that the domestic rating evaluation method was not suitable for the current domestic situation, and a new evaluation method and standard were needed.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nakseonjae in Changdeokgung Palace was established at The King Hunjong’s 13rd year (1847), the mid-19th century. It was constructed for own rests of King Hunjong and the residence of Kyungbin (king’s concubines), and is showing features of upper-class houses from several points such as rustic architectural types by getting out of authoritative aspects as king’s shelter space within the palace, block and floor distribution that separated spaces for men and women, simplicity in structures and styles, and non-colorful painting etc. This study aims at tracing on which architectural types did the upper-class houses within Hanyang (modern Seoul) at late Joseon Dynasty have and what was characteristics of Nakseonjae. The resemblance between Nakseonjae and the upper-class houses was very little differences from scale aspects, and floor plan shapes of Anchae (women’s quarters) and Sarangchae (men’s quarters) were followed basic common styles. Also, resemblance could be confirmed in the structural styles too. Characteristics of Nakseonjae are showing apparent differences from clearance compositions such as hall configuration etc. Nakseonjae was king’s dwelling place, and spaces for house’s collateral functions such as kitchen, stable, and warehouse etc together with shrine were unnecessary, and such places were substituted into servants’ quarters for assisting the Royal family. In detailed structural styles, column’s size was larger 3cm or more than the upper-class houses, and its height was higher to the degree of 30~60cm. Besides, formality as king’s shelter space was raised more in decorating aspects, and Nakseonjae was implemented by getting architectural influences from Qing Dynasty of China. This study induced features of Hanyang’s upper-class houses at the 19th century by supplementing distribution and space configurations at existing cases of Seoul and Gyeonggi area together with house diagrams having been collected by Gaokdohyung (site and floor plan) of Jangseogak Library, and confirmed resemblances and differences with Nakseonjae, that is, features of Nakseonjae. Through the result, this study judges a fact that architecture of Nakseonjae seemed to be affected from conveniences of upper-class houses within Hanseong, and also architectural styles and distribution types of Nakseonje would give influences to the upper-class houses.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through the 20th century architectural theory of rational thinking and the principles according to the statement of the firm, Le Corbusier's early works by analyzing the language of architecture, including his architectural concepts and helps the understanding of modern architecture. Masters of modern architecture as a place among the works of Le Corbusier in the 1920s, ‘Le Corbusier’s White Period’ homes to target by age, and that his initial concept of the formation process of clarifying, further the construction of his golden age will be the key to understand. I selected housings from Maison Citrohan to villa Savoye, the category of architectural elements by considering the development process, he examines developments of the concept of modern architectural space. In analysis process, First of all, I am focused on between each element in the development process to review and explicate the integration process. The advent of the machine which he lived, because of its incredible potential reorganization of human society, as well as to celebrate the start of a new lifestyle. His architectural language of the times in the machinism could achieve progress and modern art, which is a new interpretation of the natural world.
        2009.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For new construction, recently, it has expended from physical performance standard to completed apartment' blemish warranty and countermeasure strategy contents. And considering element technology is increasing remodeling’ easiness for deciding operation right or wrong the aged apartment’ re-construction or remodeling. In addition, international standardization of building performance makes rapid progress the point of ISO. In Japan, study of housing commission will be done on a national level for the long commission metropolitan gathering house construction and reproduction technical development, and, already, involving study of approval system of building element made progress. It set the goal performance log index of remodeling’ easiness, it set up component element between a part and public standard type in remodeling. In plan and design phase, it is a precondition that make the performance on the basis of user demand in the whole of Use, maintenance, repair, waste and reuse. Therefore, in the building technology case that development of element technology and practical use are fast in progress, a user is required to evaluate/choice according to performance. And a developer is required to the technical development that aim performance is cleared. The study selected a detailed item about performance item of re-modeling element technique through the requirement which the nations (such as America, England, Japan, etc) and the agencies of foreign countries present and item selection standard, from the point of view where the interest not only the individual but also govemmental politic viewpoint is coming to be higher re-modelling than new construction.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to clarify the architectural characteristics of three houses of Choseon Exhibition. Exposition/exhibitions were thought to be a model for the world. It shows the real status of the development, and thinking with visions at that times; therefore, exhibited house models would be a good source for what to be considered for the ideal houses of that times. Through the study, we could find out as belows. 1. The houses exhibited conserved the sitting-on-floor living style, otherwise the most proposals for house improvement suggested a chair-and-table style because of its hygienic quality and integration of the life at home and at work(school, too). 2. The spacial scheme for-family prior over for-guest was emphasized, but models at the exhibition were structured with Japanese traditional spacial program, such as Jashiki(座敷), Kyakunoma(客の間) or Tsuginoma(次の間), which were all Tatami-floored. 3. Through this exhibition, it is clarified that the architectural society in colonial Korea also tried to improve the modern housings, not only direct reception of the developed proposals. These houses was planned with the acceptance of the locality, such like Ondol, a floor heating facility which the Japanese engineer improve the efficiency. 4. Also these exhibited houses became a start to recognize a house as a product, and spurred on commercialization. As the result, we could find out that these exhibited houses accepted the modern housing proposals selectively, and that even if the exhibitions shows the advance in usual these houses were planned with the very conservative notions.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the dwellings of the Korean diaspora in Maritime Provinces of Russia, and Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan of Central Asia to find the gist of the residence transformed as Korean traditional residence culture to accept Russian foreign culture. Through the examination, transformation process of the dwellings of the Korean diaspora was found as follows: - 1st Period(1864-1937): The Korean diaspora who Immigrated to Maritime Provinces of Russia built traditional houses of Korean style and few of them lived in Russian style houses. - 2nd Period(1937-1955): The Koreans who immigrated to Central Asia from Maritime Provinces under compulsion built 'ground house' by digging the earth and installed gudeul which is a traditional Korean heating system and roofed with reed. - 3rd period(1955-1991): The Koreans built straight lined '-' shape houses with two or three rooms wherein most of them were installed with gudeul to heat the room. Around the 1940s as they economically got well, the Koreans started to build houses with Russian style with one or two rooms with gudeul or a separate building with gudeul. - 4th period(1991-present): Houses of the 3rd period are still used by being enlarged or remodeled with less use of gudeul which is well reflected on Ujeong-maul village in Russia Maritime Provinces. As can be found above, the dwellings of the Korean diaspora in Russia Maritime Provinces and Central Asia are on the process of being transformed into Russian style to adapt to Russian culture.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is a study of Le Corbusier's trace regulateur of the 1920s, particularly its role in the design of the Villas La Roche Jeannerct and stein-de Monzie. It proceeds on the basis of the following three themes; first, the relation between the regulation line and the dom-ino frame; second, its status as p proportional device based not on a module system but one that defines relations; third, its function as an essential practical device in the design process. In the Villa La Roche-Jeanneret, the embedded horizontal planes of the dom-ino frame were constant, but the vertical lines of the columns were altered according to the changes in plan. Initially, a left-hand bay window formed a symmetry with the right-hand bay window, the only constant in the design process. With subsequent changes, mullion sections of the horizontal window and roof elements came to provide the reference points for the regulating line. Eventually, a regulating line different from the one that controlled the bay window and the elongated volume came to control the entrance hall of Villa La Roche, resulting in three different kinds of regulating lines in the final version. In contrast to the Villa La Roche-Jeanneret, a singular and consistent regulation line was anticipated in the earliest design stages of the Villa Stein-de Monzic. The repetition of its A:B grid and the standard 2.5m×1.0m sliding window determined the proportions of both its plan and elevation, and thus the regulating line became ""automatic,"" losing its viability as a practical tool. Though the regulating lines of the La Roche-Jeanneret look as if they ere an afterthought, drawn after the design was complete, they were most active, requiring tenacity and discipline in their application. On the other hand, the seemingly ""redundant"" regulating line of the Villa Stein-de Monzie gains its raison d'etre from the dom-ino frame. Its cantilevers and uninterrupted horizontal window could be used in decisive fashion because of the guarantee that the correct proportion would always be maintained. Thus we discover that LE Corbusier's discipline of the 1920s had a certain spectrum of flexibility. His ""parti"" ranged from the extremely loose and malleable grid of the Villa La Roche-Jeanneret to the fixed grid of the Villa Stein-de Monzie. In different ways, these projects retain the tension between the dom-ino frame and the regulating line. For Le Corbusier, as much as the grid was an object with fixed attributes, it was also an active medium manipulated by the will of the architect.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The character of spatial organization in rtaditional house is found through the analysis of field survey and measure of its micro climate in hot weather period of summer. The mean temperature of interior space is higher than outside space of the house. In the point of structural conditions, inside of Choga in caustal and mountain area is cooler than any other houses. In inland area, slate roof house is cooler than Choga. In mountain area, the thermal difference of inside and outside in Kyubjib is higher than Hotjib. In the point of spatial conditions, kitchen is the coolest space and very suitable for spatial organization. Anbang is the hottest space because of its centeral position in the house. In wind condition, mountain area is windy and caustal area is calm. Around the house the rear side of the house is windy and left side is calm.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Soengyo-jang has some characteristics as the most great house, the special functions, and the non-regional type of house form. And it has constructed continuously for two centuries by many owners in the different generations, It needs a special research method ; which are consist of a) comprehension of background information from documents and oral instructed materials, b) pursuit of design process through the building survey, and c) theoretical interpretation about 'collectivism'. From the results of this research, it is revealed that the architectural purpose of this house was constructing 'a great manor'. At first phase, it had been a single ordinary house, at second, it had expanded to a complex including many housing clusters, and finally became to expand its dwelling territory into whole village. Its expansion was progressed by the four collecting phases of which were building, building cluster, group of clusters, and topological setting. Main design elements operated in each of collecting phases ; they were partial element of <Ondol+Floor>, exterior spaces of <Madang>, a linear building of <Haenglang>, and a pavilion of (Hwalleajeong>. The last two elements were also powerful datum.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this thesis is a searching out the characteristics of Japanese dwellings implanted into Korea in the time of the rule of Japanese imperialism and its influences on Korean modern dwellings especially in the time of 1930's. At the early stage of the colonial time(1905~1919), the central corridor type Japanese dwellings were implanted into Korea for the Japanese official residences. The central corridor type Japanese dwelling was an urban modern dwelling compromised between Japanese style and western style and distinguished by an outer-court type plan, Japanese entrance hall, central corridor and western style reception room. After the 1920's the central corridor type Japanese dwellings have spreaded itself and became a prototype of a modern dwelling in Korea. The characteristics of the central corridor type Japanese dwellings have influenced on the Korean high class dwellings and Korean architects' proposals for modern dwelling in the time of 1930's. By the implantation and spread of the central corridor type Japanese dwellings, Korean modern dwellings at the same time have affected and undergone transformation. The aspects of transformation were ; The outbreaking of the Japanese style entrance and central corridor, the transformation of MaDang from the inner court with a function of circulation into the outer court garden with plants and the transformation of Korean dwellings from the rural inner court type into the urban outer court type. The central corridor type Japanese dwellings implanted into Korea in the time of the rule of Japanese imperialism makes function as a precedent of a modern urban dwelling to Korean and makes Korean dwellings transform from the rural inner court type into the urban outer court type.
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated and analyzed the housing type of North Korea and the current status of standard housing construction. The purpose of this study is to establish a strategy for securing the safety of North Korean standard houses with relatively low structural performance compared to South Korea. In addition, we will use this data as basic data for planning a low-cost emergency reinforcement method to prepare against the natural disasters that are taking place frequently.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rural house came into the rapid change through the process of modernization and Saemaul movement in the past. This change continue to the current era, there is a such exotic forms and indiscriminate development of new house and Saemaul housing and existing conventional farmhouse in rural area. Such a phenomenon, ultimately creating disharmony in traditional environment of rural. In this respect, reflecting the location characteristics of the region which is based on the regional characteristics and unique model of rural housing, it is absolutely required for the development of rural housing customized to fit the diversity of modern. With that background, the purpose of the research is to try and find out the changes in rural houses and the transforming characteristics. To achieve this research purpose, this research selected a specialized magazine for architecture. Then, it identified contents which has specific keyword. lastly, it analyze type and contents of house in rural area from selected article. This process make up the rural housing for effective utilization. The result showed that the type of economic activity and residents information directly show the character of the members who located in the new homes after retuning to farming. The polarization of structure was clearly visible by the building time. And, propensity to western-style of major components was very high such as shape and form of housing. However, it was found to prefer to reflect traditional aesthetics in the components of the housing partially. Therefore, more research is needed to reflect of the results of a survey. Also, analyzing the characteristic of rural house’s element and suggesting ways to take advantage in order to present suitable element of modern rural house.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the seismic performance assessment of a building, a lot of time and manpower are needed. In this paper, alternative procedure based on modeling transformation for the effective seismic performance assessment of the buildings is suggested. The suggested procedure is applied for the seismic performance assessment of an apartment building consisted of the ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls as the example model and its effectiveness is reviewed
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