
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 120

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to derive an optimal mix design for bridge deck pavements that can compensate for the limitations of latexmodified concrete (LMC). To address the limitations of LMC, this paper proposes the incorporation of silica fume into LMC. Concrete mixtures with varying ratios of latex and silica fume were prepared, and tests for compressive strength, flexural strength, and chloride-ion penetration resistance were conducted to compare and analyze the fundamental performance of each mix. Latex contributed to the improvement of the initial pore structure and significantly affected the chloride-ion penetration resistance in the early stages of curing. However, its influence gradually diminished over time. In contrast, silica fume induced additional C-S-H formation and further improved the pore structure through pozzolanic reactions as time progressed, thus exerting a greater impact in the later stages of curing. The L7-SF8 variable demonstrated the best performance in terms of compressive strength and chloride-ion penetration resistance. Given the characteristics of bridge-deck pavements, this variable is considered the most suitable for ensuring long-term durability. Therefore, this paper proposes a mixture of 7% latex and 8% silica fume as the optimal mix design.
        2024.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내 콘크리트 구조물의 노후화가 진행됨에 따라 안전관리를 위한 효과적인 보수 및 보강이 요구되고 있다. 특히, 교량 바닥판은 교통하중과 염화물 침투 등 다양한 유해환경에 직접 노출되어 지속적인 열화가 발생하고 있다. 국내외에서는 교량 바닥판 유지보수 의사결정을 위해 비파괴 조사 방법 중 하나인 지표투과레이더(Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR) 탐사가 주로 활용되고 있다. 차량형 다채널 GPR 장비를 통해 취득된 방대한 양의 탐사자료는 해석하는 데 많은 시간이 소요되며 분석가의 주관이나 숙련도에 따라 해석결과가 달라질 수 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 최근에는 딥러닝 (Deep Learning) 기반의 GPR 자료해석 기법들이 제안되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 교량 바닥판 상태 평가 작업 효율 향상 을 위해 딥러닝 기반 GPR 자료해석 기법을 적용하였다. 현장자료 예제로는 영동대교 정밀안전진단 과업에서 교량 바닥 판 상태조사를 위해 취득한 GPR 자료를 사용하였으며 딥러닝 기법 적용 결과를 분석가의 해석결과와 비교하여 예측 성 능을 평가하였다.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study aimed to perform real-time on-site construction volume management by using Internet of things (IoT) technology consisting of 3D scanning, image acquisition, wireless communication systems, and mobile apps for new and maintenance construction of concrete bridge deck overlays. METHODS : LiDAR was used to scan the overlay before and after construction to check the overlay volume. An enhanced inductively coupled plasma (ICP) method was applied to merge the LiDAR data scanned from multiple locations to reduce noise, and an anisotropic filter was applied for efficient three-dimensional shape modeling of the merged LiDAR data. The construction volume counter of the mobile mixer was directly photographed using an IP camera, and the data were transmitted to a central server via the LTE network. The video images were transmitted to the central server and optical character recognition (OCR) was used to recognize the counter number and store it. The system was built such that the stored information could be checked in real time in the field or at the office. RESULTS : As a result of using LiDAR to check the amount of overlay construction, the error from the planned amount was 0.6%. By photographing the counter of the mobile mixer using an IP camera and identifying the number on the counter using OCR to check the quantity, the results showed that there was a 2% difference from the planned quantity. CONCLUSIONS : Although the method for checking the amount of construction on site using LiDAR remains limited, it has the advantage of storing and managing the geometric information of the site more accurately. Through the IoT-based on-site production management system, we were able to identify the amount of concrete used in real time with relative accuracy.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        레일장대화는 무도상교량의 소음, 진동, 충격 등의 문제점을 해결할 수 있는 경제적인 방안 중 하나이며, 최근 연동식 침목고정장치 를 이용한 SSF 공법이 개발된 바 있다. 이 연구에서는 연동식 침목고정장치 적용 시 레일 높이 조정 및 열차 통과 시의 충격 흡수를 목 적으로 교량침목 하부에 삽입되는 침목패드의 최적 연직강성을 결정하는 과정을 제시하였다. 침목패드의 최적 연직강성 결정을 위하 여 관련 기존 기준을 검토하였으며, 유연다물체동적해석을 통하여 침목패드의 연직강성 변화에 따른 주행안전성, 승차감 및 궤도의 안전성에 대한 지표들과 교량 응답 변화를 검토하였다. 유연다물체동적해석은 상용프로그램인 ABAQUS와 VI-Rail을 이용하여 수행 하였다. 수치해석은 30m 상로판형교에 대한 교량모델을 이용하여 수행하였으며, 침목패드의 연직강성이 7.5kN/mm ~ 240kN/mm로 변화할 때 ITX 새마을, KTX 및 화차 통과 시의 응답을 산정하였다. 수치해석에 적용된 궤도구성품 조건에서 침목패드의 최적 강성은 100kN/mm로 산정되었다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, a method for evaluating concrete bridge deck deterioration using three-dimensional (3D) ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey data and its in situ application are discussed. METHODS : Field surveys are conducted on two bridges in Yongsan-gu (Bridge A) and Seodaemun-gu (Bridge B) in Seoul using 3D GPR. The obtained survey data are used to calculate the dielectric constant map of each bridge using the extended common midpoint method. In addition, random points on both bridges are selected for the chloride content test in accordance with the KS F 2713 standard. The results from the dielectric constant map and chloride content test are compared. RESULTS : For Bridge A, it is discovered that the percentage of sections with a dielectric constant of 5.0 or less is 1.57%, whereas that above 5.0 is 98.43%; this indicates that the percentage of deteriorated sections for Bridge A is low. Meanwhile, for Bridge B, the dielectric constants calculated for the entire bridge exceed 5.0, which suggests no deterioration for Bridge B. Moreover, all the points selected for the chloride content test have less than 0.15% chloride content and have dielectric constants ranging from 5.0 to 7.0, which are favorable condition for the bridge deck. CONCLUSIONS : The analysis results of the dielectric constants of the concrete bridge deck obtained from the 3D GPR system are consistent with the actual chloride content results. Furthermore, additional verification of this method through field surveys on bridge sections with severe deterioration is highly recommended for future improvements.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        무도상 교량은 레일을 이음매판으로 부설하여 사용하고 있어 과다한 충격이나 궤도 틀림 등의 발생 우려로 인하여 열차의 고속주행이 어려운 실정이다. 열차의 주행안정성을 확보하기 위해서는 상호작용에 영향을 미치는 인자를 분석하여 동적 안전성에 대하여 검토할 필요가 있다. 이 연구에는 열차가 운용중인 판형교량의 현장계측을 통하여 궤도 구조 및 주거더의 충격계수를 도출하고 이를 기존연구와 비교 및 참고하여 열차의 주행속도를 고려한 충격계수의 추정식을 산정하였다. 궤도의 충격계수 산정식은 기존 연구에서 제안한 식과 유사하게 산정되었으며, 무도상교량 거더의 충격계수 산정식과 일본의 철도교 충격계수 식과 비교한 결과, 일본의 철도교 충격계수 식은 본 연구에서 산정한 거더의 충격계수 1배수 식과 2배수 식 사이에 존재하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the properties of high-performance concrete and compare them with the properties of ternary blended cement (OPC 60% : BFS 30% : FA 10%) as applied to all-in-one bridge decks. High-performance concrete modified with styrene-butadiene latex (SB latex) was evaluated for strength development and durability through its compressive strength and chloride ion diffusion coefficient. METHODS: The compressive strength test was conducted according to KS F 2405, and the average value of the three specimens was used as the result at each stage. The chloride ion diffusion test was performed at 28 days, 56 days, and 365 days according to NT BUILLD 492. The chloride ion penetration test was conducted according to ASTM C 1202. RESULTS: For the compressive strength of the high-performance concrete, the blast furnace slag 40% replacement (BFS40) mixture had the most similar results to those of the ternary blended cement. The BFS40 mixture exhibited a lower compressive strength at 3 days than the latex modified concrete (LMC) mixture used for the bridge deck pavement, whereas it exhibited a 3.7-9.8% higher compressive strength at 7 days. In addition, the BFS40 mixture had the lowest diffusion coefficient, which was 49.1~59.0% lower than that of the LMC mixture. Mixing with latex tended to decrease in charge passed compared to Plain which is only used ternary blended cement, and showed excellent watertighness (rated “very low”), which is lower than 1,000 coulombs in all mixtures with latex. CONCLUSIONS : The BFS40 mixture exhibited excellent compressive strength, chloride ion permeability resistance, and the lowest chloride ion diffusion coefficient although it included a small amount of latex, which makes it more expensive than the current LMC mixture. It is believed that it is possible to secure excellent economic efficiency and durability by using lesser latex than that in the LMC mixture and using a mixture of the blast furnace slag instead.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the properties of eco-friendly waterproofing materials for bridge decks. METHODS: Various waterproofing materials and construction methods that are widely used in Korea were evaluated. Then, the problems in field application were identified. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to improve constructability and stability. Thus, the properties of heating waterproofing membranes and waterproofing systems using recycling additives were evaluated. In addition, a field test was conducted to ensure the construct-ability and stability. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Waterproofing materials were developed using waste tires and carbon black the results of the softening point test, tensile adhesion test, and shear adhesion test. A new sheet system, which consists of mesh and vinyl, was also determined from the sheet test. The properties of waterproofing materials were better than those developed under the "A Asphalt Concrete Pavement Construction Guidelines" according to the results of laboratory tests and the report of the authorized testing agency. Finally, the field test showed that the materials met quality standards. In future research, it will be necessary to conduct continuous field tests and follow-up inspections.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to develop bridge deck concrete materials based on ordinary Portland cement concrete, and to evaluate the applicability of the developed materials through material properties tests.METHODS : For field implementation, raw material (cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate) properties, fresh concrete properties (slump and air content), strength (compressive, flexural and bond strength) gain, and durability (freeze-thaw resistance, scaling resistance, and rapid chloride penetrating resistance) performance were evaluated in the laboratory.RESULTS: For the selected binder content of 410 kg/m3, W/B = 0.42, and S/a = 0.48, the following material performance results were obtained. Considering the capacity of the deck finisher, a minimum slump of 150 mm was required. At least 6 % of air content was obtained to resist freezethaw damage. In terms of strength, 51.28 MPa of compressive strength, 7.41 MPa of flexural strength, and 2.56 MPa of bond strength at 28 days after construction were obtained. A total of 94.9 % of the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity after 300 cycles of freeze-thaw resistance testing and 0.0056 kg/m2 of weight loss in a scaling resistance test were measured. However, in a chloride ion penetration resistance test, the result of 3,356 Coulomb, which exceeds the threshold value of the standard specification (1000 Coulomb at 56 days) was observed.CONCLUSIONS: Instead of using high-performance modified bridge deck materials such as latex or silica fume, we developed an optimum mix design based on ordinary Portland cement concrete. A test construction was carried out at ramp bridge B (bridge length = 111 m) in Gim Jai City. Immediately after the concrete was poured, the curing compound was applied, and then wet mat curing was applied for 28 days. Considering the fact that cracks did not occur during the monitoring period, the applicability of the developed material is considered to be high.
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