
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 『인성교육진흥법』(2015)에서 제시하고 있는 인성 관련 역량 중 공동체역량을 중심으로 하여 학교에서 이루어지는 학생의 경험 가운데 이를 진작시키는 요인을 탐색하여 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 공동체역량의 하위 요인을 규칙준수, 봉사활동인식, 공동체의식으로 조작적으로 정의하였으며, 「한국교육종단연구 2013」의 1차년도(2013년) 자료의 특성을 반영한 2수준 다층모형(Hierarchical Linear Model : HLM)을 설정하 였다. 분석결과, 초등학생의 공동체역량 수준 차이는 상당 수준 학생 수준에 의한 것으로 나타났다. 학생 수준 투입변수인 부모-자녀 상호작용, 부모의 학업적지원은 공동체역량에 정적인 영향을 일관되게 주는 것으로 분석되었다. 학생 수준 과정변수인 교사와의 관계, 교우관계, 학교 동아리활동, 운동시간은 모두 학생의 공동체역량에 정적인 영향을 주었으며 학업/시험 부담감의 경우에는 부적인 영향을 미쳤다. 학교 수준 과정변수인 교사열의, 교사성 취압력은 공히 학생의 공동체역량과 관련이 있었다. 교사열의는 규칙준수와 봉사활동인식, 교사성취압력은 공동체 의식에 긍정적인 영향을 주었다. 학교폭력 정도는 봉사활동인식을 제외하고 규칙준수, 공동체의식에 공통적으로 부적인 영향을 주었다.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        홍콩은 중국으로의 귀환 이후 시행된 兩文三語정책 아래 소수 민족의 중국어 교육은 점점 더 중요시되고 있다. 비중국어권 학생들에게 어떻게 하면 더욱 효과적인 중국어 학습의 기초 단계를 학습하게 할 것인가는 매우 중요한 연구 과제가 되었다. 홍콩대학은 홍콩교육국의 연구 과제를 수주한 이후, 학교에서의 방과 후 중국어 학습을 지원하게 되었다. 중학교에서의 교육에 중점을 두고, 최근 일년 동안은 소학교까지 확대하였다. 본 연구는 「閱讀促進學習」(R2L)이라는 교수법 이 비중국어권 소학교 학습자들에게 어떤 효과를 보이는지를 집중적으로 논의하였다. 먼저 연구 초기에는 연구대상들의 작문 문제가 어디에 근거하였는지를 측정하였고, 「閱讀促進 學習」(R2L)이론에 근거하여 교육 설계를 시행하였다. 연구는 20개의 소학교 학생들을 대상으로 진행하였으며, 반 년간에 걸친 교육에서의 예측과 한자, 어휘, 구절과 전체 문장을 점층적으로 확대 하는 방법으로 학생들의 읽기 능력을 신장시킨 후, 마지막으로 실험 결과를 통해 이 학습법 시행 이전과 이후를 검토하여, 「閱讀促進學習(R2L)이 어떻게 학생들의 읽기 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 지를 조사하여 보았다. 이 연구 이후, 홍콩에 거주하는 비중국어 학습자들의 중국어 능력을 향상시키고, 이로 인해 그들 이 홍콩 사회에 더욱 융화되어, 구직을 하는데 조금 더 훌륭한 기초를 마련하는데 도움이 되었으면 한다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research is one of the stage results of “Research on the Relevance between China’s Primary School Chinese Teaching Materials and the Development of Students”, a key project of Ministry of Education in 2009, included in the National Education Science "Eleventh Five-Year Plan"( Project approval No. DHA090170). The research mainly includes data statistics and analysis of a literacy diagnostic test survey for primary school entrance students so that it provides a scientific basis for future research on the relevance between the development of students and different editions of curriculum teaching materials of Chinese literacy, such as editions from People's Education Press, Jiangsu Education Press, Beijing Normal University Press, Southwest Normal University Press, Jingshan Press, and for exploring different versions of words, quantities, orders, and ways of verifying the new idea of literacy education “Harmony and Order” that best fit the development of students in different regions.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to validate the English learning anxiety scale for Korean primary school students. At the initial stage, 16 items of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986) were drawn from the literature reviews for the preliminary test. Then, 177 primary school students were sampled for the preliminary test. After the exploratory factor analysis was undertaken, the English Learning Anxiety Scale (ELAS) was reduced to 14 items, which consisted of two dimensions (oral English classroom anxiety, and low self-confidence in English). The main test was given to 573 primary school students from fourth grades to sixth grades in eight different schools in order to confirm validity and reliability of the ELAS. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling demonstrated that the ELAS is a valid (TLI, AGFI, CFI>.94, RMSEA=.049) and reliable (Cronbach’s α = 0.891) instrument.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed to develop and understandthe primary school students' current participation rate, contents and preference for the School Sports Club; as well as to aid in the development of the School Sports Club program by researching it academically
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate how some Korean primary school students practiced autonomous English-learning while they exchanged email letters with foreign friends for 20 weeks. In order to achieve triangulation of the study, the following data resources were used: email letters exchanged and uploaded at an Internet cafe, a survey implemented in April and July as an autonomy measuring instrument, the informants’ comments on keypal activities written in July, two times of individual interviews and the researcher’s observation report. One major finding emerged from the data is that there were four types of autonomy development. Some implications drawn from the study findings are added for future keypal-based English-learning autonomy development programs.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the teaching of English was introduced into the primary school as a required subject in 1997, no achievement test has been administered for the purpose of comparing English achievement of primary school students who are receiving private instruction with that of those who are not. The purpose of this study was to investigate what impact private instruction had on English achievement of third- and fourth-year students in the primary school. For this purpose, an English achievement test was developed based on the 7th national curriculum and two questionnaires were administered: one questionnaire among 743 third- and fourth-year primary school students and the other among 22 primary school teachers. The results showed that students who were receiving private instruction outperformed those who were not on the English achievement test and that teachers had difficulty in handling English class due to the discrepancy of overall English proficiency between tutored students and non-tutored students. The findings suggest that teacher training needs to be intensified to ensure quality English language teaching in the primary school.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the early stages of reading, word decoding skills are prerequisite to reading. Word decoding involves word discrimination, phonemic decoding, and understanding of meaning. In this process, phonemic awareness enables students to examine language independently to manipulate its component sounds, and to use letter-sound correspondences to read and spell words. The 7th national curriculum of English and the primary school English textbooks fail to provide systematic language structure focus to facilitate efficiently student acquisition of the English phonemic system. Therefore, many students suffer from lack of word decoding development as well as encoding development, particularly in the 5th and 6th grades. This study explores the English phonemic awareness of Korean primary school students. To achieve the purpose of this study, a test for phonemic awareness was developed and Korean students' phonemic awareness was examined. The test deals with six areas: phonemic segmentation, phonemic manipulation, syllable splitting, blending, oddity, and invented spelling. The results are as follows: Firstly, many students showed successful results in phonemic segmentation and oddity. However, they have difficulties with syllable splitting and invented spelling. While students have strengths in the awareness of consonants except for r-l, f-p, and b-v, they suffer from lack of awareness of vowels. Secondly, errors of invented spelling and blending showed that students have differing development stages of phonemic awareness, e.g., some students master the phonemic system perfectly whereas others perceive only the alphabetic sounds. Finally, this research suggests that a balanced approach to reading is necessary in the early reading in the Korean context.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 초등학생의 외국인 혐오증에 가정요인이 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 경기도 지역에 거주하는 초등학교 6학년 학생을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 총 1,878명의 응답을 분석에 포함시켰으며, 외국인 혐오증 척도를 개발하고 다중회귀분석을 적용하여 초등학생의 가정요인이 외국인 혐오증과 어떠한 관계를 맺고 있는지를 분석하였다. 초등학생의 외국인 혐오도에는 부모 학력, 부 종교, 부모 정치성향, 부모와의 친밀도, 가족구조, 거주지, 성별이 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 외국인 혐오도는 부모와의 관계가 친밀할수록, 편부·편모·기타 가정의 학생이 양부모 가정 학생에 비해, 농어촌에 거주하는 학생이 도시에 거주하는 학생에 비해, 여학생이 남학생에 비해 더 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 부모의 학력과 부모의 정치성향은 아버지 요인과 어머니 요인에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 반면, 부직업, 모종교는 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 외국인 혐오도를 약화시키는 데 부모와의 관계가 중요하다는 것을 밝혀주고 있으며, 아울러 외국인 혐오증 개념이 우리나라에서 주된 연구 주제가 되고 있는 다문화 수용성과는 차별화된 학술적, 정책적 가치를 지니고 있음을 부각시켰다는 점에서도 그 의의를 찾아볼 수 있다.
        2010.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Today’s fundamental purpose of environmental education is to fulfill people’s desire of living in a pleasant environment and at the same time promoting individualistic and collective environmentally friendly behaviors. In order to achieve these purposes, it is very important that each person holds an environmentally friendly mind that constantly tries to preserve and protect the environment which should be acquired through experiencing the importance of the environment. In order to increases the sense of attachment of people and the natural environment, the direction of environmental education should carry out education on environment related knowledge and the condition of environment damage side by side. The direction of environmental education should consider the cultivating student’s awareness for active participation on matters related to the environment and to change their behaviors towards the environment. This study has tested the effect of reflective writing activities about the environment on the environmental sensitivity and willingness to act of 5th grade primary school students. For the sole purpose of this study, 70 students out of 141 5th graders of M Primary School were divided as the experimental group, and another 71 students were divided as the control group. The experimental group participated in 10 activities in where they were asked to express their thoughts and feelings in writing regarding 10 environmental problems occurring near the M Primary School. The control group participated in 10 environmental education lectures focusing on the lecturer. The results were as following. First, the reflective writing activities about the environment were effective in the environmental sensitivity of primary school students. Second, the reflective writing activities about the environment can affect the environmental willingness to act of primary school students. Third, there was a statistically significant correlation between environmental sensitivity and environmental willingness to act.