Growth modeling in plant factories can not only control stable production and yield, but also control environmental conditions by considering the relationship between environmental factors and plant growth rate. In this study, using the expolinear function, we modeled perilla [Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt.] cultivated in a plant factory. Perilla growth was investigated 12 times until flower bud differentiation occurred after planting under light intensity, photoperiod, and the ratio of mixed light conditions of 130 μmol·m-2·s-1, 12/12 h, red:green:blue (7:1:2), respectively. Additionally, modeling was performed to predict dry and fresh weights using the expolinear function. Fresh and dry weights were strongly positively correlated (r = 0.996). Except for dry weight, fresh weight showed a high positive correlation with leaf area, followed by plant height, number of leaves, number of nodes, leaf length, and leaf width. When the number of days after transplanting, leaf area, and plant height were used as independent variables for growth prediction, leaf area was found to be an appropriate independent variable for growth prediction. However, additional destructive or non-destructive methods for predicting growth should be considered. In this study, we created a growth model formula to predict perilla growth in plant factories.
When the CP voltage is disconnected, the measured voltage on the ICCB side is measured to be 12V, and the voltage on the OBC side is measured to be 0V. When the PD signal was disconnected, the ICCB-side measured voltage was 0V and the OBC-side measured voltage was 4.5V. From this, disconnected position be found with the voltage value measured. When CP was disconnected for a short time, the PD voltage did not change to 1.5V, and when the PD was disconnected, the CP signal and PD signal changed to 9V, and if the CP and PD voltages were normal, the charge control could be performed normally.
Second language (L2) peer response literature is defined in part by discourse research, yet there is scant research on text-specific comments, or comments that make explicit text references, thus resisting generic qualities. The purpose of this case study was to examine such peer response activities in an English writing course at a South Korean university. The data comprises two essay assignments with peer response conducted between two drafts – as accomplished during class time on the class learning management system (LMS) – as well as the subsequent revisions in second drafts. This paper expands on previous coding schemes accounting for area, nature and type commentary to account for a specificity dimension, and also links these categories to revision practices. While students entertained diverse commenting and revising options, popular practices included generic evaluating or revising local or surface-level concerns. This paper offers implications for modelling response activities as well as for how to better define specific and complex idea construction exhibited during response.
The purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to find context-specific motivational factors in Korean college contexts within the framework of Gardner’s integrativeness and Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009) L2 Motivational Self System; (2) to examine how those motivational factors explain motivated behavior. For this purpose, motivation data by 787 students was analyzed. The factor analysis revealed eight factors in Korean context: promotional instrumentality, bad learning experience, ought-to L2 self, integrativeness, elusive ideal L2 self, ethnocentrism, intercultural avoidance, and international posture. The regression analysis showed that four motivational factors, bad learning experience, ought-to L2 self, elusive ideal L2 self, and promotional instrumentality, significantly explained the participants’ motivated behavior. The findings indicate that there existed context-specific motivational factors which could better explain success of L2 in Korean EFL college contexts. The theoretical and pedagogical implications were provided at the conclusion.
Red sorrel (Rumex acetosella L.), as one of exotic weeds in Korea, was dominated in grassland and reduced the quality of forage. Improving current pasture productivity by precision management requires practical tools to collect site-specific pasture weed data. Recent development in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology has offered cost effective and real time applications for site-specific data collection. To map red sorrel on a hill pasture, we tested the potential use of an UAV system with digital cameras (visible and near-infrared (NIR) camera). Field measurements were conducted on grazing hill pasture at Hanwoo Improvement Office, Seosan City, Chungcheongnam-do Province, Korea on May 17, 2014. Plant samples were obtained at 20 sites. An UAV system was used to obtain aerial photos from a height of approximately 50 m (approximately 30 cm spatial resolution). Normalized digital number values of Red, Green, Blue, and NIR channels were extracted from aerial photos. Multiple linear regression analysis results showed that the correlation coefficient between Rumex content and 4 bands of UAV image was 0.96 with root mean square error of 9.3. Therefore, UAV monitoring system can be a quick and cost effective tool to obtain spatial distribution of red sorrel data for precision management of hilly grazing pasture
For the establishment and maintenance of successful pregnancy the maternal immune system must tolerate semi-allogenic fetus during pregnancy. Several mechanisms explaining immune tolerance have been proposed. Among those, it has been suggested that the CD40/CD40L system is involved in immune tolerance in several tissues. However, expression and function of CD40/CD40L in the maternal-fetal interface during pregnancy have not been studied in pigs. Thus, this study determined expression and localization of CD40 and CD40L in the uterine endometrium during pregnancy in pigs. We obtained uterine endometrial tissue samples from day (D) 12 and D15 of the estrous cycle and from D12, D15, D30, D60, D90 and D114 of pregnancy. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that levels of CD40L mRNA expression during pregnancy increased on D15 of pregnancy and decreased thereafter whereas levels of CD40 mRNA was highest on D30 of pregnancy. Localization of CD40 and CD40L proteins by immunohistochemistry showed that CD40 was localized to vascular endothelial cells with strongest signal intensity on D15 of pregnancy, and CD40L was localized to luminal epithelial cells on D15 of pregnancy and amniotic membrane during mid- to late pregnancy. To determine the effect of IFNG on CD40 and CD40L expression, we took advantage of endometrial explant culture using tissues from D12 of the estrous cycle, and found that CD40 was up-regulated by IFNG in a dose-dependent manner. These results showed that CD40 and CD40L were expressed in the uterine endometrium in a cell-type and stage-specific fashion during pregnancy, and IFNG induced CD40, indicating that the CD40/CD40L system may be important for establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in pigs. [Supported by the Next Generation BioGreen21 Program (#PJ01110301), Rural Development Administration]
본 연구는 인공광 이용형 식물공장에서 common ice plant를 재배하였을 때 생육에 대한 적합한 배양액 조성, 배양액 산도, 급액 간격, 광도 및 재식거리를 알아보고자 수행되었다. 식물공장 유형은 완전제어형 식물공장형태로 인공광원은 삼파장 형광등을 사용하였으며, 광주기는 12시간 일장주기였다. 수경재배시스템은 3단으로 구성된 박막수경시스템이었다. 식물공장내 온도, 상대습도와 이산화탄소 농도는 ON/OFF 제어하였다. 배양액은 일본원예시험장액과 식물체 분석으로 개발 배양액을 가지고 비교 실험 하였다. 배양액의 산도와 급액 간격 실험은 pH 6.0과 7.0 그리고, 5분 간격과 10분 간격으로 순환할 경우 생육 차이를 알아보았다. 광도는 90과 180μmol·m-2·s-1 2처리 하였다. 재식거리는 열간 간격을 15cm로 고정한 후, 열내 간격 10cm, 15cm, 20cm와 25cm 4처리로 처리하였다. 적당한 배양액의 조성은 N 7.65, P 0.65, K 4.0, Ca 1.6과 Mg 1.0mM·L-1이었다. 지상부 생체중과 건물중은 pH 6과 7 그리고 5분 간격과 10분 간격 처리간의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 지상부 생체중과 건물중은 광도 180μmol·m-2·s-1에서 높았다. 재식 거리가 증가할수록, 단위면적당 생체중과 건물중은 감소 하는 경향을 보였다. 식물 생산 시스템에서 common ice plant 생육에 적합한 배양액 관리(조성, pH와 급액간격) 와 재배관리(광도와 재식밀도)를 알아본 결과, 생육에 적합한 배양액 조성으로 pH 6.0-7.0로, 급액 10분 간격 으로 공급해 주는 것이 좋으며, 광도 180μmol·m-2·s-1와 재식밀도 15×15cm로 재배하는 것이 좋을 것으로 판단 된다.
Due to the increase in international trade, mass transportation, and information technology, the role of English as a global language has changed, and conventional EFL/ESL motivation needs paradigmatic reconstruction. This study compares Dörnyei’s (2009) recent proposal of a second language (L2) motivat-ional self-system with Gardner’s (1985) socio-educational model by investigating 2,832 Korean students’ English learning motivation from Grades 3 through 12 in 14 different schools. The cross-grade survey results indicated that Korean EFL learners’ motivational intensity showed a curvilinear pattern, which means their motivation consistently decreased until Grade 9 but increased from Grades 10 to 12. A series of regression analyses showed that Dörnyei’s L2 motivational self-system was a better predictor than Gardner’s socio-educational model in terms of the explanatory power for students’ English proficiency; students’ ideal L2 and ought-to L2 selves explained better than integrativeness and two types of instrumentality (i.e., promotion- and prevention-based). This confirms the findings of recent literature conducted in different nations. Also, the study provides empirical evidence that the ought-to L2 self, which is an external, social form of L2 motivation, functions only at the cognitive level, whereas the ideal L2 self, a more internalized form, taps into both the cognitive and affective levels.
본 연구에서는 morphogenesis 기법의 L-system 모델을 사용하여 대공간 구조물의 형태 생성 방안을 제공하고자 한다. 이와 같은 L-system 모델은 일반적으로 식물의 성장 과정을 시각화하기 위해 적용되어 왔으나 본 연구는 이를 건축 분야에 적용하기 위한 프로세스가 제안된다. L-system 모텔은 크게 문자열 생성 단계와 문자열 분석 단계로 구성되어 있다. 문자열 생성 단계에서는 초기문자열로부터 최종 문자열을 생생하며, 문자열을 생성하기 위해서는 alphabet, axiom 및 rule에 대한 정의가 필요하다. 또한 문자열 해석 단계에서는 문자열의 의미 부여에 따라 다양하게 해석될 수 있다. 특히 다양한 적용 예제를 통해 대공간 구조물의 형태 생성 모델을 구현한다.
This paper explores the perceptual learning style, ideal L2 self, and motivated L2 behavior of Chinese, Japanese, South Korean, and Swedish high school students. Guided by Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009a) L2 motivational self-system, this quantitative study extends Al-Shehri’s (2009) and Tae-Young Kim's (2009a) research byreinterpreting the role of perceptual leaming styles in the creation of learners' ideal L2 self and the maintenance of their motivated L2 behavior. The statistical analysis found that learners' perceptual learning styles (i.e., visual, auditory, and kinesthetic styles) were significantly correlated with their ideal L2 self and motivated L2 behavior. However, the results of the regression analysis indicate that none of three perceptual learning styles were meaningful predictors of motivated L2 behavior. Instead, only ideal L2 self were found to be meaningful predictors of their motivated L2 behavior. The ANOVA results indicate that although the Chinese students were more likely to show motivated L2 behavior than the other students, they showed a significantly lower level of the ideal L2 self than the Swedish students. By focusing on the relationship between learners’ perceptual learning styles and motivated L2 behavior based on the L2 motivational self-system, this study provides evidence that the creation of ideal L2 selves plays a pivotal role in sustaining motivated L2 behavior .
이전 실험에서 결정된 생육 단계별 최적 환경조건을 평가하기 위한 4가지 처리는 다음과 같았다: 생육 단계별 최적 환경 조건을 사용한 광독립 영양배양(photoautotrophic optimum condition with growth stage (POG)), 생육 단계별 평균 광합성 광량자속 밀도(photosynthetic photon flux density(PPFD))와 CO2 농도를 사용한 광독립 영양배양(photoautotrophic constant condition with average PPFD and CO2 of POG(PCA)), 생육 단계별 최대 PPFD와 CO2농도를 사용한 광독립 영양배양(photoautotrophic constant condition with maximum PPFD and CO2 of POG(PCM)) 그리고 대조군으로 3%의 당을 포함한 광혼합 영양배양(photomixotrophic conventional condition with 3% sucrose(PMC)). 실험 결과 각 생육 단계별 환경제어(POG)는 기내에서 배양된 감자 소식물체의 모든 생육 관련 항목에서 유의적 증진을 유도하였다. 또한 단위 건물중 당 소비된 전력과 CO2는 모든 처리 중 POG에서 가장 낮았다. 기외 이식 이후에도 POG에서 생산된 감자 묘는 PMC에서 자란 감자 묘와 전체적으로 큰 차이 없이 왕성한 생육을 유지하였다. 특히 POC는 기존 광혼합 영양방식(PCM)과 비교했을 때 기외 이식전과 이식 후 20일째 각각 4.7배와 3.8배 높은 건물중을 기록하였다. 따라서 POG와 같은 생육 단계별 환경 조절을 통한 광독립 영양 미세 증식 방법은 에너지 절감 효과와 함께 무균의 건강한 감자 묘의 생산에 효과적이었다.
본 연구는 묘의 생육을 최대화하기 위하여 생육 단계를 임의로 구분하고 각 단계 별 적정 환경 조건을 확립함에 목적을 두었다. 생육 단계는 총 20일의 배양기간을 6일(1단계), 7일(2단계), 7일(3단계)의 3단계로 구분하였다. 첫 번째 단계는 활착기로서 환경 처리 별 생육에 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 높은 환경 조건에 의한 잎의 장해를 고려하였을 때, 80μmmol·m-2·s-1 의 PPFD 및 대기 중의 CO2 농도가 적합하였다. 두 번째 단계에서는 PPFD 및 CO2 조건이 높아짐에 따라 건물 중을 중심으로 부분적으로 향상되었다. 에너지 효율과 생육을 고려할 때, 160μmmol·m-2·s-1 의 PPFD와 700μmmol·mol-1의 CO2가 적합할 것으로 생각되었다. 세 번째 단계에서는 PPFD 및 CO2 농도가 높아짐에 따라 유의적으로 생육이 향상되었으며, 잎 및 마디의 발달상태도 현저히 향상되었다. 따라서 보다 적극적으로 생육증진을 고려할 때, 320μmmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD와 1800μmol·mol-1의 CO2가 적합할 것으로 생각되었다. 생육 단계별 환경 조절은 초기단계에 상대적으로 낮은 조건을 유지하고 후기단계에서 충분한 조건을 제공함으로써 건전한 묘를 생산할 수 있고 에너지 및 물질의 투입량을 절약할 수 있다.
Dentin is a mineralized tissue formed by odontoblasts that are differentiated from ectomesenchymal cells , The molecul ar mech anism of odontoblast diffe rentiation remains unclear, Amino acid transporters play an important role in s up plying nutri tion to normal a nd ca ncer cells including odntoblasts, and for cell proliferation , Amino acid transport system L is a maj or nutrient t ransport system responsible for the Na+' -independent transport o[ neutral amino acids incJuding several essentiaJ amino acids , The system L is divided into two major subgroups, the L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) and the L-type amino acid transporter 2 (LAT2) , In this study, the expression pattern and role of amino acid transport system L were, therefore, investigated in the differentiation of MDPC-23 cells derived from mouse dental papilla celJs , To determi ne the expression Jevel o[ amino acid transport system L participating in intracelJ ular transport of amino acids in the differentiat ion 0 1' MDPC-23 cells, it was examined by RT-PCR, observation of cell morphoJogy‘ A1izaline red-S staining ancl uptake analysis after inclucing experimental differentiation in MDPC-23 cells The res ults were as follows , The LAT1 mRNA was expressed in the early stage of MDPC-23 cell differentiation , The expression leveJ was gradually increased by time course and it was decreased after the late stage, The LAT2 mRNA was not observed in the earJy stage of MDPC-23 cell differentiation, The LAT2 mRNA was expressed at the 11 days 0 1' MDPC-23 cell differentiation and the expression level was gradually decreased by time course, There was no changes in the expression level of 4F2hc mRNA, the cofactor of LAT1 and LAT2, during the differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , The expression of ON mRNA was graduaJJy decreased but the expression of ALP mRNA was increased during differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , The L-Ieucine uptake was increased by time cour se from the early stage to the 9 days in MDPC-23 cell differentiation , The amount of L-Ieucine uptake was maintained to the 11 and 14 days of MDPC-23 cell differentiation As the resul ts‘ it is considered that among neutral amino acid transport system L in differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , the LATl has a key role in cell proliferation in the early stage and middle stage of cell differentiation and the LAT2 has an important roJe in ceJJ differenti ation and mineralization in the Jate stage of cell differentiation for providing cells with neutral a mino acids incJuding several essentiaJ amino acids