친환경 해충 방제 방법 중 LED를 비롯한 빛을 이용한 해충방제가 활발하게 연구되고 있으며, 해양, 농장, 축사 등 산업적인 측면뿐만 아니라 사회 전반적인 분야에서 활용되고 있다.
해충 기피램프의 광원은 주로 LED(550~630mm)가 활용되고 있으나 출력이 약해 넓은 면적에 적용이 힘든 단점이 있다. 이에 제논램프를 이용한 넓은 면적에 적용 가능한 식물재배용 해충 기피램프를 적용하여 담배거세미나방에 의한 작물 및 피해과실률을 비교하였다. 특정 파장(870~920mm, 자외선:가시광선:적외선=2:34:64)을 방출하는 제논램프를 높이 2.5m, 2/10a개 설치하였다. 광원의 처리는 3수준(일몰 후 2시간 경과 시점부터 2시간, 4시간, 무처리)으로 하였으며, 나방의 유입을 원활하게 하기 위하여 모든 출입구를 개방하였다. 과실 피해가 발생한 후 출입구를 폐쇄하여 제논램프가 유입된 나방의 작물 및 과실 가해를 억제하는지 조사하였다. 토마토 재배는 경상남도 함안(35° 15’ 0”N / 128° 25’ 0”E)의 유리온실(6*10*5m)에 토마토(데프니스, 유럽종)를 재식간격 1m(줄 간격), 0.5m(포기사이거리)재배하였다. 생육기간은 4월 12일 정식하여 8월 2일까지이다. 토마토 재배기간 동안 격주간격으로 생육(초장, 엽면적, 잎, 과실, 줄기의 생체중 및 건물중)조사를 하였으며, 매주 피해과, 정상과의 수량을 조사하였다. 조사 결과 대조구에서 엽의 건조 중량이 21%정도 낮았으며, 줄기의 건조 중량은 2.5배 높았으며, 초장, 엽면적은 차이가 없었다. 제논램프 처리 시간에 따라 피해과실률((피해과실 중량(g)/총 과실 중량(g))*100)은 제논램프 4시간 : 초기 7.59 → 2주 후 0.02a, 2시간 : 초기 3.41 → 2주 후 6.32b, 대조구 초기 10.00 → 2주 후 42.71c% (Analysis of variance, p < 0.1) 로 조사되었다. 대조구에서는 유입된 담배거세미나방이 온실 내에서 번식함에 따라 엽의 생체중은 감소하였으나 엽면적에서는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았는데, 이는 대조구의 잎이 심하게 황화된 경우가 많았고, 이 때문에 엽면적은 증가하였으나 중량감소 하였다. 제논램프 2시간, 4시간 처리에서는 담배거세 미나방에 의한 작물 및 피해과실률이 감소하였으며, 제논램프 4시간 처리에서 유의하게 높은 방제 효과를 보였다.
The tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura(Fabricius) is serious pest that hurts tomato crops, actives long time of the year. Without pesticide applications, sex pheromone delta traps through experiment first and second half setting during cultural seasons in glasshouse and greenhouse. We investigated captured number of S. litura both in and out side of the two type of tomato cultivated greenhouse. As a result of investigation, captured number of S. litura showed the wave and three high peak typed graph throughout 10 months experiment. First time expression of S. litura was late April in outside installed traps and after that occurrence rate increased gradually until late August. In september, the rate decreased remarkably to middle November in both in and out side treated traps. The result also expressed that captured average number of S. litura in inside of the greenhouse were 8~10 units, and were 15~20units in outside treated traps. Simultaneous installation of internal and external sex pheromone traps succeeded in eliminating a considerable number of S. litura male moths, and the number of larvae was expected to be considerably reduced. Consequently in the experiment, captured male number of S. litura were about 220 units in outside, on the other about 80 of S. litura captured in inside installed traps.
A cDNA (814 bp) encoding ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) antizyme (Az) was cloned from the Tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura. The open reading frame (ORF) showed an internal stop codon (TGA) on bases 223-224-225, encoding 270 amino acids except for the 223-T. A modified ODC Az cDNA (Slit ODC AzM) by point mutation for removal of the 223-T was introduced into a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) strain expressing a cloned ODC from the Tobacco cutworm. The transformed strain with ODC AzM exhibited a remarkable inhibition on ODC action, showing 56 % lowered cellular proliferation rate and the decreased cellular polyamine levels by 40.1 % (putrescine), 64.1 % (spermidine) and 58.6 % (spermine) at 48 hrs of cultivation in comparison with the original ODC Az cDNA. These results suggest that the modified ODC Az is expressed regardless of the frame-shifting and the expressed functional protein effectively inhibits the ODC activity.
작물재배에 있어서 관행 스프레이 처리에 의한 병해충방제는 노동집약적, 농약중독 그리고 작업 기피성 등으로 문제가 되어 왔다. 이러한 작업 개선을 위하여 수도작 방제용으로 도입된 농업용 무인헬기의 활용도가 낮아 경제성 확보를 위해 방제 대상 작물의 다양화와 더불어 다양한 농작업에 그 활용성을 확대할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 무인헬기의 활용성에 대한 다양화를 위하여 무인헬기를 이용한 콩재배포장에서의 해충방제 연구를 통하여 해충방제용으로 농업용 무인헬기의 활용가능성에 대한 효과를 검증하고자 수행하였다. 담배거세미나방의 방제를 위하여 에토펜프록스를 두 시기에 걸쳐 고농도저약량(8배 희석)으로 농업용 무인헬기로 방제하였고, 관행방제는 경운기 부착용 동력분무기로 약제를 1,000배로 희석하여 처리하였다. 그 결과 농업용 무인헬기방제는 관행방제와 같은 방제효과를 보였고 고농도 저약량처리의 무인헬기방제에서도 약해의 증상은 나타나지 않았으며 방제비용을 37% 절감하고 노동시간도 90%를 줄일 수 있었다.
Two complete mitochondrial genomes of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea) and the rice leaf roller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), were sequenced. Each 15,388 bp and 15,368 bp-long genome contained both the lepidopteran specific gene arrangement that differ from the most common arrangement of insects by the movement of tRNAMet to a position 5’-upstream of tRNAIle. Neither of the species have typical COI start codon. Instead, the CGA (arginine) sequence that is commonly present in other lepidopterans was also found both in S. litura and C. medinalis. The evolutionary rates among 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) in Lepidoptera showed ATP8 the highest, whereas COI the lowest. The high A+T-content, which is characteristic of mitochondrial genome was well reflected in the two lepidopteran mitochondrial genomes: higher frequency of A/T-rich codons, severe A/T bias in 3rd codon position, and extremely high A/T content in the A+T-rich region. Because insect mitochondrial genomes harbor biased nucleotide and resultantly biased amino acid sequences, phylogenetic inference is often misled by them. Although each recoded and unrecoded datasets for nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences of PCGs provided overall identical topology, regardless of recoded scheme, each nucleotide and amino acid dataset provided difference in the status of Macrolepidoptera, providing a monophyletic group by amino acid dataset, whereas non-monophyletic group by nucleotide dataset.
This study was conducted to determine the relationship of larval density of tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) to damage in greenhouse sweet pepper. Laboratory experiments, cage experiments by artificial release and field investigation were carried out in 2008. The leaf consumption rate increased greatly with larval development. The damaged leaves had several round or oval shape holes on the surface or lost certain parts of them, and the fruit damaged had a conspicuous hole on the surface or scar marks around the calyx. In the field investigation, fruit damage was highly correlated with larval densities and reached 3.5% damage at maximum. Cage experiments showed that numbers of non-marketable fruit increased as increasing larval densities released. The larval density at two weeks before harvest had a high relationship with the percentage of damaged-fruit at harvest. Corresponding larval density caused 1, 3, 5% of damaged-fruit was 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 larvae per plant, respectively.
In an effort to gain a better understanding of the nature of the population genetic structure of the pest insect, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), tobacco cutworms were collected from six Korean and five Chinese localities and their mitochondrial A+T-rich region and nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) regions were cloned and sequenced. A total of 106 A+T-rich region haplotypes and 92 ITS2 sequence types were obtained from 158 individuals. Compared to the preliminary mitochondrial COI gene sequence data that provided all identical sequence types in all samples, the A+T-rich region and nuclear ITS2 are highly variable. Overall, a low level of genetic fixation in the A+T-rich region (FST = 0 ~ 0.02965) and nuclear ITS2 (FST = 0 ~ 0.34491), and no discernable isolated population was noted to exist among most S. litura populations. The presence of a majority of within-population variations, rather than variations among populations or between China and Korea, indicates that the S. litura populations are composed of heterogeneous individuals. The fixation index at hierarchical level of among regions shows no significance, suggesting that the S. litura populations in both Korea and China are profoundly interrelated with one another. This finding is in accord with the current knowledge that S. litura has sufficient flight capacity for dispersal.
A bee-vectoring method has been recently developed against greenhouse insect pests. In this study, we conducted experiments to determine if bumble bees, bombus terrestris L. could vector Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai from hives equipped with a pathogen dispenser to leaf and flower of sweet pepper. First, in laboratory, insecticidal activity of B. t. subsp. aizawai NT0423 WP (Tobagi, Dongbu Hitek Co.) against 2nd instar larva of Spodoptera litura Fabricius was evaluated to determine if the amount of B. thuringiensis deposited on the leaf and flower would be sufficient to control the tobacco cutworm. The B. t concentration of the product in this experiment was estimated as 2.8-3.1 x 109 CFU/ml. The B. t. concentration on the body of bumble bees that was captured as they exited hives with filled pathogen dispensers was 4.6 x 109 cfu/ml. At the laboratory bioassay, the mortality of tobacco cutworm was serially measured depending on the pathogen concentrations. At the cage trials, the B. t. delivered by bumble bees was detected in bees, flowers and leaves. Through the several trials, the control effect on the tobacco cutworm has been investigating. The side effect on bumble bee from the first trial was not found in this experiment.
In order to understand the nature of population genetic structure of the notorious pest insect, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a total of 159 individuals of the tobacco cutworm collected from six Korean and five Chinese localities were cloned and sequenced their mitochondrial A+T-rich region. A total of 90 haplotypes ranged 324 bp ~ 372 bp in length and 0.30% ~ 4.85% in sequence divergence. Compared to the preliminary mitochondrial COI gene sequence data that provided nearly identical sequences in all samples, the A+T-rich region provided substantially high sequence variation, validating the applicability of this molecule to the study of intraspecific variation. Overall, a very high per generation migration ratio (Nm = 5.91 ~ infinite), a very low level of genetic fixation (FST = 0 ~ 0.077796), and no discernable isolated population were noted to exist among populations of S. litura, although some significant genetic differentiations were found between several pairs of populations. These results collectively suggest that the S. litura populations in both Korea and China are very well interrelated to each other. The structural analysis revealed that the S. litura A+T-rich region harbored two stretches of the [TA(A)]n sequence, the poly-A stretch, and a stem-and-loop structure that are well found in other lepidopteran A+T-rich region. Furthermore, the region harbors the 13 ~ 19-bp long T stretch and 5-bp long motif that have been suggested to function as a possible recognition site for the initiation of replication of the minor strand of mtDNA also were found.
Five effective strains against tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Steinernema carpocapsae (GSN1), Steinernema sp. (GSNUS-10), Steinernema sp. (GSNUS-14), Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Hamyang (HbH), and Heterorhabditis sp. (GSNUH-1) were selected among 14 isolates of Korean entomopathogenic nematode in laboratory tests. LC₅₀ values of above five strains against tobacco cutworm were various by different nematode strains and developmental stages of tobacco cutworm. LC₅₀ value of S. carpocapsae (GSN1) was the lowest by 4.0~8.3 infective juveniles (Ijs) and 2nd instars of tobacco cutworm was most susceptible. Pathogenicity of five effective strains against tobacco cutworm depends on nematode strain, concentration, and application times. The most effective strain was determined as S. carpocapsae (GSN1). Two or three times of applications were effective regardless of nematode strain, or concentration. Efficacy of S. carpocapsae (GSN1), Steinernema (GSNUS-10), Steinernema (GSNUS-14), and Heterorhabditis (GSNUH-1) was variable depending on nematode strain, concentration, application times, and host variety. S. carpocapsae (GSN1) was the most effective and inoculation of 100,000 infective juveniles per ㎡ (720,000 Ijs/7.2 ㎡=1×10⁹ Ijs/㏊) resulted in higher efficacy. Three times of application of nematodes led to higher control efficacy than one or two applications. Efficacy of nematodes was higher on Chinese cabbage than cabbage or kale.
Bacillus thuringiensis with selected high toxicities against tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura were isolated from domestic soils. When being observed under a phase-contrast microscope, the insecticidal crystal proteins were showed a bipyramidal crystal types. New CAB 109 isolate was identified to B. thuringiensis subsp. aizawai in the H serotype. As a results of insecticidal activities between CAB 109 isolate and 3 existing ready-made products against 3rd larva of S. litura, CAB 109 isolate showed 100% mortality with spore concentration (1.3×10⁷ cfu/㎖). It was a very high insecticidal activity compared with a existing ready-made B. t. products. LD₅₀ values of CAB 109 isolate was 9.78×10⁵, 6.87×10⁶ and 1.83×10⁷ cfu/㎖ spore concentration against 2nd, 3rd and 4th larva of S. litura, respectively. Unlike Plutella xyfostella, S. litura was slowly died after application up to 7 days. The weight of S. litura larva applied with CAB 109 isolate were 6-7 times less than controlled group. Even though it didn"t die, it did not grow into next larva. The result observed with scanning electron microscope was that CAB 109 isolate of B. t. aizawai formed a typical bipyramidal crystal protein type. Otherwise, when CAB 109 isolate was examined with SDS-PAGE and with trypsin, there was no difference between CAB 109 strain and ready-made products of B. thuringiensis.
몇가지 살충제에 대한 파굴파리 충태별 약제 방제효과를 조사한 결과, 알 상태에서 엽면 살포시 spinosad, dimethoate, emamectin benzoate, cartap 등의 방제가가 83% 이상으로 효과적이었다. 유충에 대해서는 dimethoate와 cartap이 87% 이상의 살충활성을 나타내었다. Dimethoate와 cartap을 엽면살포 후 잔효력을 조사한 결과 dimethoate는 약제처리 후 3일까지 93.3%의 높은 활성을 유지하였다. 번데기에 대해서는 terbufos GR, cartap GR이 88.2% 이상의 살충활성을 보였으며, 성충에 대해서는 dimethoate와 cartap이 95%이상 살충활성을 나타내었다. 이상의 결과에서 알, 유충, 성충방제에는 dimethoate EC와 cartap SP, 번데기 방제에는 terbufos GR, cartap GR가 효과적이었다.
밀양에서 채집한 담배거세미나방 유충의 약제감수성을 조사하였다. 약제의 반수치 사농도는 1령층에서 0.5-5.6ppm,2령층에서 9.9-27.9ppm, 3령층에서 9.6-125.1ppm 및 4령층에서 24.3-546.6ppm으로 약종에 따른 차이와 함께 유충의 영기가 증가할수록 높았다. 또한 약제별 추천농도에 대한 유충의 90%치사농도의 비로 나타낸 약제내성비(내성비= 약제별 추천농도)도 1령충에서 0.04-0.8, 2령충에서 0.2-7.5, 3령충에서 0.7-115.3및 4령충 에서 1.2-483.4으로 약종에 따른 차이와 함께 유충의 영기가 증가할수록 높았다. 한편,동일 약제에서 유충의 영기간 반수치사농도, 및 내성비의 차이는 chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos 및 EPN에서 매우 낮았으며, lufenuron, chlorfluazuron및 teflubenzuron에서 매우 높았다. 이러한 결과를 종합하면 담배거세미나방 유충의 방제는 영기가 어릴수록 또한 약제감수성이 낮은 약제, 즉 반수치사농도 및 내성비의 차이가 적은 약제인 chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos 및 EPN을 사용할수록 효과적임을 의미한다.
곤충병원선충(Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser) 기주 증식을 위해 실내 대량사육이 용이한 파밤나방(spodoptera exigua (Hubner))과 담배거세미나방(Sp. litura (Fabricius))유충에서 병원성과 증식선충수를 조사하였다. 반수치사 병원선충수는 두 기주간 또는 발육시기에 따라 차이가 없었으나 기주내에 증식된 선충수는 기주의 크기에 비례하였다. 온도에 따른 선충의 증식은 온도가 증가함에 따라 기주내 최대 감염태 선충수(담배거세미나방 5령충에서 약 500,000마리, 파밤나방 5령충에서 약 100,000 마리)를 보이는 소요기간이 에는 접종 후 6일이나 에서는 12일로 길어졌다.
두류의 품종별 담배거세미나방의 유충사육에 따른 용발육 및 성충수명에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 담배거세미나방의 용기간은 8.7~9.5얼로 강낭콤 및 동부에서 짧았으며, 두유콩, 새알콩 및 선화녹두에서 길었고, 암컷의 용기간이 수컷보다 약 1일 짧았다. 전용기간은 약 1.7~2.0일이었으며, 후용기간은 약 6.7~7.7일 이있다. 용무게는 0.23~0.38g 으로 암컷이 수컷보다 약간 무거웠다. 용무게의 변화율은 검정공-1호에서 11%로 가장 낮았으며, 부광콩에서 16%로 가장 높았다. 성충수명은 약 7.8~11.2일로 강낭콩에서 가장 짧았으며, 부광콩에서 가장 길었고, 암컷의 수명이 수컷보다 약간 긴 경향이었다. 엽수분과 용이간, 용무게 및 성충수명과는 유의한 관계가 인정되었다.
두류 품종별 잎특성에 따른 담배거세미나방 유충의 발육과 식엽량을 조사하였다.유충 기간은 검정콩 l호에서 11.5일로 가장 짧았으며, 대광땅콩에서 15.7일로 가장 길어어 두류 품종에 따라 현저한 차이가 있었다. 유충의 영기별 발육기간은 l령에서 3 .2~5.0일로 가장 길였으며, 4령에서 1.0- I.5일로 가장 짧았다. 유충의 식엽량은 영기가 증가함수록 현저하게 증가하여 마지막 6 령기 동안의 식엽량이 유충기간 총 식엽량의 약 55~74%를 차지하였다. 그리고 유충의 성별 식엽량은 수컷보다 암컷에서 많은 경향이었다. 하지만 유충의 사망율과 성비는 두류 품종별 식엽량과는 관련이 없었다.