This study explores the development of English textbooks in North Korea through corpus-based analysis aimed at illuminating the differences between materials produced during the Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un regimes. In the context of educational reforms and changing political ideology, this study investigates BNC/COCA-based lexical coverage and the key lexical features of North Korean middle school English textbooks, highlighting the complexity, vocabulary, and readability of the learning materials. The findings revealed that the Kim Jong-un regime had implemented reforms to improve English language education, with increased lexical diversity, textual complexity, and vocabulary exposure. Although no significant differences were found between the two regimes regarding the lexical coverage of textbooks, the Kim Jong-un regime’s textbooks exhibited improvements in diversity, readability, and complexity. This study contributes to a broader understanding of the interplay between political ideology and English language education in North Korea, offering insights that have implications beyond the North Korean context and encouraging reflection on the nation-driven educational reform.
본 연구는 영어 수업 외 교실을 벗어나서 영어를 학습해야 하는 학습 자들의 부담감을 해소시키기 위해 영어 수업 시간에 활용할 수 있는 교 재 맞춤형 학습 앱의 활용을 제안하고자 하였고 교재 맞춤형 학습 앱의 사용에 대한 학습자의 태도와 인식을 함께 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위 해 교재의 각 챕터별 주제에 맞게 제작된 학습 앱이 다각적인 측면에서 사용되었다. 앱을 활용하여 어휘 학습, 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 챗봇과의 대 화나 토론과 같은 학습 활동이 이행되었다. 연구 평가를 위해 자가 평가 일지와 설문 조사를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 교재 맞춤형 학습 앱에 대한 학습자들의 만족도는 높은 것으로 나타났다(80.5%). 교재 맞춤형 앱 활 용에 대한 만족도가 높은 이유는 개인의 다양한 학습 욕구가 충족되었다 는 점, 앱 콘텐츠가 다양한 점, 이로 인해 학습에 대한 재미와 관심이 유 발된 점, 또한 교재와의 연계성이 높은 점으로 나타났다. EFL 교실에서 효율적으로 사용될 수 있도록 교재에 맞게 제작된 학습 앱은 학문 분야 별로 활발하게 개발될 필요가 있다. 교수자들은 교수요목에 맞게 학습자 의 흥미와 자기 주도적 참여를 유발시키기 위해 학습 앱과 같은 테크놀 로지를 적극적으로 활용해야 할 것이다.
This study aims to analyze the types of cognitive process required to perform vocabulary learning activities in Middle School English textbooks. For this purpose, 26 middle school English textbooks were examined, including 13 for the first year and another 13 for the second year of middle school. The results indicated that vocabulary learning activities emerged in the phase of reading, and then were categorized into pre-reading vocabulary activities and post-reading ones. Eight types of cognitive process emerged in the pre-reading phase and three types in the post-reading phase. That is, the number of vocabulary activities in pre-reading phase was larger than that in the post-reading phase. In addition, the diversity of vocabulary activities in the pre-reading phase was higher than that in the post-reading phase. Based on these results, this study suggests a new model of vocabulary learning activity in middle school English textbooks. A few implications on how to teach new words in English classrooms are discussed.
The English language textbook for classes XI-XII, currently in use nationwide in Bangladesh, has drawn numerous reactions from multiple corners of the country. Bangladeshi teachers, major stakeholders, have been noticeably concerned about the effectiveness of the design of the textbook based on their teaching experiences (Hani & Siddika, 2018). It is important to know their perceptions of the textbook, since their perceptions have a significant influence on students’ learning English through the textbook. The current study, therefore, seeks to provide information about the participant teachers and their teaching contexts in order to judge the value of the textbook design in terms of contents selection and organization. For that research purpose, interviews were conducted with 10 teachers who were, at the time of research, teaching the textbook at different colleges in a district of the country. Based on the data, the study discusses the teachers’ first-hand experience with the textbook, providing a revealing insight into how well it facilitates students’ learning in the classroom. Finally, implications are suggested that are expected to guide the design of the next applicable version of the textbook.
This study examined how teaching and learning activities in primary English textbooks include the components of creativity and character building. Three third and fourth grade level textbooks based on the 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed in order to find the proportions of the components of creativity and character building, and the types of learning activities that embody those components were analyzed by examining the teachers’ guides. The analysis revealed that all of the textbooks examined included diverse components that were intented to increase creativity, among which components stimulating divergent thinking and originality were a high proportion, while convergent thinking and dispositional aspects appeared less frequently. Among character building components, care-forgiveness and responsibility were two of the more popular components, while honesty and moral judgment were few and far between. From these findings, this study suggests that the components of creativity and character building should be more evenly distributed across textbook activities since they should be of equal importance in education.
The present study examines the features of communicative functions in middle school English textbooks, identifying whether or not they are presented based on the spiral structure. It also compares the communicative functions of 15 different middle school English textbooks and investigates whether the National English Listening Tests (NELTs) reflect the communicative functions presented in the textbooks. Two corpora were compiled using the 15 middle school English textbooks and the NELTs, and they were analyzed using WordSmith Tools. The results show that all the textbooks included communicative functions that the National Curriculum recommends; however, the textbooks presented a limited number of functions. Nonetheless, the communicative functions were presented relatively in a spiral way. The majority number of communicative functions in the textbooks and the NELTs were similar to each other, but there were some functions in the tests that were not covered in the textbooks. These results imply that more diverse communicative functions should be included in textbooks in order to help improve students’ communicative competence. The communicative functions not presented in the textbooks should not be included in the NELTs.
As a primary source of input for language learning, textbooks provide learners with various language samples. This paper investigates whether Korean English textbooks provide an adequate language model to follow, particularly focusing on how an invitation is tendered and responded to. Dialogues that contain an invitation were pulled from seven high school English textbooks and analyzed from a Conversation Analytic (CA) perspective. According to the results of analysis, textbook dialogues generally do not follow how an invitation sequence is organized in authentic English conversation as manifested by the inadequate or lacking presentation of a preinvitation, and contain invitation practices that are not yet known to occur in English conversation. It was also found that an invitation is frequently portrayed as incidentally tendered due to its occurrence with certain turn components. Lastly, textbook dialogues provide a limited variety of input as shown by the lack of insert expansion instances and the limited presentation of responses in form and position. This researchsuggests the need to incorporate our knowledge of how conversation works into scripting dialogues for English learners. (177)
This study describes the development principles of the Elementary English Digital Textbook (MEDT) and provides suggestions for the future development of English digital textbooks based on the evaluation of MEDT contents. With these purposes, the study firstly presents relevant theories about the instructional design, e-learning strategies, second language acquisition, and English teaching theories to investigate on what theoretical foundation the MEDT was developed. It then examines how the MEDT integrates and incorporates new technologies such as speech recognition, automatic writing scoring system, games, flash animation, and digital storytelling into a wide variety of English learning activities such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Thirdly, the study reports the learners" and experts" evaluations of MEDT with respect to contents, learning activities, interest, levels, and technological functions. Lastly, based on the evaluation of the MEDT, some suggestions are made on the effective use of MEDT for the implementation of enhanced, high-technological, and motivating English learning environments in Korean elementary schools.
The present study aims to examine vocabulary analysis programs suitable for English textbook authorization in the amended version of the national curriculum. The analysis of WordLister 2002, a conventional vocabulary analysis software, reveals that it fails to meet the needs necessary to authorize textbooks in terms of user-friendliness and limited uses of the vocabulary analysis output. The design of WordLister 2002 is too complicated to be used without special training. While it provides useful information on new vocabulary, it fails to provide information in comparison with the existing research on vocabulary. NLPtools, on the other hand, applies corpus analysis techniques to the analysis of textbook vocabulary. In this program, texts in the textbook are seen as a corpus. Another characteristic is that NLPtools employs analysis methods based on dictionaries. It is found that NLPtools processes special characters in the text, so that the user does not need to process them by using specified input codes as in WordLister 2002. Wordlister 2002 requires its user to register a number of words in the process of vocabulary analysis, whereas the user with NLPtools does not need to register words as its built-in dictionary has a wide range of information on words. NLPtools also provides its users with functions, by which they can get and analyze the information they need. With these advantages over the conventional software, it is suggested that NLPtools can be used as a vocabulary analysis program for textbook authorization in the amended curriculum.
The purpose of this study is to propose the development phases and the directions of the electronic textbook for English education. In order to achieve this purpose, above all, the conception of electronic textbook based on electronic book is defined. Second, the electronic and traditional printed textbook is compared. Third, the types of electronic textbook are classified, and the practical process of developing CD-ROM titles in the primary English education is presented. In this study, it is suggested that there are six phases in the development phases of the electronic textbook: analysis - design - development - experiment - evaluation - revise - application. Furthermore, the directions of the electronic textbook are proposed in terms of the design of learning contents, functional components, and technical components systematically. Particularly, learning contents based on the national curriculum should be designed in detail. Accordingly, the characteristics of English education and the possibility of application should be considered in designing the electronic textbook.