
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 34

        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents the findings of a study on the influence of health consciousness, organic food knowledge, and environmental attitudes on consumer’s attitude towards organic foods. A questionnaire survey was conducted using a sample of 222 respondents and a partial least squares approach was used to validate the research model. Environmental attitude and organic food knowledge are found to have positive influences on consumers’ attitude towards organic foods, which is consistent with research results from prior studies. Our research results also conclude that health consciousness does not show a significant relationship. Several implications of our findings for research and for the continued development of the organic industry in Asia are proposed.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study tests a theoretical framework for examining the consumer decision-making process with regards to ethically questionable behavior. The results indicate that subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and self-efficacy are significant predictors of consumer intentions to engage in ethically questionable behavior. Attitude was not found to be a significant predictor.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The importance of sustainability is dramatically devoted in fashion industry because the fashion cycle period has been accelerated by fast trend changes. In the past 10 years, fashion companies were trying to meet consumer demands by mass production and quick response. However, due to the low price, consumers are taking low value to products which lead to tremendous amount of clothing waste. This fashion market movement caused social, environmental and economic issues. Therefore, we need to seek for apposite solutions by researchers and practitioners. The traditional educational efforts and approach did not apply to transformative action (Frisk, Larson, 2011). In order to diffuse sustainable knowledge and promote the sustainable behavior, a proper education system has to be developed. According to our pilot study, it shows that the respondents do not have basic knowledge of sustainability or they know the sustainability but it does neither directly nor indirectly impacts to consumer purchase intention and action. A method of this study is focusing on age group 20’s to 30’s because these age groups are the main consumers for the mass production fashion goods and received sustainable education in traditional academic institutions. This study tested a method that can fill the gap between attitude and action by classifying various types of knowledge and find out which knowledge type is the most applicable for fashion industry. The purpose of this study is to provide efficient ways and types to deliver sustainable knowledge which academic institutions and companies can apply. This study presents the results of the role of knowledge in attitude and purchase decision-making in sustainable fashion. Sustainability knowledge captures a broad scope that covers environmental, social and economic perspectives, but with regards to the fashion industry, environmental concern is focused the most. The study results reflects that the proper way of educating potential and existing fashion consumer will help the academic institution and fashion companies to reallocate their sustainable strategy to all three scopes of sustainability (Miller et al., 2011). More of academic institutions and fashion companies are participating to sustainable issues; it will raise the sustainable awareness, which will leads to diffusion of sustainable knowledge and green fashion trends.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Modern consumers have significantly changed their shopping patterns, so that retailers must employ competitive and innovative strategies to counter the many new types of stores such as outlets offering premium services. In addition, customers have become smarter shoppers, refusing to pay more because of brand loyalty, especially when service and price differences have diminished. This study is an analysis of consumer shopping behavior in an effort to find effective marketing strategies to appeal to consumers who shop in outlet stores. Previous research has shown that shoppers may be clustered according to whether they are oriented toward convenience, brands, hedonism, economics, or trends. Different consumer types have different attitudes toward retailer types and also vary in their retailer loyalty. Some types have strong customer loyalty to outlet stores, but others do not. In this study, we examine the relationship between consumer attitude toward the outlet store and retailer loyalty according to consumer shopping types. Hedonism-oriented and economics-orientated consumers are expected to have more interest in outlet shopping than are brand-oriented consumers.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This purposes of this study were to explain consumer attitudes and purchasing behaviors towards agricultural products using a social network service and to determine the influencing factors such as experience, technology ability, innovation, self-efficacy, perception of usefulness, perception of trust, attitude, purpose of purchase and individual characteristics on them. We analyzed the survey data set, using the ‘logit model’, ‘simultaneous equation model’, and ‘LISREL-Type model’ In this study, the results obtained are summarized as follows. The result for the comprehensive statement of “Trust” was the biggest influence on the purchase agricultural products using the social network service. Therefore, in order to expand agricultural e-commerce using SNS, trust should be to the fore of marketing and publicity campaigns, in order to promote and stabilize the market.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This current survey was conducted to examine consumer attitudes toward factors determining beef purchasing and improving distribution systems. The frequency of beef purchasing was shown to reflect social and economic status, where inhabitants in large cities, such as Seoul, with higher salaries showed a higher frequency. In addition, consumers that were in their forties bought beef more frequently than consumers that were in their twenties. Consumers in Seoul and the megalopolis with a monthly income of higher than 200 million won preferred to purchase meat from department stores and discount markets. In contrast, people in small cities with lower incomes tended to buy meat from butcher shops and brand shops. In a question regarding unsatisfaction factors of retail beef, individuals that were in their thirties with a high income had concerns associated with packaging problems. For people under thirty with low income, the consistency of quality and price were the prime concerns. In regards to the beef grading system, consumer response varied between inhabitants, monthly income and age group, where consumers from small cities that were in their twenties and forties with a low income had a negative viewpoint. For the differential beef distribution system, housewives between the ages of 30 and 40 from a small city with an income higher than 200 million won had a positive response; however, a large number of consumers were not familiar with this system. The most demanding beef cuts were in the following order: loin, flank and rib. In addition, the most important factors determining purchasing beef were as follows: price, breed and portion.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        플라워샵의 활성화에 대한 기초 자료 확보 측면에서 소비자 남성 58명과 여성 155명을 대상으로 플라워샵 상품의 가격, 포장, 선물용 및 판매자의 태도에 대한 만족 도와 재구매 의사에 대해 조사를 하였다. 플라워샵의 상품에 대한 만족도에 대해 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성 각각 8.62% 및 14.21%를 나타냈다. 그리고 꽃 상 품의 포장에 대해 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성각각 6.88% 및 12.91%를 나타냈다. 꽃상품에 대해 선물 로서 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성 각각 8.61% 및 1.95%를 나타냈다. 플라워샵의 상품 판매자의 태도에 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성 각각 6.89% 및 6.46% 를 나타냈으며, 플라워샵 상품의 재구매 의사가 있다고 응답은 남성과 여성은 각각 5.16% 및 9.05%에 불과 하였다. 이와 같이 플라워샵에 대한 소비자들의 만족도 가 낮게 나타난 만큼 플라워샵 경영주의 적극적인 대 처가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As more consumers shop online and prefer private label apparel products, the importance of private label apparel brand of Internet shopping malls are increasing. This study investigated consumer attitudes toward private label apparel brand of Internet shopping malls. Attitudes were conceptualized into two sub-factors: utilitarian and hedonic. Based on findings of prior studies, subjective norm and familiarity were included as antecedents to attitude variables. Purchase intention and word of mouth intention were also included as consequence variables of attitudes. Types of Online shopping malls were considered as moderating variable. For the empirical research, the Online survey was conducted. Young male and female consumers who have experience in Internet shopping of clothing products participated in the study. 429 questionnaire were used for the final statistical analysis. Results indicated that subjective norm had significant influence on consumer attitudes toward private label apparel brand. Familiarity however did not have significant influence on attitude variables for general internet shopping malls. For specialized Internet shopping malls, familiarity had significant influence only on hedonic attitude. Attitude variables had significant influence on purchase intention and word of mouth intention. Subjective norm and familiarity had significant influence on purchase intention and word of mouth intention.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the effects of Web ad components on customer attitude and purchasing decisions in 300 individuals who visited family restaurant Websites. The results are summarized as follows: First, Web ad components such as content, design, and interactivity had effects on the cognitive attitudes of the customers. And design, accessibility, and Web functionality had significant effects on the customers' emotional attitudes. In addition, content, navigation, and Web functionality had significant effects on the customers' behavioral attitudes. Lastly, the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral attitudes of the customers had significant effects on their purchases. From these results, design elements such as content, color, and menus, along with user interactivity for information are considered helpful components of a food service Web ad for customer cognition of the restaurant's information. In addition, aspects of Web functionality such as the food service's Web ad set-up, or the protection of personal information, the color design and menu, as well as accessibility for easy use, are all helpful in terms of gaining a customer attitude that is friendly and preferential towards a restaurant's menu items.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to measure the causal relationships among affective belief, environmental belief, subjective norm, attitude and meat consumption behavior. A total of 318 questionnaires were completed. Structural equation model was used to measure the causal relationships among the constructs. Results of the study demonstrated that the structural analysis result for the data also indicated excellent model fit. The effects of affective belief, environmental belief and subjective norm on attitude were statistically significant. The effects of affective belief, environmental belief and subjective norm on meat consumption were statistically significant. As expected, attitude had a significant effects on behavioral intention. Moreover, attitude played a mediating role in the relationship between affective belief and meat consumption, environmental belief and meat consumption, subjective norm and meat consumption. Consumption played a mediating role in the relationship between attitude and behavioral intention. In conclusion, based on structural analysis, a model was proposed of interrelations among affective belief, environmental belief, subjective norm, attitude, meat consumption and intention. It should be noted that the original model was modified and should, preferably, be validated in future research. Other variables may be incorporated to form models that consist of new antecedent and consequence pairs.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건강식품 및 원료의 유효성분 및 위해요소 조사분석에 관한 연구의 기초조사로 건강식품에 대한 소비자의 의식조사를 실시하였다. 건강식품에 관한 이용실태 조사와 건강식품에 대한 객관적 지식정도 조사로 구성된 설문지를 이용하여 서울, 경기 지역에 거주하는 방문 및 협조가 가능한 20세 이상의 일반 소비자 1000명을 대상으로 1995년 10월부터 96년 2월에 걸쳐 직접 방문하고 설문지를 배부하여 설명한 후 조사대상자가 직접 기입하게 하는 방법으로 조사하였다. 882부를 회수(회수율 88%)하였으나 이중 불완전한 응답 23부를 제외한 859부(유효회수율 86%)를 SAS프로그램을 이용하여 통계처리하였다. 조사대상자의 사회경제적 여건에 대하여는 단순빈도와 백분율을 구하였고 교차표를 이용하여 결혼 여부, 월수입, 교육정도 등의 사회 경제적 여건과의 통계적 연관성을 파악하였다. 건강식품에 관한 이용실태 조사결과로는 응답자의 58.8%가 건강식품을 사용한 경험이 있었으며 68.2%는 건강식품의 효능을 믿는다고 응답하고 있어 건강식품에 대한 관심도가 매우 큰 것으로 나타났다. 건강식품에 대한 가장 큰 기대효과는 전체적 건강유지에 도움을 주는 것(59.8%)이라고 응답하였으며 가장 큰 부정적 견해로는 과대선전(52.1%)이라고 응답하였다. 건강식품에 대한 정보 선택 경로로는 주로 친지의 권유나 소개(30.6%)로 이용하고 있었으며 우리나라 식품법에서 건강보조식품의 등록관리사실은 63.7%가 모르고 있다고 응답하여 응답자의 과반수 이상이 건강식품의 행정적 관리사실에 무지한 것으로 나타났다. 건강식품의 등록관리 사실을 알고 있는 건강식품의 종류로는 로얄제리(22.7%), 스쿠알렌(16.0%), 정제어유(15.1%), 유산균(10.6%), 알로에(8.8%)순으로 나타났다. 건강식품과 약품(또는 한약)과의 차별인식 조사결과에서는 응답자의 84.2%가 건강식품과 한약이 다르다고 생각하면서도 가장 잘 알고있는 건강식품의 종류와 약품(또는 한약)의 종류를 묻는 두 문항에 모두 인삼(22.7%, 41.7%)을 가장 많이 응답하여 전체적으로 건강식품과 약품의 구별을 제대로 하지 못하는 것으로 나타나 이를 위한 계몽과 교육이 시급함을 알 수 있었다.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건강식품 및 원료의 유효성분 및 위해요소 조사분석에 관한 연구의 기초조사로 건강식품에 대한 소비자의 의식조사를 실시하였으며 1차적으로 건강과 식습관에 관한 소비자 의식구조에 대하여 분석하였다. 설문지를 이용하여 서울, 경기 지역에 거주하는 방문 및 협조가 가능한 20세 이상의 일반 소비자 1000명을 대상으로 1995년 10월부터 96년 2월에 걸쳐 직접 방문하고 설문지를 배부하여 설명한 후 조사 대상자가 직접 기입하게 하는 방법으로 조사하였다. 882부를 회수(회수율 88%)하였으나 이중 불완전한 응답 23부를 제외한 859부(유효회수율 86%)를 SAS프로그램을 이용하여 통계 처리하였다. 조사 대상자의 사회경제적 여건에 대하여는 단순빈도와 백분율을 구하였고 교차표를 이용하여 결혼 여부, 월수입, 교육정도 등의 사회경제적 여건과의 통계적 연관성을 파악하였다. 조사결과 건강유지를 위해 가장 중요하게 고려하는 사항으로는 식습관(39.8%)이라고 답하였으며 93.9%가 식습관에 의해 질병에 걸릴 수 있다고, 97.1%가 식습관에 의해 질병이 치료될 수 있다고 믿고 있어 건강과 식습관이 매우 밀접한 관계가 있음을 인식하고 있었다. 가장 염려되는 질병으로는 암(30.6%), 성인병(14.1%), 사고에 의한 질병(12.6%), 비만(10%) 순이였고 식습관에 의해 발병할 수 있다고 믿는 질병의 종류에는 당뇨병(35.6%), 비만증(22.4%), 고혈압(12.8%), 변비(12.7%), 암(7.9%) 순이였으며 식습관에 의해 치료할 수 있다고 믿는 질병의 종류에는 당뇨병(40.1%), 비만증(25.9%), 변비(16.5%), 고혈압(7.4%), 암(3.3%) 순으로 나타나 당뇨병과 비만증은 식습관과 매우 밀접하다고 인식하고 있는 반면 가장 염려되는 암에 대해서는 큰 기대를 하고 있지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is conducted to verify existing differences in consumer attitude according to distributor type and PB product type. Pre-test was conducted for this study in order to select the distributor and to classify the product type, FGI was conducted with 10 graduate students of K university in Kyong-gi. This study survey housewives, office workers, and university students excluding the participants in the pre-test. In the final analysis, research hypothesis is verified through the data of 280 answers in Korea. This research is conducted with a factor design of 3 types of distributors –department store, discount store, convenience store-and 2 types of product –utilitarian product, hedonic product. To verify the hypotheses, ANOVA is carried out. Reliability test of each measurement variables, Cronbach α coefficient is used. For each analysis, SPSS Windows 15.0 statistical program is used. The findings suggest that First, according to the size and characteristics, distributors are classified into department stores, discount stores, and convenience stores and it is verified whether if there are differences in consumers' attitude (product attitude, brand attitude and purchase intention) by the effect of different distributors. Results showed that product attitude is statistically significant. Second, product type is classified by two categories according to whether the product seeks for practicality or emotional pleasure - Utilitarian product and Hedonic product. In this context, the result after verifying whether if there is difference in the attitudes -product attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intention - in accordance with the product types is shown that utilitarian products makes bigger difference compared to hedonic products. Third, it is confirmed that there is interaction effect between product attitude and purchase intention according to the distributer type and product type. However, we find that in terms of brand attitude, there is no interaction effect. The implications of this research is as the following. First, we propose the need of PB product development and marketing strategy, which considers the product types in accordance with the scale and features of each distributor. Second, PB products should break away from the simplicity of standardized products and consider the different features of distributors. Distributors will be in need of a strategy to build a compelling brand that can differentiate itself from other distributors. This will contribute to the improvement in reliability and formation of product value.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed at analysing on consumer's behaviour to central functions in center villages of Hub-myun. Consumers in the center villages were classified as follows; residents in the center village and in the hinterland area, visitors. Through the interview works on the customers in 8-pilot project sites and differential analysis works of answered results, consumers' attitude in the center villages were grouped into two types; self-sufficient one and higher center-dependent one.
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