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        검색결과 183

        2024.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        AR (alkali resistant)-glass fibers were developed to provide better alkali resistance, but there is currently no research on AR-glass fiber manufacturing. In this study, we fabricated glass fiber from AR-glass using a continuous spinning process with 40 wt% refused coal ore. To confirm the melting properties of the marble glass, raw material was put into a (platinum) Pt crucible and melted at temperatures up to 1,650 °C for 2 h and then annealed. To confirm the transparent clear marble glass, visible transmittance was measured and the fiber spinning condition was investigated by high temperature viscosity measurement. A change in diameter was observed according to winding speed in the range of 100 to 700 rpm. We also checked the change in diameter as a function of fiberizing temperature in the range of 1,240 to 1,340 °C. As winding speed increased at constant temperature, fiber diameter tended to decrease. However, at fiberizing temperature at constant winding speed, fiber diameter tended to increase. The properties of the prepared spinning fibers were confirmed by optical microscope, tensile strength, modulus and alkali-resistance tests.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, a coal-based pitch containing 12.1% quinoline insoluble (QI) underwent isothermal heat treatment, and changes in the mesophase microstructure were analyzed for the heat treatment duration. The nuclei creation and growth rate of mesophase were affected by the distribution of QI particles in the pitch. The growth process could be explained in four regions through the mesophase area fraction. During the carbonization of carbon blocks, mesophase formation was induced in the binder phase. The physical properties of carbon blocks were measured as a function of residence time. As residence time increased, bulk density decreased and porosity increased, but electrical conductivity increased. It was determined that forming a mesophase in the binder phase during carbonization reduced the size of large pores in carbon block and improved the connectivity between particles, thereby increasing electrical conductivity. These results are expected to show greater improvement in electrical properties after graphitization.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the aromatic carbon content of epoxy resin (EP) increased via carbon tar pitch (CTP) modification, and the CTP occurred self-polymerization reaction. The carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of CTP and the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of EP occurred chemical cross-linking reaction. CTP and graphitization treatment promoted EP CF carbon crystal growth. The graphitization degree of pure EP CF and 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF are 8.42% and 44.21%, respectively. With the increase CTP content, the cell size, ligament junction and density of graphitization modified EP CF gradually increased, while the number of pores and cells gradually decreased. The cell size, ligament junction size and density of 40 wt% CTP modified graphitization EP CF increased to 1200 μm, 280 μm and 0.5033 g/cm3, respectively. EP CF exhibits entangling carbon ribbon and isotropic amorphous carbon. The 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF is composed of evenly distributed amorphous resin carbon and graphite domain CTP carbon. The graphitization modified EP CF improved electrical conductivity, and the electrical conductivity of 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF is 126.6 S/m. The compressive strength can be decided by EP carbon strength and its char yield, and graphitization 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF reached 4.9 MPa. This study provides some basis for preparation and application of CTP modified EP CF.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, the efficient and clean utilization of coal has been widely concerned by scholars at home and abroad. Despite the abundance of global coal resources, the deep utilization rate of coal is still insufficient. To address this challenge, it has been explored the development and preparation of coal-based high value-added carbonaceous materials. In the present study, a novel process was developed for the preparation of graphene using biphenyl sourced from low-rank coal. Using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology, it was successfully implemented for us to grow high-quality graphene on copper foils. The prepared graphene products were observed and characterized using Raman spectroscopy, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The results of this research provide a new perspective for the utilization of low-rank coal resources.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to identify and analyze the effects of both isothermal heat treatment temperature and residence time on the formation of mesophase in coal tar pitch, especially with respect to its microstructural and crystalline evolution. The formation and growth of mesophase resulted in a decrease in d002 and an increase in Lc, and the degree of such variation was larger when the isothermal heat treatment temperature was higher. In isothermally heat-treated pitch, two distinct domains were observed: less developed crystalline carbon (LDCC) and more developed crystalline carbon (MDCC). When pitch was isothermally heat-treated at 375 °C for 20 h, d002 was 4.015 Å in the LDCC and 3.515 Å in the MDCC. Higher isothermal heat-treatment temperatures accelerated the formation, growth, and coalescence of mesophase. Indeed, in the pitch specimen isothermally heat-treated at 425 °C for 20 h, d002 was 3.809 Å in the LDCC and 3.471 Å in the MDCC. The evolution of mesophase was characterized by pronounced inflection points in d002 curves. It was found that the emergence of these inflection points coincided with pronounced changes in the microstructure of mesophase. This finding confirmed the relationship between inflection points in d002 and the microstructure of mesophase.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oxygen-rich porous carbon is of great interest for energy storage applications due to its improved local electronic structures compared with unmodified porous carbon. However, a tunable method for the preparation of oxygen-rich porous carbon with a special microstructure is still worth developing. Herein, a novel modification of porous carbon with different microstructures is facilely prepared via low-temperature solvothermal and KOH activation methods that employ the coal tar and eight substances, such as cellulose as carbon source and modifier, respectively. By testing the yield, surface group structure, lattice structures, morphology, thermal weight loss, and specific capacitance of carbonaceous mesophase, cellulose–hydrochloric acid is identified as the additive for the preparation of oxygen-rich coal tar-based porous carbon. The obtained porous carbon displays a specific surface area of up to 859.49 m2 g− 1 and an average pore diameter of 2.39 nm. More importantly, the material delivers a high capacity of 275.95 F g− 1 at 0.3 A g− 1 and maintains a high capacitance of 220 F g− 1 even at 10 A g− 1. When in a neutral electrolyte, it can still retain a reversible capacity of 236.72 F g− 1 at 0.3 A g− 1 and 136.79 F g− 1 at 10 A g− 1. This work may provide insight into the design of carbon anode materials with high specific capacity.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The spherical mesophases are the main precursors for the high tap density of carbonaceous anode batteries. However, it is challenging to control mesophase size without coalescence and no deformation since it quickly coalesces into a regular large sphere. Here, we propose a feasible extraction method to refine the spherical size of mesophase using benzene. Thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of untreated pitch revealed that the maximum temperature for mesophase nucleation should not exceed 410 °C to provoke the nucleation of mesophase spheres while maintaining a high pyrolysis yield. The extraction results showed that the extraction weight tends to decrease with an increase in the solvent ratio. There is an exponential relationship between the influence of solvent ratio and the ability for extraction. The solubility of the spherical mesophase in benzene is size-dependent and can dissolve selectively spherical mesophases smaller than 5 μm. Consequently, a monodisperse spherical mesophase was obtained. The reason for forming uniform mesophase spheres can be explained by their thermodynamic state, as described by the “two-step” classical nucleation theory. Benzene effectively improves the size distribution of spherical mesophase by dissolving small sizes while retaining large ones.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is difficult to optimize the process parameters of directly preparing carbonaceous mesophase (CMs) by solvothermal method using coal tar as raw material. To solve this problem, a Decision Tree model for CMs preparation (DTC) was established based on the relationship between the process parameters and the yields of CMs. Then, the importance of variables in the preparation process for CMs was predicted, the relationship between experimental conditions and yields was revealed, and the preparation process conditions were also optimized by the DTC. The prediction results showed that the importance of the variables was raw material type, solvothermal temperature, solvothermal time, solvent amount, and additive type in order. And the optimized reaction conditions were as follows: coal tar was pretreated by decompress distillation and centrifugation, the solvent amount was 50.0 ml, the solvothermal temperature was 230 °C, and the reaction time was 5 h. These prediction results were consistent with the actual experimental results, and the error between the predicted yields and the actual yields was about − 1.1%. Furthermore, the prediction error of DTC method was within the acceptable range when the data sample sets were reduced to 100 sets. These results proved that the established DTC for chemical process optimization can effectively lessen the experimental workload and has high application value.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Coking coal is an important raw material for coke production. In this study, in an inert atmosphere, two Chinese coking coal samples were, respectively, heated gradually to 1200 °C to release volatile and form char and coke in succession, then cooled naturally to close room temperature to age the coke. The whole heating and cooling process on carbonization were monitored in situ by simultaneous small and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS-WAXS) technique based on a synchrotron radiation platform. The simultaneous structural changes of pore and skeleton in coal during carbonization are revealed for the first time. The two raw coal samples, with similar carbon content and slightly different coalification degree, undergone a carbonization process similar in whole and different in parts. The carbonization presents approximately three stages during heating process and one stage during cooling process. The coal structure changes wavily during heating and monotonously during cooling. The corresponding structural change mechanism is analyzed.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Coal tar pitch is a product with high carbon content and aromatic compounds. Modified coal tar pitch is a high quality raw material for the preparation of intermediate phase pitch, needle coke, carbon microspheres, et al. In this paper, modified coal tar pitch was used as raw material, nitrogen was used as protective gas, and thermal conversion was carried out at constant temperatures (370, 390, 410, 420 °C). Polarized light microscopy, SEM, elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and XRD diffraction combined with split-peak fitting were used to characterize the microstructures of the thermal transformation products. The results showed that the Iar and CH3/ CH2 contents of the products increased with the gradual increase of the thermal conversion temperature, and the aromatic content increased. And the higher the temperature at the same heating rate, the more the ideal graphite microcrystal content, and the defective graphite microcrystals are converted into ideal graphite microcrystals during the thermal conversion process. When the reaction temperature exceeds 390 °C, the microstructure of the thermal transformation products is anisotropic spheres, and the small spheres fuse with each other and tend to be basin-like and mosaic structure as the temperature increases.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The team has studied the relationship between the ability of the coals to be dissolved in crude anthracene oil and their composition. The coal samples taken from different deposits in Russia and Mongolia were characterized by different stages of metamorphism and tested by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance. The data of a correlation analysis enabled us to find out that an amount of aromatic structures in coal macromolecules provided the main influence on the thermal dissolution of the coals. The middle-rank coals had the highest rates of coal organic matter transfer to liquid products. The data showed that the dissolution process was accompanied by destruction of weak bonds among aliphatic groups. The amount of methylene groups in the aliphatic part of coal macromolecules had a direct impact on conversion of the coal organic matter into soluble products.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In korea, 500MW standard coal fired power plants were designed and operated for the initial base load, so facility stability was prioritized from facility problem to treatment, but now we needed to research for minimizing greehouse gas emissions at the operation of coal fired power plants. research on various facilities and technologies was actively conducted to reduce environment pollutants was drastically reduced, but research and attempts on coping measures in the event of a reduction facility problem were in sufficient. this study considered investigated ways to minimized pollutants by quickly responding to logic development and application of the load runback concept in case of serious problems with environmental pollutant reduction facilities such as NOx reduction selective catalytic reduction facilities, SOx reduction wet flue gas desulpherisation facilities, and TSP(Total Suspended Particles) collection low temperature electric precipitator.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Coal-based graphite has become the main material of emerging industries. The microstructure of coal-based graphite plays an important role in its applications in many fields. In this paper, the effect of carbon disulfide/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solvent mixture extraction on the microstructure of bituminous coal-based graphite was systematically studied through preliminary extraction coupled with high-temperature graphitization. The graphitization degree g (75.65%) of the coal residue-based graphite was significantly higher than that of the raw coal-based graphite. The crystallite size La of the coal residue-based graphite was reduced by 47.06% compared with the raw coal-based graphite. The ID/ IG value of the coal residue-based graphite is smaller than that of the raw coal-based graphite. The specific surface area (16.72 m2/ g) and total pore volume (0.0567 m3/ g) of the coal residue-based graphite are increased in varying degrees compared with the raw coal-based graphite. This study found a carbon source that can be used to prepare coal-based graphite with high graphitization degree. The results are expected to provide a theoretical basis for further clean and efficient utilization of the coal residue resources.
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