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        검색결과 10

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 수십 년 동안, 데이터는 기업 조직 경영의 핵심 요소로 부상하였다. 많은 조직들이 데이터를 활용 하여 전략적인 의사결정을 내리고 시장 변화에 적극적으로 대응하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 본 연구는 데이터 기반 의사결정 조직 운영과 그에 영향을 미치는 요인을 살펴보고자 한다. 상시적 디지털 전환이 일어나고 있는 현대에 데이터 중심 의사결정은 조직의 성과 향상에 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. 그러나 데 이터 기반 의사결정 조직에 영향을 미치는 선행 요인과 실제로 기업 내에서 데이터 기반 의사결정이 어떻게 일어나는지에 대한 연구는 아직 많이 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 기업의 밸류체인 디지털화 정도가 데이터 기반 의사결정 조직 구축에 중요한 영향을 미칠 것임을 가설로 설정하고, 이를 국내 기업 임직원 1,059명을 대상으로 한 설문응답 데이터로 검증하였다. 또한, 본 연구는 데이터 분석 능력을 포함한 디지 털 역량을 갖춘 인재가 데이터 중심 의사결정 조직에 중요한 환경적 요건으로 작용할 수 있음을 고려하 여, 기업의 밸류체인 디지털화와 데이터 중심 의사결정 조직 구축 간의 관계에 디지털 인재 준비도가 미 치는 조절효과를 가설로 설정하고 통계적으로 검증하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 데이터 중심 의사결정 조직 형성과 운영에 대한 이해를 넓히고 기업 조직이 데이터를 효과적으로 활용하여 의사결정을 내리는 과정 에 대한 유용한 시사점을 제공할 수 있다. 실무적 측면에서는 기업들이 자신의 데이터 전략을 개발하고 구현하는 데 중요한 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is one of a study of the innovation process of Co-Created Value (CCV) typed Supermarkets in Japan. The study is done through a collaboration style with Yaoko and Hallo-day, which are recognized as the most CCV typed Supermarkets in Japan for the past 6 years (The two Supermarkets are similar to Wholefoods Market and Wegmans in the U.S.). Basically, this study aims to indicate the mechanism of why these SM manage to grow continuously. The hint to finding the answer in these SM is hidden in“Highly Sticky Information (HSI)”, which is the precious information attached to these employees working in Meal Solution Space refined as “Cooking Support Corner (CSC)”. This HSI is only the source of a competitive power. In Management and Marketing study, I believe the Market Orientation (MO) and CCV is strongly related. To note, inside the company function is MO, and outside relation of the company and the consumer is defined as CCV (See Figure 1). The existing studies in this study are summarized into five directions; “Theory of Sticky Information (TSI), Service-Dominant Logic (SDL), Service-Logic (SL), CCV, and MO”. First, TSI by v. Hippel (1994) and Ogawa S. (1998) were advocated. This theory explains that the HSI is attached to people, and it is the precious information (e.g., Consumers’ needs, insights, and dissatisfaction experience in retailing) and its transfer cost is expensive. Therefore, the company must find a way to collect this precious information in low cost and smoothly absorb such information effectively in their company. In order to do so, the company needs to have a place to communicate with their customer. This lead to the incremental innovation of interactive community space within SM. Secondly, the SDL by S.L. Vargo and R.F. Lusch (2004), and the SL by C.Grönroos, (2006) were advocated. Their concept is basically common understanding of“Consumer 1)shinya.nakami182367@gmail.com Creates Context Value.”However, SDL tends to centralize the concept from the point of the goods more so compared to SL, ; SDL is based on 4Ps marketing in the U.S., whereas the SL is based on the relationship marketing and service marketing in North Europe. Third, the CCV by C.K. Prahalad & V. Ramaswamy (2004) and Muramatsu,J. (2015, 2016) were advocated. Their concept is related to the SDL and the SL. In short, their concept explains that the Value communicates and interacts with consumers and employees in the communication space (Real-Store or Virtual), then, the consumers may need to explain a bit, and finally they create the context value. This stream is the “CCV in Marketing.”And it is important that“Consumers Create Customer Experience”.Nowadays, as many may have already recognized, the CCV is closely related to “Omni-channel”phenomenon. At last, MO by K. Kohli & B.J. Jaworski (1990) and J.C. Narver & S.F. Slater (1990) were advocated. Their concept is constructed roughly in three processes. First step is to collect the customers’ needs and insights. Second step is to sharing such resource within the company. Third step is a feedback, which allows improvements and the production of goods and service to the customers. MO shows how the company understands and work with the customers’ viewpoint. In summary, TSI, SDL, SL, CCV and MO are closely linked with the concept of “Customer Satisfaction and Engagement Orientation by V. Kumar (2016)”in service marketing. And this study is very unique to connecting CCV and MO based upon“TSI”in Japanese CCV typed SM, using not only quantitative, but also in qualitative survey. Next, the purpose of this study is to analyzed the relationship between Performance and “CCV and MO” with awareness of HSI, which is attached to the employees working in Meal Solution Corner of CCV typed Supermarkets, and to make a theoretical framework. The main SM reference is Yaoko in Saitama prefecture and Hallo-day Co. in Fukuoka prefecture, Japan. They both hold two unique and strong points. First, they have a clear cooperate policy. Another is that they have established a clear business positioning. In their interviews, the head representatives from both SM stated that, the most important key for the SM is to be loved by their customers, and to be trusted. Also, my hypothesis was that because the two SM companies had the strong character of CCV orientation, they can continue on with the incremental innovation. The reason why is that, they had 5 elements from customers’ viewpoint, “Koten-keiei” based on Chain Operation, CCV Orientation, Hypothetical Culture, Learning Organization, and Cross-Functional Organization (Nakami 2015, 2016). With 5 such key elements, they manage to increase the sales and profit for over 20 years. In Retailing, store has two meanings. One is a space for selling goods, the other is that it is a “community space” for the residents in each region. Nowadays, the latter role seems to be especially important for strategy in differentiating with Virtual-retailer versus Real- retailer. The two SM companies, Yaoko and Hallo-day, have interactive communication space called “CSC”at the store. The employees as house-wife is working in CSC (Often times, the employees are also relatable to consumers as they themselves are housewife working part time.). By communication of employees and customers in CSC learns about customers’ needs, insights, and possible dissatisfaction in service and even some resource issues within the consumer’s family. These precious information are the most precious and important resources for the retailers. Therefore, CSC is positioned as the information center between the store and the Headquarter. But the average SM has not recognized this importance. They have recognized CSC simply as a Sample Tasting Corner. This is a big mistake. They see the place as similar to eat-in-corner. CSC is the space of “Solving Problem”in the customers based on Job theory by C.M. Christensen (2016). In this study, there is one more important viewpoint, which is known as MO. This concept was proposed by Kohli & Jaworski (1990) and Narver & Slatter (1990). This study is based on the concept of MO in the action viewpoint by Kohli & Jaworski, where the employees working in CSC has the HSI from the customers and share this with the store amongst different departments along with the headquarter, and to propose the counter action to the customers. If the retailing has understood this concept, they would be able to produce incremental innovation. The research question of this study as mentioned in prior, has two unique points. One is to why this study analyzes the importance between performance and HSI, CCV and MO both the consumer’s side and Company’s side. In short, one of the character is how the consumer reputes the CSC with HSI. Second is to how the middle management (GM and manager) working in Yaoko and Hallo-day’s headquarter and the management (shop manager and the chief in each department) in the store repute the CSC, and to what degree do they hold the ability of MO (See Figure 2). There are two analysis approaches in this study. First, Regression Analysis approaches the store-loyalty-focuse of CSC from consumers’ side. Second is Covariance Structure Analysis, which is similar to Sakagawa’s where after the factor analysis of MO and CCV ability in both Headquarter and Store management workers within he company side. The summary of this study is as follows. The consumers see the CSC as the space to gain further and deeper knowledge of goods and a place of communal gathering and interactive space, with mind also placing in hopes that they can provide awareness to the workers in regards to their dissatisfaction in service or further requests and demands in service. On the other hand, the management layers in headquarter reminds CSC as the space of cross MD and the space to execute MO”. The store manager is almost same similar to the management layers in headquarter. However, the difference in view of the two may seem the only true difference is MD Standardization. The reason why is that a manual is needed to establish MO within a store. This CCV typed study result seems to be similar to the study result of Sakagawa’s Chain Store Model in Japan (2016) that MD Standardization is important to execute MO in Retailing especially. In present, this study is continuing to build up the research framework compared between Chain Store Model in Japanese SM by Sakagawa Y. (2016) and CCV Model, and whether there is a CSC in store or non-cooperating supported Hallo-day SM quantitatively. At the GMC2018, I plan to deliver the report of analyzed result and the research framework. Finally, these findings of quantitative and qualitative study will be useful and beneficial towards the study of innovation process in the retailing, both consumers’ and companys’ viewpoint. Perhaps, HSI will be more effective to create CCV and MO in Retailing as the platform between the consumers and retailers continues to seek for enhancement in high quality and demand. Also, this study will be extended to Omni-channel study to make Customer Experience in Real store and Virtual (Customer Touch-point).
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite a growing interest of value capture in the phenomenon of open innovation (OI), empirical evidence documenting the link between new product development (NPD), OI practices, and market performance is scarce. Drawing on organizational learning, NPD, and OI literature stream, this paper conceptualizes a framework in which open product innovation (OPI) practices are disentangled into two types: pre-launch OPI (which occurs before a new product is launched) and post-launch OPI (which occurs after a new product is launched). Specific types of OPI practices – technology in-licensing (i.e., pre-launch OPI) and product upgrades (i.e., post-launch OPI) – during the NPD process are expected to influence market performance of new products independently and interactively. This paper empirically analyzes the secondary data related to product innovation and market performance of 536 mobile games that were developed and launched by 265 local and global firms in South Korea. The results support hypotheses and indicate that NPD projects that engage in technology in-licensing by both local and global firms lead to better market performance than NPD projects that do not engage in. Furthermore, the more product upgrades that NPD projects employ during product life cycle, the better market performance. Finally, the involvement of active product upgrades strengthens market performance of global NPD projects that develop new products internally. The results regarding the role of pre-launch and post-launch OPI mechanisms contribute to research on OI and NPD, and also inform managers as to what product innovation practices are recommended to improve market performance of NPD projects.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Theory of Value Drivers, or Value Driver Theory (Wendee, 2011), is useful in understanding the value creation process in any enterprise. Innovation and strategy are important components in the value creation process. This research, which is based on Value Driver Theory, explored the role that innovation and strategy have in the value creation process and how they are employed in creating enterprise value. Value Driver Theory was discovered using two different, but compatible, research methodologies. The qualitative study used to discover Value Driver Theory explored the effect of business value drivers on the valuation of businesses in the United States and proposed a theory of value drivers. The Value Driver Theory study used two research methods – grounded theory and the Delphi method - to explore the effect of business value drivers on the valuation of businesses in the U.S. and to propose a theory of value drivers. In addition to a list of 72 individual value drivers, which includes innovation and strategy, the theory of value drivers presents a comprehensive value driver possibilities frontier and value driver chain, both of which are part of and are used to explain the theory of value drivers. The theory of value drivers is comprised of 28 propositions that work in concert with the possibilities frontier, the value driver chain, and other elements that are described in the paper. The Value Driver Theory paper differs from other studies as follows: First, the paper significantly extends the notions, ideas, and concepts from previous studies on value drivers. Second, the paper creates a comprehensive classification scheme for value drivers and has identified many more characteristics and properties of value drivers than previous studies. Third, the study identified 72 specific value drivers through the literature review and the Delphi study. Fourth, the paper consolidates the material from the literature review and the result of the research conducted through the Delphi and grounded theory studies and codifies it into the theory of value drivers. Subsequent to the publication of the paper on Value Driver Theory, new conceptual frameworks and tools have been developed to enhance the usefulness of Value Driver Theory in evaluating the enterprise value creation process. These conceptual frameworks and research tools were explored in the current study in general terms; and particularly as to how they relate to and enhance the use of innovation and strategy in the value creation process.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Supply and demand patterns have dynamically changed in recent years due to the increased global competition. Firms have selected quality and price as competition components and have accomplished corporate innovation in order to achieve competitive advantage. Innovation has been recognized as the way to enhance corporate competitiveness and to continuously grow in churning global competition (Homburg, Schwemmle, & Kuehnl, 2015; Moon, Miller, & Kim, 2013). Although innovation becomes a common means to improve a firm’s performance, it has the limitation of achieving a firm’s strategic goal as a long-term strategy. Thus, firms need to have more fine-grained strategies to survive in dynamically changing business environment, such as design innovation (Moon et al., 2015). For example, Apple has produced its products (e.g., iPhone, iPod and iPad) focusing on innovative product design to influence consumer purchase intention. Design can lead to a distinct competitive advantage (Bolch, 1995). Furthermore, product design can be used by firms to create amd enhance brand recognition, as well as to increase firms’ value (Mozota, 2002). Brand experience positively influences customer satisfaction and brand loyalty (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). Thus, we assume that design experience and product innovation have a positive effect on consumers’ purchase behavior and customer value. However, while the importance of design innovation is recognized, it is not easy to apply the design innovation to marketing due to the lack of relevant research in the field. In fact, relevant research on the influence of innovative new product design and design experience on customer value is scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how brand experiences and innovative product design affect customer value. Successful innovation is accomplished by identifying customer needs first and developing innovative products to satisfy their needs (Hauser et al., 2006). Design is seen as the core of innovation and the moment when a new object is conceived of, devised, and shaped in a prototype form (Landwehr, Wentzel, & Herrmann, 2013). Verganti (2008) studies the concept of "user-centered design," which describes how companies can use design to improve their relationships with users and develop a better understanding of user needs. In this research, design innovation has three dimensions: aesthetic attributes, feature attributes, and emotional attributes. First, aesthetic attributes focus on the product design itself. The aesthetic appearance of a product has a large bearing on its potential market share (Liu, 2003). Second, feature attributes focus on the product features and functional aspects that are required to satisfy customer needs. Feature attributes enable performance that can give results in the operating process (Crawford & Di Benedetto, 2007). Third, emotional attributes focus on consumers’ feeling when they purchase a new product to satisfy their needs. Emotional attributes are generated by consumers’ experience when they purchase a new product in the store. The more the product design satisfies customer's emotional needs, the more customers’ attention is attracted to the purchase of a product (Mokarian, 2007). A product satisfying the aesthetic, feature, and emotional attributes through design innovation provides a new experience to customers (Desmet & Hekkert, 2007). A consumer’s purchase decision making is affected by both direct and indirect experience of using the product and the function of product (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). Therefore, a designer comes to design the product, taking an interest in the experience that the product gives besides its shape and function. Product experiences occur when a customer interacts with the product ̶ for example, when customers search for, examine, and evaluate products (Hoch, 2002). The product experience can be direct, i.e. when there is physical contact with the product (Hoch & Ha 1986) or indirect, i.e. when a product is presented virtually or in an advertisement (Hoch & Ha 1986; Kempf and Smith 1998). Brand experience can be split into four dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral), which are differentially evoked by various brands (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). According to previous studies, these four experience dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral experience dimensions) have an effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer value can be defined as the trade-off between the benefits and sacrifices as a customer purchases a product or service from a supplier (Ulaga & Chacour, 2001). Ulaga and Chacour presented three dimensions of customer value: product-related components, service-related components, and promotion-related components. The researchers argued that customer value could be an important strategic marketing tool to clarify a firm's proposition to customers. Product-related components are intrinsic product characteristics. Product quality is a key factor of relationship value (Ulaga, 2003). Customer value consists of product value and service value. Customer value can be enhanced by quality, diversity, payment, and service quality and decreased by price, convenience, and risk (Jarvenpaa & Todd, 2003). Service-related components include all aspects of service associated with the product. Various service components play an important role in differentiating a supplier's offering (Narus & Anderson, 1996). Promotion-related components include all items used to promote the product to the customer. For all purchasing processes, it is necessary to assess the perceived customer value, such as service quality and promotional quality (Qualls & Rosa, 1995). In the present study, we conducted a research survey with 300 subjects and analyzed the data. In order to test the reliability of questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha was used. In order to test the validity, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Measurement was made for 3 variables, i.e. design innovation, design experience, and customer value. Three variables (aesthetical attributes, feature attributes, and emotional attributes) were used for design innovation. Three types of attributes were introduced for a mobile phone design innovation. Four dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, behavioral) were measured using a technical design experience and a humanistic design experience. Three variables (product-related customer value, service-related customer value, and promotion-related customer value) were employed for customer value. The results of the analyses demonstrate that design innovation has a positive effect on design experience, while design experience has a positive effect on customer value. Aesthetic attributes of design innovation have a positive effect on technical design experience and humanistic design experience. Feature attributes have a positive effect on the technical design experience and the humanistic design experience. Emotional attributes have an effect on the technical design experience and the humanistic design experience. The technical design experience has a positive effect on product-related customer value, service-related customer value, and promotion-related customer value. The humanistic design experience has a positive effect on product-related customer value, service-related customer value and promotion-related customer value. This study will make it possible to empirically examine how customer's experience in design innovation affects customer value. Our results will provide a theoretical foundation for examining a relationship between variables regarding how design innovation influences customer value through design experience. It is intended to give a direction as to the design innovation of firms by clarifying and presenting antecedent factors having an effect that design innovation produces on customer value. The results of the present study will inspire designers to design in consideration of design experience. Finally, our study will provide marketers with guidelines as to how design experience can influence customer satisfaction and loyalty.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dongdaemun Fashion Town, a representative clothing wholesale and retail market in South Korea, is a traditional market that was formed in the 19th century in the late Chosun Dynasty. Since then, the market system has strengthened and, as of now, Dongdaemun Fashion Town can produce various products in batch production and is characterized by a quick market response (Jung, Choo, & Chung, 2007). Furthermore, all fashion-related functions are available, making Dongdaemun Fashion Town an industrial cluster where all related businesses and services are locally concentrated (Ko, Choo, Lee, Song, & Whang, 2013). These characteristics of Dongdaemun Fashion Town relieve market trade cost and build a unique production system. It is positioned as a central clothing wholesale and retail district with the function of a national wholesale market. This Dongdaemun Fashion Town system creates services that customers demand through cooperation, partnership, or outsourcing between various suppliers and various resources (Nam, Kim, Yim, Lee, & Jo, 2009). Thus, Dongdaemun Fashion Town is a system space composed of subordinate markets with unique taste functions; here, a systematic network between the suppliers is significant. It produces value co-creation through collaboration with suppliers. However, few previous studies have investigated co-value created through co-production or co-innovation from Dongdaemun Fashion Town. Also, the shift from product-centered thinking to the customer-centered thinking implies the need for an accompanying shift to the customer-based strategy. It also refers the necessity of strategy to improve customer equity (Rust, Lemon, & Zeithaml, 2004). Therefore, further study is needed on co-creation research to make cyclical growth of traditional market and customer equity. The structure of this study is as follows. First, the characteristics of the Dongdaemun Fashion Town’s co-production, co-innovation, and value co-creation are investigated and each of the subordinate aspects is investigated. Second, the influence of co-production, co-innovation, and value co-creation on customer equity driver is analyzed. Third, the moderating effects on the types of suppliers’ (wholesale/retail) influence relationship are analyzed. In total, 300 samples by wholesalers and retailers were collected for the final analysis. Data analysis was performed used SPSS 21.0 for exploratory factor analyses, reliability analysis, and descriptive statistics. Based on the results, AMOS 18.0 was used for confirmatory factor analysis and multiple group analysis. The results of this study provide an insight into the influence of Dongdaemun Fashion Town’s co-production, co-innovation, and value co-creation on customer equity by wholesalers and retailers. The study concludes with outlining future directions of research that can be used in the development of marketing strategies.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        These days, thanks to lots of smart devices and advanced communication technologies, consumer’s recognition and relations have been changed. They, beyond relying on information and services which are produced by experts, produce information and knowledge by themselves via SNS or web that they want to know. As consumer’s recognition is changing like this, SNS is evolving into social platform. Therefore, this paper is intended to clarify overall relationship between network characteristics in social platform, knowledge sharing, social capital, social innovation and customer’s value. This paper has clarified influences between variables related to consumer’s behaviors in social platform and the results are summarized as following: First, network characteristics in social platform are found to positively affect knowledge sharing efforts of social platform. Second, knowledge sharing has been found to positively affect social capital and innovation in social platform. However, enjoyment in helping others i.e a sub variable is found to positively affect social capital and innovation through anticipated reciprocal relationships. Third, social capital and innovation in social platform have affected customer value in social platform positively. Consequently, this paper is intended to solve various problems found from overall societies and industries through social innovation and also to advance them. For these purposes, social platform is believed to prompt sharing idea and knowledge based on interactions between users and social relationship. These actions become social capitals resulting in social innovation. Moreover, these would create new businesses and marketing opportunities across various areas in the processes that innovative activities form customer values.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines and analyzes the effect of innovation on the price to book value mediated by managerial ownership in Indonesian companies. In order to achieve the goals and objectives, the company increases its value by increasing shareholders. Improving the welfare of shareholders can be done through investment and financial policies, and is reflected in share prices in the capital market. The higher the share price, the better the owner’s welfare, and the company’s value will also increase. The population of this study is the manufacturing companies – as many as 162 – listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2017. By using a purposive sampling method, 25 companies met the criteria for the sample. The data comes from the companies’ annual report taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website. The data is further analyzed using partial least square (PLS). The results of the study showed that innovation has a significant effect on price to book value. The companies with high marketing innovation produce high company performance as well. The companies get a commensurate reward from marketing innovation activities to carry out continuous marketing innovations. In addition, managerial ownership does not mediate the relationship between innovation and price to book value