At the end of 2022 there were 439 nuclear power reactors in operating around the world, including 25 nuclear power reactors of Korea. Domestic nuclear power plants (NPPs) continuously produce low and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LILW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF). As amount of radioactive waste is increasing and interim storage facilities meet limitation of their capacity, radioactive waste need to be transported. Consequently, the demand for radioactive waste transportation is increasing and the importance of Radiation Risk Assessment Codes (RRACs) for radioactive waste transportation is also on the rise. Considering the domestic situation where all NPPs are located on seaside, the radioactive waste transportation by ship is inevitable and the its risk assessment is very important for safety. Although various researches on radioactive waste transportation risk assessment is being actively conducted, research on domestic radioactive waste maritime transportation is insufficient. In this study, MARINRAD and KM-RAD were used to review on the radioactive waste transportation risk assessment. The result of reviewing shows that MARINRAD used SNF as transporting radioactive materials and ‘SAND87-7067 (1987)’ as nuclide database, whereas KMRAD used LILW and ‘IAEA Technical Report Series-422 (2004)’. To complement these limitations, we present an modernized integrated database by updating data and covering the radioactive materials from LILW to SNF. These results are expected to contribute to the development of RRACs for domestic radioactive waste maritime transportation.
The demand for transportation is increasing due to the continuous generation of radioactive wastes. Especially, considering the geographical characteristics of Korea and the location characteristics of nuclear facilities, the demand for maritime transportation is expected to increase. If a sinking accident happens during maritime transportation, radioactive materials can be released into the ocean from radioactive waste transportation containers. Radioactive materials can spread through the ocean currents and have radiological effects on humans. The effect on humans is proportional to the concentration of radioactive materials in the ocean compartment. In order to calculate the concentration of radioactive materials that constantly flow along the ocean current, it is necessary to divide the wide ocean into appropriate compartments and express the transfer processes of radioactive materials between the compartments. Accordingly, this study analyzed various ocean transfer evaluation methodologies of overseas maritime transportation risk codes. MARINRAD, POSEIDON, and LAMER codes were selected to analyze the maritime transfer evaluation methodology. MARINRAD divided the ocean into two types of compartments that water and sediment compartments. And it was assumed that radionuclides are transfered from water to water or from water to sediment. Advection, diffusion, and sedimentation were established as transfer process for radionuclides between compartments. MARINRAD use transfer parameters to evaluate transer processes by advection, diffusion, and sedimentation. Transfer parameters were affected by flow rate, sedimentation rate, sediment porosity, and etc. POSEIDON also divided the ocean into two types that water and sediment compartment, each compartments was detaily divided into three vertical sub-compartment. Advection, diffusion, resuspension, sedimentation, and bioturbation were established as transport processes for radionuclides between compartments. POSEIDON also used transfer parameters for evaluating advection, diffusion, resuspension, sedimentation, and bioturbation. Transfer parameters were affected by suspended sediment rates, sedimentation rates, vertical diffusion coefficients, bioturbation factors, porosity, and etc. LAMER only considered the water compartment. It divided the water compartment into vertical detailed compartments. Diffusion, advection and sedimentation were established as the nuclide transfer processes between the compartments. To evaluated the transfer processes of nuclides for diffusion and advection, LAMER calculated the probability with generating random position vectors for radionuclides’ locations rather than deterministic methods such as MARINRAD’s transfer parameters or POSEIDON’s transfer rates to evaluate transfer processes. The results of this study can be used as a basis for developing radioactive materials’ ocean transfer evaluation model.
As nuclear power plants are operated in Korea, low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuels are continuously generated. Due to the increase in the amount of radioactive waste generated, the demand for transportation of radioactive wastes in Korea is increasing. This can have radiological effect for public and worker, risk assessment for radioactive waste transportation should be preceded. Especially, if the radionuclides release in the ocean because of ship sinking accident, it can cause internal exposure by ingestion of aquatic foods. Thus, it is necessary to analyze process of internal exposure due to ingestion. The object of this study is to analyze internal exposure by ingestion of aquatic foods. In this study, we analyzed the process and the evaluation methodology of internal exposure caused by aquatic foods ingestion in MARINRAD, a risk assessment code for marine transport sinking accidents developed by the Sandia National Laboratory (SNL). To calculate the ingestion internal exposure dose, the ingestion concentrations of radionuclides caused by the food chain are calculated first. For this purpose, MARINRAD divide the food chain into three stages; prey, primary predator, and secondary predator. Marine species in each food chain are not specific but general to accommodate a wide variety of global consumer groups. The ingestion concentrations of radionuclides are expressed as an ingestion concentration factors. In the case of prey, the ingestion concentration factors apply the value derived from biological experiments. The predator's ingestion concentration factors are calculated by considering factors such as fraction of nuclide absorbed in gut, ingestion rate, etc. When calculating the ingestion internal exposure dose, the previously calculated ingestion concentration factor, consumption of aquatic food, and dose conversion factor for ingestion are considered. MARINRAD assume that humans consume all marine species presented in the food chain. Marine species consumption is assumed approximate and conservative values for generality. In the internal exposure evaluation by aquatic foods ingestion in this study, the ingestion concetration factor considering the food chain, the fraction of nuclide absorbed in predator’s gut, ingestion rate of predator, etc. were considered as influencing factors. In order to evaluate the risk of maritime transportation reflecting domestic characteristics, factors such as domestic food chains and ingestion rate should be considered. The result of this study can be used as basis for risk assessment for maritime transportation in Korea.
The purpose of this study is to develop the analysis procedures for the evaluation of the structural integrity of the spent fuel in normal condition of transport at sea. Spent nuclear fuel must be transported from the wet storage facility in the nuclear power plant to the intermediate storage facility, and the structural integrity must be maintained in vibration and shock loads during the transportation. In general, the transport of spent nuclear fuel is performed in three kinds of modes: road, rail, and sea. During transport, the spent nuclear fuel is subjected to repeated vibration and shock loads by road surfaces, railroad tracks, and waves of the sea. It should be evaluated whether the structural integrity of the spent fuel is maintained under these load conditions. All nuclear power plants in Korea are located in coastal sites, and the interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel is highly likely to be decided as a coastal site as well. Therefore, the main mode of the spent nuclear fuel transport is expected to be maritime transport by ships. In this study, the analysis procedure was developed to evaluate the safety of spent fuel at maritime transport by ships, and the procedure for evaluating the integrity of spent fuel under normal conditions of maritime transport were proposed. CFD analysis using SeaFEM was performed for the vibration analysis of the ship by waves, and the structural vibration analysis of the transport system was simulated using the developed in-house codes. The fatigue durability of the cladding was also evaluated using the developed fatigue analysis program and the fatigue analysis used the strain data obtained from the structural analysis. It was concluded that the value of the fatigue damage on the spent fuel cladding during normal conditions of maritime transportation is close to “0” and the structural integrity of the spent fuel is maintained in the same condition.
수역 내 충돌 위험 식별은 항해의 안전을 위해 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 거리 요인을 기반으로 한 군집화 방법인 계층 클러스 터링을 포함하는 새로운 충돌 위험 평가 방법을 도입했으며, 주변의 선박이 많은 경우 실시간 데이터, 그룹 방법론 및 예비 평가를 사용하여 선박을 분류하고 충돌위험평가를 기반으로 평가하였다(HCAAP 처리라 부른다). 조우하는 선박들의 군집은 계층 프로그램에 의해 모아지고, 예비 평가와 결합되어 상대적으로 안전한 선박을 걸러내었다. 그런 다음, 각 군집 내에서 조우하는 선박 사이의 최근접점(DCPA) 및 최근접점까지의 도착시간(TCPA)까지의 시간을 계산하여 충돌위험지수(CRI)와의 관계를 비교하였다. 조우하는 선박들간의 군집에서 CRI와 DCPA 및 TCPA 수학적 관계는 음의 지수 함수로 구성되었다. 이러한 CRI로부터 운영자는 명시된 해역에서 항해하는 모든 선박의 안전성을 보다 쉽게 평가할 수 있으며, 프레임워크는 해상운송의 안전과 보안을 개선하고 인명 및 재산 손실을 줄일 수 있다. 본 연구에 서 제안된 프레임워크의 효과를 설명하기 위해 국내의 목포 연안 해역에서 실험 사례 연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과, 본 연구의 프레임워크가 각 군집 내에서 조우 선박 간의 충돌 위험 지수를 탐지하고 순위를 매기는 데 효과적이고 효율적이라는 것을 보여 주었으며, 추가연구를 위한 자동 위험 우선순위를 지정할 수 있게 해주었다.
유류를 포함한 HNS의 물동량이 증가 추세에 있음에도 불구하고, 우리나라에서는 HNS 해상운송 중에 발생한 사고의 분석과 위험에 관한 연구가 미진하다. HNS는 형태와 종류가 다양하고 사고발생시 피해가 심각하게 나타난다. 액체화물운반선(유조선, 케미컬탱커선, 액화가스탱커선 등)의 사고에 대한 원인을 분석하고 위험성에 대한 연구가 필요하다.
이 논문은 전통적인 해기국가인 한국과 필리핀에 있어서 해기교육 중 해상운송교육에 대해서 조사하여 상호 비교한다. 두 국가의 교육기관인 목포해양대학과 필리핀해양대학을 대상으로 하여 검토하였다. 양 교육기관의 교과과정과 교육훈련프로그램 및 STCW의 교육훈련과 당직기준의 요구사항을 포함한 교과과정과 교육체계의 차이점에 대해 비교 검토한다. 해기교육의 품질을 향상시키기 위하여 양 교육기관에서 살행되어야 할 바람직한 해기교육프로그램, 해사관련업계의 발전방향에 대하여 제안한다.