
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 3D 프린팅 기술과 인체공학 순설계를 이용하여 턱관절 자기공명영상 동적 턱관절 검사 보조기구를 개발하고자 하였다. 3D 프린팅 기술 재료는 3D 프린터(Sindo, 3DWOX1, Korea), 3D 모델러 프로그램(Fusion 360, autodesk, USA), PLA(polylactic Acid) 필라멘트 소재를 이용하였고, 영상 검사는 3.0T 자기공명영상 장비 (Magnetom Vida, Siemens, Germany)를 사용하였다. 개발 방법은 성인 30명(남:13명, 여:17명, 평균나이 22.9±2.0세)의 안면뼈 CT(computed tomography) 검사의 단면 영상을 역학적으로 실측하여 상/하악궁의 형상을 모델링하였다. 모델링된 파일은 FDM(fused deposition modeling) 방식으로 3D 프린팅하였다. 출력된 보조기구는 자화 감수성 인공물 실험, 동적 영상 비교, 만족도 평가로 성능을 평가하였다. 그 결과, 자화감수성 인공물 발생은 개발된 개구 보조 장비와 비교하여 모든 영상에서 유의한 차이가 없었다. 동적 비교 영상에서는 TSE 기법이 모든 평가 법에서 가장 우수한 영상 품질을 보였다. 만족도 평가에서는 피검자는 평균 4.3점, 방사선사는 평균 4.4점으로 높은 만족도를 보였다. 결론적으로 인공물 발생이 없는 환자 맞춤형 보조기구에 개구의 동적 기능이 탑재된 보조기구 를 개발하였다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Synovial cysts of the temporomandibular joint are rare. They commonly occur in the wrist, knee and feet. The main symptoms of synovial cysts occurring in the temporomandibular joint include preauricular pain and swelling, and surgical removal is the gold-standard treatment. A 54-year-old woman who presented with swelling of the right temporomandibular joint visited Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital. She had undergone enhanced computed tomography from another hospital, which showed a 1.1 × 0.8 × 1 cm well-defined rounded cystic lesion on the lateral area of the right temporomandibular joint. A synovial or ganglion cyst was suspected. The cystic lesion was surgically removed under general anesthesia and was histopathologically diagnosed as a synovial cyst. Histopathological findings show a lumen surrounded by loose fibrous tissue, and the lining is in a folded form and is composed of synovial cells.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: There is an opinion that improper postures of the head and cervical spine are associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders (TMDs). Objects: The aim of this study was to investigate the proportions among the cervical kyphotic angle, physical symptoms including the pain intensity level of the TMJ, and severity of TMD disability in patients diagnosed with TMD. Methods: Sixty-two subjects participated in the study. The evaluation tools included measurements of the cervical kyphotic angle based on the Ishihara index, pressure pain threshold (PPT) on the TMJ, maximal mouth opening (MMO) without pain, current pain intensity level of the TMJ measured using the Quadruple Visual Analogue Scale (QVAS), Korean TMD (KTMD) disability index, KTMD Symptom Frequency/Intensity Scales (SFS/SIS), and Korean Headache Impact Test-6. Correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the correlations between the cervical kyphotic angle and parameters related to TMJ symptoms. Results: Variables that were significantly correlated with the cervical kyphotic angle were the PPT around the TMJ (r = 0.259, p < 0.05), current pain intensity level of the TMJ based on the QVAS (r = –0.601, p< 0.01), and usual pain intensity level based on the SIS (r = –0.379, p < 0.01). The level of TMD functional disability was significantly correlated with the degree of headache (r = 0.551, p < 0.01), level of PPT of the TMJ (r = –0.383, p < 0.01), pain-free MMO (r = –0.515, p < 0.01), pain intensity level of the TMJ based on the QVAS (r = 0.393, p < 0.01), TMD symptom frequency (r = 0.739, p < 0.01), usual pain intensity of the TMJ (r = 0.624, p < 0.01), and most severe pain intensity of the TMJ (r = 0.757, p < 0.01). Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between the cervical kyphotic angle and PPT and a negative correlation between the current and usual pain intensity levels of the TMJ. The cervical kyphotic angle was a predictor of the pain level, tenderness threshold, and intensity of pain in the TMJ.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is characterized by pain and limited range of motion in the jaw. TMD patients generally prefer to chew on the unaffected or less-affected side, and this tendency often results in asymmetries in masseter muscle thickness and range of mandibular motion. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the asymmetries in masseter muscle thickness and range of mandibular motion in subjects with and without temporomandibular disorders. Methods: Thirty-nine subjects were divided into two groups: A TMD group (n1=19) and a control group (n2=20). The jaw opening range and laterotrusion were measured using a digital vernier caliper. The masseter muscle thickness was examined in both the resting state and the maximal clenching state using ultrasonography. The absolute asymmetry indices calculated based on the laterotrusion and masseter muscle thickness of the respective right and left sides. A two-way ANOVA and a Mann-Whitney U test were used for statistical analysis. Results: No significant different was found in the masseter muscle thickness between the TMD and control group. A significant difference was found in the absolute asymmetry indices of mandibular laterotrusion between the TMD and control groups (p<.05). Furthermore, the ranges of jaw opening were significantly different between males and females (p<.05). The absolute asymmetry index values of masseter muscle thickness at rest and during maximal clenching were also significantly different between males and females (p<.05). Conclusion: These results demonstrated that the subjects with TMD had a larger degree of asymmetry in laterotrusion than those without TMD. Therefore, a physiotherapy program needs to be designed to restore normal laterotrusion capacities for TMD subjects. These results also showed that female subjects had greater absolute asymmetry indices in masseter muscle thickness than male subjects. Therefore, more training is needed to promote bilaterally balanced chewing among women.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        악기를 능숙하게 연주하기 위해 구조와 기능을 아는 것은 매우 중요하다. 사람은 목소리를 악 기로 사용하지만, 목소리를 내는 기관은 만질 수 없고 눈에 보이지 않기 때문에 접근하기 어렵 다. 그래서 해부학적으로 접근해야만 구조를 알게 된다. 우리가 몸 안의 기관을 해부학적으로 정확하게 인식하는 것이 운동기능 향상에 영향을 준다. 이것을 ‘운동 감각’을 통해 증명한다. 공명과 턱관절 및 근육의 정의와 기능을 알고 ‘턱 근육의 올바른 사용’이 발성의 ‘공명’에 미치는 영향을 알았을 때 우리는 가창에 필요한 운동기능을 훈련할 수 있게 된다. 이 훈련을 통 해 턱 근육과 발성 기관을 인지하여 가창했을 때 부정적인 주변 환경, 심리상태와 상관없이 좋은 공명의 가창을 할 수 있도록 훈련할 수 있다. 또한, 추상적인 표현의 교수법 등으로 교사의 경험 이 학생에게 제대로 전달되지 못하는 경우가 많다. 발성 기관의 해부학적 접근을 통해 교사와 학생의 거리를 좁힐 수 있는 직접적이고 효과적인 교수법을 제시한다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: In the treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, the goals of traditional physical therapy are not only to reduce the inflammatory process leading to pain, but also to decrease joint overload and muscle hyperactivity. To achieve those goals, physical therapists generally use a photo-therapy, joint mobilization, and massage. Objects: To examine the impact of an unloading technique using non-elastic taping on the pain, opening mouth, functional level, and quality of life in patients with TMJ disorder. Method: Twenty patients with TMJ disorder were included in this study and randomly divided into the experimental (n1=10), and control (n2=10) groups. Traditional physical therapy including massage and stretching for 30 min was performed in both groups. Non-elastic taping was performed in the experimental group after traditional physical therapy, and they were recommended to keep the tape attached for 12 hours. Outcomes for pain, functional level, and quality of life were measured using a survey. The opening mouth was measured using a general ruler. Result: Significant differences were observed in the pain level, opening mouth, functional level, and quality of life after the intervention and on follow-up in both groups. However, we found that while the levels of all parameters were maintained throughout the follow-up period in the experimental group, the functional status level was not maintained throughout the follow-up period in the control group. Conclusion: Our unloading technique using non-elastic tape results comparable to those achieved by traditional physical therapy in the treatment of TMJ. However, the unloading taping method using non-elastic tape is more effective than traditional physical therapy in maintaining the impact of intervention
        2013.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        어린이 안전 종합대책의 일환으로 시작된 어린이 보호구역 개선사업이 실시되고 있으며, 어린이 보호구역의 지정 및 설치로 인해 보호구역 내에서 발생하는 어린이 교통사고는 점차적으로 감소하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 어린이 보호구역 내의 도로안전시설로 인한 발생되는 부가적인 차량간의 지나친 가·감속 유발로 인한 안전성 저하 문제 등이 발생하게 된다. 또한 이러한 가·감속은 교통분진을 유발함에도 불구하고 단편적이고 획일적인 규정으로 기존 도로시설물에 대한 규정에 한정되어 있어 실질적인 어린이 보호구역과 관련된 사항 및 각 기법의 적용기준과 관련된 연구는 미비하다. 차량배출가스는 속도 및 가·감속에 따라 배출량이 달라지게 되는데, 속도-차량배출가스 발생량 함수는 U-curve를 따르게 된다. 따라서 저속상태일 때의 속도관리는 매우 중요하나. 이와 관련한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 교통분진은 차량의 가·감속에 따라 배출되는 자동차 배기가스 및 내부적 마찰에 의한 분진으로 공공보건과 밀접한 관련이 있는 차량으로 인한 오염물질이다. 특히 교통분진의 핵심요소인 미세먼지는 폐 또는 혈관에 침투하여 폐 기능질환 및 호흡기 질환을 유발하며 폐 기능이 발단하는 단계인 어린이에 큰 영향을 미쳐 성인기의 폐 기능에 영향을 미치게 된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 공공보건 측면에서 과속방지턱과 과속방지턱의 이격거리에 따른 두 오염원 배출가스 발생량을 분석을 수행하였다. 교통분진은 차량의 가·감속에 따라 배출되는 자동차 배기가스 및 내부적 마찰에 의한 분진으로 공공보건과 밀접한 관련이 있는 차량으로 인한 오염물질이다. 특히 교통분진의 핵심요소인 미세먼지는 폐 또는 혈관에 침투하여 폐 기능질환 및 호흡기 질환을 유발하며 폐 기능이 발단하는 단계인 어린이에 큰 영향을 미쳐 성인기의 폐 기능에 영향을 미치게 된다. 본 연구에서는 어린이 보호구역(School Zone)에서의 도로안전시설 중 과속방지턱에 초점을 맞춰 과속방지턱과 횡단보도 설치간격에 따른 교통분진 발생량 추정을 통하여 적절한 과속방지턱 설치위치 및 간격제시를 목적으로 연구를 수행하였다. 어린이 보호구역(School Zone)으로 지정된 구간을 선정하여 보호구역 내 설치되어 있는 과속방지턱과 횡단보도를 대상으로 연구를 수행하였다. 과속방지턱 설치에 따른 운전자의 행태변화는 기존 연구사례 및 실험을 통해 도출된 결과값을 활용하였다. 운전자의 주행행태는 속도변화, 감속도, 감속구간의 자료를 수집하였다. 비디오 영상촬영 및 기 수행된 프로브차량을 통해 수집된 운전자의 행태자료는 시뮬레이션 구현시 활용하였다. 시뮬레이션을 통해 도출된 결과는 MOVES를 사용하여 운영 상태(Operation mode)에 따른 배출가스 발생량을 추정하여 각 시나리오를 평가하였다. 분석결과, 시나리오 2(이격거리 25m)와 4(이격거리 15m)가 PM10과 PM2.5 모두 가장 작게 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 스피드테이블 형태의 고원식 횡단보도는 과속방지턱을 설치하는 것보다 교통분진의 발생량이 큰 것으로 도출되었다 수치적으로는 미세한 차이를 나타내나 앞서 제시한 바와 같이 교통분진으로 인한 인체의 영향은 10μg/m3 단위에 사망률이 상승하기 때문에 수치적으로 작은 차이일지라도 고려해야 할 사항으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 어린이 보호구역(School Zone)에서의 도로안전시설 중 과속방지턱에 초점을 맞춰 과속방지턱과 횡단보도 설치간격에 따른 교통분진 발생량 추정을 통하여 적절한 과속방지턱 설치위치 및 간격제시를 목적으로 연구를 수행하였다. 또한 본 연구는 미시적 시뮬레이션기반 간접평가방법론으로서 사업 시행 전 계획 및 설 계단계에서 어린이보호구역 내의 교통안전시설 효과를 평가함으로써 사전평가에 활용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study aims to suggest the optimal spacing between speed humps which is placed at traffic calming areas including pedestrian priority zones, school zones, and residential areas. METHODS: The study measured the operating speed of vehicles passing through two successive humps by using laser gun in 0.2 seconds interval, and analysed the basic statistical characteristics of speeds data to have an insight on the relationship between spacing and speed. Assumption was made to derive the maximum spacing within which two successive humps influence each other. RESULTS: The statistically significant model explaining the relationship between spacing and 85th percentile speed of vehicles was derived as well as the maximum spacing maintained in order to take the benefits of successive installation of humps. CONCLUSIONS: Spacing of 20 meters was suggested to achieve the widely accepted target speed of 30 km/h in traffic calming zone, and spacing of 70 meters was suggested as a maximum spacing. The comparison across the studies were made and empirical reasoning the difference of results between studies was discussed as well as the future studies.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Effective speed management is necessary for preventing traffic crashes on the road. Speed hump is known as an effective tool for managing speed. Unlike existing studies which are mainly focused on humps for vehicles, this study proposed a novel method to determine design parameters for bicycle speed humps based on a multi-criteria decision making process. METHODS : Three objectives including the effectiveness of speed reduction, bicycle safety, and user's comfortability were incorporated into the proposed evaluation framework for determining design parameters. A multi-criteria value function was also derived and utilized as a part of the proposed method. RESULTS : Extensive simulations and statistical tests show that an integrated bike-box way is identified as the best in terms of operational efficiency and safety. CONCLUSIONS : It is expected that the outcomes of this study can be a valuable precursor for developing design guidelines for bicycle road and facility.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Myositis ossificans traumatica(MOT) in head and neck area is a rare non-neoplastic, heterotopic bone formation within a muscle, arising after trauma or surgery. Although the several case reports have described the occurrence of MOT in other muscles of oro-facial musculature, MOT has never been reported in mentalis muscle. We demonstrate a case of MOT occurred in mentalis muscle of a 64 years old male. He recently complained of a movable mass with no pain. He had experienced a hitting trauma on his right anterior mandible about 25 years ago. Since then, the trauma area has been asymptomatic. The lesion showed severe muscular degeneration, resulted in a pseudocystic change without epithelial lining. The ectopic ossification was closely associated with the fibrous fascia of adjacent muscles. The lesion contained a lot of basophilic materials admixed with atrophying cells, which were supposed to be derived from muscle parenchyma injured previously. It was presumed that the basophilic materials induced callus-like ossification in the fibro-muscular lesion, also recruited macrophages and fibroblasts. However, the ossification processes in MOT were predominantly characterized by dystrophic calcification without osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal cells. Even more, there appeared some skeletal muscle bundles which were calcified dystrophically. Therefore, we suggest the present case of MOT might be initiated by dystrophic calcification in the degenerating muscle tissue
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
         ,  , The family Brachyceridae is reported for the first time in Korea and is represented by Desmodophorus hebes(Fabricius, 1781). A revised description, morphological photographs of adults, illustrations of genitalia, a key to the families of Korean Curculionoidea, and a key to the East Asian species of Desmidophorus are provided.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 과속방지턱의 설치규격 특성을 검토하기 위하여 동역학적 이론을 기반으로 분석을 수행하였다. 먼저 과속방지턱에 대한 현장조사를 통해 기하구조 자료를 수집하여 현행 설치기준과 비교 분석하였으며, 차량과 운전자를 일체화시킨 단자유도 모델링 방법을 이용하여 충격하중에 의한 변위응답 스펙트럼을 구하였다. 해석 결과 과속방지턱의 폭과 높이는 커질수록 운전자에게 미치는 심리적 부담감이 커지나 과도한 불편함을 초래하지 않도록 크기를 결정해야 하는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 과속방지턱의 폭과 높이의 비율은 운전자가 느끼는 수직가속도의 크기를 지배하므로 폭과 높이의 조화도 고려하여 과속방지턱을 설치하여야 한다.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to determine the injury type and frequency of bearded dragons during single and group breeding according to stocking density, for 16 weeks. A total of 14 bearded dragons compromising three groups were selected for this study. Six and four bearded dragons bred in a cage of 45 cm × 45 cm × 45 cm were designed as group A and B, respectively. Group C was made of four partitions (20 cm × 20 cm × 20 cm) of equal size in the kennel, and the dragons, four in number, were reared alone. Injury type criteria were given 1 score each in 6 stages. Most of the injury types in group A were primary tail cutting, which was 1 point, depending on the score, except for 4 scores. The injury type of group A varied, that is 1, 2, 3, and 5 scores, and the pattern lasted for 2 to 9 weeks. After 10 weeks, the dragons showed no response to injury type, except 4 scores at 11 weeks and 2 scores at 14 weeks with a frequency of one, respectively. The representative injury types of the group B were primary tail cutting, which was 1 point, and the scores of the injury type from 2 to 11 weeks were the highest; the frequency of occurrence at 1 and 2 scores was 5 times and 3 times, respectively, and the frequency of occurrence at 3 scores was twice. In addition, 5 scores were found to have the lowest frequency of occurrence. Solitary breeding showed no response to the type of injury for 16 weeks. Consequently, single breeding with an appropriate stocking density did not affect stress, and it could be expected a positive aspect for pet welfare.