
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Diesel engine has the advantages of strong power, low fuel consumption and good durability, so it has been widely used in transportation, automobile, ship and other fields. However, the nitrogen oxides(NOx) and particulate matter(PM) emitted by diesel engines have become one of the main causes of air pollution. Especially during idling, the engine temperature is low, and there are more residual exhaust gases in the combustion chamber, resulting in the formation of more harmful emissions. In this study, performance of a single cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection (DI) diesel engine fueled with diesel–biodiesel mixtures has been experimentally investigated. The findings show that a remarkable improvement in PM–NOx trade-off can be achieved by burning diesel-bioethanol blend fuels.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선박용 디젤엔진의 NOx 환원제로 액체 우레아를 사용하는 SCR 기술이 널리 사용되고 있다. 하지만 액체 우레아 대신에 고체 상의 암모늄 카바메이트를 NOx 환원제로 사용하면 저온 NOx 저감율 및 암모니아 저장용량 측면 등에서 다양한 장점이 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 암모늄 카바메이트를 EA, FTIR, XRD 방법으로 분석하여 순도를 관리하는 방법을 제시하고자 하였으며, 다양한 온도와 압력 조건에 암모늄 카바메이트가 노출되었을 때의 물질 변화 특성을 고찰하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 암모늄 카바메이트의 순도를 EA 분석을 통해 효과적으로 관리 할 수 있음을 알 수 있었으며, 선박용 디젤엔진의 SCR 시스템에 적용될 것으로 예상되는 열분해 온도 조건에서 가열과 냉각을 반복한 암모늄 카바메이트에 대한 FTIR 분석결과, 물질 특성은 변화하지 않는 것을 확인하였다. 또한, 대기 중에 장기간 노출된 암모늄 카바메이트는 암모늄 카보네이트로 물질 변화함을 알 수 있었다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fuel used in this study, DMM is an oxygen additive containing 42.5% oxygen by weight and dissolved in diesel fuel, also known as methyl alcohol or Dimethoxymethane (CH3-O-CH2-O-CH3). DMM, which is a colorless liquid, shows chemical characteristics of gas-liquid and is also used as a diesel fuel component. In this study, five mixtures were added to the common diesel fuel at DMM addition rates of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5% by volume. A single cylinder, four strokes, DI diesel engine was used as the test engine. Experimental data were also collected at 24 engine speed-load conditions operating in steady state. The purpose of this experiment was to study the effect of the addition ratio of oxidized fuel mixed in diesel fuel on engine power and exhaust performance. When compared with the common diesel fuel, the exhaust of Smoke was substantially reduced in all DMM mixing ratios. These results indicate that DMM can be an effective blend of diesel fuel and is an environmentally friendly alternative fuel. This study also shows that smoke and NOx emissions can be reduced at the same time through the application of oxygen fuel and EGR.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선박용 연료유가 연소하는 과정에서 배출되는 오염물질은 대기오염을 유발하고 인체에 유해한 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그에 따라, IMO에서는 선박에서 배출되는 오염물질을 규제하고 있다. 하지만 입자상물질(Particulate matter: PM)에 대한 규제는 아직 논의단계에 있으므로 선제적인 대응이 필요하다. 그러기 위해서는 입자상물질에 대한 기초적인 연구가 필수적이다. 이번 연구에서는 해상용 연료유에서 발생하는 입자상물질의 기초 데이터 구축을 위해 선박 디젤 엔진에 사용되는 연료유의 무차원 광소멸계수(Ke)를 계측하여 분석하였다. 특성 비교를 위해 육상 디젤 엔진에 사용되는 연료유를 같은 방법으로 측정하였다. 두 연료유는 황함유량과 밀도에서 차이가 난다. 무차원 광소멸계수(Ke)는 633 nm의 레이저를 이용하여 광학적인 방법으로 측정하고 중력식 필터법에 의해 채집된 입자상물질의 체적분율을 이용하여 결정하였다. 선박용 연료유에서 배출되는 입자상물질의 무차원 광소멸계수(Ke)는 8.28이고, 육상용 연료유는 8.44 이다. 두 연료유의 무차원 광소멸계수(Ke)는 측정 불확도 범위내에서 거의 유사하였다. 하지만 Rayleigh limit 해법에서 구한 값과의 비교를 통해 광산란 비중이 클 수 있는 부분과 광투과율과 채집질량과의 관계를 통해 광소멸 특성이 상이할 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 강화되는 황산화물 및 입자상물질의 배출규제를 만족시키기 위한 후처리장치인 스크러버(scrubber)에 대한 수치 해석적 연구를 수행하였다. 먼저 수치 해석을 통하여 기존 스크러버의 문제점을 파악하고, 이러한 문제점들을 개선할 수 있는 새로운 형 태의 와류형 스크러버를 설계하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 와류형 스크러버에서 배기가스는 하부에서 와류를 형성하고 그 중 일부는 바닥면 을 통과하여 가이드 베인을 따라 배출되는데, 이 때 수직 방향의 압력구배는 크지 않으나 배플의 내·외부에는 압력차가 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. 배기가스 유선의 형태를 확인한 결과, 물이 분사되지 않는 경우에는 물이 분사되는 경우에 비해 가이드 베인을 따라 출구까지 일정하게 유동하였으며, 유동의 형태에 가이드 베인과 노즐의 배열 및 수압 등이 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 와류형 스크러버의 경우 입·출구의 차압이 기존의 스크러버 대비 절반 이하로서 기관의 배압에 미치는 영향이 훨씬 적은 것으로 나타났다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the removal characteristics of gas/particulate phase pollutants for the present system. Experimentally, we performed to estimate the pressure drop and air pollution removal efficiency with physical variables such as stage number, tube velocity, tube diameter, water spray (NH4OH), and so on. It was concluded that the pressure drop was shown below 111 mmH2O lower than that of the existing scrubber (centrifugal spray chamber, over 200 mmAq) at inlet velocity 3.46 m/s and 5 stage. The particular removal efficiency of this system was to be significantly higher at 99.8% in comparison with that of the existing scrubber for 5 stage, inlet velocity 3.46 m/s and NH4OH (aq) 300 mL/min. It was estimated that the removal efficiencies of SO2 and NO2 were 80% and 70% at system inlet velocity 2.07 m/s and NH4OH (aq) 300 mL/min respectively. Additionally, the present collection system was to be considered as an effective compact system for simultaneous removal of air pollutants (gas/particulate) due to much higher removal efficiency and appropriate pressure drop without a demister.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main object of this study is to investigate the collection characteristics of an electro-static multi-staged impaction system, experimentally. The experiment is carried out to analyze the characteristics of pressure drop and collection efficiency for the present system with the experimental parameters such as the inlet velocity, stage number, applied voltage and shape of discharge electrode, etc. In results, the pressure drop is shown below 148 mmH2O lower than that of the conventional bag filter at inlet velocity 3.46 m/s and 5 stage. For 5 stage , the collection efficiencies are to be 97.4, 99.0% with the applied voltage 0 kV at the inlet velocity 2.07, 3.46 m/s, while 98.4, 99.9% with 40 kV of a sharp edge discharge electrode. Additionally, the present system is to be considered as an effective compact system for a removal of particulate pollutants from marine diesel engines due to much higher collection efficiency and appropriate pressure drop.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main object of this study is to investigate the collection characteristics of wet-type rotating porous disk system experimentally. The experiment is carried out to analyze the pressure drop and collection efficiency for the present system with the experimental parameters such as system inlet velocity, stage number, tube diameter, inlet concentration, etc. In results, for the present system, at 5 stage and υin=1.8 m/s, the pressure drop becomes significantly lower as 64 mmH2O in comparison with that of the conventional wet type scrubber (Venturi scrubber, over 250 mmH2O). The collection efficiencies increase with higher inlet velocity showing 92, 95.7, 98.4%, while SO2 removal efficiencies decrease with increment of inlet velocity as 80, 65, 50% at υin=1.08, 1.44, 1.8 m/s and tube diameter Dt=10 mm, respectively. The present system is to be considered as an effective compact system for a simultaneous removal of particle/gas phase pollutants from marine diesel engines.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main object of this study was to investigate the collection characteristics of wet-type cyclone with wall cavity. The experiment was executed to analyze the characteristics of pressure drop and collection efficiency for the present system with the experimental parameters such as water spray, water spray type, inlet velocity etc. In results, for the present system of wet-type, the pressure drop represented 35 mmH2O, while in dry-type 33 mmH2O showing lower 6% at vin=21 m/s. In case of vin=21 m/s and water spray 200 mL/min, the collection efficiency of the present system became significantly higher as 96.8% comparing to that of the conventional wet-type scrubber. Additionally, for 200 mL/min, SO2 removal efficiencies decreased with the increment of inlet velocity representing 75.0, 62.5, 50.0%, at vin=6, 9, 12 m/s, respectively.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A demand for bio-diesel oil increases as one of solution for exhaustion of fossil fuel and reduction of CO2 emission, and research on bio-diesel is being carried out. Bio-diesel oil is mainly esterified from vegetable oil with methanol in order to use for fuel on diesel engine and has demerit that costs are increased as compared with directly using like non-esterified one. Bio-diesel oil within 3% mixed with gas oil is used at present, proportion of bio-diesel oil will be increase by 5% in future. We judged that wasted soybean oil non-esterified could be used on diesel engine with an electronic fuel injection according to previous researches with a mechanical fuel injection. A performance test using only gas oil, gas oil with esterified bio-diesel oil 5% and wasted soybean oil non-esterified 5% on diesel engine with the electronic fuel injection were carried out. It is noticed that gas oil with wasted soybean oil non-esterified 5% has more similar characteristics to gas oil than gas oil with esterified bio-diesel oil 5%.
        1997.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The energy saving is one of the most important factors for profit in marine transportation. In order to reduce the fuel oil consumtion the ship's propulsion efficiency must be increased as possible. The propulsion efficiency depends upon a combination of an engine and a propeller. The propeller has better efficiency as lower rotational speed. This situation led the engine manufacturers to design the engine that has low speed, long stroke and a small number of cylinders. Consequently, the variation of rotational torque became larger than before because of the longer delay-time in fuel oil injection process and an increased output per cylinder. As this new trends the conventional mechanical-hydrualic governors for engine speed control have been replaced by digital speed controllers which adopted the PID control or the optimal control algorithm. But these control algorithms have not enough robustness to suppress the variation of the delay-time and the parameter perturbation. In this paper we consider the delay-time and the perturbation of engine parameters as the modeling uncetainties. Next we design the robust servo controller which has zero offset in steady state engine speed, based on H sub(∞) control theory. The validity of the controller was investigated through the response simulation. We used a personal computer and an analog computer as the digital controller and the engine (plant) part respectively. And, we could certify that the designed controller maintains its robust servo performance even though the engine parameters may vary.
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The combustion characteristics of diesel oil and fish oil blended with diesel oils were investigated at various blending rate of fish oil in diesel engine and constant volume combustion bomb. The evaporation and combustion duration of diesel oil and fish oil blended with diesel oils were respectively different high and low temperature. The dependence of ignition delay on the temperature was different in high and low temperature ranges which were divided at the 773K. The ignition delay become longer than that of diesel oil as the blending rate of fish oil increases, and its difference were larger at different loads. The densityof smoke was lower as the blending rate of fish oil increases, and the rate offuel consumption showed no significant difference between diesel oil and fish oil blended with diesel oils.