
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 51

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This review comprehensively summarizes the livestock odor reduction method by dietary manipulation, in-housing management, and manure management. The gut microbial metabolism of animals can be stimulated by low-crude protein feeding and the addition of probiotics, enzymes, plant extracts, and/or organic acids to their feed. These methods can result in reduced odor emissions from manure. For in-housing management, it is important to maintain the proper breeding density in the barn facilities, regularly remove dust and manure, and periodically clean the barn facilities. A barn using litter on the floor can reduce odor at a relatively low cost by adding adsorbents such as zeolite, biochar, etc. Although masking agent spraying can be the simplest and quickest way to control odors, it is not a fundamental odor mitigation strategy. Odor emissions can be reduced by installing covers on manure slurry storage facilities or by acidifying the manure slurry. It is necessary to install a solid-liquid separator in an enclosed facility to minimize odor emissions. Other methods for reducing odor emissions include covering manure composting plants with semi-permeable membranes or using reactor composting technology. In order to minimize odor emissions in the liquid manure composting, sufficient oxygen must be supplied during the fermentation process. Furthermore, the odor reduction effect can be achieved through the liquid manure pit recharge system which supplies matured liquid manure fertilizer to the slurry pit in the pig house.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998년 발표되어 전 세계적인 흥행과 더불어 많은 비평가들의 찬사를 받았 던 피터 위어(Peter Weir) 감독의 영화 <트루먼 쇼>(The Truman Show)는 미디 어가 일상이 되어버린 현대사회에서 실재와 가상세계의 대조를 통해 실재가 점 점 허구적인 세계를 닮아가고 있음을 매우 풍자적으로 그리고 있다. 영화는 광 고와 자본주의로 야기된 삶의 이중성을 풍자함으로써 자본주의의 전 지구적인 확산에 대한 냉소적인 견해를 직, 간접적으로 드러낸다. <트루먼 쇼>는 현대사 회의 구조 속에서 개인의 자유의지를 통해 미디어의 기만성으로부터 자신을 해 방시키는 과정을 자유의지를 통한 구원의 형식으로 보여주고 있다. <트루먼 쇼>는 등장인물의 이름, 트루먼(Truman)과 크리스토프(Christof)에서 유추할 수 있는 것처럼 일종의 종교적 알레고리를 통해 인간의 자유의지와 구원의 문제, 특히 전지전능해진 현대미디어를 극복해가는 개인의 여정을 보여준다. 미디어 에 종속되어 거기서 벗어나지 못하는 맹목적인 시청자들과 달리 시스템의 통제 와 억압적인 미디어 세계를 탈출하려 하는 트루먼의 각성과 행동은 크리스토프 로 상징되는 미디어의 신적인 권위를 거부하고 저항하며 극복하는 내적성찰과 그것을 통한 개인의 구원을 보여준다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: This study evaluated the effectiveness of upper thoracic manipulation (UTM) and proprioceptive training versus proprioceptive training alone on forward head posture (FHP) and cervicocephalic joint position sense (CJPS) in asymptomatic university students during a short interval of time. Objectives: To evaluate whether the suggested combination would provide greater benefit, and be superior to proprioceptive training alone in improving proprioceptive acuity and head posture. Design: A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Methods: Thirty-three university student volunteers with asymptomatic FHP were recruited. Subjects were randomly assigned to a manipulation group (n=16) receiving UTM combined with proprioceptive training or a proprioception group (n=17) receiving proprioceptive training only. The intervention period lasted 5 weeks in total, and consisted of one 15 to 20-minute session per week. FHP and CJPS were assessed before and after the intervention. Results: A significant pre- to post-intervention decrease in FHP and joint position error was identified in both groups (P<.05). Subjects in the manipulation group demonstrated greater improvements in CJPS and head posture compared to the proprioception group (P<.05). Conclusion: These findings support employing either intervention for treating asymptomatic students with FHP. However, the addition of UTM to proprioceptive training was more effective than proprioceptive training alone in reducing joint position errors and improving head posture.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Because of the lack of accurate values for applied forces in manual therapy, manual therapists relies on the magnitude of the individual’s perception during applying the force. However, excessive loading maneuvers carry risks for patients. Objective: To establish the relationship between the maximal force applied to swine skin with the specific region, sex, and baseline parameters of the subject. Design: Ex-vivo Study and laboratory Experimental research Methods: 3.5 kg of Korean pork sirloin that is a piece of swine was handled and it was set 3 dimensions; #A; #B; #C. Forty-seven participants who has no experience in physical therapy randomly carried out the experiment, indicated to push each place of the pressure spots with same posture and process under supervision from the instructor who has over 15 years of manual therapy, and we measured the pressure force in each time. Results: The biggest pressure force was recorded in spot #A, and #B was represented after #C. Pressure on #A showed certain statistic relation with height (r=.317, p<.05) and weight (r=.434, p<.01); pressure on #B showed certain relation which has statistical meaning with only height (r=.401, p<.01); pressure on #C emerged to have statistic relationship with height (r=.308, p< .05)and weight (r=.428, p<.01). The age aspect revealed relation with pressure on #A, #B and #C, but that was not statistically significant. Conclusions: It can be inferred that there is the most loss of pressure in the area where cartilage is like an island in the middle.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of pelvic, Lumbar spine and Cervical spine manipulation on the joint position sense in normal adults. Thirty normal adults were divided into an experimental group of 15 subjects and a control group of 15 subjects. The experimental group was treated with pelvic, Lumbar spine and Cervical spine manipulation with massage, whereas the control group received only massage. Both groups were evaluated in terms of joint position errors (JPEs) using a digital dual clinometer before and after the experiment. The comparison of the JPEs of the experimental group and the control group before and after the experiment showed that the experimental group’s cervical spine results were significantly different in the flexion, left lateral flexion, and right rotation (p < .05) and lumbar spine results were significantly different in the flexion and extension (p < .05), but the control group’s results were not statistically significant in all items (p > .05). The pelvic, lumbar spine and cervical spine manipulation makes an effect on the joint position sense in normal adults. The findings of this study suggest that the pelvis, lumbar spine and cervical spine manipulation improve the motor ability in people with low joint position sense.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the thoracic spine manipulation on spinal alignment (Cobb angle), pain, and trunk range of motion (ROM) in a patient with mild thoracic scoliosis. The Cobb angle was 11.0° and there was a right deviation of the thoracic spine. The subject had thoracic and lumbar pain, and had felt stiffness during turning of the trunk for about 3 years. Thoracic manipulation was applied at the upper thoracic spine as a therapeutic intervention three times per week for 5 weeks. After intervention, the Cobb angle decreased from 11.0° to 5.5° and the pain score decreased from 4.0 to 1.5, and the trunk left rotation ROM increased from 30.0° to 41.5°, and trunk right rotation ROM increased from 26.0° to 39.0°. These results suggest that the thrust thoracic manipulation technique had a positive effect on the spinal alignment, pain and trunk rotation ROM in patients with mild scoliosis.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate how changing the period of light and dark influences the vegetative growth and the photosynthesis of Doritaenopsis Queen Beer ‘Mantefon’. Clones of Dtps. Queen Beer ‘Mantefon’ at 4-month-old stage were grown in a closed-plant factory system with four different light/dark cycles; 06/06 h, 08/08 h, 10/10 h, and 12/12 h. Temperature and relative humidity were set at 28oC and 80%, respectively, with a photosynthetic photon flux density of 160 ± 10 μmol·m-2·s-1. Repetitive measurements showed that the leaf length and the leaf width were the longest under 12/12 h closely followed by 10/10 h. The fresh weight and the dry weight of leaves and roots were the heaviest at 10/10 h treated samples. Different CO2 uptake patterns were observed from different light/dark cycles. Under 10/10 h and 12/12 h treatments, the CO2 uptake started at early dark period. When the light/dark cycles were shortened to 06/06 h and 08/08 h, the CO2 uptake started at the middle of dark period. Total CO2 uptake amounts were the highest under 12/12 h treatment followed by 10/10 h, 06/06 h, and 08/08 h treatments. Quantitative measurements showed that the vegetative growths under 10/10 h treatment were comparable with that of 12/12 h treatment. These studies indicated that manipulating light/dark can modify the photosynthesis patterns and vegetative growth of Dtps. Queen Beer ‘Mantefon’, resulting in the reduction of the production period.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Leap Motion is a virtual reality controller which allows users to interact with the virtual objects using their bare hands. However, the controller only allows the detection of hands up to 60cm from the sensor, which means that users cannot interact with virtual objects outside the same range in the virtual space. In this paper, we propose a new interaction method to overcome the limitation of the manipulation range. The movement of virtual hands in the virtual space is accelerated by the velocity of the hand movement and the range of the reachable virtual space is expended to the current view of the virtual space. Experimental results show that users can manipulate long-distance objects in a coherent and convenient way.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this case study was to investigate the effects of thoracic mobilization and manipulation on a patient with upper thoracic pain. The subject had been complaining of upper thoracic pain for the last 4 months. On the X-ray, T3 and T4 spinous process were located on the left side of the vertical axis. First, transverse mobilization was applied from left to right at the T3-T4 and then thoracic manipulation was performed. The intervention methods of mobilization and manipulation were based on the concept of Maitland manual therapy. The subject underwent a total of 20 sessions (five times per week for four weeks). The thoracic pain and vertebral rotation angle were measured to examine the effect of the intervention. The thoracic pain score decreased (from 4.0 to 1.5) and the angle of thoracic vertebral rotation decreased (from 7.0º to 4.0º). These results suggest that applied mobilization and manipulation in patients with a primary complaint of thoracic pain decreasing the thoracic pain and vertebral rotation angle.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we analyze user's manipulation and reaction in an accelerometer-based game interface, as compared with a touch joystick-based game interface. To roll the ball, the user carefully grabs and adjusts the smartphone with both hands in the accelerometer-based game interface; while the user very quickly clicks the up, down, left, right, buttons in the touch joystick-based game interface, because it is already familiar to the user. The accelerometer-based game interface is relatively more immersive and interesting than the touch joystick-based game interface; because the user gets more desired results by elaborately operating the game with both hands rather than by clicking the buttons with the thumb.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The ecdysis behavioral sequence in insects is a classic fixed action pattern (FAP) initiated by hormonal signaling. Ecdysis triggering hormones (ETHs) release the FAP through direct actions on the CNS. Here we present evidence implicating two groups of central ETH receptor (ETHR) neurons in scheduling the first two steps of the FAP: kinin (aka drosokinin, leucokinin) neurons regulate pre-ecdysis behavior and CAMB neurons (CCAP, AstCC, MIP, and Bursicon) initiate the switch to ecdysis behavior. Ablation of kinin neurons or altering levels of ETH receptor (ETHR) expression in these neurons modifies timing and intensity of pre-ecdysis behavior. Cell ablation or ETHR knockdown in CAMB neurons delays the switch to ecdysis, whereas overexpression of ETHR or expression of pertussis toxin in these neurons accelerates timing of the switch. Calcium dynamics in kinin neurons are temporally aligned with pre-ecdysis behavior, whereas activity of CAMB neurons coincides with the switch from pre-ecdysis to ecdysis. Activation of CCAP or CAMB neurons through temperature-sensitive TRPM8 gating is both necessary and sufficient to trigger ecdysis behavior. Our findings demonstrate that kinin and CAMB neurons are direct targets of ETH and play critical roles in scheduling successive behavioral steps in the ecdysis FAP. Furthermore, temporal organization of the FAP is likely a function of ETH receptor density in target neurons.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aluminum nitride(AlN) films were grown on the C-face and on the Si-face of (0001) silicon carbide(SiC) substrates using plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy(PA-MBE). This study was focused on first-stage growth manipulation prior to the start of AlN growth. Al pre-exposure, N-plasma pre-exposure, and simultaneous exposure(Al and N-plasma) procedures were used in the investigation. In addition, substrate polarity and, first-stage growth manipulation strongly affected the growth and properties of the AlN films. Al pre-exposure on the C-face and on the Si-face of SiC substrates prior to initiation of the AlN growth resulted in the formation of hexagonal hillocks on the surface. However, crack formation was observed on the C-face of SiC substrates without Al pre-exposure. X-ray rocking-curve measurements revealed that the AlN epilayers grown on the Si-face of the SiC showed relatively lower tilt and twist mosaic than did the epilayers grown on the C-face of the SiC. The results from the investigations reported in this paper indicate that the growth conditions on the Si-face of the SiC without Al pre-exposure was highly preferred to obtain the overall high-quality AlN epilayers formed using PA-MBE.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During the past few years, the Bank of Japan has injected billions of yen into the economy and pursued a monetary easing policy. Japan has plausible arguments, namely that its current policies are needed to support the growth of the economy and to spur inflation. However, these measures result in a weakened yen and increase trade imbalances between Japan and other Asian countries, particularly China. This article argues that Japan’s practice is rooted in protectionism and examines such actions under the IMF Agreement and the WTO system. It is suggested that the Chinese government should adopt diplomatic and judicial approaches to urge Japan to return to normal monetary policies.
        2014.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서 사용한 QRD(Quadratic Residue Diffusor) 마이크로파는 일반적인 마이크로파와 달리 파장의 위상차를 변화시켜 균일한 살균을 유도할 수 있어 저전력으로 효과를높일수있는새로운기술로알려져있다. 따라서친환경적이고 에너지 소비가 적은 QRD 마이크로파를 이용하여 목재를 소독 할 가능성에 대한 기초적인 연구를 수행하였으며 얻은 결과는 아래와 같다. 본 연구에 사용된 QRD microwave의 효율성은 E=5.75e0.32S (R²=0.908)로 나타났으며 초기 수분 함수율은 일정하지 않았고 평균 수분함수율은 30.3%이었다. 자연건조 1주일 후의 수분 함수율은 22.6%로써 평균 약 8% 수분함량이 줄어들었다. 또한 마그네트론의 용량이 3 kW에서 9 kW까지 증가할수록 지수함수적인 관계로 온도 상승시간이 줄어드는 것을 알 수 있었다. 목재 강도 시험 결과에서는 QRD microwave 처리 전후로 휨강도, 압축강도, 할렬의 차이는 없었다. 따라서 QRD microwave 용량을 3, 5, 7, 9 kW로 제작하여 실험한 결과 9 kW가 가장 효율성이 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 목재 내부의 선충이나 흰개미 등의 퇴치를 위해서 QRD microwave 용량을 일정부분까지 높여 공급할수록 에너지 효율성에서 유리한 것으로 나타났다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 식물성 플랑크톤의 1차 생산력에 대한 N:P ratio의 영향을 분석하기 위해 “영양염 첨가실험(NEBs)”을 실시하였다. 영양염 첨가실험(NEBs)에 의한 N:P Ratio의 영향은 대청호에서 측정된 수질데이터와 비교분석하였다. 단기 영양염 첨가실험 결과, 인 (P)을 첨가한 처리군들 (N:P Ratio=5, 15, 20, 30)에서의 1차 생산력의 반응이 대조군 (Control)과 인(P)을 첨가한 처리군 (N:P Ratio=80, TV), 질소(N)를 첨가한 처리군(N:P Ratio=150, TVI)에서보다 높았다. 또한 질소 (N)를 처리한 처리군에서는 대조군과 모든 처리군에서보다 1차 생산력의 반응이 유의하게 작았다. 영양염 첨가실험의 결과, 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장에 인이 제한영양염으로 작용하고 있었으며, 질소첨가 (Spiking N)는 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장을 억제한 것으로 사료된다. 대청호의 영양염 변이 분석 결과, 최소 N:P Ratio에서 엽록소-a의 최대농도가 나타났고, N:P Ratio는 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장에 대한 핵심 조절자로 사료되었다. 본 연구결과를 종합해 볼 때, N:P Ratio가 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장을 조절하는 핵심 인자로 작용 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 해안지방 해송림에 피해를 주고 있는 솔껍질깍지벌레의 여름휴면현상에 미치는 저온처리의 효과를 알아보기 위하여, 휴면진행시기에 따라 1차, 2차, 3차의 휴면종료실험에 있어 각각 5월 4일, 6월 19일, 8월 15일부터 공시충(1령 약충)을 온도별, 기간별로 저온저장한 후 자연온도 조건에서 사육하며 발육을 관찰하였다. 1차와 2차 실험은 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0℃의 각 저온에서 10, 20, 30, 40일간 저장하였으며, 3차 실험은 자연 상태에서 휴면발육(physiogenesis)이 상당히 진행된 시기이므로 동일한 온도조건에서 3, 6, 9, 12일간 저장하였다. 저온기에서 꺼내고 20일이 지난 후부터 각 공시충의 2령 약충으로의 탈피여부를 조사하였으며, 이러한 조사결과를 통하여 본 해충의 여름휴면 중 휴면발육을 가장 촉진시킬 수 있는 온도와 그 완료에 필요한 기간을 규명하였다. 휴면발육을 가장 촉진시키는 온도는 7.5∼10℃이었으며, 이들 온도에서 휴면발육을 완료하기 위해서는 1차실험에서는 40일, 2차실험에서는 20일, 3차실험에서는 6일이 각각 소요되었다. 휴면발육을 위한 발육영점온도는 29℃로 추정되었으며 유효적산온도는 964일도이었다. 이를 근거로 자연온도조건에서의 유효발육온도의 합과 비교하여 추정한 결과 자연상태에서의 휴면발육 완료시기는 9월 8일이었다. 자연상태에서 약충의 50%이상이 2령충으로 탈피한 시키는 11월 9일이였으며, 휴면후 발육(morphogenesis)을 위한 발육영점온도는 10℃로서 유효적산온도는 391일도이었다.
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