In this study, the homogeneity and stability of standard samples for proficiency testing in indoor air quality within the country (formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, p-xylene, styrene, TVOC) were evaluated. The procedures and statistical analysis methods applied in ISO/IEC 13528 (2009) and KS A ISO Guide 35 (2005) were applied as evaluation methods. The homogeneity evaluation was a statistical analysis of repeated measurements of each of the 11 ports and between the 11 ports concentration data. As a result, the coefficient of variation (CV) was within the range of 1.9%~5.9%. The difference between the ports was found to be insignificant and met the statistical standard specified in KS Q ISO 13528. The stability evaluation was assessed by the change in concentration over the long-term stability of the standard samples stored for 90 days. The coefficient of variation (CV), which was within the range of 2.6%~9.0%, exhibited changes in the concentration of the long-term stored standard samples. However, the results satisfy the statistical standard specified in KS A ISO Guide 35. Overall, there is no significant difference between the homogeneity of the standard samples by the port and the stability of the long-term stored samples. Therefore, it is considered to be an appropriate method to supply standard samples in an indoor air quality proficiency test.
Four fungal species, during indoor air monitoring for fungi that possibly affect the field testing of a newly bred shiitake cultivar in cultivation houses located in Cheongyang, Chungnam Province and Jangheung, Jeonnam Province. Of these species, two are known to be plant pathogens and the other two are saprobes but potent contaminators in the mushroom cultivation environment. This study reports the morphological characteristics and phylogenetic relationships of these four species based on nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 18S rDNA region, including their known information.
Test methods of Korea Air Cleaning Association (KACA) and Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) for particle cleaning capacity performance of an indoor air cleaner were compared in terms of the conditions of the test particle generation, the range of particle measurement and the calculation methods for particle cleaning capacity, and types of the test particles. The performance test was conducted in a 30 m3 chamber with the same test specimen and the test particles of each test were generated until the number concentration of 0.3 ㎛ particles reached 2.2 × 108 #/m3. The performance test results showed that the cleaning capacity with the particles of higher surface area and volume density, regardless of the type of test particles, was higher than with those of lower and the capacity from calculation with 0.3~1 ㎛ particles was higher than with 0.3 ㎛ particles. Moreover, the cleaning capacity with the calculation of KACA method was lower than with that of AHAM method in spite of using the same test specimen.
The number of areas where slopes is exposed is increasing constantly due to continuous expansion of infrastructure and urban development in our country where is mostly mountainous areas, and the number of man-made disasters is also increasing accordingly. It is necessary to develop new durable seed spraying soil materials that enable stable greening on rock slopes and establish the optimal construction method that is suitable for such materials.
Therefore, a basic rearch on a method to replicate the field construction method of seed spraying soil materials indoors, produce and evaluate the specimen was carried out in this study.
건축물의 대표적인 구조는 철근콘크리트조와 철골조를 들 수 있으며, 이때 철골조는 화재발생시 철골이 고온에 노출되면 내력저하 현상이 발생하여 내화피복을 의무화하고 있다.
내화피복재는 내화뿜칠재와 내화도료로 크게 분류되며, 국내의 고층 건축물에서는 주로 내화뿜칠재를 사용하고 있으며, 국가에서 운영하는 내화구조인정제도에 의해 내화뿜칠재의 내화성능에 대한 인정 취득 후 사용하도록 하고 있다.
그러나, 내화구조 인정제도는 제품의 초기성능 평가에 중점을 두고 있어 내화뿜칠재의 장기적인 내구성에 대한 검토가 요구되어 왔으며, 미국의 세계무역센터 붕괴 최종보고서에서도 내구성 검토를 언급함에 따라 미국, 유럽 등에서는 2000년대 중반부터 내화뿜칠재에 대한 내구성 평가방법을 제정 및 사용하고 있는 반면 국내에서는 적절한 대응이 이루어지지 못하고 있는 실정이다.
이에 본 연구에서는 국내에서 내화뿜칠재의 90%이상이 업무용시설의 천장내에 시공되는 등 주로 옥내에서 사용되는 점에 착안하여 다양한 조건의 내구성 평가방법에 앞서 국내의 옥내 환경조건에 대응한 내화뿜칠재의 촉진내구성 평가방법을 정립하여 내화뿜칠재의 내구성 평가 및 기술개발에 활용함으로써 내구성 관련 기술을 향상시키는데 기여하고자 한다.