L. monocytogenes는 Listeriosis를 일으키는 중요한 식중독 균으로 현재 국내 식품공전에서는 증균배양을 기초로 검출하며, 규격은 불검출로 관리하고 있다. 그러나 Listeria 종 간의 혼합오염시 증균 과정에서 경쟁생육이 존재하여 L. monocytogenes 위음성의 가능성이 있다고 보고되고 있다. 국내 식품공전은 L. monocytogenes 증균을 위한 1차 배지로 규정되어 있으나 LEB 배지에서의 Listeria 종 간의 생육 연구는 보고된 바 없다. 본 연구는 식품에서 주로 검 출되는 Listeria 속 4종(L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, L. ivanovii, L. seeligeri)을 LEB배지에 혼합배양하며 증균과 정에서 생육의 차이가 존재하는 것을 확인하였다. 특히, L. innocua에 의해 L. monocytogenes의 생육이 저해되며, L monocytogenes가 L. innocua보다 초기균수가 2.0 log CFU/ mL 이상 오염이 되어있어야지만 L. innocua보다 생육이 잘 되는 것을 확인하였다. Listeria 종 간의 혼합오염이 있 을 경우 현재 검출법으로는 L. monocytogenes의 검출이 어려울 수 있다고 판단된다. 따라서 L. monocytogenes 검출 율을 높이는 새로운 증균배지 개발의 필요성을 확인하였다. 향후 본 연구는 L. monocytogenes 검출률을 높여 국내 식품의 식품 안전에 기여 할 수 있으며 국내 식품 관리 규격 개정 시 기초가 되는 참고 자료로 활용 할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
The pharmacokinetics of 11-Hydroxyaclacinomycin X (HAMX), a novel anthracycline, were investigated after intravenous bolus administration in mice, rats, rabbits and dogs. Based on animal data, we predicted the following human pharmacokinetic parameters using allometric scaling: 24.1 and 6.99 mL/min/kg for total body clearance (CLt) using simple and maximum life-span potential (MLP)-corrected allometry, respectively; 5.72 L/kg for steady-state volume of distribution (Vdss ). The corresponding allometric equation were CLt = 45.896W0.8452, CLt × MLP = 31.175W1.1405 and Vdss = 10140x0.8653. These allometric equations were extrapolated to predict CLt and Vdss in human based on 70 kg body weight. We also predicted human parameters using species-invariant time transformations (equivalent time, kallynochrons, apolysichrons and dienetichrons). The values of Vdss (15.4-19.4 L/kg) obtained using invariant time transformations were larger than those obtained using simple allometry. However, the lowest CLt (17.0 mL/min/kg) derived usi ngdienetichrons was comparable to that obtained using simple allometry. The results of this study also indicated that the predicted human CLt generated using MLP-corrected allometry can be used for the selection of a safe dose for studies in healthy adult human volunteers. These results suggest that such approaches may be useful in designing pharmacokinetic studies for novel anthracyclines. The preliminary parameter values may be useful in designing early pharmacokinetic studies of HAMX in humans. The results could also be used to determine the safe dose for the therapeutics in various animals.
Evolutionary processes such as recombination and natural selection usually develop over extended periods of time; however, they get accelerated in cases of hybridization. Interspecies hybrids exhibit novel genome which are exposed to natural selection, thus provides a key to unravel the ultimate causes of adaptation and speciation. On the other hand, with rapid upsurge in demand for stronger food security has been confronting us on daily basis. Lately, the scientists have started to gather are now attracted by specific extraordinary traits of different animals by way interspecies hybridization combining the superior genetic material from different animals. Besides, this technology could also explore new life saving vaccines and medicines and also would find beneficial in conserving wild heritage of endangered and critical species. Several researchers have also done commendable work on interspecies hybridization with some degree of success. Nevertheless, lots of obstacles and hurdles still pose for this phenomenal technology to reach to its final destination. This review will point out the hurdles on interspecies hybridization in reference to the natural mating and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).
Interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) is a valuable tool for studying the interactions between an oocyte and somatic nucleus. The object of this study was to investigate the developmental competence of in vitro‐matured porcine oocytes after transfer of the somatic cell nuclei of 2 different species (goat and rabbit). Porcine cumulus oocytes were obtained from the follicles of ovaries and matured in TCM‐199. The reconstructed embryos were electrically fused with 2 DC pulses of 1.1 kV/cm for 30 μs in 0.3 M mannitol medium. The activated cloned embryos were cultured in porcine zygote medium‐3 (PZM‐3), mSOF or RDH medium for 7 days. The blastocyst formation rate of the embryos reconstructed from goat or rabbit fetal fibroblasts was significantly lower than that of the embryos reconstructed from porcine fetal fibroblast cells. However, a significantly higher number of embryos reconstructed from goat or rabbit fetal fibroblasts cultured in mSOF or RDH, respectively, developed to the morular stage than those cultured in PZM‐3. These results suggest that goat and bovine fetal fibroblasts were less efficacious than porcine‐porcine cloned embryos and that culture condition could be an important factor in iSCNT. The lower developmental potential of goat‐porcine and porcine‐bovine cloned embryos may be due to incompatibility between the porcine oocyte cytoplasm and goat and bovine somatic nuclei.
Porcine fibroblasts were transferred into enucleated bovine oocytes for the interspecies nuclear transfer (NT). After NT, the embryos were cultured in three different culture systems. The media used for the experiment were CR1aa and NCSU23. The culture systems used for the experiment were: 1. Culture in CR1aa for 7 days (CR). 2. Culture in CR1aa for 2 days and subsequently in NCSU23 for 5 days (CR-NC). 3. Culture in NCSU23 for 7 days (NC). Bovine (intraspecies) NT group was used as a control. The oocytes in bovine NT group were treated the same as interspecies NT embryos except using bovine fibroblasts as nuclear donors. Regardless of their nuclear origin (interspecies vs bovine), the embryos in CR (68.4% vs 77.2%) and CR-NC (67.8% vs 70.5%) showed better developmental competence to the 2-cell stage (p<0.05) than those in NC (41.0% vs 10.0%). Bovine NT embryos in CR-NC did not develop over the 4-cell stage after the medium replacement, while interspecies NT embryos in CR-NC continued to develop and could reach over the 8-cell stage (12.2%). Blastocysts were only found in bovine NT group (17.4%), but no blastocyst was found in interspecies NT group. This study suggests that the development of interspecies NT embryos mostly depends on their recipient cytoplasm during the culture in vitro.
본 연구는 이종간 핵이식란의 생산성 향상에 기여하기 위한 기초연구로서 핵이식 수정란의 융합과 활성화 과정에 있어서 수핵난자 및 전기적 융합조건이 핵이식 수정란의 융합 및 체외 발달에 미치는 요인들을 조사하기 위하여 실시하였다. 도축되어지는 소 및 돼지의 난소에서 난포란을 채취하여 TCM-199 및 NCSU-23에 혈청 및 호르몬을 첨가하여 39℃, 5% CO₂ 배양기내에서 24 및 48시간 체외성숙을 실시하여 수핵난자를 준비하고, 공여세포의 준비는 산양의 귀세포를 채취하여 0.25% Trypsin-EDTA의 처리로 세포를 분리, 배양하여 사용하였으며, 계대배양과 함께 세포는 TCM-199 + 10% FBS + 10% DMSO로 동결을 실시하였다. 핵이식은 성숙된 난자의 극체 및 전핵을 laser system으로 투명대를 drilling 하여 제거하고 준비된 공여세포를 핵이 제거된 난자에 주입하여 전기적 자극으로 융합을 실시하여 융합된 난자는 전기적 자극으로 활성화를 유도하였다. 활성화가 이루어진 복제 수정란은 수핵란이 소난자의 경우 monolayer가 형성된 10% FBS가 첨가된 TCM199 배양액에서 7∼9일 동안 체외배양하였으며, 수핵란이 돼지의 경우 10% FBS가 첨가된 NCSU-3 배양액으로 6∼8일 동안 체외배양을 실시하여 배반포기로 유도하였다. 본 연구에서 얻은 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 전기자극의 세기를 1.95 kv/cm와 2.10 kv/cm로 주었을 때 수핵란이 소 난자의 경우 융합율은 47.7및 44.6%였으며, 분할율도 41.9 및 54.5%로써 차이가 없었다. 수핵란이 돼지 난자인 경우는 융합율은 51.3 및 46.1%로써 차이가 없었으며, 분할율도 75.0및 84.9%로써 차이가 없었다. 전기자극 시간을 30 또는 60μsec, 횟수는 1 또는 2회 주었을 때 수핵란이 소 난자의 경우 융합율은 30 μsec 1회(50.8%) 와 2회(31.0%) 간에 차이가 없었으나, 60μsec 1회(19.3%)가 가장 낮았다(P<0.05). 융합란의 분할율은 30μsec 1회(53.3%)와 2회(50.0%) 간에 차이가 없었으나, 60μsec 1회(18.2%)보다 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높게 나타났다. 돼지 난자의 경우 융합율은 30μsec 1회(48.1%), 2회(45.2%)및 60μsec 1회(48.6%)간에 차이가 없었으며, 분할율은 30μsec 1회(78.4%)와 60μsec 1회 (79.4%)간에 차이가 없었으나, 30μsec 2회(53.6%)보다 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높게 나타났다. 이종간 핵이식란의 체외발달에 있어서 수핵란이 소 난자의 경우 상실배와 배반포기로의 발달율이 22.6%로써 단위발생란 30.6%와 차이가 없었으며, 돼지 난자의 경우는 이종간 핵이식란이 5.1%로써 단위발생란 37.4%보다 유의적(P<0.05)으로 낮게 나타났다. 이상의 실험결과로 보아 산양의 체세포를 이용한 이종간 핵이식 복제수정란의 생산을 위하여 수핵란으로 소와 돼지를 사용하여 복제수정란의 발달을 확인할 수 있었으며, 이종간 핵이식에 있어서 수핵란, 공여세포, 융합, 활성화 및 배양조건 등 아직 초보 수준에 있으며, 앞으로 보다 많은 연구를 통하여 이러한 문제들이 해결되면 멸종위기 상태에 있는 동물들의 종 보존에도 활용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다.
This study was conducted to investigate the developmental ability of caprine embryos after somatic cell interspecies nuclear transfer. Donor cells were obtained from an ear-skin biopsy of a caprine, digested with 0.25% trypsin-EDTA in PBS, and primary fibroblast cultures were established in TCM-199 with 10% FBS. After maturation, expanded cumulus cells were removed by vigorous pipetting in the presence of 0.3% hyaluronidase. The matured oocytes were dipped in D-PBS plus 10% FBS+7.5 ㎍/ml cytochalasin B and 0.05 M sucrose. The reconstructed oocytes were electrically fused with donor cells in 0.3 M mannitol fusion medium. After the electofusion, embryos were activated by electric stimulation. Interspecies nuclear transfer embryos with bovine cytoplasts were cultured in TCM-199 medium supplemented with 10% FBS including bovine oviduct epithelial cells for 7∼9 day. On the other hand, the NT embryos with porcine cytoplasts were cultured in NCSU-23 medium supplemented with 10% FBS for 6∼8 day at 39℃, 5% CO₂ in air. In caprine-bovine NT embryos, the cleavage(2-cell) rate was 36.8% in confluence and 43.8% in serum starvation. The developmental rate of morula- and blastocyst-stage embryos was 0.0% in confluence and 18.8% in serum starvation. In caprine-porcine NT embryos, the cleavage(2-cell) rate was 76.7% in confluence and 66.7% in serum starvation. The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos was 3.3% in confluence and 3.0% in serum starvation, and no significant difference was observed in synchronization treatment between donor cells. In caprine-bovine NT embryos, the cleavage(2-cell) rate of cultured donor cells was 30.8% and 17.6% in 5∼9 and 10∼14 passage(P<0.05). The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos were significantly higher(P<0.05) in 5∼9 passage(23.1%) than in 10∼14 passage(0.0%) of cultured donor cells. In caprine-porcine NT embryos, the cleavage rate was significantly higher(P<0.05) in 5∼9 passage(86.7%) than in 10∼14 passage(50.0%) of cultured donor cells. The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos were 3.3 and 0.0% in 5∼9 and 10∼14와 passage of cultured donor cells. In caprine-bovine NT embryos, the developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos were 22.6% in interspecies nuclear transfer, 33.9% in in vitro fertilization and 28.1% in parthenotes, which was no significant differed. The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos with caprine-porcine NT embryos were lower(P<0.05) in interspecies nuclear transfer(5.1%) than in vitro fertiltzation(26.9%) and parthenotes(37.4%).
Background : Panax ginseng the king of Oriental medicines, has enormous potential against many of the disease symptoms and ailments. Panax quinquefolius is an another important member of Panax family which has similar benefits and medicinal properties. Both the species contains ginsenosides a pharmacologically active component abundant in their roots. In an effort to establish the new ginseng cultivars with improved agronomical characters such as root shape, stress tolerant and higher ginsenoside contents, the reciprocal interspecific hybrids were generated
Methods and Results : Four elite cultivars and two new lines of ginseng were chosen to produce interspecies reciprocal hybrids with P. quinquefolius, by pollen dusting on the emasculated flowers. Among the F1 populations, the reciprocal hybrids generated by using new line 0837 both as maternal and paternal parent showed better properties and hybrid vigor. They showed strong root phenotypes with many lateral and fine roots thus having 10% to 20% higher ginsenoside contents compared to the parental populations. Among the major ginsenosides, the pharmacologically active ginsenosides such as Re, Rb1, Rb2 and F1 were enriched and accounted for the 70% of the PPD ginsenosides in 0837/Pq and Pq/0837 crosses, displaying strong dominance.
Conclusion : Thus, based on our result we could conclude that P. ginseng line 0837 is the superior variety compared to the already existing lines for performing the interspecific hybrids with promising outcome in their root quality and ginsenoside content.
Even though success in birth of live offspring from nuclear transfer(NT) using somatic cells in many species, detailed information on processes or mechanisms of development are not well known. Cytoplasm of bovine oocyte has been known to support the development of nuclear transferred embryos using nuclear donor cells from different species. Therefore, interspecies NT might be used to find answers of some questions in basic aspect of nuclear transfer In this study, we examined the developmental potential of reconstructed embryos when bovine oocyte as a cytoplasm recipient and mouse embryonic fibroblast as a nuclear donor were used. The nuclear transfer units were aliocated in Group 1 (murine block media and normal media) and Group 2. (bovine block media and normal media). NT units were not blocked at 2-cell stage regardless of types of medium. On mouse media, poor development of interspecies NT units was observed compared to bovine media. However, as NT units cultured in bovine normal medium, embryos developed over 8-cell stage. Further studies performed to increase the developmental rate in condition of antioxidant treatment. Despite low development, bovine-murine interspecies nuclear transferred embryos could develop to blastocysts and they showed that blastocyts rate of antioxidant group was superior to those of non-antioxidant group. Next, we investigated gene expression pattern which is carried out for zygotic activation. The Xist gene is expressed in female mouse embryo after zygotic activation of 4-cell stage. But interspecies nuclear transferred embryos do not express Xist gene at 4-cell stage. As a result, it is suggested that the bovine cytoplasm controls the early preimplantation development in interspecies NT However, the development of later stages might require genomic control from transferred donor nucleus. Therefore, even though the involvement of several other factors such as mitochondrial incompatibility, effective development of embryos produced by interspecies NT requires proper genomic activation of donor nucleus after overcoming the cytoplasmic control of recipient oocytes.