The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of dehulled soybean (DHSB), and the rapid preparation possibility of soybean milk with DHSB (SM-DHSB), and then the quality of SM-DHSB. In DHSB, the moisture content decreased, the crude protein, crude fat, minerals, and carbohydrate contents increased, and the isoflavone (daidzein, genistein and glycitein) content was similar to that of soybean (SB). The water absorption rate of DHSB for soybean milk preparation was higher than that of SB. In the results of SM-DHSB and soybean milk (SM) qualities, the crude protein content, total solid content, and the viscosity of SM-DHSB were higher, the yield and the proximate composition (except crude protein) were similar, and the Biji production rate, and total dietary fiber content of SM-DHSB were lower compared to the SM. In terms of the isoflavone contents of SM-DHSB, daidzein and genistein content were similar, and glycitein content was lower compared with the SM. Consequently, these results suggest the possible use of DHSB for rapid SM-DHSB preparation, because the soaking time was decreased by the high water absorption rate of DHSB in the SM preparation, and the quality of SM-DHSB improved compared to those of the SM.
Insects are gaining recognition as an alternative source of protein. Moreover, Protaetia brevitarsis was listed as a general food ingredient by Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. As a result, rearing insects has been growing in Korea and domestic farms have begun mass rearing of insects. In order to produce high quality insects, studies on the development of safe and nutritious feed sources are needed. Given the cost of rearing insects, agricultural and industrial by-products are good sources for feed. The efficient utilization of the by-product can help in reducing the cost of production and preventing environmental pollution. In this study, soybean milk residue was investigated for its effects on developmental characteristics of P. brevitarsis until larvae pupated. With three different kinds of feed on the larvae of beetles, the larvae with 10% of soybean milk residue showed the best result for the larval survival rate and growth rate of this beetle. In addition, the feed with 10% soybean milk residue had significantly shorter than control feed (only fermented oak sawdust). However, 20% of soybean milk residue decreased larval weight and extended larval development period. Therefore, we concluded that soybean milk residue were used as a nutritional feed source to promote larval growth and produce quality insects.
In order to verify the quality characteristics of soybean milk added chickpeas, the following characteristics were investigated: pH, solid contents, color, DPPH radical scavenging, as well as electric nose and sensory evaluation. Physicochemical and the sensory characteristics were analyzed based on the experimental data. The pH value was different in the control and the treatments (p<0.005). As the quantity of chickpea content increased, the solid content was augmented (p<0.0001). The L value was 56.86 in the control, and with the amount of chickpea addition increasing, the L value increased to 57.43 in 100% chickpea soybean milk (p<0.0001). The a value and b value also increased significantly (p<0.0001). However, the DPPH radical scavenging in the control was the lowest but the antioxidant activity of 100% chickpea milk was more than 2.5 higher than that of the control (p<0.0001). In the electric nose experiment, the flavor component of 20%, 30% and 100% chickpea treatment showed a significant difference compared to the control in the flavor components. In the sensory evaluation, for the score of flavor (p<0.001) and taste (p<0.0001), the score was higher in the treatments where 20% and 30% of chickpeas were added. In the sensory test of texture, there was no significant difference in the different experimental conditions except for the 100% chickpea addition treatment. In the overall acceptability test, the scores of 20% and 30% chickpea treatment were the highest results, compared to other treatments (p<0.0001). According to the correlation analysis, both antioxidant activity (0.797) and solid content (0.834) had shown high correlation to pH among the physiochemical characteristics (p<0.01). In the sensory evaluation, color, flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability had shown a positive correlation to the amount of the soy bean milk added chickpea (p<0.01). In particular, the overall acceptability had shown the highest correlation to the taste (0.803), and it was the texture which resulted in the next highest correlation for overall acceptability (0.666).
This study was conducted to examine the effect of corn (Zea mays L.) - soybean (Glycine max L.) silage prepared by intercropping method on the nutritive value of the silage, in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics, dry matter degradability, as well as milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows. In a couple of experiments intercropped corn-soybean silage (CSBS) was compared with corn silage (CS) and/or Italian ryegrass hay (IRG). Numerically, CSBS had higher crude protein, ether extract, and lactic acid contents compared to CS. In vitro rumen fermentation analysis demonstrated that up to a 24-h incubation period, both CS and CSBS showed higher total gas production, ammonia N concentration, and dry matter degradability compared to IRG (p<0.05). The investigation on animals was conducted in a commercial dairy farm located in Gyeongju, South Korea, employing 42 Holstein cows that were divided into 2 group treatments: CS and CSBS in a completely randomized design. Although no significant difference was observed in milk yield, animals fed on CSBS showed significantly higher milk protein (p<0.05) and milk fat content (p<0.01), compared to animals fed on CS. Taken together, our findings indicate that corn-soybean silage that is cultivated, harvested, and prepared through intercropping can improve the protein content of the silage, and can also enhance in vitro rumen fermentation, dry matter degradability, and performance of dairy cattle.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the storage stability of mayonnaise containing a different emulsifier and various levels of soybean paste powder. The mayonnaise with egg yolk as an emulsifier is E group according to the amount of soybean paste powder addition of 0%(E1), 3%(E2), 6%(E3) and mayonnaise with soy milk as an emulsifier is S group with soybean paste powder addition of 0%(S1), 3%(S2), 6%(S3). Storage stability of mayonnaise was determined during storage at 30 ± 5℃ for 8 weeks. The peroxide value, TBA value, acid value of mayonnaise with addition of 6% soybean paste powder was significantly lower than that of 0% and 3% addition. The turbidity decreased according to storage period. The viscosity of mayonnaise was increased with increasing amount of soybean paste powder. Base on these results, addition of soybean paste powder in the mayonnaise improved oxidation stability during storage period.
본 연구는 마요네즈 제조 시 유화제로 사용되고 있는 난황이 콜레스테롤을 다량 함유하고 있는 점을 개선하기 위하여 난황 대신 두유를 사용하였고, 된장의 항산화 효과로 인해 마요네즈의 저장성을 증진시켜줄 수 있을 것이라는 점에 착안하여, 유화제 종류와 된장분말 첨가가 마요네즈의 품질특성을 증진시킬 수 있는지 조사하고자 시행하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다.
1) 총 페놀함량은 E1이 97.92 mg%, E2는 131.15 mg%, E3는 172.81 mg%로 증가되었고, S1은 56.87 mg%, S2는 111.39 mg%, S3는 152.75 mg%로 된장분말의 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였다(p<0.001).
2) 전자공여능은 E1이 20.49%에서 E2는 34.32%, E3는 50.95%로 증가되었고, S1은 9.59%, S2는 16.02%, S3는 38.77%로 된장분말의 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였다(p<0.001). 총 페놀함량과 전자공여능 측정 결과 된장분말을 6% 함유한 E3, S3에서 높게 나타났다.
3) 색도 측정 결과 L값(명도)은 E군이 S군보다 높게 나타났다. a값(적색도)는 S군이 높았고, b값(황색도)는 E군이 높게 나타났다. 된장분말이 증가할수록 L값(명도)은 감소하였고, a값(적색도)과 b값(황색도)는 증가하였다(p<0.001).
4) 콜레스테롤 함량은 E군이 152.87-156.62 mg/100 g, S군은 2.87-8.29 mg/100 g으로 나타나 두유로 만든 마요네즈의 콜레스테롤 함량이 매우 낮았다(p<0.001).
5) 관능검사 결과는 된장분말의 첨가량이 증가할수록 색의 점수는 낮았고 신맛, 짠맛, 발림성은 증가하였다. E군은 S군보다 기름 냄새와 느끼한 맛이 강한 것으로 나타났다. 관능검사의 전반적인 결과로 볼 때 향, 전체적인 맛, 전체적인 기호도에서 된장분말 3%를 함유한 두유마요네즈 S2가 가장 적당한 마요네즈라고 사료된다.
연구 결과를 종합해 보면 난황 대신 두유를 사용하고 된장을 3% 첨가한 마요네즈에서 관능검사 시 높은 점수를 나타냈고, 콜레스테롤은 150 mg/100 g에서 10 mg/100 g로 낮출 수 있었다. 비록 두유보다 난황을 사용한 마요네즈가 더 높은 항산화성을 나타내었지만 저장성 실험을 한 결과 두유마요네즈가 더 높은 저장성을 보였다. 이와 같은 마요네즈가 개발된다면 계란의 난황 대신 두유를 사용하여 콜레스테롤 함유량을 낮출 수 있으며 계란 알레르기를 가지고 있는 환자들에게 도움을 줄 것이다. 그리고 된장 분말이 항산화작용을 하는 점을 이용하여 식품의 보존제로 첨가하여 식용유지의 산화를 방지하고 우리의 전통 발효식품인 된장을 서양요리에 접목 시킬 수 있어 우리나라 전통 발효식품인 된장을 세계화시키는데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
The study was carried out to investigate interrelationships among the acid, peroxide, iodine, thiobarbituric acid values, and changes of fatty acid compositions of some vegetable oils added to soybean milk. A storage temperature of 100℃ was used for the oxidation of the oils, and to determine of variation of the chemical properties and changes of the fatty acid composition, all the samples were carried out in every 8 hours for 40 hours. The changes in fatty acid compositions of the vegetable oils were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. The results obtained were as follow; 1. The acid values of the fresh soybean, corn, and palm oils added to the soybean milk were 0.05, 0.12, and 0.06, whereas those of the oils stored for 40 hours were 0.08, 0.18, and 0.09, respectively. 2. The peroxide values of the fresh soybean, corn, and palm oils added to the soybean milk were 0.3, 1.0, and 0.3, whereas those of the oils stored for 40 hours were 1.1, 1.1, and 0.9, respectively. 3. The iodine values of the fresh soybean, corn, and palm oils added to the soybean milk were 132.7, 124.1, and 57.0, whereas those of the oils stored for 40 hours were 127.3 108.3, and 52.0, respectively. 4. The thiobarbituric acid values of fresh soybean, corn, and palm oils added to the soybean milk were 0.18, 0.05, and 0.02, whereas those of the oils stored for 40 hours were 0.25, 0.19, and 0.07, respectively. 5. The percent content of the major fatty acids of the soybean, corn, and palm oils freshly added to the soybean milk were 2.3%,2.5%,and 25.2%for palmitic acid, 3.2%,3.2%,and 4.8%for stearic acid, 39.7%, 40.7%, and 59.3% for oleic acid, 49.9%, 53.0%, and 10.5% for linoleic acid, and 4.7%, 0.4%, and 0.7% for linolenic acid, respectively. Those of the oils stored for 40 hours were 2.9%, 4,5%, and 36.7% for palmitic acid, 8.5%, 6.8%, and 7.0% for stearic acid, 37.8%, 38.8%, and 49.2% for oleic acid, 46.2%, 49.5%, and 5.8% for linoleic acid, and 4.2%, 0.1%, and 0.1% for linolenic acid, respectively. The fatty acid compositions changed significantly: the amounts of the unsaturated fatty acid decreased considerably. The rsults of the present study demonstrated greater stability of the palm oil as compared with the stability of soybean oil and corn oil added to the soybean milk.
본 연구는 잠재적인 생균제제 Lactobacillus plantarum P1201에 의한 유색 소립콩 분말 두유의 젖산발효 중 이화학적 특성, 총 페놀릭스와 이소플라본 함량 및 항산화 활성(DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거활성 및 FRAP 환원력) 변화를 연구하였다. 콩 분말 두유의 발효 중 pH는 감소하였으나, 산도, 생균수 및 β-glucosidase 활성은 증가하였다. 총 이소플라본 함량은 풍산나물콩이 다른 유색 소립콩보다 함량이 높았다. 발효과정에서 배당체 이소플라본인 daidzin과 genistin 함량은 감소하였고 이에 상응하여 비배당체 이소플라본인 daidzein과 genistein 함량은 급격히 증가하였다. 특히, 발효 60시간 후 발효된 풍산나물콩 분말 두유의 daidzein과 genistein 함량은 87.37 μg/g and 51.29 μg/g으로 다른 시료들보다 함량이 가장 높았다. 총 페놀릭스 함량은 다른이 다른 유색 소립콩보다 함량이 높았다. 총 페놀릭스 함량은 색 소립콩 분말 두유의 젖산발효 중 0.44-2.92 mg/g(0 h)에서 1.79-3.03 mg/g(60 h)로 급격히 증가하였다. 끝으로, 발효된 콩 분말 두유는 DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거활성 및 FRAP 환원력은 각각 28.7-40.6에서 90-95.3%, 25.1-42.3에서 51.4-82.8% 및 0.73-1.54에서 0.98-1.79(OD593nm)로 증가하였다. 발효된 콩 분말 두유는 유색 소립콩의 가치를 증대시킬 수 있다.