This study aimed to identify the actual catch situation of offshore dredge gear which is newly regulated in the legislation. It’s also conducted to identify the species composition, weight of the catch including the target species and incidental catches, and to provide the basic information necessary for the resource management of aquatic organisms caught by offshore dredge. During the investigation period (from September 2022 to May 2023), a total of 61 species appeared in the test operation sea of Boryeong, Chungcheongnam-do and Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do, with 31 species of fishes, 11 species of malacostraca, six species of gastropoda, five species of bivalvia, three species of cephalopoda, three species of asteroidea, one species each of asteroidea and holothuroidea appeared. According to the results of the test operation conducted in September and November 2022, the non-catch season of Atrina (Servatrina) pectinata, 1,203 shellfishes were caught out of 2,979 caught in number, showing a bycatch rate of 59.6%, and by weight, 157.9 kg of shellfish was caught out of the total catch of 448.4 kg, showing a bycatch rate of 64.8%. On the other hand, in February and May 2023, the catch season for Atrina (Servatrina) pectinata, 3,692 fishsells were caught out of the 4,232 catches in total, showing a bycatch rate of 12.8%, and by weight, 1,185.0 kg of shellfish was caught out of the total catch of 1,293.2 kg, showing an 8.3% bycatch rate.
This study is aimed to develop an improved shellfish dredge vessel considering the increase of the fishing safety and welfare of fishermen in Jeonnam province. We visited five fishing village societies in Korea, and conducted field surveys and survey questions to investigate the current status. In order to solve the problems presented by the investigation, a general arrangement of the improvement vessel was written and adopted after meeting between the fishermen and research team, and calculated the initial stability in five loading conditions by using the Napa program. As a result of field surveys and survey questions, the existing vessel have buoyant materials under the bow and the warp pass through the wheel-house. In addition, most fishing equipment and nets are concentrated on a narrow stern, making it difficult to work efficiently. According to the survey, fishermen also responded that operation of casting and hauling is very inconvenient. The fishing equipment of the improvement vessel was rearranged, the size of the wheel-house and the crew room was increased, and we secured a basic welfare space. As a result of the initial stability test, the stability criteria of the fishing vessel were satisfied in all loading condition.
Fishing dredge in Jeollabuk-do began to become widespread in the 1960s and has continued to catch diverse kinds of shellfish in the productive fishing grounds around Dongjin River, Mangyeong River and Geum River estuaries. Since the 1970s, the construction of various large-scale industrial complex and the implementation of Saemangeum reclamation project have resulted in a decrease in main fishing areas and a sharp decline in shellfish production. As a result, dredge fishery has faced many difficulties. Dredge fishery in Jeollabuk-do is carried out with a total of 30 fishing permits as of 2016. Surf clams, hen clams, bladder moon snails, and common orient clams were mainly caught before the construction of Saemangeum dike while comb pen shells, purple whelks and ark shells are mainly caught afterwards. Inside the Saemangeum dike, most fish species have disappeared due to low water level and low salinity, and littleneck clams are caught using a jet pump type of fishing dredge. Outside the dike, the diversity of shellfish species has been reduced; comb pen shells are mainly caught. In this process, a lot of friction occurs due to the use of a reformatted dredge. Therefore, a lot of research needs to be conducted in the near future.
The maximum sustained yield ( ) of shellfish caught through dredge fishery was 7,250 to 7,490 MT from 1990 to 1999, which was not affected by the construction of the Saemangeum Dike. The MSY from 2000 to 2016, under the influence of the dike, was 1,716 to 1,776 MT when the total annual fish catch was 1,000 MT or more, and 289 to 336 MT when it was less than 1,000 MT. The construction of the Saemangeum Dike led to a decrease in the catch volume of the offshore dredge fishery in Jeollabuk-do, to 4.2 to 23.7% of that before its construction. The allowable biological catch () was estimated to be 313 to 1,532 MT per year, which was about 72.3 to 94.3% less than before the construction of Saemangeum Dike. Currently, the dredge fishery in Jeollabuk-do relies on comb pen shells. For fishery management, the catch per vessel should be set at 51.0 MT/year or less, and the number of fishing vessels should be reduced to 22 as quickly as possible. Besides, in the long term, the number of current fishing vessels should be reduced to less than half in consideration of the comb pen shell collecting period in Jeollabuk-do.
The species composition and distribution of catches by dredge gear in the Yeongil Bay, Korea were investigated on aseasonal basis from February to November, 2015. Total catches consisted of 44 species and 35 families. They were 13 species of fish, 10 species of crustacea, 5 species of echinodermata, 5 species of gastropoda, 4 species of cephalopoda and 3 species of bivalvia. Major catch species was shellfish and had seasonal variations in catch. In spring and winter, the catch of ark shell (Scapharca broughtonii) was increased. Adversely, the catch of admas venus clam (Callithaca adamsi) increased in sunmmer and autumn. Species diversity indices was high as the value of 1.99 in spring, and low to the value of 0.34 in summer. In addition, multi dimentional scaling (MDS) indices also was high in spring as the value of 1.99. In summer, the index was low as the value of 0.34. Similarity analysis based on species data was transformed by fourth root. With the result of cluster analysis and MDS analysis, species was divided into two groups. The first group as Group A consists of winter and spring species and another was Group B made of species in summer and winter.
Species composition and bycatch rate of the catches by dredge with bycatch reduction device to reduce bycatch were estimated around Yeongil Bay, Korea at June, 2015. Total catches were collected 31 species as Chordata 10 species, mollusca 8 species, arthropoda 6 species, echinodermata 5 species, sipunculida 1 species, annelida 1 species during the experiment at the Yeongil Bay. The dominant species were Scapharca broughtonii, Callithaca adamsi, and Atrina pectinata and they reached 79.9% of the total catch. The catch rate of Scapharca broughtonii and Callithaca adamsi was 69.6% and 10.4% respectively. The rate of bycatch was 20.1%, consisted with Echinodemata 13.0%, Chordata 3.6%. The catch of ordinary dredge was 27 species 1,307 number 85,052g and that of dredge with escapement device was 21 species 1,690 number 91,648g. In conclusion, the dredge gear with bycatch reduction device has higher catch rate of target species and lower bycatch rate to non–target species than ordinary one.
The dredge gear is dragged along the bottom of the sea to catch targeted edible bottom dwelling species. Species composition and ecological index of the catches of dredge were estimated around Gangneung coastal fishing ground by dredge with different mesh size and tooth space from July to December 2013. Eight different types of dredge including four different tooth space (24.7 mm, 29.9 mm, 34.9 mm, 40.1 mm) and four different mesh size(15.5 mm, 32.7 mm, 51.1 mm, 060.0 mm) were used in the experiment. During the experiment, total catches were collected 31 species as sipunculida 1 species, mollusca 13 species, annelida 3 species, arthropoda 8 species, echinodermata 4 species and others 2 species. The dominant genus were mollusca and echinodermata while the dominant species were Megangulus venulosus, Pseudocardium sachalinensis, Schaphechinus brevis. The richness index was ranged 1.29-1.72, evenness index was 0.6-0.65 and diversity index was 1.65-1.83 according to the tooth space and mesh size of dredge. Richness index, diversity index were high at tooth space 34.9 mm dredge and ecological index showed decreasing tendency with the increasing of mesh size of dredge. Cluster and MDS analysis, based on a Bray-Curtis and similarity matrix of fourth root transformed data of number of species and wet weight, showed division into four different groups as four different tooth space (Group A), four different mesh size Group B (51.1 mm, 60.0 mm), Group C (32.7 mm) and Group D (15.5 mm).
민들조개 형망의 갈퀴에 의해 어획될 확률을 조개크기와 갈퀴간격 사이의 관계로부터 구했다. 이때 기존의 방법에서는 각장만을 이용했는데 여기서는 각장 이외에 각고(또는 각폭)에 의한 효과를 추가시켜 어획될 확률을 구하고 로지스틱 어획선택성 곡선에 적합시켰으며, 그식은 다음과 같았다. P=(equation omitted).민들조개의 경우 생물학적 최소형은 각장이 25mm인 것으로 알려져 있으며, 이 최소성숙각장에 대해 50% 어획될 갈퀴간격을 구하면 16.2mm이다. 따라서, 민들조개 형망의 적정 갈퀴간격은 기존에 사용하고 있는 12mm를 16mm로 늘리는 것이 자원보호상 바람직하며, 이것은 예망작업시 모래 속을 끄는 갈퀴의 갯수도 상대적으로 적어지므로 어구저항이 감소되어 연료가 절약되며, 선상에서는 작은 조개를 체를 이용하여 거르는 인력작업도 줄일 것으로 여겨진다.
In order to examine the catching selectivity of the ark shell(Scapharca broughtonii) dredge, the various factors affecting the selective action of the dredge are analyzed, and the probabilities of the ark shell not shifting through the gaps between the teeth, and the mesh of the netting bag, are calculated for the various shell lengths, using the relation between the posture and the length when the shell passes through these parts.Considering that the probability of making catch is the product of the both probabilities described above, and that this probability is proportional to the relative catching efficiency, the selectivity curves for the ark shell dredge were estimated for various gaps between the teeth and for the various mesh sizes of the netting bag. The obtained results are summarized as follows :1. The ratios of the shell length of ark shell to the distance between teeth indicating the relative catching efficiency of 0%, 50, 100% respectively were 1.0, 1.26~1.28, 1.47~1.44, and that the selection ranges of selective shell length by the distance between teeth were 0.47~0.44, where the distances between teeth were 3.2cm, 3.6cm, 4.0cm, 4.4cm and 4.8cm. 2. The ratios of the shell length of ark shell to the mesh size indicating the relative catching efficiency of 0%, 50%, 100% respectively were 0.67, 0.84, 0.97 and that the selection range of shell length for catching, that in the range of selective shell length by the mesh size was 0.31, where the distance of 4.0cm between teeth, mesh size of 6.0 cm and the smaller mesh angle of 60˚3. Where the distance between teeth is 4.0 cm and the smaller mesh angle is 60˚, the selection range of shell length for catching of the ark shell dredge is decreased according to the mesh size, and it is minimized by 0.20 in the mesh size of 9.0~10.0 cm, but increased in the mesh size of over 11.0 cm. 4. Where the distance between teeth is 4.0 cm, the selective action by the mesh size of netting bag is begun with the mesh size of over 10.0 cm.
분사류의 해저 굴삭성능을 이용하여 해저의 모래속에 서식하고 있는 개량조개, Mactra chinensis(PHILIPPI)를 어획하기 위해, 전보의 분사노즐의 모래면 굴삭성능에 관한 수조실험 결과를 근거로 분사식 항망 시험어구를 제작하고, 군산 앞바다의 개량조개 어장에서 1990년 10월 5일에서 10월 30일까지 현장실험을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 시험어구의 굴삭깊이는 분사속도 1200cm/s일 때 10~11cm, 1350cm/s일 때 11~13cm, 1500cm/s일 때 13~14cm 이상이었다. 2) 예망장력은 예망속도 6.7cm/s에서 105±5kg으로 매우 작았다. 3) 단위소해면적당 평균어획량은 0.42kg/m 상(2)으로 재래식 형망에 비해 1.2~1.6배로 많았다. 4) 분사식 항망시험 어구는 조개를 파손시키지 않아 어획물에 파손패가 거의 없었다. 5) 분사류에 의한 어장의 탁도 변화량은 수심, 유속, 저질등에 따라 다소 다르나, 표층에서는 수심 5.2m이상이면 변화량을 볼 수 없고, 해저면상 3m의 저층에서는 어구의 후방 1m에서 9~11ppm으로 최대치를 보였으나, 점차 감소되어 9m 후방 이후에서는 변화량이 거의 없었다.
분사류의 굴삭성능을 이용하여 해저의 모래속에서 서식하고 있는 패류를 어획할 목적으로 원형과 직사각형의 모형노즐을 제작하여 수조에서 분사노즐의 모래면에 대한 굴삭실험을 한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 분사노즐에 의한 모래면의 최대 굴삭깊이와 폭은 분사속도와 노즐의 단면적의 크기에 비례하여 직선적으로 증가하며, 노즐의 분사거리에 대해서는 굴삭깊이는 직선적으로 감소하나, 굴삭폭은 직선적으로 증가한다. 2. 직사각형 노즐(폭 1mm)은 단면적이 같은 원형 노즐보다 굴삭성능이 다소 우수하였다. 3. 노즐별 분사각도와 분사속도, 분사거리에 따른 최대 굴삭깊이와 폭에 관한 실험식은 직선식으로 나타나며, 분사각도 45˚에서 직사각형노즐(폭 1mm)의 분사속도와 분사거리에 따른 실험식은 다음과 같다. D=0.0093V 하(0)-0.23H+5.7. W=0.0147V 하(0)+1.06H+10.2. 단, D: 최대 굴삭깊이(cm), V 하(0): 노즐의 분사속도(cm/sec) 926≤V 하(0)≤1504, W: 최대굴삭폭(cm), H: 노즐구멍에서 모래면까지의 거리(cm).
본 연구에서는 본류의 하도준설로 인해 본류에 유입되는 지류하천의 하상고와 본류와의 하상고간의 높이차가 과도하게 발생함에 따라 지류하상의 안정화 기법을 검토하게 되었다.
지류하천의 하상고와 본류와의 높이차가 크게 발생함에 따라 하천을 직강화한 첩수로를 만들게 되고 하상 경사의 폭은 커지게 된다. 이 경우에는 유량과 하상 재료사이에는 변화가 없으므로 Lane식에서 우변 하상 경사의 증가는 자연히 좌변의 증가를 가져오므로 유사량의 증가를 가져오게 된다. 실제 하천 개수 사업에서 직강화는 하상의 세굴과 저하보다는 통상 하폭의 확대를 가져온다.
기준면의 저하는 지류 입장에서의 본류 수면이 일종의 기준면이 되므로 지류 에너지 경사의 증가를 의미하게 된다. 이 경우 Lane 관계식에서 하상 경사의 증가는 좌변의 증가를 가져오며, 하상 재료가 일정한 상태에서 이는 유사량의 증가를 가져온다. 즉 지류의 하상 경사와 유사량 증가는 하상의 침식을 의미하며, 이러한 침식은 상류로 진행된다. 이를 두부 침식이라 한다.
따라서 본 연구에서는 감천 본류하도 준설에 따른 지류하상의 하상변동과 지류유입 토사량에 대해서 검토하겠다.
해상 준설선을 이용한 항로의 준설시공 과정에서 중요한 점은 작업구역의 공간적 축소로 여유통항수역의 제공과 수면하의 위험물 배제로 안전항행을 제공하는 것이 기본이다. 이를 위해서는 준설선의 이동과 고정을 위한 보조장비의 적극적인 활용과 함께 부대 장비의 실시간 위치확인, 실시간 준설수심 확인 및 작업정보 등을 통합적인 정보로 제공하여 준설 작업의 자동화를 꾀해야 한다. 그런데, 본 연구에서 스퍼드 제어시스템을 비치한 준설선은 준설 시공시 준설구역 내 준설점 위치로 이동을 스퍼드로 하고 스퍼드는 자동제어 기술을 적용하여 준설선의 능동적 이동에 의한 준설시공을 행하여 최소의 작업공간을 점유하게 되므로 항행하는 타 선박의 안전한 통과를 허용하면서 준설공사를 중단 없이 시공할 수 있다. 또한, 스퍼드 활용 항로준설시스템은 스퍼드의 거동괘적은 물론 전자해도와 함께 작업심도 자료를 동시에 제공하므로 신속한 작업성과까지도 제시할 수 있다는 점에서 기존의 관리시스템과는 비교가 된다. 시스템 평가를 위한 부산항에서의 시험시공결과 일일 작업 시 기존의 앵카시스템을 이용한 작업시간의 2배정도를 실제 투입할 수 있었으며, 준설시공 요건별 비교에서도 준비시간을 38% 절감할 수 있었고 준비작업에 필요한 작업인력을 1인 줄일 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.
준설작업 효율성은 장비의 형식, 준설토의 특성, 작업의 성격, 작업 시행 전.후에 이루어지는 측량작업 등에 의해 결정된다. 특히, 준설선의 위치제어와 준설지점의 수심 측량은 전체 공정의 효율성 결정에 중요한 인자가 된다. 우리나라 준설업체가 주로 보유하고 있는 펌프식 준설선은 연속작업이 가능하고, 타 기종에 비해 작업해역에서 탁도 발생이 적다는 장점이 있지만 제거되는 슬러리에 토사 함유량이 적고, 위치 정확도가 낮다는 큰 단점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 LADGPS, 조석관측시스템, 광센서 각도추출장치, GIS와 전자해도를 이용하여 4개의 하부시스템으로 구성된 펌프식 준설선 통합공정관리시스템을 개발하여 준설선 위치제어, 실재 굴착이 이루어지는 준설지점의 위치결정, 작업해역의 조위가 보정된 실시간 수심결정, 작업지시내용 및 작업성과를 기록하고 이들 모든 정보를 작업자 모두가 실시간으로 모니터링하고 제어하는 공정관리를 수행할 수 치도록 하였다. 이 시스템을 펌프식 준설선인 "은진PD-2"에 설치하여 운영하였으며, 기존의 작업방식과의 작업효율성 비교를 위한 작업성과 데이타는 아직 추출하지 못했지만 일부 유사한 하부시스템이 적용된 그라브 쿤설선 공정관리시스템의 효율성 분석결과에서 준설해역의 편평도가 45cm 이내로 양호하고, 작업기간을 227f 단축하였으며, 작업비용을 16.6% 절감된 것으로 나타났다.
Accuracy of dredging processes depends on the types of equipment used, the sediments encountered, whether the work to be performed is new or maintenance dredging, pre- and post-hydrographic surveying and so forth. Among those, position surveying accuracy which is directly determined by the control of the dredge's position and depth surveying accuracy being surveyed at the dredging point during dredging work are important factors. The purpose of this study is to develop 'Dredge Management System'for Grab dredge which is composed of 4 sub-system using LADGPS for dredge position determining system and dredging point determining system, tide gauge system and optical sensor for depth determining system and GIS and ENC for total management system. This system is installed on the grab dredge 'EUNJIN G-18'and applied to anchorage dredging work. at Pohang Harbor. The results revealed that this system is easy to operate, achieves good accuracy with only 45cm unevenness, reduces working period by 22 percent and saves cost 16.6 percent.