
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 21

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        벼 해충인 이화명나방(Chilo suppressalis)(포충나방과) 유충을 사육하기 위해 맥아, 콩, 옥수수, 효모, 설탕, 카세인, 콜레스테롤, 베타시토 스테롤, 거대억새 건조 가루를 주 영양성분으로 구성한 인공사료를 개발하였다. 25°C와 광주기 15:9 시간 명:암 조건에서 갓부화 1령 유충을 개체별로 성충 우화 때까지 사육하였을 때, 용화율이 82.2%, 우화율이 98.6%였다. 유충 발육기간은 암컷이 평균 34.6일, 수컷이 31.0일이었고, 번데기 기간은 암컷이 8.9일, 수컷이 9.7일로 성별 간에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 번데기 무게는 암컷이 평균 75.0 mg, 수컷이 57.0 mg으로 암컷이 통계적으로 유의하게 무거웠다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        풀무치[Locusta migratoria (메뚜기목: 메뚜기과)]를 사육할 때 보조먹이로서 전지분유, 밀기울, 옥수수잎 가루, 설탕을 주성분으로 한 혼합 인공사료를 제조하였다. 갓부화 약충에 인공사료만을 제공하여 성충 사망 때까지 사육하였을 때, 다음 세대 집단을 얻지 못했다. 인공사료를 매일 제공하면서 옥수수 잎을 하루걸러 제공하였을 때도 다음 세대 개체를 얻지 못했다. 그러나 인공사료와 옥수수 잎을 하루걸러 번갈아 제공하였을 때는 이후 4세대까지 사육이 가능하였다. 성충의 생식력도 옥수수 잎과 인공사료를 매일 같이 제공한 경우보다, 두 먹이를 하루걸러 번갈아 제공 한 경우가 더 높았다. 이상의 결과로 본 연구에서 개발된 인공사료를 주먹이인 식물체의 보조먹이로 삼아 일정기간 풀무치 집단 유지에 이용할 수 있을 것으로 추정되었다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        팥나방 (Matsumuraeses phaseoli) (나비목: 잎말이나방과)은 한국에서 팥 (Vigna angularis)과 녹두 (Vigna radiata)의 꽃과 꼬투리를 가해하는 주요 해충의 하나인데, 수원지방에서 이 곤충의 발육 특성과 월동태를 추정할 목적으로 야외 (37°16′N 126°59′E 35ASL) 조건에서 인공사육을 통해 발육과정이 관찰되었다. 갓 부화한 유충 집단들은 약 14일 간격으로 인공사료를 이용하여 1년 이상 야외에서 사육되었는데, 봄에서 고온인 여름철로 감에 따라 발육기간이 짧아지고, 가을철로 감에 따라 다시 길어지는 경향이었다. 유충 혹은 번데기 발육에서 여름철 하면 현상은 발견되지 않았다. 2008년 10월 8일 사육이 시작된 집단은 번데기 상태로 월동하였는데, 6%의 생존율을 보이며 이듬해 4월말 우화하였다. 10월 23일에 사육이 시작된 집단은 노숙유충태로 월동하였는데, 이듬해 4월말 용화하여, 5월 초중순에 2%의 최종 생존율을 보이며 우화하였다. 한편 실내에서 사육되어 5령까지 발육된 유충들을 11월과 2월 사이에 야외로 옮겨 사육하였을 때, 생존하는 개체들은 발견하지 못하였다. 항온조건 (25℃, 15L:9D)에서 갓 산란된 알을 11월과 12월 중에 야외로 옮겨 유지하였을 때, 월동하여 부화하는 알은 발견되지 않았다. 또 항온조건에서 갓 우화한 성충들을 11월과 12월 중 야외로 옮겨 사육하였을 때, 모두 사망하였다. 이 결과로 팥나방은 한국의 수원지방에서 10월 중 부화한 유충들이 유충과 번데기로 월동할 수 있는 것으로 추정되었다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effect of an artificial diet on the developmental rate, a life history parameter, was examined for the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Artificial insect diets are an essential component of many insect rearing systems that produce insects for research purposes. Complex agar-gelled diets are generally prepared in large batches and used shortly after preparation because the degradation of perishable diet ingredients, such as vitamins and fatty acids, can adversely affect insect quality (Brewer F D 1984). However, the timing of diet preparation may be inconvenient and large batches wasteful if the unused, excess diet is discarded. This study showed that if the artificial diet was fed during the larval stage, the larval and pupal developmental periods, the percentage of pupation, and the pupal weight generally did not differ significantly among the five artificial diets evaluated. The percentage of pupation varied considerably, with no significant differences among diets except for diet C. A maximum pupation percentage of 83% was observed on diet C. Pellet-type diets were investigated with the aim of developing a more easily prepared diet. The extrusion of the artificial diet under high temperature and pressure may induce desirable chemical and physical changes in the extruded product. The purpose of the present study was to develop an artificial diet for rearing P. xuthus.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Baculum elongatum has a long, thin shape that resembles a twig, propagates by parthenogenesis, changes body color, and drops eggs, all of which suggests its potential in the commercial market, especially as an educational pet insect. This study was carried out to determine the best hatching environment and an alternative or artificial diet for rearing B. elongatum to be developed as a commercial and educational pet insect. Oviposition was performed by females without fertilization by the sperm of males. The oviposition period was 42.2 ± 22.7 days and the number of eggs per female was 109.5 ± 70.5 eggs. The hatch rate was 73.3% at 25°C and 66.7% after low temperature treatment (8°C for 60 days). In nature, B. elongatum overwinters as an egg, but it can be assumed from the results that cold temperatures were not required for hatching. The hatch rate was 98.2% in the treatment using floral foam, fermented sawdust, and leaves. Clover(Trifolium repens) was an excellent diet as it was similar to the host plant and could be used as an alternative diet. The rate of reaching adulthood for the insects was 66.7% on an artificial diet containing 25% acacia leaves. For sustainable mass rearing of nymphs or adults of B. elongatum, a natural diet could be used such as acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), white oak (Quercus aliena), chestnut (Castanea crenata var. dulcis), and bush clover (Lespedeza bicolor), or an alternative diet such as clover or artificial diet. To rear nymphs and adults of B. elongatum, natural diet such as acacia, white oak, chestnut, or bush clover leaves, or an alternative diet such as clover or an artificial diet can be used.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The box tree pyralid, Glyphodes perspectalis, was reared on an artificial diet based on dried powder of box tree leaves, Buxus microphylla var. koreana, and INSECTA F-II (Nihon Nosan Co., Ltd) at a ratio of 3:7 (w:w) and analyzed in their developmental characteristics from 1st to 4th generation. The developmental period of larva reared on artificial diet was longer than that of larva reared on host plant. Significant difference in larval period was also observed between 1st and other generation groups. Pupation rate was the highest in 4th generation followed by 3rd, 2nd, 1st and host plant group. Significant difference in pupal period was noted between 1st and 3rd generation group. Emergence rate was the highest in 4th generation group followed by 3rd, host plant, 1st and 2nd generation group. There is a significant difference in male and female size between 1st and 4th generation group. Our result indicated that stable rearing of box tree pyralid through the year is possible by artificial diet, and the best adaptation to artificial diet was achieved at 4th generation.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The box tree pyralid, Glyphodes perspectalis, was reared on an artificial diet based on dried powder of box tree leaves, Buxus microphylla var. koreana, and INSECTA F-II (Nihon Nosan Co., Ltd) at a ratio of 3:7 (w:w) and analyzed in their developmental characteristics from 1st to 4th generation. The developmental period of larva reared on artificial diet was longer than that of larva reared on host plant. Significant difference in larval period was also observed between 1st and other generation groups. Pupation rate was the highest in 4th generation followed by 3rd, 2nd, 1st and host plant group. Significant difference in pupal period was noted between 1st and 3rd generation group. Emergence rate was the highest in 4th generation group followed by 3rd, host plant, 1st and 2nd generation group. There is a significant difference in male and female size between 1st and 4th generation group. Our result indicated that stable rearing of box tree pyralid through the year is possible by artificial diet, and the best adaptation to artificial diet was achieved at 4th generation. The pheromone components of this moth have been identified as (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), (E)-11-hexadecenal (E11-16:Ald), and (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z-11-16:OH). We did several field tests, and found that there was a difference between Korea and Japan population.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, we reared box tree pyralid, Glyphodes perspectalis, with artificial diet and identified sex pheromone. Insect F-II and leaf of box tree were used to make artificial diet. Box tree pyralid, Glyphodes perspectalis, is the most serious pest of box tree in Korea, and was recently introduced into Europe. The pheromone components of this moth have been identified as (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), (E)-11-hexadecenal (E11-16:Ald), and (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z-11- 16:OH) in Japan. In this study, we identified pheromone components of this species by using GC and GC-MS. Three same components, such as (Z)-11- hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), (E)-11-hexdecenal (E11-16:Ald), and (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z-11-16:OH) were also indentified in Korean population, but there was a little difference in ratios. The ratios of these three compounds of Japanese population and Korean population were 5:1.25:1, and 5:0.96:0.2, respectively. The ratios of Z and E-11-hexadecenal were similar, but the ratio of (Z)-11-hexadecenol was lower compared to Japanese population. In field bioassay, (Z)-11-hexadecenal or (E)-11-hexadecenal alone was not attractive to males, but the mixture of Z11-16:Ald and E11-16:Ald was attractive to males. The most effective ratios of Z11-16:Ald and E11-16:Ald was 5:1. Other ratios such as 1:1 and 1:5 (Z:E) was not attractive to males. The attractiveness of Z:11-16:OH will be tested in near future.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop an artificial diet for the mugwort looper, Ascotis selenaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), which is an insect pest to leaves of citrus (Citrus unshiu). Corn and soybean powder were selected as main nutrient sources for larvae of A. selenaria after several diets consisted of wheat germ, corn, kidney bean and/or soybean were tested for larval development and survival. A higher amount of the main nutrients in the diet increased the larval survivorship. Addition of yeast and cholesterol in diet increased the larval survivorship. Finally the composition of diet was decided as followings, corn 100 g, soybean 100 g agar 25 g, Brewers’ yeast 30 g, cholesterol 0.5 g, Vanderzant vitamin mixture 2 g, Wesson’s salt mixture 2 g, sorbic acid 2 g, ascorbic acid 2 g, and methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate 2.5 g, and distilled water 1 liter. Development periods of larvae and pupae, survival rate and fecundity of A. selenaria reared on the diet were not significantly different with those on the host plant, citrus leaves. Larvae of early instars were reared in a group, while larvae of later instars (5-6th) were reared individually. Adult mating was conducted in a plastic cage and an oilpaper covered with a gauze was provided as an oviposition site.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ostrinia zaguliaevi (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) causes serious damage to pods and stems of the red bean, Vigna angularis, during the second half of the reproductive developmental stage. The temperature-dependent development studies of O. zaguliaevi were performed at several constant temperatures ranging from 7℃ to 36℃ in the laboratory, in the purpose of making temperature-dependent development models in the future. Eggs and larvae of O. zaguliaevi could not develop at lower temperatures of 7~13℃. As the temperature increased, the developmental period of the immature stage decreased. The number of larval instar was variable from 5 to 8, depending on temperature. The minimum number of larval instar was observed at only 25℃. Some larvae of colonies maintained at 16~22℃ showed highly longer developmental period. At relatively higher temperatures, 34℃ and 36℃, the larval developmental rates were not slowed down, and the larval survival rates was relatively high, above 60%. The egg mortality was relatively high at 36℃. Using these temperature-dependent development data of O. zaguliaevi, preliminary linear regression equations were estimated to look for a relationship between temperature and developmental rate in egg and larval stages.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Murgot Looper Moth, Ascotis selenaria, is one of the worldwide pests in citrus plants. They usually damages citrus leaves and often makes young fruits injured. In Jeju, it has been discovered that A. selenaria is a pest of two major geometridae moths being occurred in citrus plant and they also had periodically occurred and damaged bean, asparagus, etc. However, physiological and ecological studies were rarely conducted on this species, which maybe resulted from the limitation of rearing method. Therefore, this study aimed on selecting the diet sources and developing mass-rearing method for A. selenaria, in order to make ease or spur a investigation related with A. selenaria. The major sources, selected among the series of semi-artificial diet, were corn and bean powder and adding yeast makes the larva developed well. Cholesterol, one of the minor sources, enhanced the development rate and lowered the mortality during 1 to 3 larva stage. Consequently the semi-artificial diet, suitable for rearing A. selenaria larva, was composed of 25g agar, 100g corn powder, 100g soybean powder, 30g yeast, 0.5g cholesterol, 2g Vanderzant's vitamin mixture, 2g Wesson's salt mixture, 2g sorbic acid, 2.5g methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate(MPH), 2g Ascorbic acid, and 1000 ml distilled water. A. selenaria larvae has 6 developmental stage and the width of head piece was 0.31 mm (1st instar) , 0.51 mm (2nd), 0.85 mm(3rd), 1.37 mm (4th), 2.14 mm (5th), and 3.19 mm (6th). The development period of A. selenaria, reared at 25℃ and 16L:8D photoperiod, was 4.7 day (egg), 3.58 day(1st instar), 1.88 day (2nd), 1.80 day (3rd), 2.46 day (4th ), 2.59 day (5th), 8.10 day (6th), 11.26 day (pupae) when citrus leaves were supplied to the larva. The larvae, fed with the artificial diet(mentioned above), showed similar developmental periods at each developmental stage as much as the case reared with citrus leaves, although the mortality was sometimes a little bit higher. The weight of pupae were 0.614g (artificial diet) and 0.427g (citrus stuff) and female adult moths lay 1094 eggs (artificial diet) and 1054 eggs (citrus stuff).
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Development of pellet-type artificial diet for insect was tried by using a twin screw extruder(TSE). Screws were arranged several times and two reverse screws were equipped on the foreparts of 2 axes of TSE. Pellet-type diet could be produced successfully under conditions of TSE set as the following. , 300 rpm of main motor speed, 228 rpm of feed motor speed, 75㎖/min of running water speed and 5 ㎜ of extrusion diameter. The optimum adding quantity of water to the manufactured diet was 1.2~1.5 times of dry diet. On the rearing results of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua and common cutworm, Spodoptera litura with the pellet-type diet, the final survival ratio (emergence rate) of these two species was over than 50%, and so it was concluded that the manufactured pellet-type artificial diet was sufficient dietetically to rear those insects.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        실내 인공사료육에 의한 뽕나무하늘소(Apriona germari Hope) 유충의 발육특성을 조사하기 위하여 야외 뽕밭에서 채집된 뽕나무하늘소 부화유충을 14L:10D 광조건의 항온기에서 애누에용 인공사료와 뽕나무 가지 분말을 동량비로 석은 인공사료에 의하여 실내사육한 결과, 유충의 1령에서 12령까지의 두폭 범위는 0.12~0.69 cm 내에 있었고 각 영기의 성장비는 1령과 2령간이 가장 컸다. 체중의 증가에 있어서 1령에 비해 8령의 경우는 약 176배, 12령의 경우와는 약 354배의 성장도 차이를 보였다. 각 영별 경과일구는 영이 진전될수록 경과일수가 길어졌으며 1령에서서 9령까지의 경과일수는 186.03일, 12령까지의 경과일수는 304.58일이었다. 인공사료육에 의한 1세대 유충 생존율은 3령기에 걸쳐 약 45%로 매우 낮았으나 그 이후 안정되어 8령까지의 유충 생존율은 40.8%이었다. 용화율은 32.4% 이었으며, 용화 시기는 7령에서부터 11령에 걸쳐 나타났지만, 8령과 9령째가 대부분이었다.
        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 성페로몬 실험에 필수적인 조명나방의 인공사료와 대량사육 체제를 개발하기 위하여 수행되었다. 영양원으로서 효모, Wesson 염, 비타민 등의 중요성을 알아보기 위하여 그들을 사료에서 삭제 또는 첨가하였다. 또하 적절한 사육방법을 고안했으며 번데기의 암경화현상에 영향을 미치는 요인도 알아 보았다. 효모의 첨가는 용무게와 용화율을 높여 주었으나 Wesson염의 첨가는 암컷 용의 무게를 감소시켰다. 효모의 대용으로 사용된 비타민은 어린 유충의 생존율을 높여 주었으나 용무게에서는 효모첨가사료의 경우 보다 가벼웠다. 용화장소로서 골판지는 매우 좋은 결과를 보였고, 용의 암경화율은 유충의 발육속도가 빠를수록 높았다.
        1990.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        들깨잎말명나방의 실내누대사육을 위해 누에 인공사료를 기본으로 하여 들깻잎분말을 30, 40, 50% 함유한 3종의 평판형사과(구, 구, 구)를 공시, 기주식물인 들깻잎으로 사육한 PL구를 대조로 비교사육시험한 결과, 인공사료육구가 생엽육구에 비해 번데기 및 성충수율이 높았으며 또한 번데기무게도 무거웠다. 특히 들깻잎분말 40%를 함유한 사료구의 사육성적이 비교적 우수하여 이에 의한 실내누대사육체계를 확립하였다.
        1 2