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        검색결과 275

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The skid resistance between tires and the pavement surface is an important factor that directly affects driving safety and must be considered when evaluating the road performance. In especially wet conditions, the skid resistance of the pavement surface decreases considerably, increasing the risk of accidents. Moreover, poor drainage can lead to hydroplaning. This study aimed to develop a prediction equation for the roughness coefficient—that is, an index of frictional resistance at the interface of the water flow and surface material—to estimate the thickness of the water film in advance to prevent human and material damage. METHODS : The roughness coefficient can be changed depending on the surface material and can be calculated using Manning's theory. Here, the water level (h), which is included in the cross-sectional area and wetted perimeter calculations, can be used to calculate the roughness coefficient by using the water film thickness measurements generated after simulating specific rainfall conditions. In this study, the pavement slope, drainage path length, and mean texture depth for each concrete surface type (non-tined, and tined surfaces with 25-mm and 16-mm spacings) were used as variables. A water film thickness scale was manufactured and used to measure the water film thickness by placing it vertically on top of the pavement surface along the length of the scale protrusion. Based on the measured water film thickness, the roughness coefficient could be back-calculated by applying Manning's formula. A regression analysis was then performed to develop a prediction equation for the roughness coefficient based on the water film thickness data using the water film thickness, mean texture depth, pavement slope, and drainage path length as independent variables. RESULTS : To calculate the roughness coefficient, the results of the water film thickness measurements using rainfall simulations demonstrated that the water film thickness increased as the rainfall intensity increased under N/T, T25, and T16 conditions. Moreover, the water film thickness decreased owing to the linear increase in drainage capacity as the mean texture depth and pavement slope increased, and the shorter the drainage path length, the faster the drainage, resulting in a low water film thickness. Based on the measured water film thickness data, the roughness coefficient was calculated, and it was evident that the roughness coefficient decreased as the rainfall intensity increased. Moreover, the higher the pavement slope and the shorter the drainage path length, the faster the drainage reduced the water film thickness and increased the roughness coefficient (which is an indicator of the friction resistance). It was also evident that as the mean texture depth increased, the drainage capacity increased, which also reduced the roughness coefficient. CONCLUSIONS : As the roughness coefficient of the concrete road surface changes based on the environmental factors, road geometry, and pavement surface characteristics, we developed a prediction equation for the concrete pavement roughness coefficient that considered these factors. To validate the proposed prediction equation, a sensitivity analysis was conducted using the water film thickness prediction equation from previous studies. Existing models have limitations on the impact of the pavement type and rainfall intensity and can be biased toward underestimation; in contrast, the proposed model demonstrated a high correlation between the calculated and measured values. The water film thickness was calculated based on the road design standards in Korea—in the order of normal, caution, and danger scenarios—by using the proposed concrete pavement roughness coefficient prediction model under rainy weather conditions. Specifically, because the normal and caution stages occur before the manifestation of hydroplaning, it should be possible to prevent damage before it leads to the danger stage if it is predicted and managed in advance.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a new model using artificial neural networks is proposed to improve the thickness error between the plates, which occurs when the rolling conditions change a lot during the thick rolling. The model was developed by using Python, and the input values are the change in the finish rolling temperature between the plates, the change in target tensile strength, the change in target thickness, and the change in rolling force. The new model is 31.76% better than the existing model based on the standard deviation value of the thickness error. This result is expected to reduce quality costs when applied to online models at actual production sites in the future.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) have been recognized as an effective seismic-force resisting systems due to their excellent strength and stiffness characteristics. The infill steel plate in a SPSW is constrained by a boundary frame consisting of vertical and horizontal structural members. The main purpose of this study was to investigate deformation modes and hysteretic characteristics of steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) to consider the effects of their aspect ratios and width-to-thicness ratios. The finite element model (FEM) was establish in order to simulate cyclic responses of SPSWs which have the two-side clamped boundary condition and made of conventional steel grade. The stress distribution obtained from the FEA results demonstrated that the principal stresses on steel plate with large thickness-to-width ratio were more uniformly distributed along its horizontal cross section due to the formation of multiple struts.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The forward head posture acts as a factor that can cause various neurovascular and musculoskeletal dysfunctions. But searching for a study on quality of life for patient with forward head posture was challenging. Therefore, this study aims to find the factors that most affect the quality of life in patients with forward head posture. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between the cranio-vertebral angle (CVA), neck disability index (NDI), pain, and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) thickness of patients with forward head posture and the quality of life of the patients and to figure out important factors that affect the quality of life of the patients with forward head posture. Design: Cress-sectional study. Methods: To measure the CVA, the angle at which the visible protrusion of C7 and the ear bead were connected was measured, and the neck disorder index was evaluated using the Korean version of NDI. The degree of pain of the subject was measured using a visual-analog scale (VAS). The SCM thickness was measured using an ultrasound imaging device, and the quality of life was evaluated using the Korean version of the World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire (WHOQL-BREF). Results: A significant predictive model showing 88% explanatory power for the dependent variable was confirmed, with an appropriate regression equation being found. The factor that most affected patients' quality of life in the forward head posture was confirmed by the SCM thickness. Conclusion: When applying an intervention to improve a patient's quality of life for patient with forward head posture, an intervention method that improves the SCM thickness should be recommended.
        2024.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the decrease of skid resistance of the road surface due to the effects of hydroplaning increases the ratio of vehicle crashes significantly, it is important to predict water film thickness (WFT). Tined is one of the widely used textures for concrete pavements. Since previous WFT models have been developed based on the asphalt pavement texture and broom concrete, it may not give reliable predictions for Water film thickness for tinned concrete. Furthermore, surface flow on tined texture may show hydraulically different characteristics due to the geometric characteristics of tined texture. This study aims to propose a reliable water film thickness prediction model for tined concrete. Three test slabs including a smooth surface, a tined surface with 16mm spacing, and a tined surface with 25mm spacing were prepared. WFTs of the test slab were measured for various conditions such as pavement slope (0-10%), rainfall intensity (0-130mm/h), and drainage path length (0-5m). A statistical model was proposed to predict water film thickness (WFT) as a function of pavement slope, rainfall intensity, drainage path length, and mean texture depth. This model exhibits strong agreement with the experimental test results. The GWNU prediction model consistently provides reliable predictions with the actual WFT for tined concrete pavement. Conversely, the previous equation consistently underestimated the water film thickness, notably on tined surfaces with 16 mm and 25 mm spacing, due to the occurrence of viscous flow along the tined lines.
        2024.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        여름철은 타 계절에 비해 장마와 불안정한 대기 등으로 인하여 빗길 교통사고의 위험성이 크게 증대될 수 있으며, 최근 5년 (2018~2022)간 여름철 빗길 교통사고는 전체 빗길 교통사고의 39%를 차지할 정도로 높은 수준이다. 이러한 빗길 운전은 노면의 배수 불량 및 미끄럼 저항 감소 등으로 인하여 수막현상을 발생시키게 된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 우천 시 도로의 안전성 강화 및 사고 위 험을 최소화하기 위한 요소인 수막두께를 산정하기 위하여 Manning의 평균 유속식을 기반으로 콘크리트 노면의 조도계수 예측 모델을 개발하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 조도계수의 영향인자를 고려하기 위하여 실외 강우 모의 장비를 이용하여 콘크리트를 타설한 뒤 실험 인자로 포장 경사, 배수거리, 강우강도, 노면 조직 특성을 고려하였으며, 이 중 노면 조직 특성은 타이닝 처리를 하지 않은 구간만 고 려한 타 연구의 기존 예측 모델 단점을 보완하기 위하여 16, 25mm 간격의 타이닝 표면 처리한 구간을 추가로 고려하였다. 수막두께 측정은 측정 범위 0.3~5mm의 수막두께 측정 게이지를 제작하여 강우가 모사된 조건에서 배수 거리 1~5m 이내 지점의 노면 조직 상 단과 수면이 접하는 수직 높이를 총 3회 측정하여 평균값을 사용하였다. 실측된 수막두께 데이터베이스를 기반으로 Manning 공식을 이용하여 조도계수를 역산한 결과, 강우강도가 증가함에 따라 조도계수는 감소하였으며, 이는 강우의 증가로 인해 물의 흐름과 콘크리 트 노면 사이의 마찰 저항 감소에 기인한 것으로 판단되었다. 또한 포장 경사가 높고 배수 거리가 짧을수록 배수성이 증가하여 마찰 저항의 지표인 조도계수가 증가하는 것으로 확인되었다. 평균 조직 깊이에 따른 조도계수 영향의 경우, 평균 조직 깊이가 증가할수록 콘크리트 표면에 노출되는 표면적이 증가하여 수막두께가 얕게 생성되고, 얕은 수심으로 인해 물의 흐름 저항이 감소하여 조도계수는 감소하는 것으로 산정되었다. 이후 135개의 데이터를 종합하여 조도계수를 종속변수로 하고 강우강도, 포장경사, 배수거리, 평균 조직 깊이, 수막두께를 독립변수로 하는 회귀분석을 수행하여 조도계수 산정식을 개발하였다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this work, the trend in the performance of carbon fiber (CF) and its composite during self-polymerization of polydopamine (PDA) at carbon fiber surface was investigated by varying the self-polymerization time of dopamine in an aqueous solution. Research has shown that the PDA coating elevated the surface roughness and polarity of the inert fiber. The tensile strength of single carbon fiber was significantly improved, especially after 9 h of polydopamine self-polymerization, increasing by 18.64% compared with that of desized carbon fiber. Moreover, the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of CF-PDA9-based composites was 35.06% higher than that of desized CF-based composites. This research will provide a deep insight into the thickness and activated ingredients of dopamine oxidation and self-polymerization on interfacial compatibility of carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) is required to release the facility from the nuclear safety act at the stage of site restoration of the decommissioning nuclear power plant. In order to evaluate DCGL, there are various requirements, and among them, the selection of input parameters based on the application scenario is the main task. Especially, it is important to select input parameters that reflect site characteristics, and at this time, a single deterministic value or a probabilistic distribution can be applied. If it is inappropriate to apply a particular single value, it may be reasonable to apply various distributions, and the RESRAD code provides for evaluation using probabilistic methods. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the difference between the application of the deterministic method and the application of the probabilistic method to the area and thickness of the contaminated zone among the site characteristics data. This study analyzed the thickness and area of the contaminated zone, and in the case of thickness, the deterministic method was applied by changing the thickness at regular intervals from the minimum depth considered by MARSSIM to the thickness of the unsaturated zone identified in previous research data. In addition, a probabilistic analysis was performed by applying a distribution to the thickness of contaminated zone. Second, for the area of the contaminated zone, the dose was evaluated for each area in consideration of the areas to be considered when deriving Area Factor (AF), and the resulting change in DCGL was observed. As a result, the DCGL tends to decrease as the thickness increases, and it seems to be saturated when the thickness exceeds a certain thickness. Therefore, It was confirmed that the level of saturated values is similar to that of entering a probabilistic distribution, and in the case of a parameter that is reasonable to enter as a distribution rather than as a single value, it is sufficiently conservative to perform a probabilistic evaluation. In the case of area change, the DCGL evaluation result showed that the DCGL increased as the scale decreased. The magnitude of the change varies depending on the characteristics of each radionuclide, and in the case of radionuclides where external exposure gamma rays have a major exposure effect, the change is relatively small. It can be seen that the change in DCGL according to the area has the same tendency as the AF applicable to the survey unit for small survey units applied in the final status survey.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The types of fuel loaded and burned in domestic nuclear power plants are WH-type and OPR/ APR-type nuclear power plants, with a total of 19 types. In the case of spent nuclear fuel released in Korea, the low combustion level of 45,000 MWD/MTU or less accounts for about 75%. In terms of fuel type, WH 17×17 and CE 16×16 fuels account for about 85% of all spent nuclear fuels. The thickness of the oxide film of the fuel cladding can make the fuel rod vulnerable during reactor operation, directly affecting the integrity of the fuel rods. so, it is a very important design factor in design. Therefore, the fuel rod design code that predicts and evaluates this has also been developed to accurately predict fuel rod corrosion. And it’s being applied to the design. In this study, the ECT probe measured by inserting it between fuel rods. The thickness of the fuel cladding oxide film was measured for spent nuclear fuel. When reloading operational nuclear fuel, the IAEA recommends an oxide film thickness of up to 100 micrometers. In this study, it was confirmed that spent nuclear fuels keeping integrity burned for 2-3 cycles were sufficiently maintained within the limit. However, the difference could be confirmed according to the characteristics of the coating material, the combustion cycle, and the use of poison rods. For the reliability of the data, symmetrical to the quadrant fuels were selected, and the fuel burned at the same period was measured. The method of selecting the target fuel can produce meaningful results.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study provides fundamental information on the temperature variations in tunnel structures during severe fire events. A fire event in a tunnel can drastically increase the internal temperature, which can significantly affect its structural safety. METHODS : Numerical simulations that consider various fire conditions are more efficient than experimental tests. The fire dynamic simulator (FDS) software, based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, was used for the simulations. The variables included single and multiple accidents involving heavy goods vehicles carrying 27,000 liters of diesel fuel. Additionally, the concrete material characteristics of heat conductivity and specific heat were included in the analysis. The temperatures of concrete were investigated at various locations, surfaces, and inside the concrete at different depths. The obtained temperatures were verified to determine whether they reached the limits provided by the Fire Resistance Design for Road Tunnel (MOLIT 2021). RESULTS : For a fire caused by 27,000 liters of diesel, the fire intensity, expressed as the heat release rate, was approximately 160 MW. The increase in the carrying capacity of the fire source did not significantly affect the fire intensity; however, it affected the duration of the fire. The maximum temperature of concrete surface in the tunnel was approximately 1400 ℃ at some distance away in a longitudinal direction from the location of fire (not directly above). The temperature inside the concrete was successfully analyzed using FDS. The temperature inside the concrete decreased as the conductivity decreased and the specific heat increased. According to the Fire Resistance Design for Road Tunnel (MOLIT 2021), the internal temperatures should be within 380 ℃ and 250 ℃ for concrete and reinforcing steel, respectively. The temperatures were found to be approximately 380 ℃ and 100 ℃ in mist cases at depths of 5 cm and 10 cm, respectively, inside the concrete. CONCLUSIONS : The fire simulation studies indicated that the location of the maximum temperature was not directly above the fire, possibly because of fire-frame movements. During the final stage of the fire, the location of the highest temperature was immediately above the fire. During the fire in a tunnel with 27,000 liters of diesel, the maximum fire intensity was approximately 160 MW. The capacity of the fire source did not significantly affect the fire intensity, but affected the duration. Provided the concrete cover about 6 cm and 10 cm, both concrete and reinforcing steel can meet the required temperature limits of the Fire Resistance Design for Road Tunnel (MOLIT 2021). However, the results from this study are based on a few assumptions. Therefore, further studies should be conducted to include more specific numerical simulations and experimental tests that consider other variables, including tunnel shapes, fire sources, and locations.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 RGP 렌즈 착용 상태에서 렌즈후면과 각막전면에 존재하는 눈물층의 두께와 눈물의 굴절력을 측정하였다. 방법 : 본 연구의 대상자는 20명(평균연령 23.02±1.89세)이 참여하였다. 각 참여자는 각막곡률의 측정값에 따 라 피팅상태가 flat fit, alignment fit, steep fit이 되도록 3개의 다른 BC의 RGP를 피팅하였다. RGP렌즈를 착 용한 상태에서 OCT로 눈물층 두께 측정, 자동굴절계를 이용하여 눈물렌즈의 굴절력을 측정하였다. 결과 : 측정결과 베이스 커브에 따라 발생한 렌즈 후면과 각막 간의 눈물층 높이의 평균값은 플랫한 피팅 상태 에서는 6.20±1.06 μm, 정렬된 피팅상태에서는 9.10±1.55 μm, 스팁한 피팅상태에서는 12.5±1.50 μm으로 통 계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다(F(2, 57)=103.05, p<0.010). 피팅상태에 따라 생성된 눈물렌즈의 굴절력은 플 랫 피팅인 경우 –0.85±0.75 D, 정렬된 경우 –0.48±0.85 D, 스팁 피팅인 경우 +1.56±0.77 D로 통계적 으로 유의하게 나타났다(F(2, 57)=53.71,p<0.010). 3가지 피팅에 따라서 RPG 렌즈 후면과 각막전면의 있는 눈 물 렌즈의 두께와 눈물 렌즈로 생성된 굴절력과의 상관관계 분석에서 r=0.58로 다소 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 결론 : 본 연구에서는 정렬된 피팅이 된 경우, 최소의 굴절력 조정이 요구되며, 반면 스팁한 피팅인 경우 더 많 은 조정이 필요하다.
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