
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 44

        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        노리치의 줄리안의 『계시들』은 영국 최초의 여성작가의 작품임에도 중세 영어의 어려움 때문에 1970년대 말까지 많은 연구가 이루어지지 않았다. 본 논문은 1978년의 현대영어 번역판 『서구 영성사의 고전』을 중심으로 이루어지고 있는 『계시들』에 대한 연구를 현대영어로 정확하게 해석하기 어려운 중세 영어 단어 ‘homely,’ ‘curteyse’ 분석을 기반으로 줄리안이 계시들을 통해 깨달았던 하나님의 속성을 다룬다. 줄리안은 특히 사랑으로 대변되는 삼위일체인 예수 그리스도의 인성적인 부분을 ‘친구와 같고,’ ‘친밀한’의 뜻을 지닌 ‘homely’와, ‘예의바른,’ ‘친절한’, ‘관대한’의 뜻을 포함하는 ‘curteyse’를 통해 묘사한다. 본 논문은 『계시들』의 중세영어판을 중심으로 가정의 뜻이 있는 ‘homely’와 궁정풍의 특성을 포함하는 ‘curteyse’의 중세적 의미를 분석해 본 후, 나아가 현대에서 감성적 신학의 특성을 지닌 저서로 평가되는 『계시들』에서 여성 저자의 특질 및 위대함을 찾아본다.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        젊은 세대를 중심으로 반교회적, 탈교회적 상황이 확산되는 시대적 상황은 교회의 본래적 정체성에 대한 성찰을 절실히 요청한다. 이러한 교회 본질의 회복의 일환으로서 필자는 하나님나라와 하나님나라 전도(kingdom evangelism)를 하워드 스나이더의 이론을 바탕으로 소개하고자 한다. 총 6장으로 구성된 본고는 하나님나라의 성서적 개념, 하나님나라의 신학적 논의, 스나이더의 하나님나라 모델들을 순차적으로 탐구한 후, 영적, 사회적, 생태적 구원을 총괄하는 하나님나라 전도를 교회의 본질적 사명으로 제시한다. 스나이더에 따르면 하나님나라는 본질상 현재-미래, 이생–내생, 개인–사회, 점진–급진, 인적–신적, 교권–비(非)교권 등 6중적인 양극성을 수반한다. 이런 창조적인 긴장관계에 주목하면서 그는 하나님나라의 성서적 표현과 역사적 표출을 다음과 같이 8가지로 분류한다: 1) 미래의 희망, 2) 내면의 영적 경험, 3) 신비로운 사귐, 4) 제도적인 교회, 5) 대안 사회, 6) 정치적인 국가, 7) 기독교적 문화, 8) 지상의 유토피아. 이처럼 다양한 사상 중에서 스나이더의 주관심사는 재세례파, 스탠리 하우어워스 등과 경건주의, 스탠리 존슨 등이 각각 지향했던 ‘대안 사회’ 즉 전복적 하나님나라(subversive kingdom)와 ‘기독교적 문화’, 즉 변혁적 하나님나라(transformative kingdom)에 통합적으로 기울고 있는데, 이는 양자가(특히 후자가) 성서적으로 적합한 개시된 종말론(inaugurated eschatology)에 기반하고 상기한 6중적 양극성을 전향적으로 추구하기 때문이다. 또한 후자의 스탠리 존슨이 주창한 하나님나라의 우주적 복음에 경도된 스나이더는 하나님의 창조적 주권성과 인간의 청기기적 선교성에 주목하면서 생태학적 차원까지 아우르는 하나님나라의 전일성을 강조한다. 스나이더의 하나님나라 사상에서 교회는 하나님나라 공동체로 부름을 받았다. 세속적 집단과 성별된 선교 공동체로서의 교회는 하나님의 절대 주권과 왕권의 범우주적 선포와 실현을 위해 즉, ‘회심(conversion), 제자화(discipling), 정의(justice), 문화(culture)’를 포괄하는 하나님나라 전도를 위해 세상으로 보냄을 받았다. 따라서 하나님나라 전도에 올곧게 집중할 때 교회의 정체성과 생명성은 최고로 발현되며, 바로 이 때 신적 샬롬이 영적, 사회적, 생태적으로 온 피조물의 삶에 회복되고 구현된다.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        If a missionary does not fully comprehend the concept of the mission of God, he can be said to live a second or third dimension of a missiological life. Thus, he always worries about what to eat, what to drink, or what to wear, and the mission of God cannot be fulfilled when he is tempted with these worries. The Will of God which constantly processes from the Genesis until present day surpasses the third dimension, meaning that it exceeds a line formed by connecting a dot and dot, the surface formed by these lines, and the space formed through those surfaces. In the midst of this, the Will of God should be comprehended under the universal concept that surpasses the time and space. The writer names this as the Holistic Missio Dei, or something that goes over, for “finite human mind cannot fully comprehend infinite and eternal God.” When the Will of God comprehended under the universal notion is applied to His creatures, the true mission of God can be accomplished. Through this, we can find out every element relating to mission, such as the principal agent, purpose, direction, strategy, and more. The first chapter of Genesis, which belongs to the introduction of the Old Testament, clearly demonstrates that God is the agent of mission. In the Holy Bible, New Korean Revised Version, the subject of every sentence is God. For 32 times, God is expressed in subjective or possessive. Considering that the first chapter of Genesis consists of 31 verses, every verse includes the word ‘God,’ and here, the word ‘God’ indicates Elohim. In this point of view, the Bible and church history clearly demonstrate us that God created the world and that in the midst of this, the Church was developed. The writer acknowledges that “Today’s Salvation,” which was discussed together with conservative mission perspective in the late 20th Century, should be established as the theme of mission. The conservative mission perspective always was ‘God ⟶ Church ⟶ World.’ Yet, as this proceeded to the modern mission perspectives, it was changed to ‘God ⟶ World ⟶ Church.’ In the conservative mission perspective, modern church was always a community of people with callings and an agent of dispatch. Nonetheless, in the mission of God, the agent of dispatch is God the Trinity, and Church is a community that gathers and scatters as Charles Van Engen asserts. The writer perceives that, by going one step further from the conservative mission perspective and by interpreting the mission in a declaration and participation perspective of the Gospel, the true mission can be erecting the church in the world—where Gospel is declared and God exists— and changing the world through Church. The chart based on the comparison of aforementioned mission of God and biblical foundation of the Old Testament with conservative mission perspective illustrates how missionaries should carry out the ministry work in 21st century mission field.Moreover, God’s work of salvation can not be restrained by a continent, cultural characteristic, or group. Thus, the incarnation of Christ or the declaration of Gospel should be accomplished in a place where includes all nations and races, from one person to the whole ethical group and the world. There, people who confess Jesus as Christ the Lord should have a relationship and love in the name of the Lord by establishing a community of faith such as ל 󰕗󰙌(Kahal) or ekv klhsia, and should live for the glory of God by rejoicing in the grace of Salvation. To understand the mission of God, the comprehension of the Gospel is required. The mission which Jesus Christ, who is the Gospel Himself, claims is the mission of God. Jesus Christ had a clear recognition of both the concept of God and the mission of God. Hence, that same God and the mission of God which Jesus comprehended should be appreciated. Jesus Christ perceived God as Elohim. Especially, based on Deuteronomy 6:4, He said, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD”. From the beginning, Jesus Christ incarnated to accomplish the mission of God manifested in Elohim. Philippians 2:6-11 illustrates God the Father who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped and incarnated. Jews did not understand Christ who descended to the world with the heart of God the Father. They did not apprehend the heart of Elohim, but rather said, ‘Luke 23:21.’ Christ prayed at the cross, ‘Matthew 27:46.’ Jesus Christ did not pray to God Yahweh but to God the Father Elohim. With the heart of God and through the Will of God the Father, the mission of Christ can be comprehended. The ministry of accomplishing the Will of God the Father, who earnestly desired the salvation of the world even before the Old and New Testaments were determined as Scriptures, is indeed the mission of God.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article discusses and evaluates the ministry of an American laywoman missionary Mary Fletcher Scranton and her son William Benton Scranton, who founded the JungDong Hospital, SangDong Hospital, AhHyun Church, SangDong Church, and DongDaemoon Church. The writer first starts with the following questions: “How did they define their identity as a missionary?” The writer answers it in terms of their motive to apply for missionary and their direction for mission. Second, “What was their motive, method, and purpose of mission?” Third, “What was the heritage that they bequeathed to us and what lessons can we learn from?” Answering the above questions, the writer concludes missiological implications based on his research. In particular, he provides evidence supporting that Mary and William Scranton, as apposed to other western missionaries during that time era, did not try religious colonialization and did not intend to ingrain the western civilization into Korean society. In spite of the dangers they faced, they entered into Korea with strong aspirations of missions and in concretely have contributed to building the foundation for the evangelization of Korea by planting local churches and hospitals. The biggest contribution of Mary Scranton's ministry was to challenge the sexual discrimination imposed by Confucianist beliefs, by first starting a new school for women, and thus implanting a spirit that women can work cooperatively with men, not as an inferior, but as a partner, with equal rights. With the love of Christ, William Scranton also did his best to care for the poor and the weak by building new hospitals and pharmacies. In a word, Mary and William Scranton chose Korea to actualize their vision for world mission, and lived a successful life as the Christ’s disciples by understanding the history and culture of Korea and by serving for the poor people in Korea. In spite of their just and healthy motives, method, and purpose for their mission, they, like other western missionaries in that era, lacked to provide the missional church model to Korean Christianity. We cannot learn simply out of their deep dedication and desire to develop the missional church in Korea, enlarging the kingdom of God on earth and adapting to the Korean indigenous culture. This deficit came from their lack of missional theology, being simply lay missionaries, the Scrantons lacked the proper educational background in theology. Despite their deep passions, well intended will, and endless love of Christ, they were not able to grasp the bigger picture of the missional theology, thus falling short in accomplishing God's purpose for the Korean people and the world mission.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        하나님의 선교(Missio Dei)가 1952년 이후 세계교회에 처음 등장한 후, 한국은 1969년 1월 한국기독교교회협의회(NCCK)의 제2차 총회를 “오늘의한국에있어서의Missio Dei”라는주제로열면서공교회의협의체 에 의해 정식으로 도입하였다. 한국교회가 하나님의 선교를 받아들이게 된 배경은 세 가지로 정리된다. 먼저는 NCCK회원 교단들이 주축이 된 도시산업선교(UIM)의 활동이라고 할 수 있다. UIM이Missio Dei의배경이 될 수 있었던 것은 한편, 1960년대 한국의 급격한 산업화와 노동환경의 변화, 그에 따른 성장위주의 군사독재정권에 대한 선교적 대응으로서 Missio Dei를 현재적 종말론적 시각에서 수용한 것이고 다른 한편, 예수 그리스도의 복음을 과거와는 달라진 한국적 상황에서 새롭게 발견하고 이것을 선교적 과제로 수용한 한국교회의 자의식과 신학적 발전의 결과라고 할 수 있다. 다음은 1960년대 그리스도인들의 사회 정치적 참여이다. 이들은 하나님의 통치가 한국 교회에는 물론 한국 역사속에서도 이루어져야한다는 강한 의식에서 교회는 사회문제를 진지하게 수용하여야한다고 주장하였다. NCCK 회원교회를중심으로전개된이러한 노력은 삼위일체 하나님의 선교의 영역이 교회안에 제한되지 아니하고 세계 역사속에서도 계속되어야한다는 인식이 확산됨으로써 Missio Dei신학을 공교회가 받아들이게되는 중요한 배경이 되었다. 끝으로 토착화논의이다. 그 주요 쟁점은 성서전통과 한국문화전통과의 연결성이다. 서남동은 기독교역사 의민중전승과한국의일반역사의민중전승의두백성모두고난의역사로 보고 한국교회의 선교적 과제는 기독교와 한국의 두 민중전승이 Missio Dei 안에서 합류하는 것이라고 주장하였다. 따라서 전통문화와 종교와의 대화는토착화논의의중요한주제이며, 1963년Mexico 세계선교와전도위 원회(CWME)의 쟁점이었다. 결국 한국교회의 토착화 논의에는 Missio Dei신학이 중요한 역할을 하였다. 하지만 한국교회의 ‘Missio Dei’ 이해에는중대한 문제점도 내포하고 있었다. 1976년 한국신학연구소의 심포지엄에서 ‘Missio Dei’를 지지하는 심일섭과 비판하는 김명혁이 각각 주제를 발표하면서 중대한 오류를 범하였다. 이들은 Missio Dei란 말을 공적으로 처음 사용한 때가 1952 ‘윌링엔’대회이며 ‘호켄다이크’가 주장하였다고 하였으나 대회의 공식보고서나 대회기간중에 사용된 적이 없을 뿐 아니라 Missio Dei는 후켄다이크가 아니라 독일 슈투트가르트의 감독 하르텐슈타인이 처음 사용하였기 때문이다. NCCK가 Missio Dei를 공식 수용한 총회를 직접적으로 비판한 반응은 거의 없었으나 에큐메니칼 선교에 대한 보수적인 교회들의 비판은 매우 강하였다. 대표적으로 1975 서울에서 개최된 The evangelical Conference for Mission을 들 수 있다. 이들은 “social-political oriented Missio Dei”에 대항하여구속에대한성서적가르침에근거한“Missio Christi”로대체되어 야 한다고 주장하였다. 그러나 1982년 채택된 “The Seoul Declaration: Toward an Evangelical Theology for the Third World”에서복음주의자들은 서구신학을 비판하면서 고난당하는 자들의 관점에서 자신들의 해석학을 찾고자시도하였고, 그결과Missio Dei를선언문에서고백하였다. 하지만 여전히 일부 복음주의자들은 Missio Dei를 부정적인 시각으로 보고 있다. 따라서 한국교회의 과제는 Missio Dei를 복음의 토착화를 위한 단초로 삼는것과‘Missio Dei’를한국교회의일치를위한신학적근거로활용하는 것 그리고 ‘Missio Dei’를 성령론적 관점에서 발전시키는 것이다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The missiological tension with regard to the question of salvation and humanization is dynamic, and it is found in the different perspectives between the WCC camp and Lausanne camp or evangelical and ecumenical camps on the mission. Although the naps are getting narrowed thanks to the holistic missiology, the tension still exists in the Korean context, of which example is the CCK’s case that raised objection against hosting 2013 WCC conference. This paper is, focusing on the holistic feature of humanization and salvation, to provide a missiological base to overcome the problem caused by the discrepancy between K. Barth’s “God’s humanity” and Korean Christians’ inhumanity. It analyses style and patterns of criticism on Korean Christians, and argues that the culprit which causes Korean Christians' humanity to be criticised negatively is Christ-centered and Church-centered attitude of the Korean church, which is Korean evangelical camp’s theological stance. It points out that this is caused by lack of “God’s humanity” which helps Christians remain faithful to their own identity and mission. Therefore it suggests that this problem is solved when Christians acknowledge their own raison d'etre to realize God's humanity, and that by so doing the holistic balance between salvation and humanization is to be achieved. It also suggests ecological system and internet as a sample of holistic mission field which makes the interdependent mission possible.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Im Juni 2007 werden eine koreanische Missionsgruppe in Afganisten durch Taleban gekniept und dann drei von 23 Geschleppten wurden ermordet. Seither is es in Korea gestritten, ob man in einer Mission verbotenen Staat eine Mission versuchen darf. Unter den koreanischen christlichen Gemeinden kamen dadurch zwei Gruppierungen: eine liberale Grupe moechte verbieten, in ein Mission verbotenes Land nicht zu missionieren. Aber einige konservative Missiongruppe moerchte trotzallem in solches Land einreisen, um Menschen mit anderen Glauben zu missionnieren. Welche Gruppe von den beiden besser sei, ist nicht wichtg. Wichtig ist fuer mich, dass diese Streit nicht darauf kommen soll: man moege nicht mehr missionieren. Denn das Christentum orientiert sich sehr stark mit dem Mission. Das Zentrum der Bibel, besonders des Neuen Testaments liegt an der Betonnung der Mission (Mt28, 18‐20), weil dieser Missionsbefehl von dem Wort des erhoerten Christus kommt. Mission ist naehmlich so wie Interpretation von den Praktiken der Kirche in jeder Zeit. Darum ist es selbstverstaentlich, Mission in jeden Situation anders oder sogar ganz unterschiedlich zu artikulieren. Hiermit moechte ich versuchen, Missionsverstaendnis durch die Bibel zu formulieren. Hierzu moechte man eine Lehre von der Bibel suchen. Das machen wir mit der Erzahrung von Jona im Alten Testament. Hier geht es um die Gottes Mission, missio dei. Es geht darum, dass Gott ohne Hilfe der anderen selber missionieren. In Jona zeigt Gott, wie selbstverstaentlich er arbeitet in seiner Mission ( Missio dei). Gott reagiert auf den Untatan der Menschen, z.B. Unmoralische Haltung, Ungerechtigkeit, Menschliche Kultur, bei der menschliches Werk mehr bedeutet als Gott und sein Wort. Gott arbeitet in seiner Mission nicht allein sondern immer mit dem Menschen, welcher wie Jona Gottes Wort nicht hoeren und nachfolgen. In Jona wird man lernen, warum Gott sein Wort nicht halten. Gott zieht sein Wort zuruek, wenn es um die Rettung der Menschen geht. Die Freiheit des Gottes ermoeglicht, uns unseren Grenzen zu uebergehen. Gott hat Freihet, damit ganze Welt zu missionieren.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Das Thema zum Verhältnis zwischen Israel und Völker steht im Grund der alttestamentlichen bzw. biblischen Diskussionen als ein Beispiel der Frage nach der Beziehungen zwischen ‘Subjekt’ und ‘Objekt’ der Mission im Bezirk der Missionstheologie. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht es vor allem um das Verhältnis zwischen Israel und den Völkern im Sicht der Komposition des ganzen Jesajabuches im Sinne seiner Endgestalt. Diese methodische Interesse fragt sich nicht danach, wie, von wie vielen Verfassern und in welchen verschiedenen Zeiten unser Text geschrieben bzw. in seine jetzige Endgestalt zusammengefasst wurde. Vielmehr fragt sie danach, wie sich der vorliegende Text in seiner jetzigen Endform verstehen lässt. Eine spezifische Vorstellung des Jesajabuches für den Begriff ‘Bund für das Volk’ und ‘Licht der Völker’ im Sinne der Frage nach der Problematik zwischen Israel und den Völkern ist insbesondere in Jes 42 und 49 in den sogenannte Gottesknechtliedern zu finden. Zusammenfassend hat der Gottesknecht als Verkörperung des Bundes das Ziel des Heils der Völker. Das Volk Israel spielt dabei die Rolle eines Vermittlers für das Heil der Völker. Dennoch bedeutet das Heilslicht Israels für die Völker durch die Verkörperung des Bundes ganz und gar keine Einbeziehung der Völker im Bund. Das Heil der Völker wird weder durch Ausweitung des Bundes auf die Völker noch durch ihre Aufnahme in diese Verkörperung des Bundes erschienen. Andererseits hat das Volk Israel als die Verkörperung des Bundes eine eigene Verpflichtung als Licht zum Heil der Völker. Es ist merkwürdig, dass die Frage nach der theologischen Bedeutung der Voraussetzung für das Licht des Volkes Israel als Heil der Völker kaum beachtet wird. In der Tat kommen ‘Licht’-Motive im Zusammenhang mit einer Heilsansage für das Volk Israel sehr häufig im ganzen Jesajabuch vor. ‘Licht‘ als Motiv für das Heil bzw. die Wiederherstellung des Volkes erweist sich als ein wichtiger Hinweis auf die einheitliche Komposition des ganzen Jesajabuches. Aber das Licht als Heilszeichen für das Volk Israel bzw. seine Wiederherstellung bezieht sich über das Heil Israels hinaus auf das Heil der Völker. Das Volk Israel soll für das Heil der Völker zuerst selbst zum Licht werden(42:6; 49:6). Dieses Licht Israels ist das Licht ihrer Gerechtigkeit für die Völker, weil die Völker sehen werden, dass in Zion/Jerusalem das Licht der Gerechtigkeit praktiziert wird(62,1f.). Das ganze Jesajabuch wird vor allem durch Anfang(Jes 1:2-2:4) und Ende(Jes 65:17-66:24) des Buches mit mehreren Bezügen umklammert. Dies fordert vom Leser, das Buch von Anfang bis Ende mit voller Aufmerksamkeit durchzulesen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass das ganze Jesajabuch in seiner gesamten Konzeption absichtlich eine Komposition bildet. Das heisst, dass das Zion/Jerusalem allererst gereinigt bzw. in Recht und Gerechtigkeit für die dorthin strömenden Völker gebracht werden muss. Es wird nämlich vor allem die Durchsetzung der Gerechtigkeit bzw. des Friedens Israels für das Heil der Völker bzw. allen Fleisches vorausgesetzt. Der Grund für die Völkerwallfahrt nach Zion liegt darin, dass die Tora Jhwhs aus Zion kommt, es darüber hinaus in Zion Frieden und Freude gibt. In diesem ewigen Friedensort gibt es kein Böses mehr, weil gegen die Feinde Jhwhs das ewige Gericht angekündigt wird. Nun beginnt dort ein neues Leben. Das ist das Leben für alle Menschheit aus Israel und Nicht-Israel in der neuen Schöpfung. Die Problematik der Gerechtigkeit bzw. des Friedens in Zion und damit Israel wird ein Kriterium für das Heil der Völker, weil sie dorthin strömen. Daher wird zur Erschaffung dieser neuen Erde als eine eschatologische Heilsvision besonders für die Völker zuerst die Durchsetzung der Gerechtigkeit Israels immer vorausgesetzt. Ohne diesen Gedanken geht der Sinn der gewollten Komposition des Abschlusses des Jesajabuches im Ganzen verloren. Insbesondere spricht die Neuschöpfung Gottes in Zion nicht von der zukünftigen Erwartung, sondern von der aktuellen Gegenwart, die man jetzt sehen kann. Das heisst, dass auf der erschaffenen neuen Erde die Problematik der sozialen Ungerechtigkeit nicht von der Hoffnung auf irgend eine Zukunft verdrängt, sondern hier und jetzt beseitigt werden soll. Die im Jesajabuch entfalteten Forderungen zur Praxis der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gelten. Ja, für hier und jetzt für das Gottesvolk Israel selbst! Dies zeigt sich, was die erste Aufgabe für ‘Missio Dei’ in einer neuen Diskussion der Missiontheolgie ist.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The term ‘expansion’ or ‘extension’ of the kingdom of God has been widely used in Christian theology and missiology. The author, however, suggests to use a new term, ‘revitalization’ of the kingdom of God, instead. The author sees a remainder of colonialism in the common term ‘expansion’ or ‘extension’ of the kingdom of God. It is also too aggressive. It is even restraint of God’s reign per se. Revitalization of the kingdom of God is a combination of church growth movements and church renewal movements. Therefore the main topic of this article is revitalization of the kingdom of God and the church. The author chose the term ‘revitalization’ over ‘growth,’ because the growth of real plants could be limited in a special area. The kingdom of God shouldn’t be restricted to the church. In section 1, the author deals with the kingdom of God and church renewal. The aim of church renewal is to go beyond the church boundaries to include all that is the kingdom of God. In section 2, the author handles the relation of the kingdom of God and the church. The author especially focuses on the important discussions of world mission conferences in the 1980s.’ In section 3, the author discusses the church as a seedbed and a hub of the kingdom of God. The church as a seedbed of the kingdom of God is an ecological model and it can be complementary to the ‘overspill’ model of the Grand Rapids Report of 1982. The church as a hub of the kingdom of God is an economical model. Jesus Christ, of course, is the axis of the hub. In each section, the author affirms Howard A. Snyder’s renewal view, especially his three conversion experiences: to Jesus Christ, to the church, and to the kingdom of God, as foundational to this article. The author concludes this article by quoting Snyder’s signature opener. “Once you’ve caught a vision for the kingdom of God, you’ll never be satisfied with anything less!”
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Church Growth' sollte auf das Reich Gottes zielen. Aber die Theorie von ‘Church Growth' in der ersten Periode zielte auf das persoenliche Seelenheil und das Wachsen der Gemeindemitgliedern. Es gab sehr deutlichen Unterschied zwischen ‘Church Growth' Theorie und oekumenischer Mission, die allf das Reich Gottes zur Schalomatizierung zielt. Die angehende ‘Church Growth' Theologen zur Zeit beleuchten einen oekumenischen Gesichtpunkt. D.h. gehen sie vom Standpunkt des Reiches Gottes aus. Sie sprechen als der Inhalt des Reiches Gottes von Einheit der Kirchen, Schalomatisieren der Welt, Verwirklichung des sozialen Rechts und Bewahrung der Schoepfung, die das Dialog an oekumenischen Theologen fordern. Die ‘Church Growth' Theologen in der ersten Periode akzen tuierten die Evangelisierung als Aufgabe der Kirche, die das Vorrecht immer noch vor sozialen Verantwortlichllng der Kirche geniesst. Dieser Gedanke verstehet die Kirche als eine Ausdehnung des Inkarnation Christi llnd orientiert zur Kirche, nicht zum Reich Gottes. Die Kirche steht mit Reich Gottes im Zusammenhang, aber Kirche ist kein Reich Gottes. Die Kirche wird vom Gesichtpunkt des Reiches Gottes kritisiert und reformiert sollen. In diesem Sinne ist die missionarische Aufgabe der Kirche die Antizipation des Reiches Gottes Das Spannungsverhaeltnis zwischen dem Reich Gottes und der Kirche steht zum gleichen Spannungsverhaeltnis zwischen der Gegenwaertigkeit-und der Zukunft des Reiches Gottes. Die ‘Churcb Growth' Theologen in der ersten Periode betonten die Dringlichkeit des Seelenheils und die Furcht der Hoelle, die zur komrnenden Zeit des Reiches Gottes orientieren. Die heutige angehende ‘Church Growth' Theologen erleuchten das Reich Gottes von einem escbatologiscben Spannung zwischen der Gegenwaertigkeit und der Zukunft. Das Reich Gottes wurde von Jesus angefangen, aber die Vollendung wird als ein Geschenk von Gott gegeben. Die Verschiebung der Parusie bedeutet die Liebe und Geduld Gottes fuer die Welt. In diesem Sinne ist die wichtigste Aufgabe der Kirche in dieser Zwiscbenzeit die Mission. ‘Church Growth' orientiert die Mission und richtet sich an das gesarnmte Wacbsen der Kircbe, d.h. die gleiche Zunahme an Quantitaet und Qualitaet.
        2002.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2021.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        웨슬리는 자신과 종교개혁 신학의 차이만 지나치게 강조하는 부적절한 이해에 반대해 존 뉴턴에게 자신의 신학은 “칼빈과 머리카락 하나 차이” 밖에 없음을 밝힌 바 있다. 그 차이는 무엇을 말하는가? 웨슬리는 설교 “값 없이 주시는 은총”(1739)에서 “구원의 원천이 되는 하나님의 은혜”의 특성을 “받는 모든 사람에게 값없고(free in all), 모든 사람을 위해 값없다”(free for all)라는 두 가지 키워드로 설명했다. 그중 “free for all”은 그리스도는 모든 사람을 위해 죽으셨으나 믿는 자에게 그 은혜가 적용된다는 보편 속 죄론 주장으로, 웨슬리가 칼빈주의 TULIP 교리에 반대했음을 보여준다. 그러나 ”free in all”은, 하나님의 은혜는 “그것을 받는 모든 사람에게 값없 이” 주어질 뿐 “사람의 능력이나 공로 … 선행이나 의로움 … 이룩한 것이나 됨됨이 … 에 달려있지 않음”을 의미하는 것으로, 이 주장에서 웨슬리는 종교개혁자들의 가르침을 온전히 계승한다. 웨슬리가 “free for all”의 주장에서 종교개혁 신학과 다름을 지나치게 강조해 “free in all”에서의 동질성을 간과해서는 안 될 것이다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본고는 위그 드 생빅토르(Hugues de Saint-Victor)의 저작인 『연학론』 (Didascalicon)의 전반적인 구성을 “토대-구조-완성”이라는 삼중적 모티프에 따라 고찰하였다. 첫 번째 요소인 “토대”는 성서적 신학의 기초인 히스 토리아(historia)에, 두 번째 요소인 “구조”는 성서적 구속사의 순서에 따른 교리적 의미인 알레고리아(allegoria)에, 마지막 “완성”은 성서적 신학의 정점인 영적 최고봉으로 인도하는 도덕적 해석으로서의 트로폴로기아 (tropologia)에 해당한다. 본 연구를 통해 위그 신학이 지향하는 궁극 목적인 인간 본성 안에 하나님의 형상을 회복하고자 하는 비전이 교육대계로서의 『연학론』에서 시종일관된 목표로 제시되고 있음을 확인하였다. 그 밖에 본 연구를 통해 확인한 바는 다음과 같다. 위그가 신학 연구를 준비하는 예비과정으로서의 인문학예가 지닌 중요성을 일관되게 강조하는 데서 “글 읽기”(lectio)가 그의 전반적인 학문 체계 가운데 폭넓고 견실한 토대를 점 하고 있음이 잘 입증된다. 위그의 신학적 대전(summa)이라 할 수 있는 『성사들』(De Sacramentis)을 관통하는 “창조의 사역”(opus conditionis)과 “회복의 사역”(opus restaurationis)이라는 거시적인 신학적 틀이 『연학론』 의 결말부에서 확연하게 드러나고 있다. 이에 더하여, 『연학론』의 제5권에서는 덕의 실천이 지닌 중요성이 부각되는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 이로써 위그의 초기 저작인 『연학론』이 그 주제와 구성에 있어 그의 여타 주요 저술들과 밀접하게 관련되어 있다는 것과, 아울러 그가 신학 연구의 결실로서 윤리적 모범과 목회적 실천을 힘주어 말하는 대목에서는, 그 자신이 속 하여 활동하던, 12세기 의전사제단 운동에서 추구하던 고유한 영적 에토스 (“가르침과 본보기를 통해 타인을 건덕으로 인도함”)가 반영되어 있다고 결론내릴 수 있다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 루터가 가르친 인간의 죄에 대한 제어로서 하나님의 숨어계 심의 세 종류를 제시하고, 한국 개신교에 대한 적용점을 살펴보기 위한 것 이다. 루터에게서 하나님은 첫 번째로, 신자에게는 자신을 드러내시지만, 불신자로부터 자신을 숨기신다. 참된 기독교 신자가 되는 길은 성령의 도 우심 가운데 율법과 복음을 바르게 이해하는 데 있다. 두 번째로, 하나님은 영광의 신학자로부터는 자신을 감추시지만, 십자가의 신학자에게는 자신을 드러내신다. 신자는 탐욕을 추구하여 하나님을 우상화 하는 영광의 신학을 버리고, 인간의 죄를 드러내고 극복하게 하는 십자가의 신학을 가질 때 참 된 하나님을 섬길 수 있다. 세 번째로, 하나님은 모든 신자로부터 숨어계신 다. 참된 신자는 숨어계신 하나님의 위엄을 알고, 하나님의 계시하신 뜻을 붙드는 신앙을 가져야 한다.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this article, I have analyzed certain features and theological themes as found in Noah’s Ark (De archa Noe) composed by Hugh of St. Victor, an Augustinian regular canon who lived at Paris in the Twelfth Century, by collating with his Booklet on the Making of the Ark(Libellus de formatione arche). My findings are summarized as follows: first, in the perspective of medieval biblical hermeneutics, the Victorine author elucidates certain senses that may be implied by the biblical image of Noah’s ark. In accordance with this exegetical method, the ark is understood, first of all, as a vessel that Noah made with wood and pitch as indicated in its literal and historical sense; also the Church as the body of Christ in its allegorical and doctrinal meaning; and, finally, the ark of wisdom, as signified in its tropological or moral sense, which is to be constructed within our soul by the discipline of lectio divina. Second, Hugh concentrates on the motif of spiritual ascent as implied by the tropologia of the ark. It is a highly Augustinian theological theme about a journey of the soul which, seeing how instable a situation it is driven to by the disordered love of self, becomes stimulated to ascend to the love of God. The Victorine construes this procedure to be a process for restoring to the soul the image of God that has been shattered and dispersed by the destructive effects of the original sin. In poetic imagery reminiscent of The Song of Songs, he depicts how the uplifted and integrated soul, being liquefied by the flame of love in the final stage of contemplation, flows into the mold of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, indwelling the center and summit of the ark and is re-formed to His likeness at the end. Third, as regards Dionysius’s influence upon the formation of Hugh’s theology and spirituality, I have noticed that his treatises on Noah’s ark are built up on the Dionysian symbolic principle of proceeding from visible things(the image of the ark) to invisible realities(the inner contemplation). Additionally, I have highlighted that the three ascents starting from the respective corners of concupiscence, ignorance and goodness are certainly associated with the three hierarchical actions of purification, illumination and perfection as presented in the Dionysian Celestial Hierarchy. The Victorine master, however, understands the uplifting process in terms of tropological ascent for restoring the divine image to the soul by the practice of virtues whereas the Dionysian anagogical ascension is all about attaining to the union with the unknown God by way of negation, namely, via negativa. Concerning the topic of Dionysius-rezeption in the medieval Latin Christianity, the recent scholarship remarks that Hugh has laid the first steppingstone for affectivizing the intellectual mysticism of the Areopagite by intensifying the superiority of love over knowledge. In consideration of these observations, the Hugonian treatises on Noah’s ark, permeated with the central motif of love that gives impetus to spiritual ascent and makes possible the restoration of the divine image, should be numbered among certain textual evidences illustrating the Victorine affective reading of the intellectual Dionysianism.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Nach der Reformation erscheint ein eingenartiger Pfarrer auf der Bühne in der Zeit der lutherischen Orthodoxie. Er ist Johann Arndt(1555-1621), der im Gegenteil zur Tendenz der lutherischen Orthodoxie auf die Ansicht der Mystik umfangreich eingeht. Sein Hauptwerk, Vier Bücher vom wahren Christentum(1605-1610), zeigt in einigen Maßen die Neigung für die Mystik und ist ein weitgehend lesendes Erbauungsbuch nach der Bibel in Deutschland im ganzen 17. Jahrhundert und in den folgenden Generationen weiter. Besonders drückt das letzte Buch des wahren Christentums, Liber Naturae, als zwei starke Beweise für Gott grosse Welt und kleine Welt, als Mensch aus. Arndt wollte das Ziel auf die Schöpfung der grossen Welt durch Gottes sechs Tage Schöpfung im ersten Buch Mose zum Ausdruck bringen: zu loben, preisen und kennen Gott. Arndt macht uns die Schöpfung der kleinen Welt durch die Schöpfung der grossen Welt zu sehen. Er zeigt das Licht der kleinen Welt im Menschen durch die Schöpfung des Lichtes in der grossen Welt. Bei ihm ist die sichtbare Welt von der unsichtbaren Welt nicht getrennt, sondern verbunden. Deswegen sondert nicht die Bewahrung der Schöpfung Gottes von die Existenz der Menschen ab. Die Seligkeit des einzelnen Menschen steht mit der Bewahrung der Schöpfung in Verbindung. Da der Sünder, d.h. der das Bild Gottes Verlorene, seine eigene kleine Welt verderbt, mußte die grosse Welt verderben. Daher ist es keineswegs denkbar die Trennung der Wiederherstellung der Schöpfung Gottes von der Wiederherstellung des ursprünglichen Menschen. Die Zerstörung der Schöpfungswelt beruht auf die Verderbnis des Menschen, weil der Mensch sein ursprüngliches Bild verloren hat. Deswegen ist die Seligkeit bei Arndt, das ursprüngliche Bild des Menschen in der Schöpfung wiederherzustellen, weil der urspüngliche Mensch nicht verderbt, sondern gut war.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In dieser Arbeit geht es bei Meister Eckhart um die Gottesgeburteslehre in der Seele. Eckhart erwähnt dieses Thema in seinen deutschen und lateinischen Werken, diese Lehre wird sogar in den deutschen Predigten als ein zentrales Thema behandelt. In den Eckhartsforschungen wird sie zwar sehr häufig untersucht, dennoch findet sich darin kein einheitliches Verständnis zu seiner Gottesgeburteslehre. Trotzdem wird dazu die häutige Forschungsrichtung zweifach zusammengefasst: orthodoxe Theologie und Philosophie oder als mystisch radikalisiertes Denken - scholatisch(theologisch) und philo-sophisch oder theologisch und mystisch. Diese Untersuchung fängt also damit an, wie Eckharts Gottesgeburteslehre im gedanklichen Streit zu verstehen ist. In dieser Frage ist das synthetische Vorstellung enthalten. Im Besondere werden damit Eckharts vier deutschen Predigten(101-104) analysiert, die als ein zentrales Thema die ‘Gottesgeburt in der Seele’ vorstellt. Eckharts Gedanke ‘Gottesgeburt in der Seele’ folgt der Tradition, die von den kirchlichen Vätern an überliefert wird Ferner entfaltet er seine Darstellung mit der Hilfe des aristotelischen Aspekts, der als ein wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund der damaligen Dominkaner gilt. Dies besagt, dass seine Gottesgeburteslehre von der scholastischen Tradition ausgeht, die mit der Intellekteslehre verbunden ist. Auch wenn Eckhart der scholatischen Tradition folgt, befindet sich seine gedankliche Radiaklisierung in seiner Gottesgeburteslehre: dionysische mystische Gedanken - Via negativa. Tatsächlich kann man nicht einfach sagen, dass Eckharts Lehre ‘Gottesgeburt in der Seele’ selbst mystisch ist, weil sie als andere Ausdruckformen - z.B. Logosgeburt, Sohnesgeburt - von den kirchlichen Vätern an bis zu Eckharts Zeit wiedermal erwähnt wird. Jedoch wird die mystische Neigung in den Voraussetzungen für die Gottesgeburt deutlich: Schweigen des Mittels, Unwissen, Selbstverachtung, Leerwerden und Nichts. In diesem Gedanken überträgt Eckhart Areopagita Dionysius nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch erscheint einen neuen Weg durch seine theologische Reflektion zu suchen. Eckharts Gottesgeburteslehre also kann nicht nur als dionysische Mystik bestimmt werden, die im Basis auf der Scholastik entwickelt wird, sondern auch ist es nötig, dass sein Gedanke im Verhältnis zwischen der Scholastik und der Mystik vorgestellt werden sollte, um ihn synthetisch zu verstehen.
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