
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 47

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to evaluate the structural safety of a structural thermal barrier, installed inside the structure of a building and performed the role of a load-bearing element and an insulation simultaneously, contributing to the realization of net-zero buildings. To ensure the reliability of the analysis model, the analysis results derived from LS-DYNA were compared with the experimental results. Based on the results shown through the flexural experiment, the reliability of the thermal cross-section insulation structure model for slabs was validated. In addition, the effect of the UHPC block on the load support performance and its contribution to vertical deflection was verified.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 임해 매립지에 조성되는 골프장 부지의 자연적 장해요인을 분석하고 개선 요소를 검토하 여 향후 매립지에 조성되는 식재공사 등의 시행착오를 줄이고 경제성을 향상시키고자 한다. 선행 연 구자들의 임해 매립지 토양 환경의 이화학적 연구 결과를 토대로 영종도 국제공항 내 골프장의 토양 환경을 개선하는 방법을 배수 처리 체계와 함께 연구하였다. 그 결과로 사업 초기 단계에서부터 수목 또는 식물의 생장을 고려한 계획을 통해 경제적이며, 장기적으로 정상적인 식물 또는 수목의 생장에 도움을 꾀하고자 하였다. 연구결과로서 임해 매립지에서 식물 생육에 영향을 주는 요인 중 염분 상승 또는 식생 지반의 염분 과다는 식물 생육에 직접적인 영향이 있는 것으로 분석되었고 따라서 임해 매립지의 경우 탈염 과정을 거쳐 식물 생육에 적합한 토양으로 개선하여야 될 필요가 있으며, 이 과정 에서 염분 상승의 차단을 위한 차단층의 설치가 필요하다. 특히 모세관 상승의 차단은 입도가 큰 재료 일수록 차단 효과가 컸으며, 실험 결과를 미루어 볼 때 차단층의 두께가 클수록 확실한 모세관 상승 차단 효과가 있을 것이라 판단된다. 본 연구는 임해 매립지 조성 시 염분 상승에 의한 식물 생육 저해 요소를 감소시키기 위한 방법으로 식재기반 조성 시 매립 방법을 달리하여 지하수위를 저하 시킴으로써 모세관 상승에 의한 염분 상승을 근본적으로 차단하고자 실험적인 방법을 통해 차단층의 재료 선정 및 차단층의 두께를 결정하는데 연구의 의의를 두고 있다. 그러나 식재 단면층의 조성 두께 등 의 설정은 실내시험으로 인한 한계를 보이고 있다. 특히 서남해안의 경우 환경적 영향(밀물과 썰물의 조위 차, 일조량, 풍향, 풍량 등 염분 상승)이 되는 인자들의 변수 조건에 대한 미적용의 한계성과 염분 차단층 설치 시 염분 상승은 기대할 수 있으나 모관수 차단으로 인한 건조피해에 대한 대책은 연구과 정에서 부족했던 부분이다 추후 부족한 부분에 대한 연구는 향후 지속적으로 계속되어야 할 것이다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cs-137, a radioactive isotope of caesium, is a commonly occurring fission product that is generated during the nuclear fission of U-235 and other fissionable isotopes in both nuclear reactors and weapons. Due to its long half-life of about 30 years and propensity to accumulate in sediments and marine organisms, Cs-137 is considered a major radionuclide for environmental radioactivity monitoring. In April 2021, as the Japanese government decided to discharge Fukushima contaminated water into the sea, the monitoring of marine radioactivity in South Korea has become increasingly significant. In this study, as an initial step towards establishing a standardized procedure for analyzing radioactive caesium in seawater, the radioactivity of Cs-137 was analyzed on a 2 L of seawater spiked with 10 Bq of Cs-137 standard solution supplied by KRISS. The seawater was collected from Im-nang Beach, situated at a distance of approximately 2 kilometers from DIRAMS. The radioactivity of Cs-137 in seawater was determined according to the improved AMP procedure presented by M.Aoyama in 2000. The seawater was pretreated using Ammonium Phosphomolybdate (AMP) coprecipitation, which has a high selectivity for caesium (Kd = ~5500), and the activity of Cs-137 was determined by gammaspectroscopy and subsequently corrected via the weight yield. The weight yield of the dried AMP/Cs compound was more than 93%. For the gamma-spectroscopy analysis, the AMP/Cs compound was dissolved in a cylindrical U8 beaker with NaOH to ensure that its shape and volume were consistent with the CRM (KRISS, 221U890-1) used to calibrate the detector. The dissolved compound was then positioned directly onto the detector housing and subjected to a measurement duration of 80,000 seconds utilizing a p-type HPGe (Ortec, GEM60) with a relative efficiency of 54%. The activity of Cs-137 was determined to be 10.81 Bq, confirming the reproducibility of the AMP coprecipitation and weight yield methods. The present experiment was carried out using a 2 L sample, but a large volume of seawater would be required to achieve a sufficient minimum detectable activity (MDA) for Cs-137 in natural seawater. Thus, a standardized procedure for analysis of radioactive caesium in natural seawater will be established through the analysis of a large volume of seawater in future studies.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Geologic disposal at deep depth is an acceptable way to dispose of high-level radioactive waste and isolate it from the biosphere. The geological repository system comprises an engineered barrier system (EBS) and the host rock. The system aims to delay radionuclide migration through groundwater flow, and also, the flow affects the saturation of the bentonite in the EBS. The thermal conductivity of bentonite is a function of saturation, so the temperature in the EBS is directly related to the flow system. High-temperature results in the two-phase flow, and the two-phase flow system also affects the flow system. Therefore, comprehending the influencing parameters on the flow system is critical to ensure the safety of the disposal system. Various studies have been performed to figure out the complex two-phase flow characteristics, and numerical simulation is considered an effective way to predict the coupled behavior. DECOVALEX (DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments) is one of the most famous international cooperating projects to develop numerical methods for thermo-hydro-mechanicalchemical interaction, and Task C in the DECOVALEX-2023 has the purpose of simulating the Fullscale Emplacement (FE) experiment at the Mont-Terri underground research laboratory. We used OGS-FLAC, a self-developed numerical simulator combining OpenGeoSys and FLAC3D, for the simulation and targeted to analyze the effecting parameters on the two-phase flow system. We focused on the parameters of bentonite, a key component of the disposal system, and analyzed the effect of compressibility and air entry pressure on the flow system. Compressibility is a parameter included in the storage term, defining the fluid storage capacity of the medium. While air entry pressure is a crucial value of the water retention curve, defining the relation between saturation and capillary pressure. From a series of sensitivity analyses, low compressibility resulted in faster flow due to low storage term, while low air entry pressure slowed flow inflow into the bentonite. Low air entry pressure means the air easily enters the medium; hence the flow rate becomes lower based on the relativity permeability definition. Based on the sensitivity analysis, we further investigate the effect of shotcrete around the tunnel and excavation damaged zone. Also, long-term analysis considering heat decay of the radioactive waste will be considered in future studies.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저층 침적 위험·유해물질(Hazardous and Noxious Substances)은 해저에 침적되는 위험·유해물질로 직접 및 광학 탐지 기법의 적용 이 어렵기 때문에 수중에서 효과적인 음향 탐지 기법 적용이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 저층 침적 위험·유해물질인 클로로폼(Chloroform)을 이용한 후방산란신호 측정 실험을 통해 저층 침적 위험·유해물질 음향 탐지 가능성을 확인하였다. 제작된 아크릴 수조 내에 지점토를 이 용하여 웅덩이를 만든 후 Pan&Tilt를 이용하여 수평입사각을 90°에서 50°까지 0.5° 간격으로 변화시켜가며 클로로폼 유무에 따른 후방산란 신호 측정이 수행되었다. 송수신기를 단상태로 주파수 200 kHz, 신호길이 25 인 정현파 신호를 이용하여 송수신하였으며, 클로로폼 유 무에 따른 후방산란신호를 측정하였다. 클로로폼이 침적된 경우 수평입사각 약 80°이하에서 물과 클로로폼 경계면에서의 후방산란신호 수신준위가 작아지는 것이 확인되었다. 물과 클로로폼 경계면에서의 후방산란신호 측정된 결과를 통해 저층 침적 위험·유해물질 음향 탐 지 가능성을 확인하였다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In high-level radioactive waste disposal, a high temperature is generated from the canister containing the waste in the engineered barrier, while groundwater flows into the buffer system from the host rock. The temperature increase and groundwater inflow result in the water phase change and saturation variation. Saturation change is related to the thermal conductivity of buffer material; hence the phase change and saturation strongly interact with the temperature evolution. The complex coupled behavior affects the stability of the whole disposal system, and the security of the repository is critical to human-being life. However, it is difficult to predict the long-term coupled behavior in the disposal system due to the considerable field-test scale, and therefore a numerical simulation is a suitable method having repeatability and cost-effectiveness. DECOVALEX is an international cooperating project for developing numerical methods and models for thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) interaction. DECOVALEX has a four-year cycle with various topics. At the current phase, Task C aims to simulate the full-scale emplacement (FE) experiment performed at Mont Terri underground rock laboratory. Nine research groups are participating in the task, and among them, KAERI simulates the experiment using OGS-FLAC. The simulator combines OpenGeoSys for TH simulation and FLAC3D for M simulation. Through the benchmark simulation, we verified OGS-FLAC for the two-phase flow analysis in the disposal system and finally modeled the FE experiment with a three-dimensional grid. We performed a simple sensitivity analysis to investigate the effect of input parameters on the two-phase flow system and confirmed that the compressibility and permeability affected the flow behavior. We also compared the simulation results to the field data and obtained well-matched results from a series of simulation.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인류 문명은 재료의 발달과 함께 진화를 해왔으며 20세기 후반부터 등장한 스마트재료는 외부 환경에 맞춰 스스로 적응을 하는 재료이다. 많은 종류의 스마트재료 중 대표물질이라고 할 수 있는 형상기억합금은 온도에 반응하여 자가 치유효과 를 볼 수 있는 재료이다. 외부 하중에 의한 변형을 자가치유 효과를 사용하여 회복을 하고자 하는 연구는 계속되어 왔지만 온 도의 변화를 구조물 전체적으로 줘야한다는 많은 불편이 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이 효과를 증진하여 상온에서도 자가 치유효과를 할 수 있는 초탄성 형상기억합금을 이용한다. 구조물에 있어서의 초탄성 형상기억합금의 능력을 스테인리스강과 함 께 비교하고 비교를 위해 강재가 가장 변형되기 쉬운 형태인 와이어형태로 가공하여 다양한 인장실험을 진행한다. 인장실험의 종류는 총 3가지로 변위를 다르게, 인장속도를 다르게, 선 인장력을 다르게 하는 실험으로 진행된다. 이때의 응력, 변형률간의 그래프를 그리고 잔류변형, 재료의 항복점 및 회복, 에너지 소산과 같은 구조물에 있어서의 재료적 능력을 파악하고 따로 그래 프를 도식화 하여 해석하였다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the structural analysis and welding performance experiments were performed to reduce the weight of the semi-automatic TIG welding device. The structural analysis based on finite element method was performed on the lightweight design of the wire feeder's main frame to evaluate the structural safety and straightness of the lightweight frame. To reduce the weight of the welding wire feeder, the step motor was changed to a servo motor and a pinion gear made of lightweight reinforced plastic material was applied. In addition, a new type of welding torch was developed to reduce the weight of the welding torch and to supply more effective fillers. As a result of performing the TIG welding experiment using a prototype of TIG welding device consisting of a lightweight frame, feeding device and welding torch, it was confirmed that the working criteria were satisfied in terms of welding speed, welding bead shape, feeding uniformity and torch durability. The developed lightweight TIG welding device is expected to improve welding productivity and work convenience.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The performance enhancement of various damping systems from natural hazards has become an highly important issue in engineering field. In this paper, ENTA hysteretic dampers were tested under cyclic loadings to evaluate their performance in terms of ductility and energy dissipation. The test results showed that the hysteretic dampers are effective damping systems to enhance the buildings performance for remodeling and retrofit of buildings. Also, the hysteretic dampers were modeled in FEM(Finite Element Method) structural analysis program. As comparing the computer modeling and the experiment, this study model reflects the nonlinear behavior of steel and derives the hysteresis loop.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When reinforcing an existing reinforced concrete beam-column building with a precast concrete panel, special connection between the PC member and the RC member is required to solve the time dependent deformation of the RC member and to receive the large shear forces. The aim of this study is to obtain the shear strength of upper connection between the existing RC beam-column and infilled PC wall panels in experimentally and theoretically. Thus, the static shear loading tests were conducted on the 6 specimens with the plate connection. Shear failure was resulted from the weakest portion of interior PC panel, exterior RC, and the connection, when the PC portion which located at the center of specimen was pulled upward from the bottom. T he experimental result was compared with analytical result from ACI 318M-14 Chapter 17 for the shear strength of post-installed anchor and PCI Handbook 7th edition 6.8 Structural Steel Corbel (PCI Design Handbook 7th edition, 2010) for the strength of cast-in H-beam. The analytical and experimental results show final failure at the same location. The failure loading of experiment showed larger than average 6% to that of the analysis.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Stable Isotope Analysis (SIA) of carbon and nitrogen is useful tool for the understanding functional roles of target organisms in biological interactions in the food web. Recently, mixing model based on SIA is frequently used to determine which of the potential food sources predominantly assimilated by consumers, however, application of model is often limited and difficult for non-expert users of software. In the present study, we suggest easy manual of R software and package SIAR with example data regarding selective feeding of crustaceans dominated freshwater zooplankton community. We collected SIA data from the experimental mesocosms set up at the littoral area of eutrophic Chodae Reservoir, and analyzed the dominant crustacean species main food sources among small sized particulate organic matters (POM, <50 μm), large sized POM (>50 μm), and attached POM using mixing model. From the results obtained by SIAR model, Daphnia galeata and Ostracoda mainly consumed small sized POM while Simocephalus vetulus consumed both small and large sized POM simultaneously. Copepods collected from the reservoir showed no preferences on various food items, but in the mesocosm tanks, main food sources for the copepods was attached POM rather than planktonic preys including rotifers. The results have suggested that their roles as grazers in food web of eutrophicated reservoirs are different, and S. vetulus is more efficient grazer on wide range of food items such as large colony of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria during water bloom period.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, TbDyFe thin films with the thickness of 1000 Å are fabricated by DC magnetron sputtering. TbDyFe thin films are prepared by DC magnetron sputtering method. The pressure of Ar gas below 1.33 kPa and DC input power of 200 W are used for the sputtering conditions. During sputtering process the substrate holder is heated up to 150 ℃. The thin films are deposited to a thickness of 1000 Å on polyimide substrate with a thickness of 2 μm. The fabricated microstructures are observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the film thickness is measured. Magnetostrictions are determined from the curvature of the thin films which are measured by the optical cantilever method. The experimental results are discussed with numerical data.
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