Background: For patients with neck pain, a taping method has been used to promote thoracic spine extension. To induce thoracic spine extension without back pain, a neutral lumbo-pelvic position must be established. The spiral trunk taping method can induce a neutral lumbo-pelvic position and thoracic spine extension. Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of spiral trunk taping in inducing thoracic spine extension and neutral lumbo-pelvic position in patients with neck pain. Design: A randomized controlled trial. Methods: Thirty patients with neck pain were randomly assigned to groups. The experimental group received spiral trunk taping and the control group received sham taping. The resting position visual analogue scale (VAS) and VAS during painful movement were measured and compared pre and post treatment. Results: Significant within-subjects changes were resting position VAS (F=59.823, P=0.001) and VAS during painful movement (F=76.128, P=0.001). Significant between-subject changes were resting position VAS (F=10.402, P=0.003) and VAS during painful movement (F=7.657, P=0.01). Conclusion: Spiral trunk taping, which can induce thoracic spine extension and a neutral lumbo-pelvic position, was effective for neck pain. This study demonstrates the potential of a systemic taping approach in the management of neck pain, and provides important clues for future clinical applications.
A total of 481,414 Korean participants aged 40-79 years at enrollment were examined. The hazard ratios for all-cause, all-cancer, and head and neck cancer mortality were analyzed using Cox proportional hazards models, which were adjusted for potential confounding factors. In the overall study population, the highest AST/ALT ratio level was significantly associated with risk of all-cause, all-cancer, and head and neck cancer mortality (p < 0.01). After excluding participants who died of all-cause, all-cancer, and head and neck cancer within five years of enrollment, the main results remained similar to those of the analysis of all deaths in the study population. These findings indicate that serum AST/ALT ratio is positively associated with an increased mortality risk in all-cause, all-cancer, and head and neck cancer.
Background: Sleep accounts for approximately one-third of a person’s lifetime. It is a relaxing activity that relieves mental and physical fatigue. Pillows of different sizes, shapes, and materials have been designed to improve sleep quality by achieving an optimal sleep posture. Objects: This study aimed to determine which pillow provides the most comfortable and supports the head and neck during sleep, which may enhance sleep quality. Methods: Twenty-eight healthy adults (19 males and 9 females) with an average age of 29 years participated in this cross-sectional study. This experiment was conducted while the participants laid down for 5 minutes in four different pillow conditions: (1) no pillow (NP), (2) neck support foam pillow (NSFP), (3) standard microfiber filled pillow (SFP), and (4) hybrid foam pillow (HFP). The head-neck peak pressure, cranio-vertebral angle in supine (CVAs), cranio-horizontal angle in supine (CHAs), chin-sternum distance (CSD), and muscle tone of sternocleidomastoid were analyzed using one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results: The head-neck peak pressure was the highest in the NSFP condition, followed by the NP, SFP, and HFP conditions. The CVAs, CHAs, and CSD of the SFP were lower than those of the other pillows. Muscle tone was the highest in the NP condition, followed by the of NSFP, HFP, and SFP conditions. The participants subjective comfort level in both the supine and side-lying postures was highest in the HFP condition, followed by the SFP and NSFP conditions. Conclusion: This study can be used to establish the importance of pillow selection for highquality sleep. The results of this study, suggest that a hybrid pillow with a good supportive core and appropriate fluffiness can maintain comfort and correct cervical spine alignment during sleep.
이 연구는 아로마 목·어깨 마사지와 Red LED 조사가 목 부위 피부 미세혈류에 미치는 영향을 조사했다. 본 연구에서는 20~60세 범위의 여성 30명을 대상으로 무작위로 분배하여 세 개의 실험그룹으로 나누었다. A 그룹 (n=10)은 아로마 목·어깨 마사지 후 Red LED 조사를 받았고 B 그룹 (n=10)은 아로마 목·어깨 마사지 후 15분 동안 휴식을 취했다. C 그룹 (n=10)은 Red LED 조사만을 받았다. 실험 결과, A 그룹과 B 그룹은 시간 요인에 대한 결과에서 목 부위 피부 미세혈류 시점 간의 주 효과가 유의함을 나타냈 다 (F = 29.883, p < 0.001, η² = 0.624). 그룹 요인에 대한 통계 분석 결과 그룹 간의 주효과가 유의하 지 않은 것으로 나타났으며 (F = 0.202, p = 0.659, η² = 0.011), 또한 그룹과 시간의 상호 작용이 유의 했다 (F = 8.452, p = 0.001, η² =0.320). C 그룹은 실험 후 목 부위 피부 미세혈류에 통계적으로 유의 한 차이가 없었다 (p > 0.05, Cohen's d = 0.202). 결론적으로, Red LED 처리가 목 피부 미세혈류를 개선 하는 데에는 제한적인 효과를 나타내며 A 그룹과 B 그룹의 결과와 대조되며, 특히 A 그룹에서의 아로마 목·어깨 마사지와 Red LED 조합 처리의 효과는 유의하지 않았음을 보다 명확하게 보여준다.
Background: The forward head posture acts as a factor that can cause various neurovascular and musculoskeletal dysfunctions. But searching for a study on quality of life for patient with forward head posture was challenging. Therefore, this study aims to find the factors that most affect the quality of life in patients with forward head posture. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between the cranio-vertebral angle (CVA), neck disability index (NDI), pain, and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) thickness of patients with forward head posture and the quality of life of the patients and to figure out important factors that affect the quality of life of the patients with forward head posture. Design: Cress-sectional study. Methods: To measure the CVA, the angle at which the visible protrusion of C7 and the ear bead were connected was measured, and the neck disorder index was evaluated using the Korean version of NDI. The degree of pain of the subject was measured using a visual-analog scale (VAS). The SCM thickness was measured using an ultrasound imaging device, and the quality of life was evaluated using the Korean version of the World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire (WHOQL-BREF). Results: A significant predictive model showing 88% explanatory power for the dependent variable was confirmed, with an appropriate regression equation being found. The factor that most affected patients' quality of life in the forward head posture was confirmed by the SCM thickness. Conclusion: When applying an intervention to improve a patient's quality of life for patient with forward head posture, an intervention method that improves the SCM thickness should be recommended.
본 연구의 목적은 640 nm LED 조사와 아로마테라피가 목 피부 상태에 미치는 영향을 체계적 으로 평가하고 비교하는 것이다. 20명의 여성 참여자를 대상으로 A그룹(640 nm LED 조사 + 아로마테라 피)와 B그룹(640 nm LED 조사만)으로 나뉘어, 주 2회씩, 총 8회의 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 결과, 수분 함량은 A그룹(p<0.01)과 B그룹(p<0.001) 모두 유의하게 나타났으며, 주름 지수는 A그룹(p<0.01)과 B그룹 (p<0.05) 모두 유의하게 나타났다. 또한, 치밀도 변화는 A그룹(p<0.001)과 B그룹(p<0.05) 모두 유의하게 나타났으며, 탄력 변화는 A그룹(p<0.001)과 B그룹(p<0.001) 모두 유의하게 나타났다. 피부색 변화는 A그 룹에서는 (p>0.05) 유의하지 않았고, B그룹에서는 (p<0.05) 유의하게 나타났다. 기미 및 색소 침착 변화는 A그룹에서 (p<0.05) 유의하게 나타났으며, B그룹에서는 (p>0.05) 유의하지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 아로마 테라피와 640 nm LED 조사를 병행하는 것이 목 피부 상태를 향상시키는 데 높은 효과를 나타낼 수 있음 을 시사한다.
Background: Most non-pharmacological interventions for tension-type headache (TTH) focus on direct intervention in areas associated with headaches, with limited research exploring the indirect effects of interventions utilizing the fascia. Objectives: To investigate the effects of superficial back line (SBL) stretching and head-neck massage interventions on the range of motion (ROM) and neck disability index (NDI) of TTH. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: The study participants were randomly allocated into three groups: SBL stretching group (n=9), head-neck massage group (n=9), and combined group (n=9). Prior to the intervention, measurements were taken for neck flexion ROM, straight leg raising test (SLRT) ROM, and NDI. The intervention consisted of 30-minute sessions conducted twice a week for 8 weeks. The second measurement took place 4 weeks after the intervention, followed by a third measurement conducted after an additional 4 weeks of intervention. Results: Comparing neck flexion ROM within each group, a significant increase was observed in the SBL stretching group after 8 weeks compared to before the intervention (P<.05). Regarding the comparison of SLRT ROM within each group, a significant increase was noted after 8 weeks compared to before the intervention in the SBL stretching, head-neck massage, and combined groups (P<.05). In terms of the comparison of NDI within each group, a significant decrease was observed in all three group after the intervention compared to before the intervention (P<.05). Conclusion: 8-week intervention involving SBL stretching, head-neck massage, and their combined application demonstrated effectiveness in improving neck flexion ROM, SLRT ROM, and the NDI for individuals with TTH.
Forward head posture (FHP) is a musculoskeletal disorder that causes neck pain. Several exercise interventions have been used in South Korea to improve craniovertebral angle (CVA) and relieve neck pain. There has been no domestic literature review study over the past 5 years that has investigated trends and effects of exercise intervention methods for CVA with neck pain. This domestic literature review aimed to evaluate the trends and effects of exercise interventions on CVA and neck pain in persons with FHP. A review of domestic literature published in Korean or English language between 2018 and 2022 was performed. Literature search was conducted on Google Scholar and Korea Citation Index by using the following keywords: “exercise,” “exercise therapy,” “exercise program,” “forward head posture,” and “neck pain.” Ten studies were included in this review. All of the studies showed positive improvements after intervention programs that included exercises. Notably, four of these studies demonstrated significant differences in results between the experimental and control groups. Among the 10 studies, nine measured visual analogue scale or numerical rating scale scores and reported significant reductions in pain following interventions, including exercise programs. Five of these studies showed significant differences in results between the experimental and control groups. Furthermore, six studies that used neck disability index exhibited a significant decrease in symptoms after implementing intervention programs that included exercise, and significant differences in results were found between the experimental and control groups. This domestic literature review provides consistent evidence to support the application of various exercise intervention programs to improve CVA and relieve neck pain from FHP. Further studies are warranted to review the effects of various exercise interventions on FHP reported not only in domestic but also in international literature.
Background: Smartphone addiction has emerged as a significant social problem. Numerous studies have indicated the association between smartphone use and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system of the upper extremities.
Objects: This cross-sectional survey aimed to compare the characteristics of musculoskeletal pain in the neck, trunk, and upper limbs between individuals with smartphone addiction and those without addiction.
Methods: We collected a total of 326 healthy individuals’ data from China and Korea who had owned and used smartphones for more than 5 years between 20–50s through an online questionnaire consisting of 84 questions in four major sections. The first part contained basic information on the participant's personal characteristics and smartphones. The second part contained questions about smartphone use and posture. The third part was the smartphone addiction. The fourth part was to investigate musculoskeletal pain in various upper body parts.
Results: Smartphone addiction has a weak negative correlation with age (r = –0.20, p < 0.01) and a weak positive correlation with the hours of smartphone use (r = 0.376, p < 0.01). Frequent musculoskeletal pain symptoms related to smartphone use were observed in the neck, shoulder, lower back, and wrists. The hours of smartphone use was slightly positively associated with the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in the shoulder (r = 0.162, p < 0.05) and lower back (r = 0.125, p < 0.05). The prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in the neck (χ2 = 3.993, p < 0.05), shoulder (χ2 = 6.465, p < 0.05), and wrist (χ2 = 4.645, p < 0.05) was significantly higher among females than males.
Conclusion: The results suggest that smartphone addiction should be recognized as a dual concern encompassing both physical health and psychosocial aspects. Furthermore, healthcare professionals, including physicians and physical therapists, should consider clients' smartphone usage patterns when assessing and treating with musculoskeletal pain.
Background: Office workers experience neck or back pain due to poor posture, such as flexed head and forward head posture, during long-term sedentary work. Posture correction is used to reduce pain caused by poor posture and ensures proper alignment of the body. Several assistive devices have been developed to assist in maintaining an ideal posture; however, there are limitations in practical use due to vast size, unproven long-term effects or inconsistency of maintaining posture alignment. We developed a headphone and necklace posture correction system (HANPCS) for posture correction using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor that provides visual or auditory feedback.
Objects: To demonstrate the test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of neck and upper trunk flexion measurements using a HANPCS, compared with a three-dimensional motion analysis system (3DMAS).
Methods: Twenty-nine participants were included in this study. The HANPCS was applied to each participant. The angle for each action was measured simultaneously using the HANPCS and 3DMAS. The data were analyzed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = [3,3] with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
Results: The angular measurements of the HANPCS for neck and upper trunk flexions showed high intra- (ICC = 0.954–0.971) and inter-day (ICC = 0.865–0.937) values, standard error of measurement (SEM) values (1.05°–2.04°), and minimal detectable change (MDC) values (2.92°–5.65°). Also, the angular measurements between the HANPCS and 3DMAS had excellent ICC values (> 0.90) for all sessions, which indicates high concurrent validity.
Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that the HANPCS is as accurate in measuring angle as the gold standard, 3DMAS. Therefore, the HANPCS is reliable and valid because of its angular measurement reliability and validity.
Background: People these days use smartphone extensively as a means of diverse social activities, but excessive use of it has also created increasing forward head posture (FHP) with neck pain. To improve this FHP, neck stabilization exercise is necessary.
Objectives: This study was to investigate the effects of stabilization exercise using biofeedback on FHP subjects with neck pain.
Design: A non-randomized, controlled intervention study.
Methods: This study chose 18 college students in their 20s whose neck disability index (NDI) was equal to or higher than 10 and cranio-vertebral angle indicated FHP as experimental group. The control group selected 18 persons with no neck pain and a normal range of cranio-vertebral angle. The stabilization movement was performed by applying three phases of pressure, with low of 20 mmHg, intermediate of 25 mmHg, and high of 30 mmHg, using the Stabilizer. To check the effects of stabilization exercise according to pressure, the circumference of deep neck muscles was measured with ultrasonic waves, and the activity of surface muscle of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) was measured using electromyography (EMG).
Results: When the circumference of the deep neck flexor was analyzed according to the pressure change during stabilization exercise, the experimental group showed increase at all pressures. The activity of the SCM of the surface muscle increased in both groups as the pressure increased.
Conclusion: The application of stabilization exercise was found to be more effective on forward head posture subjects with neck pain at lower pressures.
Background: The application of exercise therapy and manual therapy to the thoracic spine is a widely used method of treating neck pain. Nevertheless, studies on the application of foam rollers and vibrating foam rollers to patients with neck pain are lacking.
Objectives: To investigated the immediate effects of thoracic spine foam rolling and vibration foam rolling on pain and range of motion (ROM) in patients with chronic neck pain.
Design: Randomized crossover trials.
Methods: 24 patients with chronic neck pain participated in the study. The study subjects measured pain and ROM. Subjects were divided into vibration foam roller group, foam roller group, and control group.
Results: Pain was not significantly different between and within groups (P<.05). There was a significant difference in flexion, extension, left rotation, and right rotation ROM in the vibration foam roller group after intervention (P<.05). There was a significant difference in flexion and extension ROM in the foam roller group after intervention (P<.05). There was a significantly greater increased extension ROM in vibration foam roller and foam roller groups compared with the control group (P<.0167).
Conclusion: Thoracic spine foam rolling and vibration foam rolling improve ROM when treating patients with chronic neck pain. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in combination with other treatments
Background: Research has been conducted on pain neuroscience education (PNE) for the relief of pain and symptoms associated with chronic neck pain (CNP). Focusing on the neurophysiology and neurobiology of chronic pain, pain processing, and particularly the function of the central nervous system for chronic pain, PNE helps patients to understand the causes of pain.
Objectives: To investigate and systematically review interventional studies on the effectiveness of PNE for patients with CNP and to analyze the effect size by performing a meta-analysis.
Design: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.
Methods: The following databases and electronic collections will be searched for primary studies without time limits: PubMed, MEDLINE, OVID Embase, and CENTRAL in the Cochrane Library. Reference lists from identified studies will be manually hand-searched for additional relevant works. Patients 18 years of age and older with nonspecific neck pain lasting 3 months or longer will be included in the study, with exclusion criteria as follows: cancer pain, fractures of the spine or surgical intervention, cognitive impairment that does not allow the patient to follow the PNE program, pregnancy, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other related pathologies that may prevent full participation in the PNE program. There are no geographic restrictions; however, non- English studies will be excluded.
Discussion: This study aims to evaluate the effects of PNE on pain and disability in chronic neck pain. Its results will help clarify whether the use of PNE alone can improve chronic pain. The advantages of systematic reviews include clear definitions and inclusion and exclusion criteria, standardized search formats, and objective independent reviews.
Background: Pain neuroscience education (PNE) with other therapeutic approaches can reduce pain intensity in patients with Chronic musculoskeletal pain and chronic spine pain by improving quality of life and disability. However, in various clinical trials and reviews, the optimal dose of an intervention combined with PNE is still an area to be studied.
Objectives: To investigated the effect of forward head posture (FHP) with chronic neck pain on the PNE combined with cervical and thoracic mobilization.
Design: A non-randomized, controlled intervention study.
Methods: Thirty-two subjects were allocated to pain neuroscience education combined with cervical and thoracic mobilization group (PCTMG, n=17) and cervical and thoracic mobilization with TENS group (CTMG, n=15). For 6 weeks, the PCTM group applied PNE and cervical and thoracic mobilization and the CTM group applied cervical and thoracic mobilization and TENS. Changes in intervention pre-post pain and kinesiophobia were observed.
Results: Results from the study indicated that statistically significant decrease in VAS and TSK-11 in PCTMG. In CTMG, there was a statistically significant decrease in VAS. And in PCTMG, there was a statistically significant decrease in VAS and TSK-11 than in CTMG.
Conclusion: Therefore, this study confirmed that PNE combined with cervical thoracic mobilization is an effective intervention compared to ervical thoracic mobilization alone in reducing pain and kinesiophobia in FHP with chronic neck pain.
Background: Neck pain is a major health problem in developed countries and has a lifetime prevalence of 50%. Major problems include a reduced cervical range of motion, muscle stiffness, dysfunction, postural changes, and decrease in psychosocial level.
Objects: This study aimed to investigate the effects of applying the upper trapezius inhibition dynamic taping to patients with chronic neck pain on their neck pain, functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture.
Methods: The study design was a randomized controlled trial. A total of 40 patients with neck pain participated in this study and were randomly assigned to a Dynamic Taping group (n = 20) or Sham Taping group (n = 20). In both groups, basic intervention cervical pain control therapy and shoulder stabilization exercise program were performed. In addition, dynamic taping and sham taping were applied to participants in the Dynamic Taping and Sham Taping groups to inhibit the trapezius muscle, respectively. All interventions were performed three times a week and a total of 12 times for 4 weeks, and the participants’ neck pain, functional impairment level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture were measured and compared before and after the intervention.
Results: Both groups showed significant differences in neck pain, functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck postural before and after the intervention (p < 0.05). Moreover, there were significant differences between the two groups regarding the functional level and neck posture (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Inhibition dynamic taping of the upper trapezius muscle suppression is an effective method with clinical significance in reducing pain in individuals with chronic neck pain and improving the functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture.
The abnormal meat could caused by abscess, fibrosis and granuloma in the region of the neck by the adverse effect of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccination practice for Korean swine. After FMD vaccination was implemented in 2010, the number of incidences of abnormal meat has been increasing. In this study, it was evaluated whether needless intradermal injection (NII) of FMD vaccine reduces abnormal meat at the injection site in comparison to conventional intramuscular injection (IM). In addition, the onset of humoral immunity was analyzed in order to see if NII of this vaccine is able to mount comparable antibody response with IM. This study was carried out in four Korean pig farms. The O-type FMD vaccine was implemented via NII at three farms and the control group was vaccinated via IM. Antibody titers were compared from the serum samples taken from 10 random pigs at age of 8, 12, 16 and 22~24 weeks of age. The O+A type FMD vaccine was also compared with the same protocol. When test animals were slaughtered, incidence, type and size of abnormal meat were recorded. The results of this study showed that the antibody titers between intradermal and intramuscular group were similar but a significant difference in the incidence of abnormal meat formation was observed between two groups (p < 0.05). In summary, needless intradermal injection of FMD vaccination was proven to be effective for the onset of humoral immunity and reducing abnormal meat formation.
Spirodelae Herba (SH) and Perilla Frutescens (PF) extracts have been widely used in clinical practice with various disorders for thousands of years. There are some reports regarding the anticancer effects of SH and PF each by each, but their mixture have not been investigated and their mechanisms also have not been clear. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the anticancer mechanisms and their effects of the mixture of SH and PF extracts on head and neck cancer cell line. Head and neck carcinoma KB cells were treated with SH, PF and their mixture. Anticancer effects were investigated by searching cancer cell death pathway; apoptosis and autophagy, which have been regarded to be effective and safe methods. Apoptosis, which is termed a programmed cell death, was observed by TUNNEL assay. Autophagy, which is termed a type II programmed cell death, was observed by acridine orange red staining. Additionally, the protein expressions associated with apoptosis and autophagy were detected for their mechanism by western blots. The mixture of SH and PF extracts induced autophagic and apoptotic cell death simultaneously in cancer cells. And 0.4 mg/ml of the mixture with SH and PF extracts down-regulated the expression of mTOR, however, the expressions of ATG5 and LC3-II, which induced autophagy, up-regulated. The mixture of SH and PF extracts also down-regulated the expressions of Bcl-2, but up-regulate the expressions of PARP-1 cleavage, Caspase-9 cleavage, Caspase-3 cleavage and BAX, which induced apoptosis. Taken together, these results suggested that the mixture of SH and PF extracts induce autophagic and apoptotic cell death simultaneously in head and neck cancer cells and it could be used as an alternative for anti-cancer drugs.
Background: Forward head posture (FHP) causes various posture imbalances associated with the head and neck. Myofascial release is an effective treatment method used for relaxing muscles and reducing muscle hyperactivity, but no studies have been conducted on suboccipital and neck muscles related to FHP.
Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate effect of roller massages on the cranio-cervical flexion (CCF) range of motion (ROM) and CCF strength applied to suboccipital and neck muscles in subject with forward head posture.
Methods: Twenty-four FHP subjects (male: 13, female: 11) were recruited for this study. All subjects were recruited with a craniovertebral angle (CVA) of 53 degrees or less and a head tilt angle (HTA) of 20.66 degrees or higher. CCF strength was measured using Pressure biofeedback unit (PBU) in the supine posture and CCF ROM was measured using smartphone-based inclinometer. Roller massage (RM) was applied to suboccipital and neck muscles for 2 minutes and CCF ROM and strength were remeasured.
Results: These results of this study showed that CCF ROM was a significant difference in CCF ROM before and after RM (p < 0.05). CCF strength also showed a significant difference before and after RM (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: RM method might be recommended to increase the immediate ROM and strength of CCF in subjects with forward head posture.