
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Niobium (Nb) is present in Ni-based alloys and stainless steels used in nuclear reactors as structural materials. Nb-93 is a naturally occurring and stable isotope of niobium and Nb-94 (half-life = 20,000 years) is produced by neutron activation of Nb-93. Nb-94 can be present in waste streams from dismantling of nuclear power plants and treatment of the primary coolant circuit. Hence, the radioactive wastes containing active Nb-94 are disposed of in the repositories for low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW). Nb predominantly exhibits a pentavalent oxidation state (i.e., +V) within the stability field of water. Cementitious materials (concrete, mortar, and grout) are extensively utilized in LILW disposal systems as structural components and chemical agents for the stabilization of waste. Solubility defines the source term (i.e., upper concentration limit) in the repository system. However, the solubility behavior of Nb in cementitious systems at high pH remains ill-defined, and information available on the Nb solid phases controlling the solubility is scarce and often ambiguous. Sorption on cementbased materials is one of the main mechanisms controlling the retention of niobium(V) in a LILW repository, and distribution coefficients (Rd) are necessary to evaluate the retention capacity by sorption in the safety assessment of disposal systems. Available sorption data of Nb(V) on cement showed a large discrepancy in Rd, moreover, no sorption data is available for Nb(V) under conditions characterizing the first degradation stage of cement (young cement condition) at pH 13 – 13.5. In this context, the solubility of Nb was extensively investigated in porewater conditions representative of the cement degradation stage I, as well as in CaCl2-Ca(OH)2 systems. Special focus was given to the accurate characterization of the solubility-controlling solid niobium phases. We also studied the sorption of Nb(V) by hardened cement pastes (HCP) and calcium silicate hydrates (CSH, major hydrate of HCP). This work provides the results on Rd, sorption isotherm and sorption mechanisms of Nb(V). Besides, the impact of ISA (polyhydroxycarboxylic acid generated by the degradation of cellulose) on Nb(V) sorption and the dissolution of cement materials was investigated.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The lattice thermal expansion of zirconium-based samples containing tin, niobium, and iron elements at a temperature range of 30–870°C with intervals of 40°C was studied by in situ hightemperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD). The a- and c-axes lattice constants of the hexagonal Zr crystal structure for the zirconium-based samples were calculated by Pawley refinement using the in situ HT-XRD spectra. The a-axis lattice parameters for the zirconium-based samples with tin element overall decreased, whereas those for the samples containing niobium or iron elements are not declined, as compared to those for a pure zirconium sample. It suggests that the lattice thermal expansion along the a-axis direction of the hexagonal Zr crystal structure for zirconium-based samples was suppressed by the tin element. This effect is the greatest when the content of tin element added in zirconiumbased sample is 3wt%. On the other hand, the c-axis lattice parameters for all the zirconium-based samples overall increase as compared to the pure zirconium, indicating no suppression effect by tin, niobium, and iron elements, in contrast to the a-axis lattice constants.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Among the fuel cell electrolyte candidates in the intermediate temperature range, glass materials show stable physical properties and are also expected to have higher ion conductivity than crystalline materials. In particular, phosphate glass has a high mobility of protons since such a structure maintains a hydrogen bond network that leads to high proton conductivity. Recently, defects like volatilization of phosphorus and destruction of the bonding structure have remarkably improved with introduction of cations, such as Zr4+ and Nb5+, into phosphate. In particular, niobium has proton conductivity on the surface because of higher surface acidity. It can also retain phosphorus content during heat treatment and improve chemical stability by bonding with phosphorus. In this study, we fabricate niobium phosphate glass thin films through sol-gel processing, and we report the chemical stability and electrical properties. The existence of the hydroxyl group in the phosphate is confirmed and found to be preserved at the intermediate temperature region of 150-450 oC.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        니오븀 금속을 기반으로 하는 Nb56Ti23Ni21 합금 분리막의 수소 투과 특성 및 화학적 안정성에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 직경 10 mm, 두께 0.5 mm의 Nb56Ti23Ni21 합금 분리막을 제작하였으며, 2가지 조성(H2 100%, H2 60% + CO2 40%)의 공급가스를 450℃의 온도에서 투과시킬 때 압력에 따른 수소 투과 특성에 관한 실험을 진행하였다. 본 실험에서의 최대 수소 투과량은 순수한 수소를 투과시킬 경우 절대압력 3 bar에서 5.58mL/min/cm2로 나타났다. 또한 공급가스 조성에 따른 각각의 경우 모두 Sievert's law에 잘 부합하였으며, 이산화탄소와의 혼합가스 사용시, 투과량은 수소 분압 감소에 비례하여 감소하였다. 투과 실험 후 XRD 분석을 통하여 Nb56Ti23Ni21 합금 분리막의 이산화탄소에 대한 화학적 안정성에 대한 실험을 수행하였다.
        2009.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Niobium(Nb) and Tantalum(Ta) are rarely found apart in nature and never in the free state. The element niobium amounts to 3% of the crustal abundance. On the whole, the niobium capacitor showed somewhat more unstable characteristics than the commercial tantalum capacitors, but is nonetheless considered applicable as a future substitute for tantalum capacitors. In this study, niobium powder was made from potassium heptafluoroniobite(K2NbF7) by using sodium(Na) as a reductant and KCl and KF as diluents based on the hunter sodiothermic reduction method.,In order to obtain a high surface area niobium powder via the sodiothermic reduction method, a certain amount of diluent, such as alkali metal halides selected from NaCl, KCl, KF and NaF, was added in the raw materials to be reduced. However, if a higher surface area of powder is required, more diluents need to be used in the said method in order to produce niobium powder. But when more diluents are used, the niobium powder will be contaminated with more impurities and the yield will also decreased.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Niobium powder was made from potassium heptafluoroniobite () as the raw material using sodium (Na) as a reducing agent based on the hunter process. The apparatus for the experiment was designed and built specifically for the present study. The niobium particle size greatly increased as the reduction temperature increased from to . The particle size was fairly uniform, varying from to depending on the reduction temperatures. The niobium powder morphology and particle size are very sensitive to a reaction temperature in the metallothermic reduction process. The yield of niobium powder increased from 55% to 80% with a increasing a reaction temperature.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present paper investigates the possibilities of niobium using for the mechanical properties of the common low alloyed Cu-Ni-Mo-C sintered structural steels enhancing. On both thermodynamic and experimental bases there were demonstrated the Nb nitrides/carbides/carbonitrides preferential formation in these steels during sintering in dissociated ammonia at both common and elevated temperatures. The obtained results for fine Nb powder and 0.3% graphite additions to Distaloy AB iron base powder cold compacted and sintered in dissociated ammonia proved the expected strengthening effect, leading to higher mechanical properties of the processed steels than of the common Cu-Ni-Mo-C ones.
        1999.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2원계 (Zr-xNb, Zr-xSnl 와 3원계 (Zr-O.8Sn-xNb, Zr-O.4Nb-xSnl Zr합금의 기계적 특성에 미치는 Nb와 Sn의 영향올 조사하기 위하여 인장시험 빛 마세조직 분석을 실시하였다. Nb와 Sn량이 많이 첨가될수록 2원계와 3원계 합금의 강도는 정진적으로 증가하는 경향을 보이는데, Nb와 Sn이 고용도 이상으로 첨가될 때 강도중가는 더욱 두드러진 것으로 냐타났다. 강도 증가현상을 고용강화, 석출강화, 결정립 미세화에 의한 강화, 집합조직에 의한 강화효과 관정에서 분석한 결과, 고용강화 효과가 가장 두드러지며 Nb와 Sn이 고용도 이상에서는 석출강화가 강도에 기여하는 것으로 냐타났다. 합금원소 첨가에 따른 결정립미세화도 강도에 약간은 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료된다. 그러나 집합조직은 합금원소 변화에 따라서 거의 변화가 없는 것으로 냐타났으므로 집합조직은 강도증가에 기여하지 않는 것으로 생각된다.