
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, a new Test and Evaluation (T&E) procedure for defense AI systems is proposed to fill the existing gap in established methodologies. This proposed concept incorporates a data-based performance evaluation, allowing for independent assessment of AI model efficacy. It then follows with an on-site T&E using the actual AI system. The performance evaluation approach adopts the project promotion framework from the defense acquisition system, outlining 10 steps for R&D projects and 9 steps for procurement projects. This procedure was crafted after examining AI system testing standards and guidelines from both domestic and international civilian sectors. The validity of each step in the procedure was confirmed using real-world data. This study's findings aim to offer insightful guidance in defense T&E, particularly in developing robust T&E procedures for defense AI systems.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to propose an operational concept for a ship in a fleet equipped with an interceptor missile system, a naval surface to air defense system, and to develop a simulation program that reflects it. The results of the defense activities of other ships in the fleet can be reflected by receiving information about the status of the enemy missiles. The allocation of defensive assets is based on the survival probability of the ship, not on the destruction of enemy attacks, which can be obtained as the product of the expected survival probability for each enemy missile. In addition, the concept of predicted survivability was introduced to assess the loss of future defense opportunities that would result from assigning a new command. A simulation program was also developed as a tool for realizing the proposed concept of operations, which generated cases.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 변화하는 한국의 국방환경 양상에 주목하여 현실적인 병역제도 결정 요인을 분석하고 한국군의 발전 방향을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해, 한국의 국방 환경 변화양상을 통해서 한국군이 구비 해야 하는 역량요인을 도출하고 병역제도 유형에 대입함으로써 한국에 적합한 제도를 찾는 것이다. 또한 병력의 역량요인 을 통해서 병역제도에 영향을 줄 수 있는 인적 측면의 결정요인 도출과 한국군의 발전 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 한국의 국방환경은 급속한 변화를 맞이하고 있다. 4차 산업혁명에서 기인한 첨단과학 기술의 발달은 한국군의 장비와 무기체계에 진보적인 발전을 가져오고 있다. 여성의 사회진출과 활동의 증가는 경력단절과 경제적 여건을 이유로 출산을 기피하게 되고 병역자원의 급감으로 이어져 병력충 원에 어려움이 예상된다. 병역의무 부담 경감을 위해 시행된 복무기간의 단축은 병력의 숙련도를 감소시켜 군의 전투력 발휘에 어려움이 예상된다. MZ세대로 지 칭하는 젊은 세대가 추구하는 개성과 자유는 국가의 강제력에 의한 징병제와 병 역의무에 대한 부정적 인식으로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 변화양상은 병력을 소수 로 구성하고 개개인이 기술과 전문성을 가지며 장기적으로 복무하여 숙련성과 운 용성을 증대시킬 수 있어야 한다. 결국 국방환경 변화로 인하여 한국의 병역제도 에 영향을 줄 수 있는 결정요인들은 모병제에 적절한 요인들로 점진적인 전환과 발전 방향의 설정이 필요한 시점이다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we investigate the requirements of QPA(Quality Process Audit), which is a process quality audit system for secondary defense contractors, compared with those of DQMS(Defense Quality Management System). And evaluate whether the deployment of QPA meets the DQMS certification requirements through the case example of Company H. The evaluation items of QPA are composed of five categories such as Material Management, Incoming Inspection, Manufacturing Process, Product Evaluation, and Packaging Management. The QPA requirements are mainly related to the chapter 7(support) and chapter 8(operation) of DQMS standards. In this view point, QPA can be expected as an effective audit for suppliers preparing for DQMS certification. In the case example, we evaluate the results and effects of improvement due to QPA and compare it with the case of DQMS. QPA can be used as appropriate quality management standards of secondary and tertiary defense contractors and can provide the basis guidelines for the preparation of implementation steps in DQMS certification.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The most important role of air defense system is to attack the air target of enemy to defend the important military unit or facilities. In order to attack the target as soon as it is detected, fast and precise fire signal transfer using the fire control stick is very important. However, it was found that firing is not conducted in the test for fire control stick. In order to find the reason of such problem and improve life cycle of fire control stick, the test was conducted and it was found that chattering occurred and this led to malfunction of signal transfer from control stick to fire control unit of air defense system. In order to draw resolution for this problem, two contact plate made of beryllium copper is suggested to add to the control stick to enhance the contact and reduce chattering effect. The four fire switch prototypes were tested for 100,000 times and it showed its reliability of use.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In case vehicle system has low travel distance and short duration of engine operation, this can be relatively susceptible to engine scuffing related problem. Users also experience inconvenience in system maintenance that they have to manually start engine periodically in cold night during winter. In order to solve such problems and improve system's life cycle, the automatic engine start system is developed. In order to develop the automatic engine start sytem for air defense system BIHO, two types of engine start sytem and the engine sub system are studied and four steps to start and control the automatic engine start system is suggested. The prototype of automatic engine start system was tested for the single assembly and vehicle-installed test and all requirement of the system was madeto prove its possible application.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Air Defense System requires fast movement of the turret to detect and attack the flying target of enemy. In order for the air defense system to operate accurately and properly, it is necessary to optimize the design of the motor brake system. The air defense system that is not designed properly has possibility of low performance of the gun turret and environment of operators. The previous air defense system had such flaw in its design and it caused much noise and current in the operation of the turret. In order to resolve this flaw, we changed the position and design of the components of the motor brake system to reduce load and achieved the 62.5% reduced current and 40% reduced noise of the motor brake system compared to the previous design.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bisphenol A (BPA), a representative endocrine disrupting chemicals, has adverse effects on growth, development and reproduction in aquatic organisms. The object of this study was to investigate the modulation of antioxidant enzyme - coding genes using quantitative real time RT - PCR (qRT - PCR), enzyme activity and total protein content, to understand oxidative stress responses after exposure to BPA for 48 h in brackish water flea Diaphanosoma celebensis. The BPA (3 mg L-1) significantly upregulated the expression of Cu / Zn - SOD, Mn-SOD, and catalase (CAT ) mRNA. Three GST isoforms (GST-kappa, GST-mu, and GST-theta) mRNA levels significantly increased at the rate of 0.12 mg L-1 of BPA. In particular, GST-mu showed the highest expression level, indicating its key role in antioxidant response to BPA. SOD activity was induced with a concentration - dependent manner, and total protein contents was reduced. These findings indicate that BPA can induce oxidative stress in this species, and these antioxidants may be involved in cellular protection against BPA exposure. This study will provide a better understanding of molecular mode of action of BPA toxicity in aquatic organisms.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many insects are able to feed on crucifers despite the presence of a potent activated defense system known as the mustard oil bomb. In damaged tissue, mustard oil glucosides (glucosinolates) are hydrolyzed by the enzyme myrosinase to form toxic mustard oils (isothiocyanates). Here, we analyzed how the the cabbage stem flea beetle Psylliodes chrysocephala, a key pest of oilseed rape, copes with this chemical defense. First, we found that P. chrysocephala prevents the activation of ingested glucosinolates by two different strategies, a) by sequestering glucosinolates and b) by converting glucosinolates to desulfo-glucosinolates. Our next aim was to identify the sulfatase enzyme(s) responsible for the detoxification of glucosinolates in P. chrysocephala. Nine arylsulfatase-like genes were identified in the transcriptome of P. chrysocephala, and five of them showed glucosinolate sulfatase activity upon heterologous expression in Sf9 cells. By using RNAi, we confirmed that PcGSS1 and PcGSS2 are active towards benzenic and indolic glucosinolates in P. chrysocephala adults in vivo. However, in feeding experiments, the proportion of sequestered and desulfated glucosinolates ranged from 26 to 35% which suggests that these strategies alone are likely not sufficient to overcome the chemical plant defense. Indeed, P. chrysocephala additionally conjugates isothiocyanates to glutathione and metabolizes them via the conserved mercapturic acid pathway. In summary, the cabbage stem flea beetle avoids isothiocyanate formation by specialized strategies (sequestration and desulfation), but also relies on a conserved detoxification pathway to prevent toxicity of isothiocyanates.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Herbivorous insects use plant metabolites to inform their host plant selection for oviposition. These host-selection behaviors are often consistent with the preference-performance hypothesis; females oviposit on hosts that maximize the performance of their offspring. However, the metabolites used for these oviposition choices and those responsible for differences in offspring performance remain unknown for ecologically-relevant interactions. In this time, I will talk about the host-selection behaviors of two sympatric weevils, the Datura (Trichobaris compacta) and tobacco (T. mucorea) weevils in field- and glasshouse-experiments with transgenic host plants specifically altered indifferent components of their secondary metabolism. In addition, I will show that adult females are able to choose the best host plant for their offspring and use chemicals different from those that influence larval performance to inform their oviposition decisions.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, management based on statistical data has become a big issue and the importance of the statistics has been emphasized for the management innovation in the defense area. However, the Military Management based on the statistics is hard to expect because of the shortage of the statistics in the military. There are many military information systems having great many data created in real time. Since the infrastructure for gathering data form the many systems and making statistics by using gathered data is not equipped, the usage of the statistics is poor in the military. The Analytical Defense Statistics System is designed to improve effectively the defense management in this study. The new system having the sub-systems of Data Management, Analysis and Service can gather the operational data from interlocked other Defense Operational Systems and produce Defense Statistics by using the gathered data beside providing statistics services. Additionally, the special function for the user oriented statistics production is added to make new statistics by handling many statistics and data. The Data Warehouse is considered to manage the data and Online Analytical Processing tool is used to enhance the efficiency of the data handling. The main functions of the R, which is a well-known analysis program, are considered for the statistical analysis. The Quality Management Technique is applied to find the fault from the data of the regular and irregular type. The new Statistics System will be the essence of the new technology like as Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, Data Standardization and Statistics Analysis and will be helpful to improve the efficiency of the Military Management.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        백제는 한강유역에서 건국하고 금강유역에서 멸망했다. 왕이 살던 곳을 기준으로 구분하면, 한강유역에서는 慰禮城과 漢城, 금강유역에서는 熊津城과 泗沘都城으로 나뉜다. 흔히 위례성을 백제 전기의 왕성, 한성을 백제 전기의 도성․왕도라고 부른다. 기록에 따르면 한성은 北城과 南城 2개의 성으로 이루어졌는데, 북성은 기존의 위례성을 재편한 것이며 남성은 새로 쌓은 산성으로서 유사시를 대비한 군사적 목적의 왕성이다. 남성은 한산 자락에 쌓았으므로 漢山城으로도 불렸다. 북성은 지금의 풍납토성, 남성은 지금의 몽촌토성에 비정된다. 백제 왕도의 방위체계에 대해서는 한강유역의 고대 성곽을 유기적으로 연결하는 방식을 흔히 사용하지만, 유적 편년을 충분히 검토하지 못한 상태에서 지도상으로만 상정한 것이어서 한계가 있다. 백제 한성도읍기의 방위체계는 왕성 부근에 촘촘한 그물망 형태로 산성을 배치하는 것이 아니라 오히려 변경 쪽에 치중했다. 왕도는 한강을 통제하면서 유사시에 옹성할 수 있는 군사적 목적의 배후산성을 대비해놓는 정도였으며, 군사요새는 한강보다 임진강․예성강 등 고구려와 전투를 자주 벌인 북방지역에 훨씬 더 많이 축조하였다. 고대의 방위체계 연구에는 유적의 정확한 편년에 기초하여 역사적 배경을 귀납적이며 거시적으로 통찰하려는 자세가 필요하다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The special organization that our military service is conscripted by the duty of national defense purposes to the period of military service. So couple of soldiers are think as the corresponds to college, or some knowledge layer from the operating management discarding period, lifetime value. But, now a day changed of the military life, it is when the individual soldiers can have some self-development and the lifelong education in terms of a period, and can changeing the footsteps of the new life that the function as a 'bridge' to activate production of barracks life. So that it can be supported themselves need to strive for human resource development. This study is being discussed on the correlation of military human resources and qualified operating and sustainable and promising future eligibility for qualified by taking advantage of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix(Boston Consulting Group Matrix).
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently, cost estimation is very important to the government acquisition programs to support decisions about funding and to evaluate resource requirement as key decision points. Parametric cost estimating models have been used extensively to obtain appr
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to suggest the methodology for the establishment of operational concept for speed-up of defense robot and improvement direction of the defense acquisition system for the defense robot. In order to achieve this goal, the current defense acquisition system was analyzed into long-term planning, mid-term programming, and project execution stages. And I suggest the methodology for the establishment of operational concept for speed-up of defense robot and direction of development of the defense robot acquisition system considering the characteristics of the robot in terms of core technologies of robot, robot ecosystem and effectiveness-based-robot-design, respectively. Based on the methodology for establishment of the operational concept of defense robot and development direction of the defense acquisition system presented in this study, it will be possible to design efficiently the defense robot in the future.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 목초액의 섭취가 훈련된 흰쥐의 항산화방어기전에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 수행되었다. 실험대상으로는 Sprague-Dawley계 수컷 흰쥐를 사용하였는데 실험그룹은 비운동 대조군과 운동 대조군, 목초액 섭취 비 운동 대조군, 목초액 섭취 운동 대조군으로 나누어 수행하였는데 체중과 혈중성분 변화, 글리코겐 함량, SOD 활성 수준, MDA 함량에 관한 분석을 하였다. 체중과 체지방(장간막, 복막후, 부고환)은 각 그룹 간에 유의한 차이가 없었고, TG와 FFA 농도도 목초액 섭취로 인한 차이는 없었다. Glucose 농도는 대조군 보다 운동군에서 유의한 차이를 나타내었으나 목초액 섭취로 인한 차이는 없었다. 목초액 투여 운동군에서의 SOD 활성은 다른 그룹보다 유의하게 높았다. 운동 대조군에서의 MDA 함량은 비운동 대조군보다 유의하게 낮게 나타났으나 대조군과 목초액 투여군 간의 차이는 없었다. 결론적으로 운동과 목초액 섭취는 산화적 스트레스의 감소에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 예상된다.