Organic ginseng farming has rapidly increased in response to consumer demand for a safe product which improves health. Differences in soil nutrient concentration and ginsenoside content between organic and conventional ginseng farming have, however, not yet been properly studied. Therefore the aim of the present study was to compare soil nutrient concentration and ginsenoside content between these two farming systems. NO3-N, P2O5, and K were significantly different between organic and conventional ginseng farming. The total content of ginsenoside and individual ginsenoside components were higher in organically grown ginseng than in ginseng from conventional farming, although there is no significant difference. Particularly, protopanaxadiol saponins were higher than protopanaxatriol saponins in ginseng from organic farming compared to ginseng produced by conventional farming. NO3-N content in soils showed a negative correlation with the content of ginseno-sides Rb2 and Rd. In addition, P2O5 showed a negative correlation with ginseno-sides Rb1, Rc, and PD/PT ratio. Organic matter showed a positive crrelation with ginsenosides Re. To increase the ginsenoside content of ginseng, we recommend increasing organic matter and decreasing NO3-N and P2O5 contents in the soil.
This study was performed to investigate the effects of enhanced light transmission on plant growth, photosynthetic ability, and disease tolerance to leaf blight, anthracnose in ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer, Araliacease family) during the early growth stage (April to June). The photosynthetic ratio, stomatal conductance, and stem diameter of plants grown under a shade net with 15% light transmission rate showed an increasing trend compared to the control plants (5% light transmission rate) although the growth of the aerial parts were not influenced significantly. Plant height, stem length, and leaf length of treated plants were not significantly different from those of the control plants. Root parameters, such as root length, diameter, and weight of treated plants increased significantly compared to the control. Yield performance (187.4 ㎏• 10 a−1) of treated plants was 55.5% higher than that of the control (150.4 ㎏• 10 a−1). Additionally, disease severity scores of treated plants were lower than those of the control plants, revealing higher survival rates. To retain high yield potential and enhance the level of disease tolerance in ginseng, we suggest the increase of light transmission rate during the early growth stage.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of sowing density, number of seeds sown per hole, andthinning treatment on growth characteristics and disease occurrence in Panax ginseng under direct sowing cultivation in ablue plastic greenhouse. Seedling were grown from 2 or 3 seeds sown, and the healthiest was only retained, while the restwere thinned out at the foliation stage. NO3-N, P2O5, and organic matter content differed significantly between growthconditions in the plastic greenhouse and in conventional shade in the soil. Disease also tended to be higher in the conven-tional shade than in the plastic greenhouse. Plant height and stem length showed an increasing trend with increasing sowingdensity and number of seeds sown per hole. However, these measures noticeably decreased when thinning treatment wasconducted. Growth of the subterranean part of ginseng was not markedly influenced by sowing density, the number of seedssown per hole, or thinning treatment. Root weight, which is an important factor in yield, was significantly affected by thenumber of seeds sown and thinning treatment. Interestingly, root weight tended to be higher in the thinning treatment plotthan the untreated control plot. Damping-off and root rot increased noticeably as the number of seeds sown increased. Dis-ease also tended to be substantially higher in the thinning treatment plot than the untreated control. However, physiologicaldisorder of the plants did not vary with sowing density, the number of seeds sown, or thinning treatment.
Shading and soil environment are the main factors of growth and yield in ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A.Meyer). Ginseng yield is directly related to survival rate because of increased missing plant for their growing period. Underfield conditions, diseases and pests significantly affect plant survival rate. We evaluated the seedling establishment, growthand ginsenoside of the ginseng plants, under controlled management conditions in a plastic greenhouse, when their treatedwith different types of organic matter. Ginseng seeds were sown at a rate of three seeds per hole, and the seeding space mea-sured 10㎝×15㎝. Compared to the control, treatment of cattle manure vermicompost (CMV) was shown to increaseseedling establishment and decrease ginsenoside content. Root weights of plants treated with CMV were higher than those ofplants treated with other types of organic matter. In addition, seedling establishment of 2-year-old ginseng plants wasdecreased when it was compared to that of 1-year-old ginseng plants. Our results indicated that organic matter type and ratewere associated with seedling establishment, growth characteristic and ginsenoside content in greenhouse of ginseng direct-sowing culture.
본 연구는 인삼점무늬병과 탄저병에 대한 친환경자재로 만들어진 친환경 살균제의 억제효과를 알아보기 위해서 수행을 했다. 인삼 점무늬병과 인삼 탄저병들은 인삼뿌리가 비대하기 시작하기 전에 낙엽을 시켜서 수확량을 크게 감소하는 주요한 병들이다. 천연칼슘, 녹차추출물, 홍삼박 술등은 A. panax에 의해서 유발된 인삼 점무늬병에 대해서 상당한 억제효과를 보였고 게 껍질 발효액과 익모초자연즙액은 C. gloeosporioides에 의해서 유발된 인삼탄저병에 대해서 큰 억제효과를 나타내었다. 이들 친환경 살균제는 치료효능보다 대체적으로 예방효능이 더 우수 하였다. 그러므로 이들 친환경 자재들은 인삼 유기재배포장에서 사용할 수 없는 화학농약을 대체하는 살균제로써 이용할 수 있고 그들의 억제효과를 극대화하기 위해 발병 전에 처리를 해야 한다.
This study was performed to investigate the effects of sowing density and number of seeds sown on the emergence rate and growth characters of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer under direct sowing cultivation in a blue plastic greenhouse. Ginseng seedlings, derived from seeds sown directly at different densities (90, 108, 135, and 162 seeds per 162m2), were cultivated in sandy loam soil within a blue plastic greenhouse. In contrast to the emergence rate, which decreased with an increase of sowing density, number of survival plant showed an increasing trend. Interestingly, the emergence and number of survival plant were significantly enhanced when 2 or 3 seeds were sown per hole compared with when one seed was sown per hole. Growth of the aerial parts of ginseng were not markedly influenced by sowing density or the number of seeds sown. However, chlorophyll content (SPAD values) increased with an increase in sowing density. Root parameters, such as root length, diameter, and weight, and the number of lateral roots decreased with an increase in sowing density, but were not noticeably influenced by the number of seeds sown. Total saponin content was the highest in the treatment plot containing 135 seeds. Similarly, the content of each ginsenoside was also tended to be higher in this treatment than in other treatment plots. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, it was possible to determine the optimal sowing density and seed number for the direct sowing cultivation of ginseng in blue plastic greenhouse.
This study was conducted to find out the optimum composition of nursery soil for raising seedling of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer). Total 9 kinds of raw materials were used such as peat-moss, perlite, leaf mould, rice bran, gull's guano, castor-oil plant bark, palm bark, cow manure and chicken manure for optimum composition of nursery soil in ginseng. Occurrence of damping-off in ginseng was lowered about 50% in nursery soil type 1, 2 and 4 than in other types nursery soil in June, and occurrence rate of rusty root also lowest in nursery soil type 1. As the salinity of nursery soil increased, so did the occurrence of physiological disorder in ginseng seedling. The cause of salinity increasing in nursery soil has closely relation to NO3-N, P2O5 and Na+ content. Plant height, root length, diameter and weight were longer and heavier in nursery soil type 1 (mixing ratio of peat-moss, perlite and leaf mould was 50 : 20 : 30 based in volume) than in other types of nursery soil. So nursery soil type 1 was selected for raising seedling of ginseng. pH and electric conductivity (EC) of selected nursery soil type 1 was 5.55 and 0.13 dS/m. Contents of NO3-N and P2O5 were 21.0 and 40.0 mg/L, and K+ 0.36, Ca2+ 3.38, Mg2+ 2.01 and Na+ 0.09cmol+/L, respectively.