This paper explores the professional identities of four Filipino English teachers (FETs) who instruct international students at a language academy in Bonifacio Global City (BGC), a special district for the Philippines’ globalization. Employing a narrative inquiry approach, data was gathered through individual interviews, and subsequently analyzed using a thematic analysis framework. The findings indicate that the participants assume three distinct roles within the academy. As experts in English language teaching, they consider themselves the equal of, or even superior to, native English-speaking teachers, which they attribute to their language proficiency, pedagogical skills, and content-based teaching. In their role as educational caretakers, they prioritize their students’ well-being, providing motivation for English language learning, and offering emotional support. Furthermore, they identify themselves as international teachers, having deliberately chosen BGC as their career destination to foster multiculturalism and global citizenship. This study is of particular significance, as it scrutinizes the roles of FETs, frequently categorized as “non-native teachers,” within the context of globalization.
Division of the risk management, APQA(Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency) is conducting the IRA(Import Risk Assessment) to prevent the introduction of pests when importing foreign agricultural products. In the 2023 IRA, 55 cases of 19 items from 23 countries was analyzed, and fresh avocado(variety: HASS) from the Philippines was concluded in September 2023 and can be imported in accordance with appropriate phytosanitary measures. The main issue in the IRA of fresh avocado fruits from the Philippines was whether HASS variety avocados were host plants of Bactrocera dorsalis. As a result of the risk analysis, B. dorsalis were included in the pest list that needs to be managed by special risk management. As a risk management for B. dorsalis, one trap using methyl-eugenol is installed per 20 ha once a week. After surveying, if the population is more than 2/trap/day, control measures such as adding traps and spraying pesticides are necessary. As equivalence, regionalization, and transparency have been strengthened with the recent entry into force of the mega FTA, a higher level of scientific basis is required. Accordingly, division of the risk management, APQA is working harder to improve its expertise, and we need your cooperation and attention of the IRAs.
Since rice is the main food in Korea, there are no regulations on corn milling yet. Corn is known as one of the world's top three food crops along with wheat and rice, and it is known that 3.5 billion people worldwide use corn for food. In addition, corn mills are not developed or sold in Korea, but the use of corn mills is increasing significantly in many countries in Southeast Asia. In the Philippines, as Korea's rice mill import increases, Korea's KAMICO (Korea Agricultural Machinery Industry Cooperative) and domestic company A agreed to develop a corn mill jointly with PHilMech, an organization affiliated with the Philippine Ministry of Agriculture. However, research on corn milling was very insignificant, so the development was carried out based on the technology of Korea's rice mill. Rice milling is performed by peeling off the skin of rice and producing brown or white rice, so it is carried out by removing the skin and cutting the skin. On the other hand, in the corn mill, the skin of the corn is peeled, pulverized and selected to produce main products suitable for edible use. Therefore, in order to develop a corn mill, processes such as peeling, transfer, grinding, sorting, and by-product separation are required, and suitable parts must be developed. In addition, the performance must be gradually improved through experiments in which corn is repeatedly milled. The Philippines produces 7.98 million tons/year of corn, which is about 100 times that of Korea, and is mostly consumed as a staple food. This is about 10% of the total crop production in the Philippines. In addition, the main cultivation complexes of corn are the mountainous regions of Tarlac or Pangasinan, and the produced corn is 72.4% of the so-called yellow corn called Arabel and Sarangani, and the remaining 27.6% are known as white corn. In this study, it was intended to produce grains of 2.5 mm or less suitable for food for yellow corn and to develop a corn mill for 200 kg per hour. Detailed conditions for development are stipulated as more than 55% of the main product recovery rate, more than 31% of the by-product recovery rate, less than 5% of the raw material loss rate, and more than 80% of the embryo dislocation rate. In this study, to achieve this, the overall process of the corn mill was developed, and the optimal conditions for the corn mill were obtained through the development of parts and empirical tests to improve performance. In addition, it was intended to achieve the development goal by evaluating and analyzing the performance of each part so that it did not conflict.
This study was conducted to determine the acceptability of locally accepted japonica rice varieties among 53 farmers in Bohol and 38 farmers in Nueva Ecija, who were further classified into adopters and non-adopters of the GUVA japonica rice variety. Snowball sampling was made on farmer adopters/cooperators of a high-quality seed multiplication and dissemination project in the said provinces. The farmer respondents were mostly male whose ages ranged from 30 to 80 years and with farm sizes from 0.5 to 16 hectares. The farmers’ rice variety and usage were assessed by comparing the GUVA japonica rice variety with their commonly planted indica rice variety based on its agronomic characteristics, yield and income potential, and seed purity concerns. The barriers/hesitations to adoption of the GUVA japonica rice variety, namely seed availability, varietal information, and market potential, must be complemented with the suggested improvements on the variety together with factors that convince the farmers for committed use of this variety. Researchers together with partner agencies must put a lot of thought on how to integrate and synchronize these concerns so that the farmers can adopt GUVA japonica rice. Interest check on the usage of GUVA japonica rice variety in rice production as well as suggested improvements were solicited as the basis for continuous R&D pursuits that would eventually promote and adopt the GUVA japonica rice variety from these provinces.
Protected agriculture has great potential for the vegetable industry in the Philippines as it allows the application of modern cultivation techniques to mitigate adverse weather conditions and enable farmers to manage pests and diseases efficiently. Thus, to address the increasing demand for food in the Philippines, one strategy to increase vegetable production which is tested and/or proven is through the intensified use of protective structures. This review describes the magnitude and potential of agriculture in the Philippines, focusing on the protected cultivation of horticultural crops. The Philippines is far behind in greenhouse technologies compared to other Asian countries where thousands to millions of hectares are used for protected vegetable cultivation. Several studies have investigated the economic viability and applicability of low- and high-cost protective structures in typhoon-prone countries such as the Philippines, demonstrating that protective structures are feasible and profitable. Also, the impact of protected cultivation as compared to the open field has resulted in significantly higher yield and better quality of produce. Hence, the Philippine government with the assistance of the Republic of Korea agreed to improve the country’s flagging vegetable industry and endeavor to attain the status of a food-secure country through the establishment of smart greenhouse technologies. Overall, despite the limitations due to the high cost of electricity and construction protected cultivation facilities including required technologies provide greater advantages for seasonal and off-seasonal vegetable crop production compared to that in the open field. Moreover, such technology can be applied to various geographical locations such as plains, hills, deserts, rural, and urban areas.
본 논문은 필리핀 로컬 스페셜티 커피에 대한 소비자의 선호도를 밝히고 일반커피 대비 스페셜티 커피에 대해 소비자들이 부여하는 가치를 추정하는 것에 목적이 있다. 특히 소비자 잉여를 극대화하는 스페셜티 커피의 최적 가격을 분석하여 커피 농가를 포함한 생산자, 투자자들의 이해를 높이고자 하였다. 주 요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 응답자들의 연령 및 성별에 따라 소비하는 커피의 형태가 다르게 나타남. 그러나 공통적으로 주로 아침에, 집에서, 습관적으로 커피를 섭취함. 가장 선호하는 커피의 맛은 단맛과 쓴맛임. 대부분의 소비자들은 양조 커피, 압착 커피를 소비함. 2. 고품질의 원두를 엄선하여 만들어지는 스페셜티 등급의 커피 한 잔에 대한 소비자의 평균 지불의사가격은 일반 커피 (42페소) 대비 271% 높은 156페소(약 3.2달러)로 분석됨. 연령이 어릴수록, 학력과 소득이 높을수록, 스페셜티 커피에 대한 사전적 인지도가 높을수록, 향후 스페셜티 커피에 대한 구매 의사가 강할수록 스페셜티 커피에 보다 높은 지불의사가격을 표현함. 3. 로컬 스페셜티 커피는 원두 구매, 가공 및 로스팅, 등급 평가 비용이 발생하여 적절한 가격 인상이 요구됨. 기존 일반 커피 가격대비 40% 인상까지 소비자 후생이 증가하는 것으로 나타나는 반면, 스페셜티 커피 가격이 일반커피 가격대비 50% 이상 인상되는 경우에는 소비자들의 후생이 감소하는 것으로 나타남. 4. 필리핀 소비자들이 지역에서 생산된 스페셜티 커피에 대한 높은 선호를 갖고 있다는 점을 고려하면 현지 스페셜티 커피에 대한 대대적인 홍보가 로컬 스페셜티 커피에 대한 인지도를 높이고 시장 확대로 이어질 수 있음. 이는 필리핀 커피 로드맵, 필리핀 농무부의 지속 가능한 발전 계획 목표 달성에 기여할 것임.
KOPIA 필리핀 센터는 2015년부터 2019년까지 벼 우량종자 증식과 보급 시범사업을 위해 Iloilo 지역 시범마을에 양수기 지원 및 관개수로 확충을 통하여 Sinibaan 50 ha와 Tabucan 65 ha 등 총 115 ha 면적의 관개시설과 ‘Milyang 23’ 등 다수성 품종과 재배기술을 지원하였다. Bohol 지역 시범마을은 japonica 벼 품종 ‘MS 11’의 고순도 종자를 시범마을 농가에 분양하고 재배기술을 지원하였으며 대량 재배를 통해 주변 시장과 연계하는 고급브랜드화 사업을 추진하였다. Iloilo와 Bohol 2개 지역에서의 필리핀 벼 종자증식 및 보급 시범마을사업의 성과분석 결과, 본 사업은 마을에서 요구하는 벼 재배 맞춤형 기술지원과 적절한 기반시설 투입을 통해 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 2개 지역 시범마을사업 추진 결과 벼의 평균 생산량은 25.6~29.7%가 증가하였다. 2. 시범마을사업 추진을 통해 2개 지역 평균 순소득은 2~3 배가 향상되었다. 3. 이중차분법(DID)을 이용하여 분석한 농가 소득은 Iloilo 주 건기 22.2%, 우기 0.2%, Bohol 주 건기 47.3%, 우기 48.5%로 향상되었다. 4. 시범마을사업 참여 농가의 만족도와 계속 참여 의향은 7 점 만점에 5.4~6.7 범위로 향후 동일한 사업이 진행된다면 다시 참여하겠다는 농가 비율이 상대적으로 높은 경향을 보였다.
The PCA’s decision refusing historic rights concerning the 9-DL cannot be enforced because the decision advantaging the Philippines has already been rejected by China. It, however, may be as a reference for some states to negotiate, since an optimistic atmosphere emerges among the disputing parties. The readiness for negotiation among them clearly requires that parties should not have rigid attitudes but should show flexibility based on the reciprocity principle. On one side, the PRC should set aside its typical intention to dominate most parts of the South China Sea as its traditional fishing ground based on historic rights concerning the 9-DL. On the other side, the Philippines should guarantee the regional stability and peace without questioning the real sovereignty of the PRC over several natural features, possibly related to the 9-DL claimed as its historic rights. The 9-DL is incompatible with the UNCLOS.
최근 필리핀 남서부 해역 즉, 술루해(Sulu Sea)와 셀레베스해(Celebes Sea)에서 통항선박에 대한 해적사고가 연이어 발생하고 있다. 해적들은 현지 이슬람 무장 반군 ‘아브 사야프 그룹’(Abu Sayyaf Group) 구성원들이다. 그들은 조직 운영자금 마련을 위해 최근 13개월 동안 선원 59명을 납치하고 감금했다. 이들에 의한 선원 납치와 살해는 같은 해역의 해상안전과 아시아 지역 물류활동에 커다 란 위협이 되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 최근 동 해역에서 발생한 해적사고 22건을 총톤수, 선종, 시간, 장소 및 국적 등으로 분석한다. 아 울러, 이들 해적행위 직접 가담자이자 배후세력인 ‘아브 사야프 그룹’과 현행 문제점을 살펴본다. 마지막으로 통항선박과 선사 그리고 관련국가 및 국제사회가 취할 대응방안을 제시하고자 한다.
The catch composition of commercially important species of the stationary lift net at Barangay Gines, Miagao, Iloilo, the Philippines was investigated from December 2013 to May 2014 during the different phases of the moon. A total of 486 kg of fish coming from 12 different genera, including mollusk and crustaceans, was caught and identified from the catch of the stationary lift net. Among the 12 genera identified from the catch of stationary lift net, anchovy (Stolephorus), sardines (Sardinella), squid (Loligo) and mysid shrimp (Acetes) were considered to be commercially important due to their value. Acetes catch was highest during the new moon in the month of January. Loligo catch was also high during the new moon except in the month of May. Stolephorus catch was also highest during the new moon except in the month of January. Sardinella catch was highest during the first quarter in the month of February. Full moon had the lowest catch all throughout the duration of the study while new moon had the highest catch during December 2013 to March 2014 and first quarter was the highest in the months of April and May.
Through an integration of seasonal climate forecasts (SCF) and rice pest epidemiological models, a potential risk forrice pest epidemics can be predicted even before a cropping season starts. The objective of the study was to developand evaluate an epidemiological “rtdSim” model for tungro, a vector-born rice disease, aiming at predicting a seasonaltungro risk in the Bicol Region of the Philippines. Predicting tungro epidemics requires many components explaining thecomplex nature of the three-cornered pathosystems (virus, vector, and host) and their interactions with environmental variables.The rtdSim model successfully calculated number of rice hills infected with the rice tungro virus through its vector, thegreen leafhopper (GLH). The present study highlights the potential for developing a climate-based early warning systemfor rice pests, thus allowing better decision-making on a seasonal level.
Nueva Ecija is a landlocked province in Central Luzon region that is composed of 27 municipalities and 5 cities. It is a province that is rich with biodiversity on its north and east borders, which exhibit a shared ecosystem with the Caraballo mountain range in the north and the Sierra Madre mountain range in the east. Its main economic activity is farming where rice is the main crop. Part of the Sierra Madre mountain range traverses its towns of Bongabon, Laur, Rizal and Pantabangan where most of the locals perform agro – forestry activities as a means of generating income for their families. Due to the accumulation of farm residues as a result of intensive agro-forestry activities, mushroom pharming becomes a very viable agribusiness undertaking in the area. Our research team initiated the establishment of database by tracking the mushroom production activities in the province. Similarly, the prevailing climatic condition in the geographical area and the type of agro-forestry wastes have been tracked. Wastes as a result of intensive agro – forestry activities are being generated which the locals oftentimes burned in the field that posed hazard to the environment. In order to discourage this practice, our research team generated technologies on mushroom pharming using rice straw as the main substrate. The promotion of mushroom pharming is based on the suitability of mushroom species to grow in climatic conditions that prevail in the specific geographical area in the province. As a result of its collaborative research undertakings, the Center for Tropical Mushroom Research and Development of the Central Luzon State University in collaboration with the Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry of Tokyo University of Agriculture and the Nikken Sohonsha Corporation encouraged the adoption of medicinal mushroom production technologies on rice straw – based formulation. With oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp) as the most widely cultivated mushroom among the mushroom growers in the province, other ligninolytic mushrooms such as lacquered mushroom (Ganoderma) and wood ear mushroom (Auricularia spp.) are grown by the locals. Similarly, leaf – litter degrading mushrooms such as paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) are also being cultivated in the province. However, some mushroom growers in the province adopt sawdust – based mushroom production technology which is not economically appropriate in the province due to the scarcity of its availability compared to rice straw. Majority of the mushroom growers in the province adopt the rice straw – based mushroom technology. Moreover, high value mushroom – based products other than the fresh mushrooms are already in the local market.
Research on the useful mushroom was done at Aurora Memorial National Park (AMNP). The Park is situated in Central Luzon Region with a total land area of 5,676 hectares. AMNP has no distinct wet and dry season thus provides a favorable climate, which promotes the growth of useful mushrooms. The photo-documentation and collections were performed to assess diversity. Five Transect Lines (TL) were laid out in five areas, with 20m x 30m quadrat and interval of 100 meters between quadrats. The study resulted in the identification of 36 families, 53 genera, and 104 species of which 97 are basidiomycetes and 6 are ascomycetes. Simpson’s and Shannon diversity indexes resulted in 0.7254 and 1.4295, respectively. In both indexes, useful mushrooms at AMNP showed moderately diverse. While the evenness revealed 0.1565 indicating low species evenness in each TL. Among the significant findings revealed two new possible new species of Microporus and Cymatoderma.
Collybia reinakeana (P.) Henn used to be a wild endemic edible mushroom not until it was discovered in the mountainous area of Puncan, Carranglan, Nueva Ecija, Philippines after the great earthquake that jolted Central Luzon in 1990. It is characterized to having big fruiting bodies (about 1 foot tall) that grow in cluster. Its mycelia were rescued from the wild and the first domestication studies were conducted which lead to the generation of its production technology. It is a nutraceutical mushroom that exhibits antibacterial and anti-hypertensive properties aside from its appreciable content of both standard as well as non- standard amino acids. It also exhibits mycoparasitic habit against species of Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Fusarium. Recently, emergence of this mushroom in the different areas in the Philippines have been reported which prompted our research team to conduct geo - tracking in order to rescue its secondary mycelia in our desire to conserve this endemic species of mushroom. With our conservation efforts, we have tracked the areas where it was found growing and subsequently isolated the secondary mycelia. At present, our research team were able to collect 9 different strains from the different areas namely Bataan (1), Science City of Munoz (2), Urdaneta City (1), San Manuel, Pangasinan (1), Rosales, Pangasinan (1), Bicos, Rizal, Nueva Ecija (1), Dipaculao, Aurora (1) and Bamban, Tarlac(1).
Collybia reinakeana (P.) Henn used to be a wild endemic edible mushroom not until it was discovered in the mountainous area of Puncan, Carranglan, Nueva Ecija, Philippines after the great earthquake that jolted Central Luzon in 1990. It is characterized to having big fruiting bodies (about 1 foot tall) that grow in cluster. Its mycelia were rescued from the wild and the first domestication studies were conducted which lead to the generation of its production technology. It is a nutraceutical mushroom that exhibits antibacterial and anti-hypertensive properties aside from its appreciable content of both standard as well as non- standard amino acids. It also exhibits mycoparasitic habit against species of Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Fusarium. Recently, emergence of this mushroom in the different areas in the Philippines have been reported which prompted our research team to conduct geo – tracking in order to rescue its secondary mycelia in our desire to conserve this endemic species of mushroom. With our conservation efforts, we have tracked the areas where it was found growing and subsequently isolated the secondary mycelia. At present, our research team were able to collect 9 different strains from the different areas namely Bataan (1), Science City of Munoz (2), Urdaneta City (1), San Manuel, Pangasinan (1), Rosales, Pangasinan (1), Bicos, Rizal, Nueva Ecija (1), Dipaculao, Aurora (1) and Bamban, Tarlac(1).
This paper describes Philippine farmers’ perception on farm mechanization and land reformation. For a survey, 280 farmers were interviewed. According to the survey, Philippine farmerrespondents seem to recognize the many advantages of using farm machines over manual, even if these are expensive and will certainly displace laborers. Although land reformation is known to only one third of the farmers, they understand it as a way of re-structuring roads and fields, and will ease farm management. Philippine farmers’ awareness of farm mechanization and land reformation appears to be very low and they also have financial problems when they consider to adopt farm mechanization and land reformation. Therefor, it is very essential to raise farmer’s awareness and also provide financial subsidy to farmers who have willingness to adopt mechanization and land reformation. Also introduction of farm land bank system like korean experience is recommended as one of alternatives.
The purpose of this article is to understand the status of education informatization in the Philippines based on trainee reports of the APEC e-Learning Training Program from 2007 to 2013. The entire number of the Philippines trainees was 60. 15 K-Fishbone analyses, project areas of interest, and purpose for participation in the training course were included in the scope of analysis. Specifically, this paper highlighted a trend in changing ICT policies and initiatives in the Philippines through K-Fishbone analysis. There were 3 major trend shifts in education informatization: the initial period (2007~2008) showed a Reversed Trapezoidal type, which then changed to Diamond type (2009~2011) and recently to Left Side Stingray type (2012~2013). Through the initial stage (2007~2008), education policy, an education integration system, motivation and HW, SW were all been equally important. During the interim period (2009~2011), supply of HW, SW and training received greater attention, followed by the demand for education policy and an education integration system in recent years (2012~2013). Finally, the analysis results of the K-Fishbone analysis proved that they fit well with the policies and initiatives implemented by the Philippines Department of Education.