The change in pressure measurement according to the low pressure tap blockage rate of the Venturi flowmeter used in domestic nuclear power plants was approached numerically. Blockage rates were modeled dividing by 1/10dT to the downstream side of the low pressure tab to identify differential pressure changes. As a result, differential pressure increased in proportion to the blockage rate, and there was no change in differential pressure measurement at 10 to 40 percent with relatively small blockage rate, but the error rate of 50% to 0.3% or higher was shown.
In this study, we investigated the correlation between the number of cyanobacterial species and the water quality factors after installation of Nakdong river weirs. Factor analyses of water quality factors were also performed. The results of correlations showed that there was no significant water quality with the cyanobacterial concentration but the correlation coefficient of nutrients increased from the upstream to the downstream. There was a significant correlation between W·T and pH as important water quality factors for the growth of cyanobacteria. In the downstream region of Nakdong river, algae were more frequently detected than in the upstream region, and the blooms of algae species seem to be influenced by the higher pH and the influx of the phosphorus from the upstream tributaries. Nutrient concentration was higher in the downstream region than in the upstream region due to the effects of tributaries Geumho river and Nam river in Nakdong river. As a result of the factor analyses, nitrogen species were the principal factors in the upper region, and phorsphorus species were the principal factors in the downstream region.
The Nakdong River being used as drinking water sources for the Busan metropolitan city has the vulnerability of water management due to the fact that industrial areas are located in the upper Nakdong River. This study used emergy analysis method to evaluate ecological-economics of water treatment systems of D water treatment plant (WTP) where located in the downstream of the Nakdong River. The emergy methodology is a system evaluation tool that uses energy as the common currency to compare different resources on a common basis. Emergy yield ratio (EYR) and emergy sustainability index (EmSI) of D WTP were 1.16 and 0.18, respectively. It means not resources and sustainable system but consumer goods and not sustainable system. Ratio of emergy benefit to the purchaser (EBP) shows 2.7 times higher than economic costs. To change the weak water source and situations we need to diversity water intake.
중소하천은 호우발생시 급격한 하천수위상승으로 인해 하천에 위험상황이 발생하게 된다. 따라서 중소하천의 홍수예경보는 대규모 하천의 홍수예경보와 달리 강우-유출모형을 기반으로 하기 어렵다. 이는 중소하천 유역의 자료부족과 유역의 특성이 기존 수문학에서 제시하고 있는 기법으로 강우-유출특성을 정확히 모의하기 어렵기 때문이다. 아울러 중소하천의 홍수예경보를 위해서는 기존의 저류함수법과 같은 강우-유출모형이 아닌 현재 관측되고 있는 하천의 수위 변화를 기반으로 하는 것이 예보의 오차를 줄이는 방법이 될 수 있다. 또한 홍수범람에 따른 피해를 저감하기 위한 대비책의 수립을 위해서 일정시간의 선행시간을 확보하는 것이 중요하다.
이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 강우-유출 모형의 결과를 배제하고 하천에서 현재 발생하고 있는 수위를 바탕으로 짧은 시간주기의 발생가능한 수위를 예측하여 중소하천 홍수예경보에 활용할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하였다. 아울러 홍수예보지점의 현재 관측 수위자료와 상류의 관측수위자료를 활용하여 인공신경망(Artificial Neural Network)을 적용 30분 이내에 발생가능한 수위를 예측할 수 있는 기법을 제안하였다. 제안된 방법론을 낙동강 유역의 남강댐 상류유역에 적용하여 수위예측의 정확성을 검증하였다.
하천의 유황특성을 평가 하는 것은 하천생태계의 인위적인 변형을 이해하고 예측하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 본 연구에서는 댐 건설에 따른 하류하천의 영향을 분석하고자 수문변화 지표모형을 이용하여 용수 전용댐인 영천댐을 대상으로 댐 건설전 후의 유황변동을 분석하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 월 평균유량은 갈수기와 홍수기 모두 댐건설 후 감소하였다. (2) 연 극치유량의 크기와 기간 분석결과, 댐 건설전 후의 1일 최소유량은 와 이였으며, 1일 최대
Where no records are available at a site, a preliminary estimate may be made from relations between floods and catchment characteristics. A number of these characteristics were chosen for testing and were measured for those catchments where mean annual flood estimates were available.
Although the improvement using extended data in regression of flood estimates on catchment characteristics was small, this may be due to the limitations of the regression model. When an individual short term record is to be extended, more detailed attention can be given; an example is presented of the technique which should be adopted in practice, particularly when a short term record covers a period which is known to be biassed.
A method of extending the peaks over a threshold series is presented with a numerical example. The extension of records directly from rainfall by means of a conceptual model is discussed, although the application of such methods is likely to be limited by lack of recording raingauge information.
Methods of combining information from various sources are discussed in terms of information from catchment characteristics supplemented by records. but are generally applicable to different sources of information.
The application of this technique to estimating the probable maximum flood requires more conservative assumptions about the antecedent condition, storm profile and unit hydrograph. It is suggested that the profile and catchment wetness index at the start of the design duration should be based on the assumption that the estimated maximum rainfall occurs in all durations centered on the storm peak.
This study was performed to investigate the riverbed structure and the pollution type in Nakdong River, Western Nakdong River, and Suyoung Stream. Sediment and water samples were collected at 15 in Nakdong River, 7 in Western Nakdong River, and 8 sites in Suyoung Stream from February 20, 1997 to June 15, 1997. The depth distributions of sampling sites in the three streams were measured and heavy metals(Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu) and pesticides in sediments and COD, BOD, and total nitrogen(T-N) in water samples were analyzed.
The deepest and the shallowest sites were site 11(11.58m) and 9(3.35m) in Nakdong River, site 7(6.25m) and 4(2.06m) in Western Nakdong River, and site 8(2.89m) and 1(0.61m) in Suyoung Stream, respectively. The mean concentration of Cd(45.79ppm) was higher in the sediment of Western Nakdong River than in other two streams and those of Pb(76.25ppm), Cr(48.13ppm), and Cu(77.50ppm) were higher in the sediment of Suyoung Stream than in other two streams. Pesticides(1 kind of organophosphonis and 3 kinds of organochlorine pesticide) were detected only in the sediment of Western Nakdong River. The mean concentrations of COD(20.26ppm), BOD(25.36ppm), and T-N(18.05ppm) were higher in the water sample of Suyoung Stream than in other two streams.
This study was carried out to evaluate the variations of headloss rate and of specific deposit to depths with effective size of media and configuration of filter layer during algae blooming period. 0.51㎜ size media was disqualified because most of headloss occurred rapidly below 5㎝ from surface layer. however 0.91㎜ size media acted deep filtration more than 20㎝ from top, as result 0.91㎜ size media filter had 2∼3 times longer filtration time than 0.51㎜ size media filter, but 0.91㎜ size media have break-through potentiality. multi-layer filter with 1.02㎜ anthracite and 0.51㎜ sand had large deposit volume in upper layer that could longer filtration time, moreover smaller media in lower layer that could protect break-through.