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        검색결과 9

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 남원 관광목적지 네트워크를 분석하여 관광지 관리방안을 도출하기 위하여 수행되 었다. 이를 위해 남원 주요 관광지 4개소에서 조사된 설문지를 가지고 관광행태 분석(n=552)과 사회네트워크 분석(n=311)을 진행하였다. 남원에서 하루 이내로 체류하는 관광객의 비율이 매 우 높으며 방문 관광지수도 2곳 이내로 한정되어 있다. 그러므로 활성화를 위해 관광객의 체류 시간을 증대할 수 있는 관광지관리 전략의 수립이 요구된다. 남원 관광지 중심성 분석 결과, 광 한루원이 절대적 우위를 차지하고 있었다. 광한루원은 명실공히 남원의 대표적 관광지이자 관 광 네트워크의 핵심적인 역할을 하는 관광지라 할 수 있다. 광한루원을 중심으로 인접한 남원 관광단지를 비롯하여 시내권 관광지를 연계하는 전략이 필요하다. 매개 중심성이 높은 정령치 를 중심으로 지리산권 관광지를 연계하는 콘텐츠의 확대가 요구되며 나아가 시내권 관광지와 지리산권 관광지를 연계할 수 있는 관광거점으로서의 관광지관리 전략을 수립해야 한다. 혼불 문학관은 북부권 대표적 관광지로 거리상 인접한 시내권 관광지와 연계하는 전략이 요구된다. 남원은 시내권, 북부권, 지리산권으로 관광지가 산재되어 있으나 관광객은 특정 장소에 편중되 므로 관광콘텐츠 및 관광지의 적절한 연계와 체류시간 연장을 유도하는 관광 프로그램의 개발 은 남원 관광의 매력을 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper selects Xi'an and Suzhou as the research objects, uses the methods of questionnaire and situational simulated method to discuss the impact of tourists' perceived destination image and self-concept congruity on intention to visit, and the moderating effect of self-construal (independent / interdependent). The Study I found the following results: the tourists' perceived destination image and self-concept congruity as well as the self-concept congruity dimensions (actual self-concept congruity, ideal self-concept congruity, social self-concept congruity, ideal social self-concept congruity) have a significant positive effect on intention to visit; the impact of ideal self-concept congruity is greater than that of actual self-concept congruity; the impact of ideal social self-concept congruity is greater than that of social self-concept congruity; and the ideal self-concept congruity has strongest impact on intention to visit. The Study II found out that: self-construal has moderating effect on this impact; the higher the actual self-concept congruity perceived by the tourists of independent self-construal, the greater the intention to visit; the higher the social self-concept congruity perceived by the tourists of interdependent self-construal, the greater the intention to visit. The research conclusion has certain reference value for building of tourism destination image, understanding of the tourism decision-making of the tourists and formulation and implementation of marketing strategies of relevant departments and enterprises.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is recognized as a cultural tourism destination in Indonesia. The aim of this paper is to study the consumer personal value toward SAU. This research reported that consumers perceived angklung as an unique and attractive musical instrument and felt very satisfied to performance in SAU.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The branding concept has been burgeoning from product branding and extending to service, corporate, and further nation branding (Papadopoulous & Heslop, 2002). The concept found in the tourism literature has been mostly adapted to a tourism destination (e.g., Gartner & Konecnik Ruzzier, 2011; Im, Kim, Elliot & Han, 2012). However, unlike characteristics of a manufactured product, a tourism destination has difficulties in terms of definition, measurement, and conceptualization (Murphy, Moscardo & Benckendorff, 2007). As a consequence, there has been a shortage of empirical research relating to the application of the branding concept to tourism destination management organizations spanning from national to local tourism organizations (Blain, Levy & Ritchie, 2005; Pike, 2010). To understand tourism destination branding, recently, studies have been conducted in the context of destination branding as a part of destination marketing strategy (Morgan, Prichard & Pride, 2001), brand identity and personality (Morgan et al., 2001; Murphy, Moscardo & Benckendorff, 2007), and brand logos and slogans (Blain et al., 2005; Hem & Iversen, 2004). The concept of the destination brand equity will be applied to Hong Kong tourists who are traveling to Switzerland. Switzerland is becoming a hot spot for Chinese long-haul trips following European destinations like UK, France, or Italy. Since a decade the core countries of the European Alps Switzerland concentrates more specifically on the Chinese market and with a time lag of a few years the overnight stays have started growing (Schmid, 2012). Since 2008 the overnight stays of Chinese touristsindicated a double- digit jump over the last five years and resulted in an accumulated growth rate of 246.9 percent, that is, the overnight stays per year climbed from 214,000 (2008) to 744,000 (2012) (BFS, 2009 & 2013). The Swiss Tourism Board estimated 2 million overnight stays from China in 2020. In this case China would overturn the neighboring country Italy as one of the key source markets for Switzerland (Schmid, 2012). The high increase in Chinese tourists led to marketing efforts of Switzerland Tourism and the Swiss Hotel Association hotelleriesuisse with their initiative “Hallo China” (Switzerland Tourism, 2004). At first, the main purpose of this study is to conceptualize destination brand equity. Second, it is to propose a destination brand equity model. Third, it is to test the model using a sample of Hong Kong tourists who travel to Switzerland. Fourth, it is to investigate characteristics of tourism products preferred by Hong Kong tourists. Fifth, it is to explore how their preferences for tourism products are different according to their travel-related or demographic variables. This study expects those outcomes and benefits. Frist, components consisting of destination brand equity model and conceptual model will be generated. Second, brand equity of Switzerland as perceived by Hong Kong tourists will be tested. Third, better understanding of Hong Kong tourists regarding their perception of Swiss image, level of awareness, overall quality, loyalty, and overall brand equity will be facilitated. Fourth, most previous studies focused only on preference, behavior or attitudes of Hong Kong tourists who travel in a short-haul distance. On the contrary, this study attempts to understand Hong Kong tourists to a long-haul tourism destination, here Europe. Fifth, according to specialization theory, more specialized tourists tend to select more far-way and more risky destination because their knowledge is growing and a range of their selection is diverse. In an increasing future trend in demand of overseas Chinese tourists, this study attempts to identify long-haul Hong Kong tourists’ preference, attitude or behavior in Europe.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to effectively develop rural tourism in Korea. For the purpose, tourism that can develop with local industries and cultures together was designated as life-type tourism and development models of such tourism were reviewed based on an understanding that province-oriented tourism is necessary. An analysis of three actual cases of Japan led to following results. First, life-type tourist destinations can be developed in connection with making local areas based on their special themes, can be developed in relation to their life cultures based on their peculiar life cultures and can be developed in creative forms using characteristic environment and organizational culture of those areas. In pursuing life-type tourist attractions, it will be possible to make practical development using it with those three basic models. Second, it is important to form a flow covering the entire regions based on their own special themes, to build cyclical structure of regions and tourism and tourism and industries and to create overall conditions that can help local residents get benefits and join together, in order to develop such life-type tourist destinations. Development of life-type resort tourist destinations needs roles of practical organizations that can effectively manage them, but such organizations should be dynamic and should be distant from management of money as much as possible.
        2000.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to suggest the analytical framework for a spatial structure of a tourism destination master plan by the two types of the tourism development models: Tourist attraction System Model and Tourism Destination Region Design Model. The resort development plan is introduced as a planning tool for regenerating the eastern Pusan regions, but the economic and environmental impacts and the sociocultural dilemma accompanied by the development should be fully considered before launching the business. The development plan announced currently is traced and examined in comparison with the upper-leveled and related plans. The Tourist Attraction System Model based on the systems theory is applied to the designated regions. The Tourism Destination Region Design Model then is applied for analyzing the components of each region on the master plan. The results of the findings suggest that the tourism destination plan is basically different from a general master plan on the physical comprehensive plan, the destination is recognized as a subsystem of the whole tourism system, and thus tourism destination plan is considered as a spatial arrangement of tourism facilities and the inter- and intra-circulation.