Growth and development of succulents were studied in response to two leaf cutting types, the tip and base, using four Echeveria species (E. ‘A Grimm One’, E. ‘Momorato’, E. pulvinata ‘Frosty’, and E. pulidonis) and the planting position, either upright and faced-downward, using Graptoveria optalina. The shoot diameter (mm), height (mm), and number of leaves were significantly affected by the leaf cutting type. Results revealed that the shoot diameter of buds from base leaves were significantly larger by 4 - 9 times than those of buds from tip leaves. Shoot height of buds from tip leaves either not developed or reached a maximum of 2.29 mm while buds from base leaves had an average height of 11.61 mm from E. ‘Mamorato’. Using base leaves allowed to obtain roots and leaves for all selected succulent species after 60 days from planting. Regarding planting position, upright planted and downward-facing plants showed significant differences: buds from upright planting showed taller shoots, greater number of leaves which in turn gave higher visual quality rating and superior color reading using Hunter’s Cielab compared with buds in downward-facing planting position. Planting succulents in an upright position led to well-formed shoots and roots which had a high-quality rating and color evaluation compared with faced-downward planting producing etiolated and abnormal grown shoots. Based on these findings, we suggest that the use of base leaf cuttings and an upright planting position provides a rapid vegetative propagation method for selected succulent varieties.
본 연구는 딸기의 2단 고설베드재배가 끝난 여름철 동안 수박재배 시, 베드 위치와 재식밀도가 수박의 과실 품질에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 하였다. 고설 베드상자는 길이 102cm, 폭 22cm, 높이 13cm의 규격이고, 배지는 코코피트(coir)를 사용하였다. 수박은 베드 위치 및 재식밀도에 따라 베드상단 1주(A), 베드 상하단 각 1주로 상단(B) 및 하단(C), 상하단 각2주로 상단 2주(D), 하단 2주(E)로 정식 처리하였다. 수박은 2012년 5월 8일에 2단 고설베드에 정식하여 양액과 점적관수로 재배하였고 7월 25일에 수확되었다. 수박의 품질을 비교하고자, 과실 무게와 크기를 조사하였고, 과육 내 비타민 C, 플라보노이드, 페놀화합물, 당도 및 산도 등의 기능성 화합물을 분석하였다. 과실의 외관 품질인 과고, 과폭 및 과중은 A처리가 다른 처리에 비하여 가장 높았다. 특히 과중은 A, B, C, D, E처리 순으로 무거웠다. 식물체의 초장이나 엽수는 유의적 차이가 없었으나 줄기 직경과 엽면적은 A처리가 유의하게 컸다. 수박 과육 내플라보노이드, 항산화 활성 및 산도는 처리 간에 유의적 차이가 없었다. 한편 당도는 A, B 및 D 처리에서 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 또한 페놀화합물 함량은 A처리가 가장 높았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 대과의 수박 생산을 위해서는 A처리, 소과의 수박 생산에는 D와 E의 처리가 유리할 것으로 판단되었다.
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of planting position on the growth characteristics, yield and ginsenoside content in Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer at different growth stages. Referring to shoot growth characteristics, stem length, stem diameter and leave area were higher at front than rear, increasing as the proceeding of growth stages. But a lower chlorophyll contents was caused at front compared to rear and decreased as the proceeding of growth stages contrarily. According to root characteristics, root length and main body length were higher at front, with a positive correlation to growth stages, which was also shown on fresh root weight and dry root weight with the maximum in August. Meanwhile, the effect of planting position on ginsenoside content could also be definite by the highest content at front showing high light intensity, increasing as the proceeding of growth stages as well.