
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        디지털 미디어 기술의 부단한 발전에 따라 뉴미디어 예술은 당대 예술 디자인 업계에 새로운 발전 기회를 가 져왔습니다.대학 캠퍼스 시청각 경관은 캠퍼스 경관 구성 시스템의 중요한 부분으로 캠퍼스 전체의 환경 쾌적 도를 높이고 환경 교육 효과를 촉진하는 등 대체 불가한 역할을 하고 있습니다.뉴미디어아트 속 다차원 디지 털 예술은 전통적인 예술 디자인 형태에 비해 색다른 미적 감각과 시각적 경험을 선사합니다.대학 캠퍼스 조 경 디자인은 대학 캠퍼스 전반의 외적인 환경 표현으로, 사제(師弟)의 대학 첫인상을 그대로 반영하고 있습니 다.현대 과학기술의 급속한 발전으로 뉴미디어아트의 표현 형식은 더욱 다채로워지고 새로운 표현방식이 끊임 없이 생겨나고 있습니다.본고에서는 뉴미디어아트의 응용탐구부터 시작하여 새로운 시대의 캠퍼스 영상음향 경관설계의 수요와 결합하여 뉴미디어아트의 캠퍼스 영상음향(Video and Audio) 경관설계에서의 혁신과 응용 을 탐구합니다.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        무분별한 산업화로 인한 스카이라인의 무질서, 자연경관 오염 등은 경관의 훼손을 가속화시킨다. 이에 국토의 경관을 보다 효율적으로 관리, 조성 및 복원하기 위하여 현재 환경부에서는 시행되어지 고 있는 개발사업 등을 대상으로 자연 경관 심의지침을 도입하였다. 제도에 입각하여 사업유형을 분류한 후, 정성적 평가를 시행하는 국내 지침 특성 상, 평가자에 의해 결과가 달라져 주관적이며 이는 곧 신뢰성의 문제로 이어진다. 반면 개발 대상지 각각의 평가 인자들을 도출한 후, 정성적, 정량 적 평가를 병행하는 영국의 경관영향평가는 지침의 유연성으로 인해 경관의 특이점을 반영하며 주 관적 관점 또한 최소화되어진다. 본 연구에서는 국내 및 영국의 경관영향평가에 대한 고찰과 영국 노썸버랜드 경관영향평가 사례 분석을 통하여 국내의 경관영향평가의 한계점과 보완 가능성을 제시 하였다. 이는 국내외 경관영향평가에 대한 기초적 연구로, 향후 이어질 경관영향평가의 세부적인 가이드라인 개발 또는 정책 수립에 합리적인 발전 방안 제시에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 대학캠퍼스의 구성원의 풍부한 감성․기억․체험을 통해서 습득된 캠퍼스의 시각과 청각의 경관에 대한 이미지를 형성하는 심리적 요인을 찾아내어 경관 평가를 위한 의미구조를 파악하는 것, 그리고 대학 캠퍼스의 시각과 청각 경관의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 평가 요인에 대한 상대적 중요도를 파악하는 데 목표가 있다. 전남대학교 용봉캠퍼스 구성원들을 대상으로 설문조사하여 시각과 청각의 경관 이미지에 대한 평가요인과 상대적 중요도를 분석하였다. 시각 경관의 이미지는 활력․정취, 매력성, 청결성, 현대성, 통일성, 복잡성, 개방성의 7가지 요인이 관여하고, 시각 경관의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 중요도는 매력성> 활력․정취>청결성>현대성>통일성>개방성의 순으로 구성된다. 청각 경관의 이미지는 정감, 활기, 평온성, 변동성의 4가지 요인이 관여하고, 청각 경관의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 중요도는 정감>평온성>활기>변동성의 순으로 구성된다. 종합만족도에 미치는 영향은 시각 경관의 만족도가 청각 경관의 만족도보다 약간 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구로부터 전남대학교 용봉캠퍼스의 구성원들이 파악하는 시각과 청각의 경관 이미지의 표현이 어떤 의미나 가치를 나타내고 있는지 확인가능하며, 심리적 경관의 이미지를 어떻게 물리적 가치로 치환해 낼 수 있는 지는 추후의 과제로 남아있다. 이 연구는 이제까지 양적으로 크게 성장해 온 대학캠퍼스의 경관의 문제를 보다 질적인 측면으로 확대하고 다가올 미래의 경관 문제를 종합적으로 파악하고 해결하기 위한 시도이다. 또한 지금까지 시각에만 머물러 있거나 의존해 왔던 경관 연구를 청각이라는 소리풍경(soundscape)의 문제로 확대한다는 점에서 기존의 경관 연구를 한 단계 발전시킬 수 있다는 점에 의의가 있다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국의 28개 도시풍경명승구에서 선정한 200개 디지털 이미지를 대상으로 경관의 매력도에 영향을 미치는 경관요소 및 시각조형요소의 선호도를 분석하였으며, 그 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국내 관련 선행연구들을 종합하여 28가지 경관요소 및 7개 경관의 시각조형요소를 선정하였으며, 직관평가법을 이용하여 이들에 대한 선호도를 평가한 결과, 경관요소의 시각적 선호도는 꽃, 잔디, 유희시설 및 정원시설물의 순으로 나타났으며, 시각조형요소는 규모, 색상 및 상대위치의 선호도가 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 요인분석 결과 28개 경관요소는 8개의 경관요인(관광서비스, 수경시설, 안전·지도시설, 매력물, 식물, 도로·광장, 자연풍경 및 지형요인)으로 설명될 수 있었다. 셋째, 도출된 경관요인 및 시각조형요소를 대상으로 피평가자들의 선호도 성향을 분석(T-검정, 분산분석)하였다. 경관요인의 경우 매력물 및 식물재료에서 성별에 따른 선호도 차이를 보였는데, 정원, 문화유적 등을 포함하는 매력물의 경우 여성이 남성보다 높은 점수를, 식물재료의 경우 남성이 여성보다 높은 점수를 주었다. 연령별로는 도로·광장인자의 경우 40세 이상의 평가자들이 20대 이하의 젊은 층에 비하여 높은 점수를 주었다. 시각조형요소 중 색상요소의 경우 여성이 남성보다 선호도가 높게 나타났다. 결론적으로 명승구 계획에 있어 자연경관뿐 아니라 안내판, 안전지도 등의 관광기반시설 설치가 중요한 경관요소임을 알 수 있었으며, 주 이용객의 특성을 반영한 설계가 이루어져야 함을 알 수 있었다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated Jichang Garden in China, which features various visual arrangements for landscape experiences. The purpose of the study was to understand concrete landscape arrangement methods and structure and to analyze the landscape experience therein. The results indicated the following elements. Water spaces in Jichang Garden created synesthetic multi-layers constructed by the sounds of the Eight-pitch stream. A multi-layer landscape structure was created through symmetrical and borrowed landscapes displayed in the buildings centering on the pond. The pot-planting landscape reveals axial and complementing landscapes that extract and separate aesthetic objects from plain walls and distracting surroundings to evoke the profound beauty of mountains and waters. By creating walkways and frameworks, the corridors serve as dividing landscapes that create a sense of direction and dynamics and divide landscapes. The moon gate and openwork windows create visual frameworks, while the overlapping of the framed and window landscapes creates a sense of depth, making the space more intriguing. First, the landscape experience, with framing and layering features, offer visual diversity and illusions. One may find Jichang Garden full of stories and landscapes as it often creates illusions to separate spaces while maintaining the atmosphere through the landscape composition and overlapping unusual layers. Second, Jichang Garden offers the experience of dynamic visual perception. In doing so, Jichang Garden combines standstill and mobile views, which offers opportunities and occasions for each individual to create different layers. Third, to recapitulate huge mountains and waters in nature, Jichang Garden overlaps a range of visual layers, reminiscent of nature outside the garden.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        순천시 동천의 둔치를 대상지로 식재된 조경식물 종의 생육적합성을 알아보기 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 순천 동천에 하천 볼거리 경관으로 도입한 식물인 층꽃나무, 마가렛, 금불초의 3종의 식재지 6구역을 대상으로 식재 후 2년 동안 비료·농약 등을 처리하지 않는 일상적인 관리를 전제로 생육적합성을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 3종 중 마가렛이 자생력과 침투력이 가장 좋은 것으로 나타나 3종 중에서는 마가렛이 순천 동천에서 생육적합성이 있는 종으로 확인되었다. 3종의 식재지 6개 구역 18개 플롯에서 총 종수는 39종으로 나타났고, 평균종수는 10.7종 출현하는 것으로 나타났다. 6개 구역, 3종의 식재지에서 공통적으로 양이온치환용량과 인산 등의 함량이 많은 토양이 양호한 구역에서 출현 종수가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 주변의 식재지로부터 가장 많이 침투한 종은 금계국이었고, 삼잎국화도 절반 정도에 침투하고 있어서 하천권역에서 볼거리를 제공해 주는 데에 중요한 역할을 할 것이며 자생력이 있는 종으로 판단되었다. 주변의 식재종이 아닌 종으로는 자주괭이밥, 소리쟁이, 토끼풀, 바랭이의 상재도가 Ⅴ로서 침투력이 큰 것으로 나타나 지속적인 관리에도 불구하고 어디서나 출현하는 종으로 나타났다. 여름과 가을의 출현 종수의 차이는 약 1종 이하로 주기적인 관리로 차이가 거의 없었다.
        1998.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경관은 생태적인 공간구조와 인간에 의산 시각상의 두 개의 다른 측면을 가진다. 따라서 경관평가는 그 양면에서 평가가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 무등산도립공원에 대하여 생태 및 시각 특성의 양면에서 경관평가를 시도하고, 이것과 현재의 용도지구를 검토하였다. 그 결과 보존가치가 매우 높게 평가된 지역이 자연환경 지구로 지정되어 있으며 보존가치가 낮게 평가된 지역이 자연보존지구내에 존재하는 등 불합리하게 지정되어 있음이 지적되었다. 또 자연공원의 관리계획상, 생태평가와 시각평가에 기초한 경관평가를 실시하여 그 결과를 반영한 보존위주의 보다 합리적인 용도지구안을 제시하였다.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오대산 국립공원의 삼림경관, 삼림 시설물 경관, 집단시설지구 경관, 사찰경관을 대상으로 물리적 환경이 지닌 환경적 질을 계량적 접근방법으로 분석하여 합리적인 이용개발 및 보전관리에 필요한 기초자료를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 심리량 분석을 취해 S.D.Scale을 측정하고 인자분석 알고리즘을 통하여 물리적 환경의 공간 이미지 구조를 밝혔으묘, 시각적 선호도를 측정하여 결정인자를 추출하였으며 각 인자 상호간의 중요성을 규명하였다. 오대산 국립공원의 공간 이미지를 함축하는 변인은 종합평가적 차원, 공간적 차원, 자연성 차원 및 물리적 차원, 호감성 차원 등 5개 인자군으로 분석되었으며 종합평가적 차워, 공간적 차원 및 호감성 차원의 인자가 공간 이미지를 대표하는 인자군으로 나타났다. 시각적 선호도를 결정짓는 주요 설명변수는 계곡물의 깨끗함과 상쾌함, 지형지세의 특이성, 등산로 설치의 자연스러움 및 사찰건물 외관과 주변 인공식생과의 어울림 등이 시각적 선호도 결정의 주요변수로 작용하고 있었다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A well-maintained landscape can increase the competitiveness of a city. Gyeongju which is the famous ancient capital of Korea, has numerous historical resources. However, the disharmony between the historical landscape and the surrounding landscape weakens the competitiveness of the city. At present, most landscape analysis methods mainly focus on plans, photos, and animation, which have certain limitations in the expression of landscape spatial scale and materials. This study aimed to use the virtual walkthrough method to take the Wolseong District of Gyeongju historical areas as the object in order to evaluate the landscape visually. Compared with planar landscape analysis methods, such as photos and videos, the virtual walkthrough method is more immersive and intuitive to experience the spatial scale. The study results revealed images, visual characteristics, and visual influence factors of the landscape, which provide essential data for the construction and improvement of landscapes in similar historical areas in the future.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A Visual landscape planning and management system has been introduced and implemented by each ministry so as to solve the problems of visual landscape destruction due to recognition on the value of natural landscape of beautiful territory and various development projects. At present, this system emphasizes the importance of the visual and perceptual aspect of the landscape however, there is a lack of techniques required for comprehensively predicting, evaluating, and managing it. Furthermore, sustainable landscape management after the completion of development projects has been inadequately carried out, as the focus has been only on consultation in the planning process of the development project in institutional performance. To this end, we presented objective and standardized criteria to predict and judge the effects of development projects on landscapes before project implementation. During the implementation of the development project, the influence of the visual landscape becomes accumulated in the construction progress stage. There is a need to identify the main viewpoints and to examine the continuous changes in the landscape-influencing factors, owing to the remarkable influences on the landscape, such as the change in the topography and the change caused by the artificial structure. During the stage of managing the influence on the visual landscape after the completion of the project, the influence on landscape should be monitored by measuring the change in the continuous landscape-influencing factors and determining the extent to which the actual reduction plan has been implemented. These processes should be performed continuously to maintain the quality of the visual landscape. The change in the landscape caused by the development project is shown to cause relatively greater visual damage than other factors composing the landscape owing to the influence of the artificial factors including the structure or the building. This shows that not only detailed examination of the visual impact before the development project but also continuous management is required during and after the development project. For this purpose, we derived eight landscape-influencing factors including form/shape, line, color, texture, scale/volume, height, skyline, and landscape control point. The proposed considering to be of high utilization in that it has a clear target of the landscape influencing factors.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        While cities became bigger and bigger since 1990s, many indiscretely high buildings started to be built in the mountain areas inside a city and in the rural areas in the suburb of each city. To regulate such indiscrete developments, the government prepared for some relevant legal and institutional criteria by having enacted the “Landscape Act” and established a strong management means in the legal and institutional aspects by having introduced the natural landscape deliberation system and the landscape deliberation one into the “Natural Environment Conservation Act.” However, since some uniform levels of absolute height and no. of stories are suggested legally and institutionally, it is hard to consider the effects of a real building structure onto the relevant landscape. Accordingly, this thesis is intended to grasp the contrast of the landscape elements in the allowable height section, which is presented through landscape sensitivity. As the results from the visual contrast rating on a small apartment complex located in Dangjin and a large scale of apartment complex in Seosan as the apartment complexes surrounded with natural landscapes that were selected as the subjects of this study, the following conclusion can be finalized. First, there were deducted some factors, that is, forms, lines, colors, textures and sizes as the ones with which can measure and evaluate the contrasting properties when a structure gets into a natural landscape. Second, in case of a small scale of apartment complex (in the foreground) compared to a large one (in the foreground), it was found that the contrasting properties were bigger. In addition, it was also found that the contrasting property of the landscape factor of the foreground compared to that of the middle one becomes bigger depending on a distance. Third, as the results from an evaluation on the contrasting properties of the landscape factor depending on the changes of each floor of a structure, it was found that the factors, that is, forms, lines, colors, textures and sizes are very significant. Among those factors, the factors, forms and lines in a small scale of apartment complex (in the foreground) showed each log regression. But in all of the other cases, they showed each line regression. Fourth, as the results from examining the regression coefficients of the landscape factor, the coefficients of the shapes and lines have similar coefficients and the colors and the textures have similar ones, too. In case of the sizes of apartment complexes, the colors and the textures of a large apartment complex (in the foreground) have similar coefficients, in case of that in the middle ground, the shapes and lines have similar coefficients. Fifth, as the results from estimating the contrasting properties of the landscape factor on the floors within the allowed scope of the landscape sensitivity, it was found that the contrasting property was 3.5 to 4.9 in case of a small scale of apartment complex (in the foreground), but 2.5to 3.7 in case of a small scale of one. In case of a large scale of apartment complex, the value was 3.5 to 5.3, but in case of a large one in the middle ground was 2.9 to 4.9. Sixth, it was comprehended that the contrasting properties of the landscape factor become different depending on each size of apartment complex and the distance of a view point. In this study, it is intended to find the meaning from the aspect that the results can be used as the baseline data for comprehending a proper range of heights of structures objectively during a natural landscape deliberation or a landscape deliberation.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to the rapid economic development of Korea, the bridge have been built by government over the several years. Additionally, there are too many mountain and river and the bridge have been built in rural area. But bridge designers weren't considering the bridge landscape. And bridge was a negative factor in regional landscape. Because of this, this study surveyed the landscape preferences of rural bridge landscapes according to different bridge types. The results were summarized as follows: And this research include conducting a study on visual preference according to the bridge's type and background. And, the landscape of arch bridge in the river 1 is landscape of the highest preference. The the landscape of girder bridge in the river 2 is landscape of the lowest preference. In the river 1 and 2 landscape, high preference is observed in the arch bridge and low preference is noted in the girder bridge. In the mountain 1 and 2 landscape, high preference is observed in the cable-stayed bridge and low preference is noted in the girder bridge. In conclusion, the visual preference of bridge landscape depend on the background and bridge shape, the study said. Therefore, when bridge designer design the bridge, designer have to choose proper bridge shape according to the background. This research was conducted only in bridge landscape of rural area but the visual preference of bridge landscape can be changed according to the various background. And further research is needed to analyze visual preference of bridge landscape according to the various background.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research is focus on the analysis of bridge image and preference. In this study, 3 types of bridge with arch bridge, cable stayed bridge, and suspension bridge, 4 prospect points named A, B, C, and D will be simulated in one scene for final analysis of bridge image and preference.On prospect point A, higher evaluation is received among the arch bridge. In addition, for cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge, the Higher evaluation is received among the most at the arch bridge on prospect point B. At the on prospect point C, higher evaluation is received among the most cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge compared with arch bridge. At the on prospect point D, lower evaluation is received among the cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge compared with arch bridge. The highest average total preference is received for cable stayed bridge. And, The lowest average total preference is received for arch bridge. Cable stayed bridge is suitable for the Baegya Bridge than arch bridge in the Landscape point. In conclusion, the preference for one bridge is not the same at different prospect points through above research.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, there are many people who live in rural keep getting away from their town. The reason why become aging and reducing society in Rural is weakness of agricultural competition, education, culture and welfare. Thereupon, we need counter plans to make boom in exhaustion rural landscape counter plan, losing consciousness of citizenship, over developing from city planners who are giving serious damage to rural landscape. However, there are many promotions going on to cover weakness of rural. In this research, to set up the right view of rural which considered the different cognitions, it is important to derive each preference or non-preference scenery, and countrified or non countrified scenery. From different cognition, finding preserved and improved factors is necessary to preserve, reform, and improve the countryside scenery. Based on this, to investigate natural characters of viewpoint is providing right direction for future rural landscape.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study focuses on the application of landscape planning(i.e. including rural landscape character area designation and rural landscape planning etc.). That application of landscape planning provides the probably most operable and comprehensive version of what is generally accepted by the discipline. According to the planning discipline the schemes of planning are to; Firstly, we derived the improvement of landscape and the methods of landscape characterization subsequent to analyze the present condition and grasp the landscape resources in Yesan via reviewing the current study and field survey. Secondly, in order to achieve environmentally friendly rural landscape plan and characteristic rural landscape creation, we planed the draft landscape area such as woodland, hydrology area, urbanized area, rural communities, etc. which was classified by sphere of life moreover, we planed partly outdoor facilities, road and colour suchlike. Thirdly, we tried to seek the programme of conservation and utilization for scenic and characteristic rural landscape area via rural landscape character area designation. Lastly, it is proposed that rural landscape planning lead to inhabitant participation, system improvement, subject performance for carrying out efficient rural landscape planning.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The color and structure of urban constructions is a factor of urban landscape and shows their characteristics. Hence the modern buildings deal with their materials and external appearance as an important factor, making up the urban image. But it was nearby impossible to evaluate the value of visual landscape with objective measuring method. Most of all, it depends on the subjective estimation of a few talented or high educated experts with a sense of beauty. Such kinds of estimation can in some cases include arbitrary interpretations. In relation to this kind of problems, it is tried here in this study to analyse the human response of brain wave pattern (EEG) with use of SD method, while the tested persons watch the urban landscape scenery constructed in a visual reality. The tested persons were 20 adult male and female with no color blindness and intact cognitive function. Light source with color filter was used for color environment in a dark soundproof chamber. The signal of EEG is analysed digitally and grouped into the α and β waves. The result showed that relative power of α wave ratio increased in the natural landscape scenery with blue and green color. From these results it was possible to evaluate the human response, which is affected by urban and natural color and structure stimulation and it might be useful as an indicator of visual cognition amenity toward the design of urban construction environment.
        1999.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to find the bi-polar adjectives for rural stream landscape evaluation by the semantic differential scale and to suggest the major determinants of visual preference in rural stream landscapes. For this, the bi-polar adjectives for rural stream landscape evaluation was found by the method of the reliability test, and the spatial image was analyzed by the factor analysis. The level of visual preference was measured by slide simulation test, and these data were analyzed by the multiple regression. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows : 1) Of the bi-polar adjectives expressing psychological and physical characteristics, the hi-polar adjectives which demonstrated reliability and consistency run as follows : Bi-polar adjectives expressing psychological characteristics : 'calm-bustling', 'unfamiliar-familiar', 'still-active','depressing-brisk', 'discomfortable-comfortable', 'suppressed-free', 'lifeless-living', 'quiet-noisy', 'unpleasant-pleasant'. Bi-polar adjectives expressing physical characteristics : 'artificial-natural', 'narrow-wide', 'rocky-not rocky', 'desolate-fertile', 'dirty-clean', 'enclosed-open', 'flat-steep', 'not gravelly-gravelly', 'thicketed-not thicketed', 'not weedy-weedy'. 2) Two factors, the harmony and the movement, were derived from the factor analysis for the psychological variables. Three factors, the naturalness, the rock, and the vegetation, were derived from the factor analysis for the physical variables. 3) Rural stream landscape types were classified into four types by the multi-dimensional scaling method. Type III, IV obtained higher rank of visual preference and type I, II obtained lower. 4) For all types, the factors determining the level of visual preference were found to be the harmony, the naturalness, and the vegetation. The visual preference determinants of rural stream landscape need to be considered in improving or restoring the rural stream landscapes.