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        검색결과 12

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 안병호에 의해 쓰여진 「오타 줄리아 전」과 후데우치 유키코(筆内幸子)가 지은 󰡔오타 줄리아의 생애󰡕(おたあジュリアの生涯)를 한국어로 번역한 󰡔오타 쥴리아󰡕를 중심으로 한국과 일본에서 종교적 인물로 숭상받고 있는 ‘오다 쥬리아(大田 Julia, ?-?)’에 대한 글쓰기 양상에 주목한다. 이를 위해 역사적 사실과 문학적 허구 ‘사이’에서 종교적 믿음을 형성하기 위해 나타나는 수사학적 전략과 한국과 일본 양국의 인물에 대한 담화 구성의 차이를 통해 형성되는 종교성에 관해 살펴본다. 두 글쓰기는 오다 쥬리아가 보이는 천주교 신앙의 모범이라는 종교적 의미를 독자들이 진실로 받아들이고 믿게 하기 위해 신앙인으로서의 자질(/존재(être)/)을 역사적 사실을 바탕으로 그것에 관한 /현상(paraître)/과 함께 서술하는 수사적 전략을 보인다. 하지만 담화 구성에 있어서 전자는 그녀를 약초 지식과 의술에 기반하여 종교적 삶을 실천한 ‘치유자’로, 후자는 박해 속에서도 일본에서 천주교 신앙을 지킨 ‘수호자’로 오다 쥬리아에 대한 서로 다른 종교적 의미를 독자들에게 소통한다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조르조 아감벤의 『빌라도와 예수』는 탈진실 시대에 ‘사실’과 ‘진실’과 ‘진리’ 의 문제를 화두로 던지는 책이다. 인류 역사에 있어서 예수의 십자가 사건은 진리를 실체적으로 현현한 신비의 사건으로 유대인에 의한 예수의 고소 사실에 의해 촉발된다. 사실은 실체적 진실을 담보할 때 비로소 확률적 진실이 되거나 진리가 될 수 있다. 유대인이 예수를 고소한 이유는 그가 진리로서 하늘의 왕임을 주장하기 때문이다. 제국의 주권을 대표하는 빌라도는 두 번의 예수 재판을 통해 고소 사실의 실체적 진실 부재를 확인하지만, 예수의 무죄를 확증하지 못하는 우유부단함과 나약함을 보여준다. 그는 진리 앞에서 ‘예외상태’를 결정할 수 있는 ‘주권자’이지만 ‘결단’을 내리지 못한다. 그는 예수를 유대인에게 넘겨 준 장본인으로서 예수의 십자가형에 책임이 있는 인물로 비난을 받는다. 아감벤은 빌라도의 관점에서 예수의 십자가 사건이 가지는 의미를 성찰한다. 그는 카이로스의 십자가 사건이 역사적 종교의 대사건으로서 진리의 현현임을 인지하고 논증한다. 그러나 그는 『빌라도와 예수』에서 십자가의 진리에 관한 개인의 직접적 고백을 회피함으로써 빌라도의 모습을 떠올리게 한다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Online shopping has become an important part of people’s daily lives. The very nature of online shopping makes it unlikely for consumers to examine products with their senses (e.g., touch, smell) as they can do in offline stores. The consumer obtains information from a variety of online sources (sellers, other buyers, and third parties) to assess a product and make a purchase decision. This variety of online information (e.g., product description, reviews and ratings) informs and persuades consumers. While sellers’ decisions comprise most information displayed on their product’s website, other information is shown because consumers have a moral, ethical, and legal “right” to know (e.g., ingredients, weight, size) (Jacoby, Speller, & Berning, 1974). Regarding the latter information, some countries (e.g., the U.S., China, Canada, the EU and India) have regulations that require pre-packaged food manufacturers to provide a nutrition-fact label and claims displaying standardized information on product packaging (Health Canada, 2010). We ask the following question to public policy makers and marketers: Should online pre-packaged food shops also need to present nutrition facts? There are two perspectives one might adopt regarding the array of information confronting online shoppers. The first perspective deals with human information processing. This position maintains that humans’ ability to assimilate and process information has finite limits during any given unit of time, and that once these limits are surpassed, behavior tends to become confused and dysfunctional (Miller, 1956; Driver & Streufert, 1969). Conceivably, such information overload might also occur in online shopping. Online shoppers often make their selections from a range of products, each with an array of information. Moreover, they make such purchase decisions within a relatively short time period. An alternative perspective is that nutrition-fact information provides key cues for consumers to assess product quality in the online marketplace. Cues can be categorized as extrinsic or intrinsic to the product (Maheswaran & Chaiken, 1991; Anderson, 1981). Extrinsic cues are product-related attributes that can be altered whereas intrinsic cues are inherent to the product itself (e.g., ingredients) and cannot be easily altered (Rao & Monroe, 1988; Purohit & Srivastava, 2001). An online shopper's evaluation of a product is based upon both intrinsic and extrinsic cues. In the online shopping environment, few intrinsic cues are available to consumers and the disclosure of nutrition facts (an intrinsic product feature) can help to fill this gap. Theoretical Development The understanding of how nutrition information presentation influences online food sales is a substantial topic for both industry and academia. With the convenience of online shopping, the potential for food producers and retail stores to take their products online is enormous. eMarketer (2014) reports that online food and beverage purchases increased 15.2% in U.S. retail ecommerce sales, and that this trend will remain consistent. Online food shopping is extremely popular in China, with 92% of consumers purchasing food or beverages at least once a month (Weber Shandwick, 2014). Moreover, eMarketer (2016) reports that by 2020, one-fourth of China's online purchases will be made directly from foreign websites or from third-party platforms. Thus, it is important for other countries to learn about the Chinese market. Among these potential issues, whether nutrition-fact information affects consumer purchase decisions in the online shopping context remains unexplored. Nutrition-fact labels have proven to be useful cues for consumer purchasing decision in offline conditions (Shah, Bettman, Ubel, Keller, & Edell, 2014). However, researchers have been unable to determine the effects of nutrition information in online conditions with network virtualization (Mavlanova, Benbunan-Fich, & Koufaris, 2012) and information multiplicity. In addition, the nutrition information disclosed by online sellers may cue consumers to acquire healthy food. Previous research has found that when information pertaining to a food’s nutritional content is provided, less-healthy food tastes better (Raghunathan, Naylor, & Hoyer, 2006). This literature raises the issue of whether nutrition information is more effective for healthy or unhealthy products. In summary, we investigate the effect of nutrition-fact information on online food shopping. The research questions address: (1) whether and how nutrition-fact information influences food sales in online conditions; (2) how nutrition-fact information interacts with other online extrinsic cues (i.e., word of mouth and historical sales); and (3) whether nutrition-fact information is more effective for healthy or unhealthy products. Research Design We then address these issues using panel data collected from Taobao.com (the largest online shopping platform in China). We selected 45 days as our study period, and the sample comprised 273 sellers. In addition, we conduct an experiment using an eye-tracking system to test the necessity and helpfulness of nutrition-fact information. Results and Conclusion The results show that the nutrition-fact information has a significant impact on sales. More specifically, consumers are more likely to choose sellers with the nutrition-fact information, and the healthy (unhealthy) food with nutrition-fact information tends to attract more (fewer) purchase. In addition, our results reveal some interesting interactions between nutrition-fact information and other cues. Specifically, WOM and historical sales strengthen the sales impact of nutrition-fact information. Our eye-tracking experiment leads to several interesting results. First, consumers pay attention to nutrition-fact information and spend considerable time reading it. Second, a long fixation length on nutrition-fact information would reasonably increase sales. This study makes several academic contributions. First, we extend the topic of nutrition information to an e-commerce context. Second, this is one of the first studies to examine the role of nutrition-fact information from an experimental perspective. Third, we supplement the findings of previous studies on the role of food type. This study also provides several practical implications. First, governments could require online sellers to reveal nutrition information in a truthful and detailed manner at the point of sale. In addition, labeling policies not only increase nutrition awareness and protect consumers, but they can also offer a profitable path for marketers. Second, sellers should design nutrition information and other cues strategies jointly. Third, compared with unhealthy food, nutrition-fact information is more effective for the purchase of healthy food. Sellers might be encouraged by this trend and consider more strategies to display nutrition-fact information on healthy food.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper attempts to analyze and prove Yeats' gradual acceptance of the middle class and the people's democracy of South Ireland, just liberated from England. He always struggled against the Irish Catholic bourgeoisie and their practical and political nationalism during his lifetime for realizing his ideal vision of Ireland embodying the “Unity of Being”; he dreamed to establish a culturally aristocratic nation keeping order not by forced law and power but by imagination and desire of self-transcendence, while South Ireland pursued practical interests and became a theocracy. After burning his “rage and lust” against the mass culture of post-colonial Catholic Ireland, Yeats began to admit Catholic Ireland as it was with the perspective of the poetic transcendence, “tragic joy.” His recognition of the Catholic middle class at the end of his life is considered for attaining the sense of unity with Irish people, which was essential to his vision of nation. This paper traces his changing attitudes toward the middle class, especially focusing on such poems as “The Municipal Gallery Revisited,” “The Statues,” “Circus Animal's Desertion,” and “Cuchulain Comforted.”
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Wanpaoshan Incident that took place in 1931 and the tragic Anti-Chinese Riots that ensued in Korea had great repercussions in the three countries of East Asia. Writers in Korea, China and Japan fictionalized these events concurrently or a few years after the incident. In the other of publication, the novelette Manpozan (October 1931) by Ito Einesuke, a Japanese writer, the novel Wanpaoshan (March 1933) by Li Huiying of China, the novelette “Farmer” (July 1939) by Yi T’ae-Chun of Korea, novella Rice Plant (1941) by An Su-Kil of Korea and the novel Reclamation (1943) by Chang Hyŏk-Chu of Korea were major examples. This article, using four novels – Ito Einosuke’s Manpozan, Li Huiying’s Wanpaoshan, Yi T’ae-Chun’s “Farmer”, and An Su-Kil’s Rice Plant – as main texts, analyzed the ways in which writers from Korea, Japan and China fictionalized the Wanpaoshan Incident. The four novels dealing with the Wanpaoshan Incident were all written from different perspectives and thus the emphases were different as well. The writers responded differently, and we will show how the writer’s national identity, ideology, and the existence of experience and its depth were articulated in the fictionalization process of a literary work.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        독도는 역사적, 국제법적 및 그 실효적 관할 상 엄연히 대한민국의 영토이며, 아무런 문제가 없다. 다만, 근거 없이 일본정부가 “독도는 자국 땅“이란 부당한 주장만 하고 있을 뿐이다. 특히 아베정부에 이르러 독도왜곡이 더욱 심화되어, 일본 중·고교 교과서에 “다케시마(독도)는 일본의 고유한 영토인데 한국이 불법 점거하고 있다“는 거짓 내용을 실어서, 학교에서 가르치고 있다. 이는 역사적 사실에 비추어 거짓내용일 뿐만 아니라 여러 국제법 위반 사항임을 지적할 수 있다. 2차 세계대전 전에는 1699년 1월 당시 조선국 정부와 일본 막부정부 간 외교서계교환을 통하여 합의한 ‘울릉도와 독도’에 대한 조선국의 영토주권에 대한 위반임을 지적할 수 있다. 2차 대전 후에는, 포츠담선언8) 후단규정, 스카핀 (SCAPIN) 677(1946.1.29.), 샌프란시시코 평화조약 제2조(a) 및 동 조약 제19조(d)를 위반한 것을 지적할 수 있다. 또한, 전기 일본교과서에 게재한 ‘일본의 고유영토인 독도를 한국이 불법점거‘ 하고 있다는 내용은 ’독도‘ 재침탈을 위한 일종의 “위협”으로 볼 수 있다. 이는 “영토는 타국의 위협이나 무력사용으로 인한 탈취의 대상이 될 수 없다“는 유엔총회결의 2625호(1970.10.24)와 정면으로 충돌되는 것으로 규탄을 받지 않을 수 없을 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리학계 일부의 ‘독도’ 영토주권에 관한 논조가 애매모호한 것이 있음을 부인하기 어렵다고 할 것이다. 일본정부의 헛된 주장에 따른 국제법위반 사항을 포함하여 이 모든 것들은 각종 학술발표회를 통하여 검증되고 사안에 따라 퇴출되고 또 규탄되어야 마땅할 것이다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This article deals with the meaning of the Nullification in criminal perspective, if existed legal status is a criminal requirement in spite of the legal annulment by the Court. Interestingly Korean Supreme Court ruled conflict judgments in two months. The judgment on March, 2014, even employed as a civil servant is invalid, when this person who act as a civil servant receiving bribes out the conclusion that those on bribery. However, the judgment on May, 2014, the same court makes the decision that if the local government’s admission of corporation establishment is nullified then the state of officers of that corporation always nullify. So these once officers of the corporation is not the subject of punishment. Even though all the two judgments already seen the legal relationship existed invalid, but the judgment on March focused on the fact that the visible on the outside and the existed status. On the other hand, the latter’s decision seems to have decided that the effects of the legal invalidity and it is more important. This article will be analyzed in terms of the latter’s decision to criticize the majority opinion of the Supreme Court, with doubts of whether ‘invalidity’ means ‘not really exist’ and the remains of the real world is really meaningless in criminal perspective.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Anyone who defames another by publicly alleging facts can be punished, even though the facts are true. Because In korean criminal law there are the article, “A person who defames another by publicly alleging facts shall be punished by imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor for not more than two years or by a fine not exceeding five million won(Art. 307 (1))”. Furthermore, “A person who defames another by publicly alleging false facts shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years, suspension of qualifications for not more than ten years, or a fine not exceeding ten million won(Art. 307 (2))”. But If the facts alleged under Article 307 (1) are true and solely for the public interest, the act shall not be punishable(Art. 310). However, there is no rule about the unsettled facts(It’s not sure whether the publicly alleging facts is true or false). In practice, this cases are applied to Art. 307 (2). And the practice deal with the unsettled facts in the field of a mistake of face. But in Art. 307 (2) the “fale facts” is a element of a crime, so that the unsettled facts should be applied not to Art. 307 (2), but Art. 307 (1). Otherwise, the unsettled facts can make misunderstand to the public by the guilty or not guilty of a judge. Because if the judge found the defendant guilty, then the unsetlled fact turn to be a true fact in spite of not proving of the fact. But if the judge found the defendant not guilty, then the unsettled fact turn to be a false fact. Therefore, if a judge can not prove the truth of the unsettled fact, then the Art. 307 (1) must be applied.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this case, the appeal court says, the fact that the defendant used the privilege against self-incrimination and denied answering the questions of the police in the investigative process could not be used as evidence for evaluating the charge to the disadvantage of the defendant. This reference is appropriate. But the principle that we must not use the fact of no answer as evidence for regarding the assertion of the defendant as unreliable should not be confused as a principle that we must give an advantage to the no answer defendant. No answer could not prohibit the fact finder from infering truth from the indirect circumstantial facts. In this case, the defendant insisted that the drug in his body was not injected by him and he did not know how it was in his body. As two persons known visited him the day of arrest and he saw they put injectors in the waterpot, he thouhgt propably they injected the drug in his body in a stealthy way. But the defendant only insisted this story and did not give any clue with which this story could be checked up and for identifying the two persons. Therefore his assertion should be valued as unreliable because of the unreliability of the assertion itself, not because of the fact of no answer. And as the subjective factors as perception, intention, knowing etc could be infered by indirect factors, in this case, the fact that the defendant injected the drug voluntarily could be presumed from the fact that he was arrested in the intoxication in his room, there was none in his room when he was arrested, injectors were founded in his room. So the fact-finding of the court would be said inappropriate.On the other hand, the appeal court says, when the defendant decided to use the privilege against self-incrimination and not to answer, the police should immediately stop questioning. As in this case the police continued questioning, the interrogation is illegal. But this comment is inappropriate because the current criminal process law recognize the right to question to the public attorney and the police independently to the right of the defendant not to answer. Consequently the police can put questions to the defendant though he uses the privilege. But it is up to the decision of the defendant, whether he refuses all questions from the beginning to the end, or reply partly. As for ruling the interrogation, Korean law is different from the American law. Furthemore, in this case, the questions the police put to the silent defendant were for the name or for affirming whether the defendant would use the privilege or not. Because the questions are not for the fact for the defendant's charge, it would be not illegal with the viewpoint of American law.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper attempts to explore the grammaticalization of the [The fact is that] construction in order to substantiate the synchronic extensions of [The fact is that] > [The fact is,] > [Fact is,] (Kim 2001, 2003a) found in the present-day corpus (COBUILD 2000). In other words, this study is to examine whether such present-day extensions can be observed historically or not. For the historical data ARCHER (A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers) Corpus (1999) and OED (Oxford English Dictionary 1989) will be used. These data will reveal that [the fact is that] construction has evolved along the grammaticalization path: [The fact is this.] + independent sentence [The fact is that] + complement clause > [The fact is,] + main clause > [Fact is.] + main clause. To conclude, this paper verities our claim that seemingly superficial THAT deletion and THE deletion do not represent optional ommission or performance errors but fit into the systematic language changes: the present- day variations reflect different stages in historical grammaticalization.