This study conducted an acute toxicity assessment using Daphnia magna to evaluate the potential for increased toxicity when pharmaceuticals persist in aquatic environments not as single substances but in mixed forms. In single-substance toxicity tests, the antibiotics clarithromycin and sulfamethoxazole showed EC50 values of 22.3 mg L-1 and 61.05 mg L-1, respectively. However, the EC50 for the mixture of the two substances was determined to be 31.1 mg L-1. Based on these findings, applying the Similar Mode of Action (MOA) equation from the QSAR Toolbox, as recommended by OECD non-testing methods, produced an estimated EC50 of 33.7 mg L-1 for the mixture, showing a difference of 8.5% compared to the experimental value. This study confirms that combined exposure to pharmaceuticals can increase toxicity due to synergistic effects, indicating a significant potential risk to aquatic ecosystems. According to the UN-GHS classification criteria, clarithromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and their mixture were all classified as Category 3, indicating potential toxicity to aquatic organisms. These results emphasize the importance of toxicity assessments that consider interactions between multiple contaminants in real environmental settings, contributing to the development of effective toxicity evaluation and management strategies for the protection of aquatic ecosystems.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between ecotoxicity and water quality items using Daphnia magna in public sewage treatment plant process and to obtain operational data to control ecotoxicity through research on removal efficiency. The average value of ecotoxicity was 1.39 TU in the influent, 1.50 TU in the grit chamber, and 0.84 TU in the primary settling tank and it was found that most organic matters, nitrogen, and phosphorus were removed through biological treatment in the bioreactor. Using Pearson’s correlation analysis, the positive correlation was confirmed in the order of ecotoxicity and water quality items TOC, BOD, T-N, NH3-N, SS, EC, and Cu. As a result of conducting a multilinear regression analysis with items representing positive correlation as independent variables, the regression model was found to be statistically significant, and the explanatory power of the regression model was about 81.6%. TOC was found to have a significant effect on ecotoxicity with B=0.009 (p<.001) and Cu with B=16.670 (p<.001), and since the B sign is positive (+), an increase of 1 in TOC increases the value of ecotoxicity by 0.009 and an increase in Cu by 1 increases the value of ecotoxicity by 16.670. TOC (β=0.789, p<.001) and Cu (β=0.209, p<.001) were found to have a significant positive effect on ecotoxicity. TOC and Cu have a great effect on ecotoxicity in the sewage treatment plant process, and it is judged that TOC and Cu should be considered preferentially and controlled in order to efficiently control ecotoxicity.
Insect-resistant transgenic (Bt-9) rice was generated by inserting the mCry1Ac1 a modified gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis into the genome of a conventional variety of rice (Ilmibyeo). With regard to the potential problems of safety, the non-target organism evaluation is required as an essential element for the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified (GM) crops. For biosafety assessment, we studied the effects on survival of cantor Daphnia magna, a commonly used as a model organism in ecotoxicological studies. D. magna fed on Bt-transgenic rice (Bt-9) and its near non-GM counterparts (Ilmibyeo) grown in the same environment (100% ground rice suspension). The Bt-9 rice was comfirmed to have the insertion of T-DNA and protein expression by the PCR and ELISA analysis. Feeding study showed similar cumulative immobility and abnormal response of Daphnia magna between Bt-9 rice and Ilmibyeo. 48hr-EC50 values of Bt-9 and Ilmi rice showed 4,400 mg/L (95% confidence limits: 3861.01 ~ 5015.01 mg/L) and 5,564mg/L (95% confidence limits: 4780.03 ~ 6476.93 mg/L) respectively. The rice NOEC (No observed effect concentration) value for D. magna was suggested 1,620mg/L. We conclude that the tested Bt-9 and Ilmi similar cumulative immobility for D. magna the widely used model organism. We found out that there is strong possibility that the growth of Bt-9 didn’t affect to non-target insects.
This study evaluated the ecotoxicological properties of livestock waste water treated by a LID (Low Impact Development) system, using a mixture of bio-reeds and bio-ceramics as suitable bed media for a subsequent treatment process of a livestock wastewater treatment plant. The relationship between the pollutant reduction rate and the ecotoxicity was analyzed with the effluents from the inlet pilot plant, with vegetated swale and wetlands and the batch type of an infiltration trench. Each pilot plant consisted of a bio process using bio-reeds and bioceramics as bed media, as well as a general process using general reeds and a bed as a control group. The results indicated that, after applying the HRT 24 hour LID method, the ecotoxicity was considerably lowered and the batch type pilot plant was shown to be effective for toxicity reduction. The LID method is expected to be effective for water quality management, considering ecotoxicity by not only as a nonpoint source pollution abatement facility but also, as a subsequent treatment process linked with a livestock manure purification facility. It is necessary to take the LID technic optimization study further to apply it as a subsequent process for livestock wastewater treatment.
Aquatic ecosystems are receiving various harmful effects due to anthropogenic chemical pollutions. To protect wildlife, risk assessments of the chemicals are conducted using reference indexes of toxicity estimated by species-level laboratory tests and/or micro-/mesocosm community-level studies. However, the existing micro-/mesocosm communities are structurally too complicated, and it is also difficult to compare the experimental results directly with those from species-level tests. Here, we developed a procedure of a simple bi-trophic microcosm experiment which contains the common species (a green algae, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and a cladoceran, Daphnia magna) for testing chemical toxicities. For the proper operation of bitrophic microcosm experiment, the minimum required concentration of primary producer (P. subcapitata) is 5×105 cells mL-1. The microcosm system showed higher stability when the initially introduced D. magna population was composed of neonates (<24-h old) than adults and those mixture. This simple microcosm system would be an applicable tool to estimate the disturbing impacts of pollutants on plant-herbivore interactions, and linking the species- and population-/community level risk assessments in the future studies.
The vitamin E enhanced transgenic soybean was developed by introducing a perilla γ- tocopherol methyltransferase gene (γ-TMT) under the control of pea vicilin promoter and a selection marker, phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) gene. With regard to the potential problems of safety, the non-target organism evaluation is required as an essential element for the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified (GM) crops. We studied the effects of the vitamin E enhanced transgenic soybean feeding on survival of Daphnia magna which is commonly used as a model organism in ecotoxicological studies. The Daphnia magna was fed on vitamin E enhanced transgenic soybean and non-genetically modified (non-GM) soybean (Willams 82) at 0, 1,000, 1,800, 3,240, 5,830, 10,500 and 20,000 mg/L concentrations, respectively. The GM soybean used for the test was confirmed to have the γ-TMT/PAT gene expression by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. The results showed that there was no significant differences between cumulative immobilities of Daphnia magna fed on GM soybean and non-GM soybean. The 48hr-EC50 values showed no significant differences between GM soybean (2,416 mg/L) and non-GM soybean (2,408 mg/L). The results of this study suggested that there was no significant differences in toxicity for Daphnia magna between GM soybean and non-GM counterpart.
본 연구에서는 경기도 안산 도금폐수 처리시설에서 총 4 개 시료를 대상으로 국내 생태독성시험 표준 생물 종인 D. magna와 국내서식 종 E. agilis를 이용한 생태독성을 수행 하였다. 시료에 대한 독성원인물질 탐색은 D. magna 급성 독성시험법을 이용하여 1) 시료 내 개별 중금속 농도와 시 료의 독성영향과의 상관분석, 2) 원인물질탐색 실험 (단계적 pH, SS, 중금속, 산화제 Test), 3) 중금속 목적물질에 대한 독 성영향 농도와 시료 내 목적물질의 농도와의 비교 등을 통 해 평가하였다. 도금폐수 시료에 대한 E. agilis 시험법의 적 용 가능성 평가는 E. agilis 실시간 생태독성 모니터링장비 (E-Tox 시스템)를 이용하여 수행하였다. D. magna 시험 결 과, 시료의 독성원인물질군은 부유물질 (SS), 산화제 그리고 중금속으로 예측되었으며 개별 중금속 원인물질은 Cu, Hg, Ag로 판단되었다. E. agilis는 D. magna에 비해 독성 민감도 는 높지 않으나 D. magna에 독성영향을 나타내는 도금폐수 시료에 신속하고 민감하게 반응하였다. 본 연구의 결과 D. magna를 이용한 단계별 독성원인물질 탐색평가과정은 생 태독성기준을 초과하는 도금폐수 시료에 대한 독성 원인물 질을 파악하는데 효과적으로 나타났다. 또한 E-agilis 시험은 향후 도금폐수의 수질을 실시간으로 모니터링 하는데 적용 가능 할 것으로 판단된다.
A response surface methodology (RSM) was used to evaluate how pH and ionic strength (IS) affect the fate (i.e. size and colloidal stability) of an SC formulation containing the pyrethroid β-cyfluthrin. The response surfaces determined under a range of environmentally relevant conditions were then used to assess the toxicity of the SC formulation of β-cyfluthrin to D. magna. The changes in hydrodynamic diameter (HDD) and colloidal stability as determined by zeta potential measurement were closely related to either or both of the change in pH and IS with the linear factor of IS being the most significant factor affecting those changes. Thus, the concentration of SC formulation of β-cyfluthrin remaining in the water column was dependent on the pH and IS conditions and highest when the colloidal suspension contained small particles or a lack of agglomeration leading to sedimentation of the particles. The toxicity results show correspondingly higher toxicity to D. magna when exposed to the SC formulation of β-cyfluthrin when pH and IS conditions favor formation of either the smallest HDD or most stable colloidal suspensions.
Nonylphenol is one of endocrine disruptors, as structurally stable, hydrophobic compounds exhibit high condensability and long-lasting in the natural environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the toxic effects of nonylphenol on Daphnia magna. In acute toxicity test, D. magna was exposed for 48 h at concentrations of 0, 10, 18, 32, 56 and 100 μg L-1 nonylphenol. In chronic toxicity test, D. magna were exposed through water for 21 days at concentrations of 0, 1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 5.6 and 10 μg L-1 nonylphenol. Acute toxicity was assessed on the basis of immobility, while chronic toxicity was assessed on the basis of fecundity. The acute toxicity test on nonylphenol was showed that the values of 24 h and 48 h EC50 were 25.0 μg L-1 and 13.7 μg L-1, respectively. In chronic test, fecundity was reduced significantly at 5.6 μg L-1 of nonylphenol. These results indicated that nonylphenol have some hazard for acute or chronic toxicity to freshwater invertebrate organism.
유해조류의 생물학적 제어를 위하여 여과능이 입증된 패류와 동물플랑크톤을 혼합적용하고, 현장적용 가능성을 검토하였다. 실험수는 매년 남조 Microcystis aeruginosa가 대발생하는 일감호 (서울)의 현장수, sediment, 배지를 대형 수조에 일정량 넣고 인위적으로 조류대발생을 일으켜 유지하고 있는 실험수를 이용하였다. 실험은 동물플랑크톤만 처리한 Z군 (40 individuals L-1), 패류만 처리한 M군 (2 individuals L-1), 동물플랑크톤과 패류를 모두 첨가한 ZM군 (Z, M군의 밀도를 합한 것)으로 설계하였다. 수심별 조류제어 효과를 확인하기 위하여 표층, 중층에서 각각 일정량의 실험수를 꺼내 엽록소량의 경시적 변화를 측정하였다. 결과, 중층의 모든 처리구에서 Chl-a의 감소를 보였으며 24시간째 Z군은 63.2%의 제어율을 보인 반면, M군과 ZM군은 각각 79.8%, 90.8%의 제어율을 나타내 뚜렷한 억제효과를 보였다. 표층의 경우, Z군과 ZM군은 각각 51.9%, 63.4% 등으로 50% 이상의 억제효과를 보인 반면, M군의 경우 대조군의 27.4%로서 가장 낮은 제어율을 보였다. 결과를 종합하면, 두 생물제재의 혼합이 수층에 상관없이 그 효과는 입증되었으나 남조 M. aeruginosa의 부유성을 감안한다면, 패류의 적용수심이 조류제어에 매우 중요한 인자임을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 생물제재의 혼합적용이 보다 높은 효과를 보였으며 조류의 생리적 특성과 생물 제재간의 상호관계에 대한 세밀한 연구가 요구되었다.
본 연구에서는 정제되지 않은 ZnO 및 TiO₂나노입자를 M4배지에 노출시켜 두 나노입자가 어느 정도 크기의 응집체로 변화되는지를 살펴보고 또한 두 나노입자가 수생태계 생물종인 Daphnia magna에 어떠한 영향을 초래하는지 유영저해 및 폐사율을 통해 살펴보았다. ZnO 및 TiO₂나노입자의 분말상태 크기는 각각 20 nm와 40 nm였지만, M4배지에서는 1333 nm와 1628 nm로 약 40~70배의 크기로 응집되었다. 유영저해의 경우 ZnO와 TiO₂나노입자 모두 시간 및 농도가 높아질수록 D.magna가 유영하는데 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 ZnO나노입자가 TiO₂나노입자에 비해 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 폐사율의 경우 ZnO나노입자에서는 시간 및 농도가 높아질수록 폐사되는 비율이 높았으며, TiO₂나노입자에서는 72시간이 경과된 시점의 10 ppm 이상의 농도에서 폐사하는 것으로 관찰되었다. 이는 나노입자가 해양에 유입됨으로 인해 원래의 크기에 비해 응집되어 증가되어진다는 것을 알 수 있으며, 또한 그 응집체로 인해 수생태계 생물에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.
Understanding how species will respond to projected future climate change has become important. However, the impacts of climate change on the ecosystem are very complex and uncertain, we need a reliable tool for approaching it. Mechanistic modeling can be one of the solution for handling the various factors and responses of test organisms in regard to climate change. We introduce the case study on the copper toxicity on D. magna and show the applicability of these mechanistic model approaches.
The overall objective of this case study was to simulate the chronic toxicity of copper on Daphnia magna using dynamic energy budget theory with the improved toxicity module component. The toxicity module includes toxic effects on allocation of reserve, structure, and maturity energy in the D. magna. Model calibration and verification were performed using data sets obtained from a laboratory experiment that include growth, maturity and survival measurement data of D. magna during copper exposure. The simulation results show that the response of D. magna under copper exposure was well estimated by toxicity module. Overall, the results show the dynamics model based on DEB theory can be used for estimating long-term metal toxicity on D. magna. Thus, mechanistic modeling can be utilized as a approach tool for evaluating the impacts of climate change on the ecosystem with more mechanistic description.
Environmental risk assessment aims to estimate the impacts of various stressors on populations and communities in the environment. However, most of the exposure tests conducted under the laboratory level. This gap between the controlled condition of the experiments and the complexity of the field situation can lead to irrelevant estimation of stress effects. For this reason, dynamic model approach in ecology that including integrated mechanistic understanding has become important. The dynamic models at the individual level can be used to interpret the individual’s response to stress, extrapolate which response to untested conditions, and predict the impacts on the higher ecological level.
The overall objective of this case study was to simulate the chronic toxicity of copper on Daphnia magna using dynamic energy budget theory with the improved toxicity module component. The model system was constructed and evaluated, using the PowersimⓇ software. The toxicity model system was integrated with toxic effects on allocation of reserve, structure, and maturity energy of D. magna into improved toxicity module. The model was calibrated and verified by actual data sets where obtained from a laboratory experiment including growth, maturity and survival measurement of D. magna during copper exposure. The simulation results showed that the response of D. magna under copper exposure was well estimated by model system.
We evaluated the larvicidal activity of 20 plant essential oils and components from ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) and Peru balsam (Myroxylon pereira) oils against Aedes aegypti. Of the 20 plant essential oils, ajowan and Peru balsam oils at 0.1 mg/mL exhibited 100% and 97.5% larval mortality, respectively. At this same concentration, the individual constituents, (+)-camphene, benzoic acid, thymol, carvacrol, benzyl benzonate and benzyl trans-cinnamate caused 100% mortality. The toxicity of blends of constituents identified in 2 active oils indicated that thymol and benzyl benzoate were major contributors to the larvicidal activity of the artificial blend. We also tested the acute toxicity of these 2 active oils and their major constituents against the water flea, Daphnia magna. Peru balsam oil and benzyl trans-cinnamate were the most toxic to D. magna. Two days after the treatment, residues of ajowan and Peru balsalm oils in water were 36.2% and 85.1%, respectively. Less than 50% of benzyl trans-cinnamate and thymol were detected in the water at 2 days after treatment. Our results show that the essential oils of ajowan and Peru balsam and some of their constituents have potential as botanical insecticides against Ae. aegypti mosquito larvae.
물벼룩 급성 독성 평가를 위한 비타민A 강화벼의 분자생물학적 특성을 분석한 결과, Southern blot에서 베타-카로틴 생합성을 위한 Psy와 CrtI 유전자들이 one-copy로 도입됨을 확인하였으며, 선발마커인 Bar 유전자의 단백질 검출 immunostrip 분석에서도 비타민A 강화벼에서만 검출되었다. 비타민A 강화벼의 목적하는 최종 산물인 베타-카로틴 함량도 낙동벼에 비해 8.9배 증가됨을 확인하였다. 비타민A 강화벼와 낙동벼의 농업환경 생물지표종인 물벼룩(Daphniamagna)에 대한 급성독성시험을 실시한 결과, 비타민A 강화벼의 48시간-EC50은 3,311.40 mg/L(95% 신뢰한계 : 2,901.39 ~ 3,779.23 mg/L), 무영 향농도(NOEC)는 1,800 mg/L였고, 낙동벼는 48시간-EC50은 3,655.23 mg/L(95% 신뢰한계 : 3,156.71 ~ 4,232.86 mg/L), 무영향농도는 1,800 mg/L였다. 따라서 Psy와 CrtI 유전자가 형질전환된 비타민A 강화벼 및 낙동벼가 환경 지표생물종인 물벼룩에 미치는 영향 평가 결과 상대적 동등성을 보였으며, 이는 Psy와 CrtI 유전자의 단백질 노출이 물벼룩에 부정적인 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 판단된다.
The aims of the present study were to estimate the possibility for toxicity test and compare acute toxicity of potassium dichromate in the larva stage of Neocaridina denticulata, Daphnia magna and the juvenile stage of Oryzias latipes. N. denticulate, a freshwater shrimp lives in Korea, is an indigenous species and considered to be useful for toxicity test. D. magna and O. latipes were recommended as a test species for the OECD test guideline. The 96 h-LC50 potassium dichromate value was 0.62 mg L-1 for the larva stage of N. denticulata and 168.44 mg L-1 for the juvenile stage of O. latipes. The 48 h-EC50 value was 1.27 mg L-1 for the D. magna. The study was confirmed higher sensitivity of the larva stage of N. denticulata to potassium dichromate compared to the D. magna and the juvenile stage of O. latipes.
본 연구에서는 D. magna의 배양배지로서의 국내 자연 수의 적절성을 평가하기 위하여, Elendt M4 배지에서 생산 된 태어난 지 24시간 미만 된 어린 D. magna를 Elendt M4 배지, 탈염소 수도수 및 먹는 샘물에 21일 동안 노출시켜 생존율 및 번식능력을 평가하였다. 대조배지인 Elendt M4 배지와 먹는 샘물에서 배양한 D. magna는 어미의 생존 율, 첫 배를 생산하는 시기, 생존한 어미 당 생산된 총 어 린 물벼룩 평균수, 생존한 어미 당 생산된 죽은 어린 물 벼룩 평균수는 2회의 번식시험 모두에서 Jonczyk과 Gilron (2005) 및 OECD No. 211, Daphnia magna Reproduction Test 지침서(OECD, 2008)의 기준을 벗어나지 않았 다. 그러나 탈염소 수도수에서 배양을 한 경우에는 2번의 번식시험 모두 어미의 사망률이 20% 이상으로, 배양 13 일, 15일, 18일에 사망된 개체가 관찰되었다. D. magna는 경도가 80 mg CaCO3 L-1 이상인 물에서 사용을 추천하 고 있으나, 본 연구에서 사용된 탈염소 수도수의 경도는 50~53 mg CaCO3 L-1 이었다. 탈염소 수도수에서 나타난 지연된 사망률은 배양배지의 급격한 경도 차이에 의한 영 향으로 판단된다. 그러므로 국내의 자연수(지하수, 표면 수, 탈염소 수도수 등)를 사용하여 D. magna를 배양할 경 우, 배양배지의 경도를 100 mg CaCO3 L-1 이상 강화시켜 사용하는 것이 필요하다. 그리고 궁극적으로는 국내에 서식하는 토착 물벼룩류를 대상으로 국내 수 환경에 적합 한 시험생물을 개발하는 국가적인 연구가 필요하다고 사 료된다.