
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was done to develop environmental risk assessments and a biosafety guide for insect-resistant genetically modified rice at a LMO (Living Modified Organism) isolation field. In the LMO quarantine area of Kyungpook National University, the species diversities and population densities of non-target insects found on insect-resistant genetically modified rice (Bt-T) resistant to Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and on non-GM rices (Dongjin-byeo and Ilmi-byeo) were investigated. The Bt-T event was therefore evaluated under field conditions to detect possible impacts on the above ground insects and spiders. The study compared transgenic rice and two non-GM reference rices, Dongjinbyeo and Ilmi-byeo, at Gunwi in Southern Korea in 2016 and 2017. A total of 9,552 individuals from 51 families and 11 orders were collected from the LMO isolation field. In the three types of rice fields, a total of 3,042 individuals from the Bt-T, 3,213 individuals from the Dongjin-byeo, and 3,297 individuals from the Ilmi-byeo were collected, respectively. There was no difference between the population densities of the non-target insect pests, natural enemies and other insects on the Bt-T and non-GM rices. The data of insect species population densities were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA), which not distinguished among the three varieties, GM and non-GM, reference cultivar in all cultivation years. However, PCA results were clearly separated the samples based on the cultivation years. These results suggest that insect species diversities and population densities during plants cultivation are determined by environmental factors (growing condition and seasons) rather than by genetic factors.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        형질전환작물(Living Genetically Modified Organism; LMO)은 작물을 소비하는 생물의 문제와 더불어 농업생태계에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지가 주요 관심사로 부각되고 있다. 다년간 형질전환작물이 재배되었던 지역과 비변형 작물 재배지역의 곤충상을 조사하는 것은 각 재배지역의 환경변화를 간접적으로 알 수 있으며, 이를 통해 환경위해성을 평가할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 2018년 7월부터 같은 해 9월까지 경상남도 사천에 위치한 벼 재배지에서 내충성유전자 변형벼와 일반벼의 발달시기별 곤충상을 조사하고 종다양도 지수, 종균등도 지수, 종풍부도 및 유사도 분석을 포함한 군집분석을 실시하여 유전자변형작물의 환경 및 생태계 위험도 평가를 위한 기초정보를 제공한다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The respiration rate of PH3 susceptible strain was significantly higher than the resistant strain. The results showed no significant effect of oxygen level on the respiration rate of both strains. Phosphine reduced the respiration rate of both strains when it was applied in average concentrations. However, the rate of respiration of the resistant beetles increased significantly under a high level of phosphine. The increase of respiration rate was associated with the higher emission of VOCs which prove the acceleration of metabolic processes to face the phosphine action for survival. Flat grain beetle Cryptolestes pusillus and rusty grain beetle C. ferrugineus are similar insect species, but only C. ferrugineus is capable to develop a high phosphine resistance. A direct immersion solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DI-SPME-GCMS) technology has identified the different fatty acids from PH3 resistant and susceptible strain of Tribolium castaneum.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to assess the environmental risk of CMV resistant GM pepper and to evaluate the effects of the transgenic pepper (Line: H15) with CMV resistant gene and non-transgenic peppers (Line: P2377, PM Singang, Berota) without gene introduction on the insect community in the three pepper cultivation areas. Sampling was conducted using yellow sticky traps in Deokso, Anseong and Ochang fields, respectively. The total number of insect individuals caught by sticky trap was not shown significant differences between GM and non-GM pepper at Deokso, Anseong and Ochang fields, respectively. Also, there were no significant differences in density of aphids caught on sticky traps between GM and non-GM pepper, and the species richness and species diversity was no statistical difference between the types of crops, GM and non-GM at three experimental pepper fields.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Field studies were conducted to assess potential effects of transgenic rice expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) CryIAc1 protein, which is highly effective the rice leafroller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, on the rice insect community in 2007 and 2008. Insects were sampled in non-Bt and Bt rice plots with a sweep net and a suction devise. A total of 64,256 individuals in 45 families and 11 orders (30,860 individuals in 43 families and 11 orders in the Bt-rice plots, and 33,396 individuals in 40 families and 11 order in the non-Bt rice plots) were captured and grouped by ecological functional guilds. Species diversity and richness were not significantly different between Bt-rice and non-Bt rice plots. The seasonal pattern of the insect community and the seasonal population fluctuation of insects were very similar between two plots. Collectively, the rice insect community was not influenced by the Bt-rice in the present study.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of the genetically modified virus-resistant pepper (line: H15) and the Non-GM pepper (line: P2377) on the insect community in the pepper cultivation area were evaluated. Sampling was conducted using yellow sticky traps and pheromone funnel traps in Anseong and Deokso fields. Total number of insects caught on sticky trap were 3924 individuals at GM pepper and 3670 individuals at Non-GM pepper in Anseong and 2362 individuals at GM and 2528 individuals at Non-GM in Deokso, respectively. The total number of the insect individuals caught by sticky trap was not shown significant differences between GM and Non-GM pepper at Anseong and Deokso fields, respectively. The number of aphids per sticky trap ranged from 11.60±2.02 to 1.92±0.96 at Non-GM and from 11.56±2.15 to 0.33±0.23 at GM in Anseong, and from 2.78±1.22 to 0.11±0.08 and from 2.73±0.84 to 0.11±0.08 at Non-GM and GM pepper in Deokso, respectively. There were no significant differences in seasonal occurrences of aphids caught on sticky traps in GM and Non-GM pepper at both fields, and significant differences in aphids population density between Non-GM and GM were not observed.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of the genetically modified virus-resistant pepper (line: 15, 20) and the non-GM pepper (line: 2377, 915) on the insect community in the pepper cultivation area were evaluated. Sampling was conducted using yellow sticky traps and pheromone funnel traps in Anseong and Deokso fields. Total number of insects caught on sticky trap were 3273 individuals at GM pepper and 2949 individuals at non-GM pepper in Anseong and 4357 individuals at GM and 3712 individuals at non-GM in Deokso. Total number of aphids collected on leaves were 451 and 330 individuals at GM and non-GM pepper in Anseong, respectively and 79 individuals at GM and 41 individuals at non-GM pepper in Deokso. The total number of the insect individuals caught on sticky trap was not shown significant differences between GM and non-GM pepper at Anseong and Deokso fields, respectively. Also, there were no significant differences in seasonal occurrences of aphids caught on sticky traps in GM and non-GM pepper at both fields. This work was supported financially by Biogreen21 project of Rural Development Administration (No. 20070301-034-010).
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genetically modified (GM) crops have been developed worldwide through the recombinant DNA technology and commercialized by global agricultural companies. Until now, GM crops have not been cultivated commercially in Korea. Commercialization of GM crops requires a compulsory assessment of environmental risk associated with the release of GM crops. This study was conducted to evaluate the frequency of pollen mediated gene flow from Bt transgenic rice (Agb0101) to japonica non-GM rice (Nakdongbyeo), indica non-GM rice (IR36), and weedy rice (R55). A total of 729,917, 596,318 and 230,635 seeds were collected from Nakdongbyeo, IR36, and R55, respectively, which were planted around Agb0101. Selection of the hybrids was determined by repeated spraying of herbicide and Cry1Ac1 immunostrip assay. Finally, the hybrids were confirmed by PCR analysis using specific primer. The hybrids were found in all non-GM rice and out-crossing ranged from 0.0005% at IR36 to 0.0027% at Nakdongbyeo. All of hybrids were located within 1.2 m distance from the Agb0101 rice plot. The meteorological elements including rainfall and temperature during rice flowering time were found to be important factors to determine rice out-crossing rate. Consideration should be taken for many factors like the meteorological elements of field and physiological condition of crop to set up the safety management guideline to prevention of GM crops gene flow.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 제초제 저항성인 Ab벼와 해충저항성 Bt벼, 이들의 모본인 동진벼의 현미에서 일반성분, 아미노산, 무기물, 지방산, 비타민 및 항영양소를 분석하여 유전자변형 벼(Ab, Bt)의 영양성분 조성 차이를 비교하고자 수행하였다. 그 결과 무기물의 철분이 모본인 동진벼와 유전자 변형 벼(Ab, Bt) 사이에 약 2배의 차이를 나타내었지만 codex 범위 내에 존재하였고, 비타민 류에서는 Bt벼와 동진벼 간의 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않은 반면 Ab벼의 비타민 B1, B7, E에서 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 또한 트립신 저해제는 시료 모두에서 0.1 TIU/mg 미만으로 극소량 검출되었다. 총 46가지 분석 성분 중 17가지가 함량 및 조성에 유의적인 차이를 보였으나 이러한 차이는 이들의 모본인 동진벼, OECD 표준기술서, 그리고 일반 상업화 품종의 범위 내에 존재해 영양학적 측면에서 실질적으로 차이가 없는 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 내충성 독소 발현 유전자(CryIIIA)를 벼에 형질 전환하여 해충에 대한 저항성을 갖도록 국내에서 개발한 해충저항성 GM벼(Btt12R)와 그 모본인 낙동벼의 주요영양성분과 항영양소를 분석하여 각 성분의 함량에 차이가 있는지를 비교하기 위해서 수행하였다. 이를 위해, 낙동벼와 Btt12R 뿐만 아니라 국내 상업화 품종인 영안벼와 화성벼를 수원 GMO 격리포장에서 동일한 조건하에 재배하여 수확한 현미를 사용하였다. 47가지 주요영양성분(8가지 일반성분, 17가지 아미노산, 8가지 지방산, 9가지 미네랄, 5가지 비타민) 중에 16가지 성분의 함량이 모본과 Btt12R 간에 차이를 보였지만, Btt12R의 이 16가지 성분은 함께 재배한 일반벼와 OECD에 명기된 함량 범위 내에 있었다. 2가지 항영양소 중 트립신 저해제는 모든 시료에 0.1 TIU/mg 미만의 극미량으로 존재했으며, Btt12R의 피트산 함량은 낙동벼와 일반벼의 피트산 범위에 포함되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해보면, 분석한 Btt12R의 모든 주요영양성분 및 항영소의 함량이 모본 및 상업화 품종의 함량 범위에 포함되었으며, 이를 통해 CryIIIA 유전자를 벼 게놈에 삽입하는 것이 현미의 영양학적 품질에 영향을 미치지 않음을 확인하였다.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Insect resistant genes encode insecticidal δ-endotoxins that are widely used for the development of insect-resistant crops. Common soybean is a crop of economic and nutritious importance in many parts of the world. Korean soybean variety Kwangan was transformed with Insect resistant genes. These genes were transformed into Kwangan using highly efficient soybean transformation system. Transgenic plants harboring Insect resistant genes were confirmed for gene introduction and their expression using PCR, real-time PCR and RT-PCR. The confirmation of stable gene introduction with Insect resistant genes was also performing by Southern blot analysis. In addition, Flanking sequence analysis and agronomic characters were also investigated
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A Transgenic Kimch cabbage has been developed harboring T-DNAs expressing delta-endotoxin insecticidal protein, herbicide (basta) resistant protein, and antisense transcript of AsMADS2 gene. Three transgenic lines, #24, #45, and #51, originated from the same T0 plant were analyzed in terms of molecular characterization, phenotype, and agronomic traits. Flanking sequence analysis confirmed that T-DNA, with 7132 bp intact structure, was inserted onto the pseudochromosome A10 of B. rapa and all the genes in T-DNA were functionally active. Three of GM cabbage showed 69.2~75.3% of plant height and 81.8~89.7% of diameter to those of the isogenic variety ‘Nowon’, respectively. Curving upward leaf lamina attitude was observed on GM cabbage, while straight or slight concave on non-GM cabbage. In addition, an average range of 86~91.5% of head height and 87.4~94.8% of head diameter were observed on GM cabbage to those of the isogenic variety ‘Nowon’, respectively Moreover, curled inwards or slight overlap of head-forming leaf overlap at terminal region was observed on GM cabbage, but curled outwards or erect on non-GM cabbage. AsMADS2, a transcription factor reported to be involved in early flowering, was stably expressed to RNA in the GM cabbage, but it was not shown the significant influences to flowering time.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The rice water weevil (RWW), Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus are major pests of aquatic rice plant in Korea as well as throughout the country. Larvae of RWW sucking the nourishment on roots, causes a stunted root system and reduces grain yields. To prevent these damages, we constructed various plant expression vectors, which were harbored by insecticidal genes, cryBP1 and cryIIIa, and fused with the actin promoter and/or the modified RCg2 root-preferential promoters for expressing the insect-toxic genes in leaves and roots. A cryBP1 was cloned from Bacillus popilliae, producing crystal toxin against Japanese beetle, and CryIIIa was modified from the δ-endotoxin gene of Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. tenebrionis, encoding the coleoptera-specific toxin. The vectors containing the insecticidal genes were transferred into Oryza sativa japonica cultivar, Nakdong, by Agrobacterium -mediated transformation method. Several independent transgenic lines were selected by Southern blotting and Western blotting, confirming that cryBP1 and cryIIIa genes were stably integrated into the plant genomes and were expressed in transgenic plants. Upon insect bioassay using RWW, the mortality of insect larvae on cryBP1 and cryIIIa transgenic rice lines recorded up to 41% and 34%, respectively. These results suggested that the transgenic lines can be used to develop Coleoptera-resistant cultivars and could be valuable for later application in crop breeding for insect resistance.
        1981.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        대두 씨스트 선충포에 있어서 대두 품종별 선충저항성정도를 검정하여 내선충성 대두 품종육성시 기초자료로 삼고져 본 시험을 실시하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 지표품종에 대한 평균 종실중 감소율은 저항성 품종은 38~44%, 감수성 품종은 6972%로 차리가 뚜렷하였으며 전중 및 협수도 같은 경향이었다. 2. 공시된 품종중 저항성정도가 최강 인 품종은 5, 강 에 속하는 것이 8품종으로써 이를은 모두 중ㆍ만생종이었다. 저항성 품종으로 유망시 되는 것으로는 울산, 강림, pickett 71, Forrest, Bedford 등이었다. 3. 선충포에 있어서 종실중, 전중 및 협수의 감소율을 조생종을 62~75%, 중생종은 39~65%, 만생종은 29~36%로써 생육일수가 짧은 품종일수록 저항성이 약하게 나타났다. 이 원인으로서는 선충의 분포범위와 대두 뿌리의 발생심도 및 발생량, 가해시기와 대두의 개화기 및 회복가능기간이 밀접히 관여하고 있는 것으로 고찰되었다. 4. 내선충성 품종선파을 위한 유의 상관 형질은 전중, 협수, 100입중, 주전장이었으며 특히 전종과 협수는 모두 +0.9 이상의 고도의 상관계수를 보였다.