건물관리업은 산업현장의 생산설비와 시설로 부터 빌딩, 공동주택까지 영역을 확장하고 있다. 최근 5년간 건물관리업에 종사하는 근로자 수는 지속적으로 증가해 왔으며 해당 산업에 종사하는 재해자 수도 함께 증가하고 있다. 특히 건물관리업에서 발생하는 재해의 약 88.6%가 50인 미만 소규모 사업장에서 발생하며, 사고성 재해가 반복된다는 점에서 소규모 사업장에서 중점적으로 관리해야 하는 위험작업에 대한 정보를 제공하여 집중 관리하도록 할 필요성이 높다. 본 연구는 일의 형태가 다양한 건물관리업의 공정과 단위작 업을 표준화하고, 표준화된 작업의 우선 순위와 중요도를 AHP 기법을 통해 분석한 후 일의 중요도와 업무상 가중치를 제시하여 사업장에서 중점적으로 관리해야 하는 작업을 선별하는데 도움을 주고자 한다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 건물관리업의 표준화된 공정과 단위작업을 기반으로 향후 유해위험요인의 표준평가 모델과 표준가중치 모델을 개발하여 사업장에 적용한다면 건물관리사업의 산업재해 리스크를 체계적으로 관리하는데 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.
This paper suggests a specific model that could efficiently improve the interaction and the interface between MES(Manufacturing Execution System) server and POP(Point of Production) terminal through electronic document server and electronic pen, bluetooth receiver and form paper in disassembly and process inspection works. The proposed model shows that the new method by electronic document automation system can more efficiently perform to reduce processing time for maintenance work, compared with the current approach by handwritten processing system. It is noted in case of the method by electronic document automation system that the effects of proposed model are as follows; (a) While the processing time per equipment for maintenance by the current method was 300 minutes, the processing time by the new method was 50 minutes. (b) While the processing error ratio by the current method was 20%, the error ratio by the new method was 1%.
This research focused on deciding optimal manufacturing WIP (Work-In-Process) limit for a small production system. Reducing WIP leads to stable capacity, better manufacturing flow and decrease inventory. WIP is the one of the important issue, since it can affect manufacturing area, like productivity and line efficiency and bottlenecks in manufacturing process. Several approaches implemented in this research. First, two strategies applied to decide WIP limit. One is roulette wheel selection and the other one is elite strategy. Second, for each strategy, JIT (Just In Time), CONWIP (Constant WIP), Gated Max WIP System and CWIPL (Critical WIP Loops) system applied to find a best material flow mechanism. Therefore, pull control system is preferred to control production line efficiently. In the production line, the WIP limit has been decided based on mathematical models or expert’s decision. However, due to the complexity of the process or increase of the variables, it is difficult to obtain optimal WIP limit. To obtain an optimal WIP limit, GA applied in each material control system. When evaluating the performance of the result, fitness function is used by reflecting WIP parameter. Elite strategy showed better performance than roulette wheel selection when evaluating fitness value. Elite strategy reach to the optimal WIP limit faster than roulette wheel selection and generation time is short. For this reason, this study proposes a fast and reliable method for determining the WIP level by applying genetic algorithm to pull system based production process. This research showed that this method could be applied to a more complex production system.
Optimum lot size calculation for real world manufacturing environment has been focused since last few decades. Several extensions have been made to the basic economic order and production order quantity models to realize the possible practical situations in industry. However, focus on work-in-process inventory has been ignored relatively. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the models developed for group technology based manufacturing environment focusing on work-in-process inventory. Models have been extended from a perfect manufacturing conditions to an imperfect manufacturing situation considering rework, rejection and inspection. Optimum lot size has been evaluated using a simple algebraic optimization approach. Significant parameters are highlighted using sensitivity analysis for the developed models. Numerical example is used to illustrate the utilization of such models in day-to-day production setups and the impact of significant factors’ variation on total cost and optimum lot size.
The importance of Human Resource Management is big issue in business management recently. However, employ's job satisfaction is appeared as low. In this study, surveys were conducted among those long-term employs. The importance of job satisfaction is prioritized by AHP analysis based on results of survey to compare to the results of previously studied research. And this study will contribute to improvement of job satisfaction by comparing the facts in two different groups of occupation.
This paper describes on the evaluation and management of work process in suction hopper dredger and grab bucket dredger as an application of a PC-based ECDIS system. The dynamic tracking of dredging bucket and the data logging of grab dredging information were performed by using the grab dredging vessel "Kunwoong G-18". The position and route tracking of the dredger moving toward the ocean dumping site of dredged material was performed by using the hopper dredging vessel "Samyang-7". The evaluation of wok process in the dredging field, for grab dredger, was continuously carried out on January to May, 2006, in Incheon Hang and for hopper dredger, on July to December, 2003, in Busan Hang, Korea. The dredging information, such as dredger's position, heading, dredging depth and route track which was individually time stamped during the dredging operation, was automatically processed in real-time on the ECDIS and displayed simultaneously on the S-57 ENC chart. From these results, we conclude that the ECDIS system can be applied as a tool in order to manage the work process during the dredging operation, and also in order to generate the factual record of the dredging activities that is sufficient for dredging inspector to accurately evaluate the contract performance even in the absence of a full-time onboard inspector.
To solve existing old building was reconstruction whose regulation has been stronger than before. On the other side, Remodeling project become active. In spite of Remodeling project activation policy of a government, relaxation of some regulation and Remodeling technology development, etc, but Domestic Remodeling market place did nor yet vitalize. This is application of existing resources on condition which has working place, restriction of method and unreliable existing building’s career management, so difficulty of getting information has many risk factors. The more serious problem is lack of understanding about Remodeling, limit of communication and lack of systematic process about complexity of project, etc. of Remodeling project operator and each participant, happening construction term delay, waste of budget, a fall of quality. This study suggests each process work scope of project execution and various kinds analysis tools for decision making for efficient management and building of project system and builds project execution process system. identification.
A multi axis whetstone polishing system, which uses the flow system of the stone polishing machine head, has been developed. The test results show that the defect by line contact polishing does not occur in both ends of the stone and that it came to trim smoothly. In terms of the surface roughness, the corresponding index was decreased by 3.6 times, improving the polishing effect greatly. It decreased significantly the dust and noise with the wet polishing. The factors of the duty evasion at production site can thus be solved with the work environment improvement against the polishing process of the stone industry and work intensive reduction.
The traditional Kanban needs a lot of preconditions for fitting conditions of dynamic production processing environment. The traditional Kanban isn't suitable conditions of dynamic production processing environment. Therefore conditions of dynamic production processing environment is needed more stable system. This study is describe CONWIP system such as suitable in dynamic production processing environment. Most Pull system is a Kanban system than use Kanban cards or signal for production management and inventory control. The object of Kanban system is reducing inventory between shop-floor that can reduce inventiry cost. If the system reduce the number of Kanban cards would be reduce the working process WIP, can be reduced and can be found all potential problem of production between shop-floors. This study apply to CONWIP system model for Korean industrial companies.
This study was conducted to analyze the muscle activity in the right forearm and shoulderwhile doing the sowing activity by muscle type and work section, and to find the possibility of the utilization of sowing as a muscle exercise and rehabilitative activity based on the results of the analysis. The results showed that the activity of 7 muscles including the upper trapezius near the neck, the upper trapezius near the shoulder, the middle deltoid, the biceps brachii, the triceps brachii, the brachioradialis, and the flexor carpi ulnaris were significantly higher than the stable state. In addition, the muscle activity in the sections of mixing the soil, filling the tray with the soil, sowing, writing the label, and watering was significantly higher than the stable state. In particular, the muscle activity of the biceps brachii and the triceps brachii was statistically significantly high in the section of filling the tray with the soil, which indicates that the task of filling the tray with the soil can be utilized as an exercise to activate the biceps brachii and the triceps brachii. In addition, the muscle activity of the brachioradialis was significantly high in all the work sections, which indicates that the sowing process can be utilized to exercise the brachioradialis in particular. These results can be used as the basic data about the activated muscle types and degrees throughout the sowing process. These results can be also used to induce the activation of specific muscles, and the overall exercise and rehabilitation of the forearms.