A powder mixture of 70 wt% Al2O3 and 30 wt% hydroxyapatite (HA) is sintered at 1300 ℃ or 1350 ℃ for 2 h at normal pressure. An MgF2-added composition to make HA into fluorapatite (FA) is also prepared for comparison. The samples without MgF2 show α & β-tricalcium phosphates (TCPs) and Al2O3 phases with no HA at either of the sintering temperatures. In the case of 1,350 ℃, a CaAl4O7 phase is also found. Densification values are 69 and 78 %, and strengths are 156 and 104MPa for 1,300 and 1,350 ℃, respectively. Because the decomposition of HA produces a H2O vapor, fewer large pores of 5-6 μm form at 1,300 ℃. The MgF2-added samples show FA and Al2O3 phases with no TCP. Densification values are 79 and 87%, and strengths are 104 and 143 MPa for 1,300 and 1,350 ℃, respectively. No large pores are observed, and the grain size of FA (1-2 μm) is bigger than that of TCP (0.7 μm ≥) in the samples without MgF2. The resulting TCP/Al2O3 and FA/Al2O3 composites fabricated in situ exhibit strengths 6-10 times higher than monolithic TCP and HA.
The effect of Al content on the processing of reaction-bonded Al2O3 (RBAO) ceramics using 40v/o ~ 80v/o Al- Zn-Mg alloy powder was studied in order to improve traditional RBAO ceramic processes that use ~ 40v/o pure Al powder. The influence of high Al content in starting Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixtures on its particulate characteristics, reaction-bonding, microstructure, physical and mechanical properties was revealed. Starting Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixtures with 40v/o ~ 80v/o Al alloy powder were milled, reaction-bonded, post-sintered, and characterized. With an increasing Al alloy content, the milling efficiency of Al alloy powder was lowered, resulting in a larger particle size after milling. However, in spite of the larger particle size of Al alloy powder, the oxidation, i.e., reaction-bonding, of the Al alloy was successfully completed via solid and liquid state oxidation, in which the activation energy of the oxidation was nearly the same regardless of Al alloy content. After reaction-bonding and post-sintering at 1600 oC, RBAO ceramics from 80v/o Al alloy content showed a relative density of ~97% and a flexural strength of 251 MPa compared to ~ 96% and 353 MPa for RBAO ceramics from 40v/o Al alloy content, respectively. The lower flexural strength at 80v/o Al alloy content was due to the weak spinel phase that formed from Zn, Mg alloying elements in Al.
Fabrication of reaction-bonded Al2O3 (RBAO) ceramics using Al-Zn-Mg alloy powder was studied in order to improve traditional RBAO ceramic processing using Al powder. The influence on reaction-bonding and microstructure, as well as on physical and mechanical properties, of the particulate characteristics of the Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixtures after milling, was revealed. Variation of the particulate characteristics of this Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixture with milling time was reported previously. To start, the Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixture was milled, reaction-bonded, post-sintered, and characterized. During reaction-bonding of the Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixture compacts, oxidation of the Al alloy took place in two stages, that is, there was solid- and liquid-state oxidation of the Al alloy. The solid-state oxidation exhibited strong dependence on the density of surface defects on the Al-alloy particles formed during milling. Higher milling efficiency resulted in less participation of the Al alloy in reaction-bonding. This was because of its consumption by chemical reactions during milling, and subsequent powder handling, and could be rather harmful in the case of over-milling. In contrast to very little dependence of oxidation of the Al alloy on its particle size after milling, the relative density, microstructure, and flexural strength were strongly dependent on particle size after milling (i.e., on milling efficiency). The relative density and 4-point flexural strength of the RBAO ceramics in this study were ~98% and ~365 MPa, respectively, after post-sintering at 1,600˚C.
The milling and particulate characteristics of Al alloy-Al2O3 powder mixtures for a reaction-bonded Al2O3 (RBAO) process were studied. A commercially available prealloyed Al powder with Zn, Mg, Cu and Cr alloying elements (7475 series) was mixed with a calcined sinter-active Al2O3 powder and then milled in centrifugal milling equipment for ~48 hrs. The Al alloy-Al2O3 powder mixtures after milling were characterized and evaluated in various ways to reveal their particulate characteristics during milling. The milling efficiency of the Al alloy increased with a longer milling time. Comminution of the Al alloy particles started with its elongation, showing a high aspect ratio. With a longer milling time, the elongated Al alloy particle changed in terms of its shape and size, becoming equiaxially fine particles. Regardless of the milling efficiency of the Al alloy particles, all of the Al alloy particles repeatedly experienced strong plastic deformation during milling, giving rise to higher density of surface defects, such as microcracks, and leading to higher residual microstress within the Al alloy particles. The chemical reactions, oxidation behavior and hydration behavior of the Al alloy particles and the hydrolysis characteristics of their reaction with the environment were also observed during the milling process and during the subsequent powder handling steps.
High-energy mechanical milling (HEMM) and sintering into Al-Mg alloy melt were employed tofabricate an Al alloy matrix composite reinforced with submicron and micron sized Al2O3 particles. Al-basedmetal matrix composite (MMC) reinforced with submicron and micron sized Al2O3 particles was successfullyfabricated by sintering at 1000oC for 2h into Al-Mg alloy melt, which used high energy mechanical milled Al-SiO2-CuO-ZnO composite powders. Submicron/micron-sized Al2O3 particles and eutectic Si were formed by in situdisplacement reaction between Al, SiO2, CuO, and ZnO during sintering for 2h into Al-Mg alloy melt and werehomogeneously distributed in the Al-Si-(Zn, Cu) matrix. The refined grains and homogeneously distributedsubmicron/micron-sized Al2O3 particles had good interfacial adhesive, which gives good wear resistance withhigher hardness.
The composites fabricated by powder in sheath rolling method were cold-rolled by 50% reduction and annealed for 1.8 ks at various temperatures ranging from 200 to 50, for improvement of the mechanical properties. The mechanical properties and texture of the composites after rolling and annealing were investigated. The tensile strength of the composites increased significantly due to work hardening after cold rolling, however it decreased due to restoration after annealing. The strength of the composites was improved by thermo mechanical treatment. On the other hand, the texture evolution with annealing temperatures wa,i different between the unreinforced material and the composites. The unreinforced material showed a deformation (rolling) texture of which main component is {112}<111> at annealing temperatures up to 30. However, the composites have already exhibited a recrystallization texture of which main component is {001}<100> after annealing at 20. This proves that the critical temperature for recrystailization is lower in the composites than in the unreinforced ones.
Aluminum-based composites were fabricated by a powder-in sheath rolling method. A stainless steel tube with outer diameter of 12 mm and wall thickness of 1 mm was used as a sheath. A mixture of aluminum powder and particles of which volume content was varied from 5 to 20%, was filled in the tube by tap filling and then rolled by 75% reduction in thickness at ambient temperature. The rolled specimen was then sintered at 56 for 0.5 h. The mixture of Al powders and particles was successfully consolidated by the sheath rolling. The composite fabricated by the sheath rolling showed a recrystallized structure, while unreinforced Al powder compact fabricated by the same procedure showed a deformed structure. The unreinforced Al powder compact was characterized by a deformation (rolling) texture of which main component is {112}<111>, while the composite showed a mixed texture oi deformation and recrystallization. The sintering resulted in recrystallization in Al powder compact and grain growth in the composite.
The powder-in sheath rolling was applied to the fabrication of composite. A stainless steel tube with outer diameter of 12 mm and wall thickness of 1 mm was used as a sheath. Mixture of aluminum powder and particles of which volume content was varied from 5 to 20 vol.% was filled in the tube by tap filling and then rolled to 75% reduction at ambient temperature. The re]]ed specimen was sintered at 56 for 0.5 hr. The composite fabricated by the sheath rolling and subsequent sintering showed the relative density higher than 0.96. The tensile strength of the composite increased with the volume content of particles, and it reached a maximum of 90 MPa which is 1.5 times higher than unreinforced material. The elongation decreased with the volume content of particles. It is concluded that the powder-in sheath rolling is an effective method for fabrication of composite.
Al2O3-SiC 화합물 분말이 SiO2, A1 그리고 C 분말들을 원료분말로 하여 SHS(self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis)법에 의해 제조되었다. 원료 분말에서의 몰비, 성형압력, 반응물의 초기온도의 영향이 생성물과 연소과정에 대해 연구되었다. SiO2/A1/C계의 자전연소합성은 낮은 연소온도 때문에 400˚C 이상으로 예열되어야 한다. 연소반응의 결과로서 최종생성물의 순도는 반응물의 순도보다 높았다. 이 계에서 SiO2:Al:C의 적당한 몰비는 3.0:4.0:6.0이었고, free carbon은 30min 동안 650˚C에서 배소함으로써 제거되었다. 본 연구에서 상압소결은 1700˚C에서 powder bed를 사용한 표본의 분해를 제어하고 치밀한 소결체를 얻는데 매우 효과적이었다. hot-pressing으로 생성된 소결체는 이론비교밀도의 약 98%이었다.
금속기지 복합물은 구조용 재료로서 매우 우수한 성질을 지니고 있어 광범위하게 연구되어져 왔다. Al2O3와 SiC는 그들의 우수한 기계적 특성 때문에 일반적인 보강재로서 사용되어져 왔다. 그러나 이들 세라믹 보강재는 비싼 재조 비용 때문에 특별한 목적을 위해서만 한정되어 사용되어져 왔다. 본 연구에서는 우리는 Al 합금기지 복합물에서 SHS법에 의해 합성된 Al2O3-SiC 분말의 보강재로서의 응용 가능성을 살펴보았다. 또한 Al2O3단섬유를 Al기지 하이브리드 복합물에 적용하기 위하여 합성된 분말과 함께 첨가하였다. 25vol% 강화재의 복합물을 제조하기 위하여 용탕단조법을 사용하였다. 미세구조와 결정구조는 SEM, OM 그리고 XRD로 관찰하였고 압축시험과 마모시험으로 기계적인 성질들을 조사하였다.
The purpose of this experimental study is to investigate the application of materials of construction using TiO2. The functional Al2O3-TiO2 carrier powder was fabricated by sol-gel method, this is mixed in a cement mortar. As a result, compressive strength of mortar using Al2O3-TiO2 powder was confirmed to be superior than mortar using ordinary TiO2.