본 논문에서는 일치 추적 분해를 활용한 샌드위치 복합재의 결함 탐지 및 정량화 방법을 소개한다. 샌드위치 복합재 시편을 제작하 기 위해 핸드 레이-업 공법과 핫 프레스 공법을 활용하여 결함이 존재하는 시편과 없는 시편을 제작하였다. 결함의 위치와 정도를 파 악하기 위해 플래시 서모그래피를 활용하여 확인하였다. 각각의 시편에서 데이터를 확보하기 위해 pitch-catch법을 활용한 초음파 전 파 실험을 설정하였고, 샌드위치 복합재의 표면에 부착한 압전 센서를 통해 데이터를 확보하였다. 획득한 신호는 일치 추적 분해를 이 용하여 추정 및 분해하고, 고속 푸리에 변환과 웨이블릿 변환 기반 노이즈 제거 방법과의 성능을 비교하였다. 노이즈를 제거한 신호는 각각 동일한 구조의 1-D CNN 모델에 훈련하여 성능을 비교하였다. 제안한 일치 추적 분해 기반 신호 노이즈 제거는 기존의 방법보다 높은 정확도, 안정성, 훈련 속도를 보였으며, 시간-주파수 영역에서 보다 직관적인 모드 분리를 확인하여 특성 추출을 통한 일치 추적 분해 기반 신호 전처리 및 딥러닝 모델 훈련의 가능성을 확장할 수 있음을 확인하였다.
The inorganic scintillator used in gamma spectroscopy must have good efficiency in converting the kinetic energy of charged particles into light as well as high light output and high light detection efficiency. Accordingly, various studies have been conducted to enhance the net-efficiency. One way to improve the light yield has been studied by coating scintillators with various nanoparticles, so that the scintillation light can undergo resonance on surface between scintillators and nanoparticles resulting in higher light yield. In this study, an inorganic scintillator coated with CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals using dip coating technique was proposed to improve scintillation light yield. The experiment was carried out by measuring scintillation light output, as the result of interaction between inorganic scintillator coated with CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals and gamma-ray emitted from Cs-137 gamma source. The experimental results show that the channel corresponding to 662 keV full energy peak in the Cs-137 spectrum shifted to the right by 14.37%. Further study will be conducted to investigate the detailed relationships between the scintillation light yield and the characteristics of coated perovskite nanoparticles, such as diameter of nanoparticles, coated area ratio and width of coated region.
After detection of red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) at Gamman port in Busan in September of 2017, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency has surveilled invasive ants in the area with a high invasion risk of ants. However, existing surveillance traps have several limitations such as captured ants could escape easily or it is very hard to set up the trap on a hard ground like concrete or asphalt. To solve these problems, we developed a new trap using multiple narrow tubes to attract ants to the inside of the trap and make it hard for ants to escape. The new trap can be easily set up under various conditions. The new trap has more than four times ant capturing efficacy compared to conventional pitfall traps. Our results confirmed that the new trap could prevent captured ants from escaping. We hope that this newly developed trap would contribute to the prevention of invasive ants.
This study aimed to develop strain-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers to detect Fusobacterium hwasookii KCOM 1249T, F. hwasookii KCOM 1253, F. hwasookii KCOM 1256, F. hwasookii KCOM 1258, and F. hwasookii KCOM 1268 on the basis of nucleotide sequences of a gene specific to each strain. The unique genes for each F. hwasookii strain were determined on the basis of their genome sequences using Roary. The strain-specific PCR primers based on each strain-specific gene were designed using PrimerSelect. The specificity of each PCR primer was determined using the genomic DNA of the 5 F. hwasookii strains and 25 strains of oral bacterial species. The detection limit and sensitivity of each strain-specific PCR primer pair were determined using the genomic DNA of each target strain. The results showed that the strain-specific PCR primers correspond to F. hwasookii KCOM 1249T, F. hwasookii KCOM 1253, F. hwasookii KCOM 1258, F. hwasookii KCOM 1256/F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum KCOM 1260, or F. hwasookii KCOM 1268/Fusobacterium sp. oral taxon 203 were developed. The detection limits of these strain-specific PCR primers ranged from 0.2 to 2 ng of genomic DNA for each target strain. The results suggest that these strain-specific PCR primers are valuable in quality control for detecting specific F. hwasookii strains.
고추에서 Colletotrichum scovillei를 검출하고 계수하기 위한 반선택배지가 개발되었다. 기본배지로서 Potatodextrose- agar (PDA)가 사용되었다. 반선택배지의 최종 조성은 부생성곰팡이와 세균을 저해하고, C. scovillei의 생장에 양호할 수 있도록 확립되었다. 반선택배지는 pyribencarb 와 pydiflumetofen 각각 40 μg mL-1와 세균을 방지하기 위한 streptomycin 100 μg mL-1를 포함한다. 배지의 pH는 85% lactic acid로 4.8로 조절했다. 반선택배지에 배양할 때 C. scovillei의 균사생육 저해율은 Fusarium속과 다른 부생균보 다 뚜렷이 낮았다. 반선택배지에 과실과 줄기조직 현탁액 을 평판배양하여 탄저병균이 자연 감염된 식물체로부터 C. scovillei가 검출되었고, 신뢰할 수 있고 정량할 수 있었다. 이것은 자연 감염된 고추조직에서 C. scovillei의 존재를 검출하기 위한 반선택성배지에 대한 처음 보고이다.
As the demand for the monitoring of VOCs increases, various unpowered colorimetric sensors are being developed, but the performance evaluation method of the developed sensors has not been systematically established. In this study, the device, experimental process, and data calculation methods for the performance evaluation of the colorimetric sensors were proposed. An aluminum chamber (70W× 128 L × 40 mm H) was designed to expose the sensor to a constant concentration of VOCs. In addition, an experimental apparatus was devised to evaluate the effect of environmental factors (temperature and humidity) affecting the ability of the sensor to detect VOCs. To calculate the color change value of the sensor corresponding to the concentration of VOCs, the ‘peak wavelength method’ that analyzes the wavelength of the highest intensity for high-concentration VOCs and the ‘spectral centroid method’ using a weighted arithmetic average for low-concentration VOCs were used. As a result of evaluating the ability of the colorimetric sensor to detect VOCs, which was made of polydimethylsiloxane (PMDS) by the method proposed in this study, the wavelength change values (bandgap shift) of the sensor for 1,000 ppm of benzene, toluene, oxylene, and acetone were 0.898 nm, 2.304 nm, 5.775 nm, and 0.249 nm, respectively. The precision was calculated by repeatedly measuring the sensing ability of the sensor 5 times for each type of VOCs. The precision of the sensor responses to benzene, toluene, o-xylene, and acetone were 15.23%, 7.84%, 4.14%, and 30.00% RSD, respectively. The method proposed in this study can be used to evaluate the performance of various types of VOCs colorimetric sensors.
Direct injection of genome editing tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 system into developing embryos has been widely used to generate genetically engineered pigs. The approach allows us to produce pigs carrying targeted modifications at high efficiency without having to apply somatic cell nuclear transfer. However, the targeted modifications during embryogenesis often result in mosaicism, which causes issues in phenotyping founder animals and establishing a group of pigs carrying intended modifications. This study was aimed to establish a genomic PCR and sequencing system of a single blastomere in the four-cell embryos to detect potential mosaicism. We performed genomic PCR in four individual blastomeres from four-cell embryos. We successfully amplified target genomic region from single blastomeres of 4-cell stage embryo by PCR. Sanger sequencing of the PCR amplicons obtained from the blastomeres suggested that PCR-based genotyping of single blastomere was a feasible method to determine mutation type generated by genome editing technology such as CRISPR/Cas9 in early stage embryos. In conclusion, we successfully genotyped single blastomeres in a single 4-cell stage embryo to detect potential mosaicism in porcine embryos. Our approach offers a simple platform that can be used to screen the prevalence of mosaicism from designed CRISPR/Cas9 systems.
This research uses a practical attempt to explore further determinants of consumer behaviour needs to be considered in modern TAM’s. Based on This study applies a qualitative and a quantitative method. On the one hand, qualitative data was collected with the World Café approach and on the other hand, the quantitative data was collected by an online-survey, resulting in an effective sample of 126 respondents. The findings show that consumers attitude towards self-driving cars is positive and negative. Those descriptive variables for the context of autonomous driving have to be identified as a first step. Conclusively, implications and future research topics are presented.
The object of this paper is to examine the optimum sintering condition which have excellent mechanical properties compared to the conventional oilless bearing. It is shown that the sintering rate is the most excellent at 850°C, especially KAB-23, KAB-23G, PBF-8 specimens. With increasing the nitrogen injection rate, the apparent porosity increased gradually. In contrast, with increasing the hydrogen injection rate, the apparent porosity decreased gradually. It is shown that the apparent porosity is very useful in the range of nitrogen injection rate 2Nm 3 and hydrogen injection rate 10Nm 3 .
We developed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and are establishing diagnostic systems to distinguish disease resistance- and susceptible-strains of honey bees using the SNPs. For development of SNP markers, whole genome was sequenced each from 20 individuals of “disease resistance-strain” and “susceptible-strain” of Apis mellifera ligustica using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencer. Approximately, 344 and 294 million sequence reads were mapped to the honeybee reference assembly (Amel_4.5) for each strain, respectively. Among the total 2,246,428 SNPs yielded, 33 were found to be fixed between the two strains with all homozygosity. Sixteen of them were casually amplified and sequenced from randomly selected each 10 individual of honey bees from each strain and presented strain specific SNPs. These ten SNPs were used to diagnose the two strains either by original size difference, caused by indel-accompanying SNP, typical PCR-RFLP, or AS PCR.
본 연구에서는 선택배지와 건조필름을 이용하여 신선편이 엽채류 3종(양상추, 양배추, 어린잎채소)에서 병원성 E. coli를 분리하였고, 의심집락 동정을 위해 생화학적 분석법을 사용하여 동정한 후 결과를 비교 분석하였다. 양상추 20 g, 양배추 20 g, 어린잎채소 10 g에 병원성 E. coli 혼합 균액(Enterohemorrhagic E. coli NCCP11142, Enterotoxigenic E. coli NCCP14037, Enteropathogenic E. coli NCCP14038, Enteroaggregative E. coli NCCP14039, Enteropathogenic E. coli NCCP15661)을 최종농도가 1, 2, 3 log CFU/g이 되도록 접종하였고, BPW (80~90 ml)을 넣은 후60초 동안 균질화하여 분석하였다. 연구결과, 모든 시료에서 건조필름 시험 양성, 양상추 시료 일부(최종농도 3 log CFU/g 접종시료)를 제외한 모든 시료에서 증균배양법을 이용한 정성시험결과가 음성으로 나타났다. 증균배양과 건조필름 시험을 통해 분리한 병원성 E. coli를 이용하여 생화학적 분석을 실시한 결과, 양상추에서 분리한 병원성 E. coli의 경우, API 20E 100% (44/44), Microgen GNA 100% (44/44), Food System 66.7% (10/15)의 동정률이 나타났다. 양배추의 경우, API 20E 64.7% (22/34), Microgen GNA 50% (16/32), Food System 60% (9/15), 어린잎채소의 경우, API 20E 65.1% (28/43), Microgen GNA 62.3% (27/43), Food System 53.3% (8/15)가 병원성 E. coli로 동정되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 신선편이 엽채류에 대한 병원성 E. coli 검출법 선택에 유용하게 이용될 것으로 판단된다.
In this study, a fluorescent silica nano particle is used as the surrogate for challenging test of membrane surface integrity. The particles are functionalized by a fluorescent dying agent so that as an ultraviolet light is imposed a bright fluorescent image from the particles can be taken. If a membrane surface is damaged and has a compromised part larger than the size of surrogate the fluorescent particles would pass through and contained in the permeate. An operator can directly notice whether the membrane surface is damaged or not by detecting a fluorescent image taken from the permeate. Additionally, the size of compromised part is estimated through analysing the fluorescent image in which we surmise the mass of particles included in the permeate by calculating an average RGB value of the image. The pilot scale experiments showed that this method could be applied successfully to determine if a membrane surface had a damaged parts regardless of the test condition. In the testing on the actual damaged area of 4.712 mm2, the lowest error of estimating the damaged area was –1.32% with the surrogate concentration of 80 mg/L, flux of 40 L/m2/hr for 25 minutes of detection. A further study is still going on to increase the lowest detection limit and thus decrease the error of estimation.
Recently, several companies have released H. pylori stool antigen (HpSA) test kits. However, there is little information about the usefulness of HpSA testing for Helicobacter felis, which is the major Helicobacter species in cats. The aim of the present study was to compare diagnostic methods for diagnosis of H. felis with HpSA tests and PCR assay using cat stools or gastric mucosa. Male cats (n=6) were infected with H. felis ATCC 49179 (1.0 × 109 CFU /cat) by intragastric inoculation two times at 3-day intervals, and stool specimens of cats were collected 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 21 days after infection for HpSA testing and H. felis-specific PCR. For the results, sensitivities of the HpSA test and PCR analysis were 50.0% and 83.3% respectively. Cats were sacrificed 21 days after H. felis inoculation, and gastric tissues were homogenized. All gastric biopsy specimens were positive based on a rapid urease test (RUT) (6/6, 100%) and PCR (6/6, 100%). Based on these results, the HpSA kit is useful and effective for monitoring H. felis infection using stool specimens. If an HpSA test could be made with H. felis antibodies in the future, its sensitivity could be increased further. Further, PCR assay could be successfully used to detect H. felis in stools. Application of this HpSA kit and PCR assay can be utilized as a non-invasive strategy to identify H. felis in cats.