본 연구는 북한이 2024년을 전쟁 준비 완성의 해로 선언하고 연이어 미사일을 발사하여 안보를 위협하는 상황에서, 빅데이터 분석을 활용하 여 한국 언론보도와 포털 사이트에 나타난 북핵 및 미사일 위협에 대한 담론과 인식의 특성을 실증적으로 분석하고, 그에 따른 시사점을 도출하 는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 국내 주요 언론보도와 포털 사이트에 서 총 33,318건의 데이터를 수집하여, TF-IDF 분석을 통해 상위 50개 의 주요 키워드를 도출하고, 사회연결망 분석을 통해 각 키워드 간의 연 결 정도와 구조를 파악하였다. 분석 결과, 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁, 이스 라엘-하마스 전쟁 등 국제적 안보 불안과 동북아에서의 북-러 군사협력 및 한-미-일 군사협력의 대립 구도 등이 사회적 담론 형성에 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 한-미-일 군사협력 강화와 확장 억제 전략의 신뢰성을 높이고, 사회적 차원에서 위기의식과 안보의식의 제고 가 필요하다는 시사점이 도출되었다.
본 연구는 저출산고령사회에 직면한 우리나라의 상황 안에서 향후 우 리나라의 사회보장제도에 대한 개선방안을 고찰하고 제안하는데 목적이 있다. 연구결과, 첫째, 보장목적별 접근방안으로는 소득보장제도는 사회 보험제도 유지하되, 아동수당제도와 장애인수당제도의 수정개편 및 기초 연금제도를 확대수정한 기본생활보장연금제도(가칭)가 필요하다. 둘째, 경제활동기별 접근방안으로 경제활동준비기에는 아동보험제도(가칭) 신설 과 아동수당제도의 수정개편이 필요하며, 경제활동휴지기에는 현행 기초 연금제도를 수정개편한 직업과 직종의 유무에 상관없는 정액제 기본생활 연금제도(가칭)와 국민연금제도와 특수직역연금제도를 통합한 직종에 구 분없이 모든 직장가입자를 대상으로 하는 정률제 생활안정연금제도(가칭) 의 수정개편이 필요하다.
Drawing on Fairclough’s three-dimensional critical discourse analysis (CDA) model, this study investigates how South Korean newspapers represent institution-led Global Citizenship Education (GCE) initiatives in terms of genres, styles, and discourses. By analyzing discursive strategies employed in articles from eleven national daily newspapers, the paper reveals how language and discourse are interconnected in constructing and negotiating the significance of institution-led GCE in the South Korean context. The findings highlight the following key features and their implications. First, the genre analysis shows a predominance of straight news reporting, where headlines and leads emphasize institutional agency while backgrounding participants’ roles, thus perpetuating power imbalances in the GCE field. Second, the style analysis reveals contrasting quotation patterns and strategic language use by authoritative figures to legitimize GCE initiatives, which potentially narrows the understanding of GCE and diverts attention from its complex contexts. Finally, the discourse analysis uncovers contrasting strategies that reflect divergent priorities and power dynamics in the perception and implementation of GCE across institutional contexts. This study provides insights into how media representations can reshape and reinforce the implementation and outcomes of GCE programs in South Korea.
This study traces the origin of the current <Romanization of the Korean Language> back to the 19th century to engage in a discursive analysis of Romanization. Central to this discussion is the question of what the object of the discourse is, as discourse is not inherently given but is constructed through a particular perspective. This paper examines the context that led to the development of Romanization in the 19th century to identify the object of the Romanization discourse and the trajectory it followed. Furthermore, it investigates 19th-century texts that addressed Romanization issues to seek for the perception of the West in Joseon during that era. The shift in Western perceptions of Joseon led to the initiation of Korean language studies and the development of Romanization systems.
From a conversation-analytic perspective, this study examines how the Korean connective ‘-nuntey’ is used in interactions between children and caregivers. The ‘nuntey’-clause occurs not only in utterance-medial positions as a clausal connective but also in utterance-final positions without accompanying main clauses in actual conversations. Previous studies have identified two primary functions of ‘-nuntey’: a ‘background provider’ and a ‘contrast marker’. In this study, the analysis of conversations between children and caregivers shows that caregivers often use the ‘nuntey’-clause to explain why they cannot comply with a child's request or to repremand them for their behavior, which frequently leads to changes in the child’s behavior or intentions. In contrast, children use the ‘nuntey’-clause in "telling-my-side" utterances to describe their own actions or observations, often eliciting responses or praise from caregivers. This pattern refelct the nature of child-caregiver interactions, where the caregiver's primary role is to manage the child’s behavior, while the child’s main goal is to attract the caregiver’s attention.
대부분의 사람들은 시궁창에 있지만, 니심 이지키엘처럼 그들 중 일부는 별을 바라본다. 그가 태어난 날부터 죽을 때까지, 그는 평범한 사람들이 가지고 있지 않은 특별한 무언가를 가지고 있었다. 그는 태어나지 않은 노래의 샘을 “휘젓는” 능력을 가지고 있었고, 그의 심장에 불이 붙은 바람을 느꼈다. 시인과 평범한 사람의 차이는 단어 사용에 숨겨져 있다. 이지키엘은 재치 있는 조각가와 같았다. 그는 자신의 시의 특정 줄에 적합한 단어와 구절을 선택하는 데 익숙했다. 만약 그가 원래 초안에 만족하지 못한다면, 그는 최종 작품이 오늘날에도 그 안에서 볼 수 있는 위엄으로 빛날 때까지 계속해서 썼다. 그는 모호함에 대해 반란의 깃발을 올렸다. 그는 표현이 명확하고 단순한 어법으로 이루어져야 한다는 것을 알고 있었다. 그 외에도 이지키엘에게 시는 단순한 시집이 아니라 그보다 더 위대한 것이다. 이 뛰어난 시인의 시적 신조가 발전하는 과정은 순탄하지 않았다. 그것은 물결처럼 출렁였다.
이 연구는 근대 정치가 19세기 제국주의나 전체주의로 나아갈 수 있는 핵심 요소들이 유럽에서 새로운 형태의 국가와 정치체제가 형성되기 시 작한 17세기부터 이미 유럽인들의 사유와 담론 속에 깊숙이 내재해 있었 다고 주장한다. 이를 논증하기 위해, 근대국가와 근대 정치체제의 배후에 내재한 폭력(성)의 문제를 담론과 사유의 차원, 특히 17세기 인종투쟁 담 론과 홉스의 정치이론, 그리고 18세기 계몽사상을 중심으로 고찰한다. 인류 역사를 서로 다른 집단 간의 정복과 지배로 바라보는 인종투쟁 담 론은 홉스의 주권에 대한 철학적-법학적 이론화를 통해서도 근본적으로 해소되지 않았을 뿐만 아니라, 계몽주의에 담긴 진보를 향한 사회공학적 열망 속에서 오히려 민족, 계급, 이념 간의 투쟁으로 계속해서 전이되면 서 확산했다는 점을 강조한다.
In the context of a globalized society where diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) have emerged as pivotal values, the fashion industry is undergoing scrutiny for its practices related to body DE&I. This study examines the nature of the discourse surrounding body DE&I within the fashion industry, focusing on how such discussions are shaped, disseminated, and manifested in both the industry and broader society. Critical discourse analysis is applied by utilizing, content from the New York Times and leveraging Fairclough’s analytical framework encompassing textual, discursive, and social practices. The findings indicate that the New York Times emphasizes diversity, with a significant focus on the shapes and sizes of women’s bodies, developing a narrative centered around women’s bodies through visible and representative domains. The analysis suggests conflicted discourse, with prevailing critiques against the fashion industry’s standardization of beauty and superficial inclusivity efforts. Moreover, the industry’s adaptation to social demands for body DE&I is observed as sporadic, often leveraging non-normative bodies as a marketing strategy rather than genuinely embracing diversity. This study highlights the importance of continuous, in-depth discourse and social practices regarding DE&I within the fashion industry, as well as the need for systemic changes and policies that genuinely reflect societal demands for inclusivity. The findings provide a foundation for future investigations into the multifaceted relationship between fashion discourse, DE&I, and social practices, advocating for a more inclusive and critically aware fashion industry.
This study conducted a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of Maria Leonor “Leni” G. Robredo’s presidential proclamation bid considering differing ideologies between two opposing political parties in the Philippines. Robredo employed language to persuade people to support her ideologies and, ultimately, to cast their votes for her. Analyzing her speech through Fairclough’s three-dimensional CDA model yielded the following several key insights. First, the textual analysis of Robredo’s proclamation bid revealed multiple personal and impersonal motivations in using linguistic markers such as personal pronouns, mood, and modality. Second, the processing analysis of Robredo’s political discourse displayed her lexical choices and use of rhetorical norms such as metaphors, repetition, and three-part lists to persuade people to change their views on the government. Finally, the social analysis of Robredo’s proclamation speech revealed her ideologies as a political leader, which became the basis for constructing a self-identity relevant to her orientation of power. This analysis of Robredo’s political discourse through CDA explored the relationship between language, ideologies, and power. The findings of this study are expected to stimulate listeners to critically observe the verbal political behaviors of speakers.
이 연구는 텍스트마이닝 방법을 활용하여 팡팡의 우한일기 텍스트를 해체, 조합 하고 페어클로프의 비판적 담론 분석(Critical Discourse Analysis) 모형을 적용, 우 한일기의 담론 구조와 양상을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 우한일기 ‘제목+본문’ 구조 에서 정보성 담론과 의견과 주장 담론을 선택적 배치하였다. ‘武汉’, ‘疫情’ 등 단어와 ‘愤怒, ‘武汉人’, ‘医生朋友’, ‘极左’ 등 단어가 핵심어로 선정되었다. 담론적 실천은 1. ‘우한 봉쇄 상황’ 정보성 담론, 2.‘우한 지역의 코로나 상황’ 정보성 담론, 3.‘대응 실패 책임론’ 의견, 주장의 담론, 4.‘봉쇄된 시민의 일상과 비극’ 정보와 주장 혼합 담론, 5. ‘반대 의견자의 공격’ 상호텍스트성 담론이 도출되었다. 반대 의견의 ‘极左’ 담론은 텍스트 밖에서 ‘증오와 갈등’ 담론으로 탈·접합되었다.
This study aims to examine the public's perception of the appropriateness of metaphorical expressions used by medical professionals in medical discourse. A sample of 142 individuals were asked to evaluate the appropriateness of ten metaphorical expressions used by health-care experts. Additionally, questions were posed about the effects of using metaphors. The ten items showed variability in the degree of appropriateness, with metaphors being considered more appropriate when the target was familiar and the similarity between the source and target domains was high. Positive aspects of metaphor use by medical professionals included aiding in understanding, with respondents perceiving such professionals as kind, considerate of patients, and trustworthy. Negative aspects included difficulties in understanding when the similarity between the metaphorical targets was low, requiring lengthy and complex thought processes, and potential misunderstandings of scientific facts. Approximately 15% of respondents reported their own experiences with metaphorical expressions in medical discourse, noting that these metaphors helped them understand the illness and treatment, and induced positive behavioral changes.
The subject of this paper is the language usage within legal discourse, with the corpus sourced from the legislation of the People’s Republic of China. Zhang Deming (1989) believes that “register is a scientific term in the category of language stylistics, a ‘functional style’ of language formed due to different communicative functions of language use. This system has a series of commonalities in linguistic materials (elements) and rhetorical methods, and there are a series of differences and corresponding patterns between different systems.” According to his view, the legal register has distinctive features which differ from other registers. This paper describes and interprets the syntactic, lexical, and register aspects of legal discourse, along with the linguistic style inherent in legal language.
Kang, Yoojin. (2023). “Exploring Intertextuality in Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Discourse”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 31(4), 99-120. This study explores the intricacies of intertextuality within the conflict dynamics between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. By adopting an intertextual perspective that draws upon the analytical frameworks presented by van Langenhove and Harre (1999) on positioning and Tannen’s (2006) insights regarding recycling, reframing, and rekeying, this study sheds light on a significant social and cultural phenomenon. Through the application of these theoretical concepts, this study aims to unravel the ways in which a Korean mother-in-law engages in the recycling, reframing, and rekeying of arguments related to the expectations of being a good daughter-in-law. Additionally, it examines the distinct positioning of both the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law in two conflict themes. The primary focus is on understanding the interconnection between these conflict themes and analyzing whether the positions of the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law in one conflict undergo changes when navigating the other conflict.
본 연구는 코로나19가 발생한 2019년 12월부터 코로나19 감염병 등급 하향 조정이 이루어진 2023년 8월까지 조선일보, 동아일보, 한겨레, 경향신문, 한국일보, 연합뉴스 등 국내 6개 주요 언론에서 보도된 중국 관련 뉴스 보도를 연구대상으로 삼아 텍스 트 마이닝 분석을 실시하였다. 주요 키워드, 키워드 결합분석 및 이슈 분석, 감정 어 휘 분석을 실시하고, 이를 바탕으로 한국의 주요 언론이 중국과 관련하여 중점적으 로 보도한 이슈와 그에 나타난 한국 언론의 관점에 대해 살펴본다.
본 연구에서는 BTS의 노래가사 언어 코드 비율 변화와 트위터 내 팬 덤 아미(ARMY)의 메타언어적 코멘트를 통해 BTS 현상에서의 언어 이 데올로기를 탐구하였다. 분석대상은 2013년부터 2022년까지 BTS의 앨 범에 포함된 121곡의 노래이다. 연구결과, 영어 코드 선택 비율은 꾸준 히 증가하여 2013년 21.2%에서 2022년에는 57.5%까지 상승하였으며, 반면에 한국어 코드 선택 비율은 2013년 78.8 %에서 점차 하락하여 42.5%로 감소하는 양상을 확인했다. 또한 트위터에 나타난 팬들의 메타 언어 코멘트를 분석한 결과, 언어 민족주의적 순수주의의 태도와 반-언 어 민족주의적 순수주의의 태도가 대립하는 형태를 관찰하였다. 언어 민 족주의적 순수주의의 태도를 가진 팬들은 한국어 사용을 한국적 정체성 의 실현으로 연결 짓고, 영어 코드의 증가를 우려하는 경향을 보였다. 한 편, 반-언어 민족주의적 순수주의의 태도를 가진 팬들은 BTS의 언어 코 드 선택과 정체성의 연결을 지양하며, 언어 코드 선택에 대한 비판에 저항하는 모습을 보였다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 BTS는 적절한 언 어 코드를 사용하여 글로벌 팬들과 소통함으로써 다양성과 포용성을 장 려하고, 팬덤 "아미"는 언어 선택 행위에 대한 이해와 존중을 확대함으로 써 언어 이데올로기에 대한 인식을 높일 수 있는 방안을 제공하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
After Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule, the U.S. established USAMGIK (United States Army Military Government in Korea). USAMGIK required many Korean-English interpreters to serve as language specialists and administrative officers. This study considers Korean military interpreters as a collective concept referring to a group of language experts and aims to analyze news reports about the group from 1945 to 1953. At that time, some news reports criticized Korean interpreters who served for the U.S. military because the experts abused their language power to influence Korean people by using their social position to pursue their own interests. However, such negative opinion revealed multifaceted problems, such as political dissent from the USAMGIK and its flawed language policy. From the perspective of Wodak and Reisigl’s (2001) proposed Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA), it can be explained as interdiscursive relationships among discourses about Korean military interpreters and the USAMGIK. Through an analysis of these overlapping discourses, this study discusses their interconnectedness.
The purpose of this study is to review the discourse on vaccination from a critical perspective by considering coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) news on web portals to be practical arguments advocating for certain actions. For this purpose, this study analyzed the argument patterns of the discourse on vaccination with the keyword COVID-19 vaccine side effects and examined discourse characteristics highlighted by media reports to evaluate their meaning. Contrasting patterns were observed between pro- and anti-vaccine arguments, which consisted of the necessity of vaccination and medical evidence and which focused on personal choice and vaccine side effects, respectively. The characteristics of the political discourse were observed in the contest between these arguments. Rhetorical phrases, which are often used in the political discourse, represented the misleading arguments that lacked evidential accuracy and argumentative validity by maximizing fear, instead of alleviating fear about a health crisis with scientific information and discussion. As fake news trending on social media was introduced to online news portals, which are regarded as public discourse platforms, and undermined trust in the public discourse, it served as an opportunity to politicize the discourse on vaccination.
Cho, Eun & Oh, Sun-Young. (2023). “Representation of Native English Teachers and Korean English Teachers in Korean English Newspapers: A Corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 31(2). 95-123. Native-speakerism, a pervasive issue in the field of English Language Teaching, is observed globally and prevalent in Korea. This ideology negatively affects both Native English Teachers (NETs) and Non-native English teachers like Korean English Teachers (KETs) for some reasons. This study utilizes corpus-based critical discourse analysis to examine the linguistic patterns and referential expressions used in Korean English newspapers to represent NETs and KETs. The analysis reveals significant disparities in their positions and authority within Korean English classrooms. Specifically, NETs are labeled as “assistants,” implying a subordinate role with limited authority, while KETs are referred to as “co-teachers,” signifying a more secure status. Moreover, the study highlights the challenges faced by KETs in demonstrating their English proficiency and sheds light on the discrimination faced by NETs who possess commodified linguistic capital and are of Caucasian descent. These findings emphasize the importance of raising awareness of native-speakerism in Korean newspapers.
Sung, Juhyun. (2023). “Discourse Analysis of Rita Pierson’s TED Talk: "Every Kid Needs a Champion"”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 31(2), 1-27. The study focuses on the discourse strategies used in Rita Pierson’s TED Talk “Every Kid Needs a Champion” speech. The transcript and video of her speech retrieved from the TED website were used as data. This paper analyzes how she has used different discourse strategies to successfully deliver her speech based on the politeness theory, persuasion strategies, and relevance theory. The findings suggest that Pierson efficiently used different discourse strategies to effectively deliver her idea through a brief public speech, which remains one of the most viewed TED speeches. The results prove that Rita Pierson has exerted effort to strategically encourage other educators to build relationships or connections with the students to improve the education system.
한자는 특유의 고유성을 지닌 문자언어의 또 다른 형식이며, 인류 문명사의 중 요한 자산 중 하나이다. 그럼에도 표음문자 중심의 시각에서는 한자가 전근대적인 문자 로 폄훼되는 경우들이 많았다. 본서는 바로 이러한 인식의 전환의 필요성과 함께, 한자가 가진 형체-의미 간 통합성에 따른 문화적 보고로서의 가치와 의의를 인식해야 함을 강조 하고 있다. 저자는 이와 같은 주장을 뒷받침하기 위해 다양한 한자들의 형체와 의미를 분 석하였고, 이 형체-의미 간의 연관성을 입증하기 위해 방대한 문자·문헌·문화 자료들을 활용하였다. 저자는 또한 한자의 고유성과 가치에 대한 인식이 동양의 가치와 위상을 바 로잡을 수 있는 첫걸음이며, 또한 이러한 인식의 확장은 인류 문명사를 통합적 관점에서 바라볼 수 있는 중요한 계기를 마련할 수 있음을 역설하고 있다.