In Korea, as part of the Green New Deal project toward a carbon-neutral society, it is necessary to build a climate-resilient urban environment to green the city, space, and living infrastructure. To this end, SWMM-ING was improved and the model was modified to analyze the carbon reduction effect. In addition, I plan to select target watersheds where urbanization is rapidly progressing and evaluate runoff, non-point pollution, and carbon reduction effects to conduct cost estimation and optimal design review for domestic rainwater circulation green infrastructure. In this study, green infrastructure facilities were selected using SWMM-ING. Various scenarios were presented considering the surface area and annual cost of each green infrastructure facility, and The results show that the scenario derived through the APL2 method was selected as the optimal scenario. In this optimal scenario, a total facility area of 190,517.5 m2 was applied to 7 out of 30 subwatersheds to achieve the target reduction. The target reduction amount was calculated a 23.50 % reduction in runoff and a 26.99 % reduction in pollutant load. Additionally, the annual carbon absorption was analyzed and found to be 385,521 kg/year. I aim to achieve additional carbon reduction effects by achieving the goal of reducing runoff and non-point pollution sources and analyzing annual carbon absorption. Moreover, considering the scale-up of these interventions across the basin, it is believed that an objective assessment of economic viability can be conducted.
비극적인 세대의 섹션 5에 있는 베일의 떨림(1922)의 제4권은 시인 클럽과 아일랜드 문학 협회에 대한 명상으로 시작된다. 이 두 조직 간의 연관성은 아마도 시인 클럽에서 활동하는 회원들 가운데 일부는 아일랜드인 또는 켈트인을 동조했다는 사실에서 알 수 있다. 1843년 3월에 존 켈스 잉그램(1823-1907년)가 쓴 「죽은 자들의 기억」은 분명 <젊은 아일랜드 시기>의 가장 위대한 발라드이다. 예이츠가 잉그램의 발라드에 권위를 부여했을 때, 이 발라드는 이미 “19세기 동안 아일랜드 민족주의의 애국가”로서 기능했다. 한편 예이츠는 외교관인 다니엘 크릴리(1857-1923)가 1888년 발라드 「바이바이의 남자들」을 낭송한 것을 떠올리면서 1916년 부활절봉기 이후에도 데이비스의 바람과는 달리 아일랜드가 하나가 되었는지에 대해 확신을 하지 못한다. 그는 「1916년 부활절」에서 신성한 이름들을 중얼거릴 뿐, 추모 의식에 대해 확신을 갖지 못한다.
이 연구에서는 자기통제이론을 기반으로 자기통제력이 청소년 비행에 미치는 영향 과 자아존중감의 조절 효과를 살펴보고자 하였다. 또한, 온라인 비행과 오프라인 비행 에서 조절 효과의 차이가 나타나는지 알아보았다. 자기통제력과 자아존중감은 청소년 비행에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인이나, 두 요인이 결합하여 비행에 미치는 영향력을 살펴본 국내 연구는 부족한 상황이다. 특히 온라인상에서는 자아존중감의 변화 양상 이 나타날 수 있다는 사실을 고려하여 온, 오프라인 비행에 각기 다른 영향을 줄 수 있다는 점에 주목하였다. 한국형사법무정책연구원에서 공개한 ‘청소년 사이버폭력 실태조사 2015’ 자료를 사용하여 분석을 진행하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자기통제력이 온라인 비행에 미치는 영향에 있어 자아존중감의 조절 효과가 나타났다. 구체적으로, 자아존중감은 자기통제력이 온라인 비행에 미치는 부적인 영향을 완화해주었다. 둘째, 온라 인 비행과 달리 오프라인 비행에서는 자아존중감의 조절 효과가 나타나지 않았다. 이 러한 결과는 온라인 비행을 주로 저지르고 낮은 자기통제력을 가진 소년범에 대하여 자아존중감 향상을 위한 개입이 중요한 과제가 될 수 있음을 시사한다.
본 연구는 진로프로그램과 영어교과수업을 융합한 영어진로 프로그램을 구안・적용하여 학생들의 글로벌 리더십을 향상시키고자 하였다. 영어교과 학습동기를 높여 학생들이 영어수업에 즐겁게 참여하고 영어교과 시간에 꿈과 끼의 탐색에 필요한 다양학습 활동을 할 수 있는 기회를 제공함으로써 영어 학습동기를 높이고 글로벌 리더십교육을 하고자 하였다.
중학교 1학년을 대상으로 꿈-ING 영어진로 프로그램을 적용하였으며 사전・사후 설문 조사를 통해 평가한 결과 학생들의 진로개발역량 향상에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the errors concerning V-ing forms in Korean college freshmen’s English essays in order to provide some guidelines for teaching the forms effectively. The data for this study were retrieved from a learner corpus consisting of 815 essays written by Korean college freshmen. A total of 3,843 words were found in the form of V-ing, which were categorized according to their roles as follows: (a) present participles (1,235 tokens), (b) gerunds (2,591 tokens), and (c) unclear cases (17 tokens). Of the 3,843 forms of V-ing, a total of 292 tokens were classified as erroneous, 137 of which were participle-related errors and 138 gerundrelated errors. The most frequently occurring errors under the categories of present participles and gerunds were the use of a present particle without a main verb (64.2%) (e.g. I *looking for the meaning of the building’s name) and to-infinitive related errors (66.7%) (e.g. Therefore, we try to *changing our college’s image), respectively. Pedagogical suggestions based on the findings of the study are also provided at the end.
Even though the several famous institutes involving U .S. DOT Volpe center informed that GNSSs(Global Navigation Satellite System) are vulnerable to intentional and unintentional interference.
Treatment characteristics of benzene were investigated by using a fixed bed reactor system applying a hybrid method over composites of photocatalyst and adsorbent. Various composites were made by mixing photocatalyst with adsorbent, such as activated carbon, activated carbon fiber, and sludge. Performance tests were conducted with benzene concentrations of 1,000~3,000 ppm, Benzene flow rates of 50~100cc/min, and packing weights of 14~24g for the various composite samples. The property of benzene treatment was analyzed concerning BET, SEM, pH, and the conversion efficiency. It was concluded by experimental results that the benzene conversion efficiency of a hybrid method was much higher than that of a photocatalyst only method showing a conversion efficiency range between 13% and 65%. It was also found that the comprehensive feasibility study of the hybrid method would be needed with consideration of various factors including additional expenses.
This study explores the distribution of the multi-functional V-ing construction in Korean college freshmen’s written English, focusing on its use across different proficiency levels and text types. A small corpus (75,000 words) consisting of narrative and argumentative essays was analyzed, producing the following results: 1) The overall frequency of the V-ing construction exhibited a relation, though non-linear, with L2 proficiency. 2) The V-ing construction was more common as the gerund than the participle, a pattern consistent with what was observed in previous NS studies. 3) In argumentative essays, gerunds as sentential subjects were as common as the prepositional object function in contrast to the overwhelming number of prepositional objects in NS data. 4) The adverbial participle clause emerged ahead of the nominal modifier, and the subordinate participle clauses tended to precede the matrix clauses in the narrative essays and in the argumentative essays of the lower level learners. Influence of the essay prompts, learners’ insufficient knowledge of the lexico-discourse features of the gerund and the participle clauses were conjectured to have attributed to the pattern incongruent with that of NS usage. Pedagogical implications are suggested to enhance L2 learners’ knowledge of the target construction.
In the Present-Day English adjectives and participles are often followed by a preposition plus V-ing (hereafter called PG construction). However, some adjectives and participles can be immediately followed by V-ing without an intermediate preposition (hereafter NG). Therefore, such adjectives/participles can have both NG and PG constructions. This article investigates 13 such predicates (happy, comfortable, bored, tired, fed up; busy, engaged, occupied; late, quick, slow, done, finished) in the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) and examines the frequency changes of their NG vs PG structures in American English from 1820 to 2009. The findings of this study are as follows: (i) NG is a more recent structure than PG, (ii) the frequency of NG has gradually increased over time with most predicates, (iii) except engaged, the percentage of NG to PG was higher in the late 1900 than the early 1800, and with some predicates NG is more preferred than PG in the Present-Day English, (iv) as shown by the fact that some predicates were more resistant to the change, a linguistic innovation does not apply simultaneously but spread gradually across the relevant lexical items/structures.
Hyeree Kim. 2016. A Corpus-Based Study in the Diachronic Change of the Adjective/Participle+V-ing Construction. Studies in Modern Grammar 90, 1-30. In the Present-Day English adjectives and participles are often followed by a preposition plus V-ing (hereafter called PG construction). However, some adjectives and participles can be immediately followed by V-ing without an intermediate preposition (hereafter NG). Therefore, such adjectives/participles can have both NG and PG constructions. This article investigates 13 such predicates (happy, comfortable, bored, tired, fed up; busy, engaged, occupied; late, quick, slow, done, finished) in the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) and examines the frequency changes of their NG vs PG structures in American English from 1820 to 2009. The findings of this study are as follows: (i) NG is a more recent structure than PG, (ii) the frequency of NG has gradually increased over time with most predicates, (iii) except engaged, the percentage of NG to PG was higher in the late 1900 than the early 1800, and with some predicates NG is more preferred than PG in the Present-Day English, (iv) as shown by the fact that some predicates were more resistant to the change, a linguistic innovation does not apply simultaneously but spread gradually across the relevant lexical items/structures.