본고는 1999년 7월에 경기도 하남시의 이성산성(二聖山城)에서 출토된 목제 요고(要鼓)의 특징과 사용연대를 규명하기 위해 중국 요고의 연원과 변화양상을 심도 있게 고찰한 것이다. 현재 한반도에서 출토된 요고 실물 중에서 고려시대 이전에 속하는 것은 2010년 충남 연기군 나성리 유적에서 출토된 도제 요고와 이성산성에서 출토된 목제 요고 2점뿐이다. 전자는 백제(5세기 후반)의 것으로 현재 가장 이른 시기에 속하는 실물자료이지만 그 형태적 특징이 초기형태의 요고와 상이하기 때문에 악기로 사용된 것인지에 대해 좀 더 신중한 검토가 필요해 보인다. 이성산성에서 출토된 목제 요고의 제작연대에 대해 현재 고구려와 통일신라시대의 것으로 보는 2개의 견해가 존재한다. 목제 요고의 형태적 특징을 보면, 고구려 벽화에 보이는 요고의 중간 부분이 가느다란 특징보다는 통일신라시대 감은사 사리기의 요고상에 더 가깝다고 할 수 있다. 필자가 보기에 이성산성의 요고는 중국 북위시대(北魏: 386∼534) 에 속하는 산서(山西) 대동(大同) 운강석굴(雲岡石窟)의 요고, 하남(河 南) 공현석굴(鞏縣石窟)의 요고와 매우 유사한 특징을 가진 것으로 파악된다. 따라서 이성산성에서 출토된 목제 요고의 제작연대를 고구려(475년 이후)까지 소급할 개연성이 충분하다. 결론적으로 현재 형태적인 특징만으로 이성산성의 요고를 통일신 라시대의 것으로 단정하는 것은 재고의 여지가 있다. 다만 현재 고구려와 관련된 요고 실물 자료를 직접적으로 확인할 수 없다는 점이 아쉽다. 차후 삼국시대 요고에 관한 실물 자료들이 추가적으로 발견 되어 이에 관한 논의가 심화될 수 있기를 기대한다.
Two climate change scenarios, the RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) 4.5 and the RCP 8.5 in the fifth Assessment Report (AR5) by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), were applied in the Yocheon basin area using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model to estimate changes in flow rates and pollutant loadings in the future. Field stream flow rate data in Songdong station and water quality data in Yocheon-1 station between 2013~2015 were used for model calibration. While R2 value of flow rate calibration was 0.85 and R2 value of water qualities were in the 0.12~0.43 range. The total study period was divided into 4 sub periods as 2030s (2016~2040), 2050s (2041~2070) and 2080s (2071~2100). The predicted results of flow rates and water quality concentrations were compared with results in calibrated periods, 2015s (2013~2015). In both RCP scenarios, flow rate and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) loadings were estimated to be in increasing trend while TN (Total Nitrogen) and TP (Total Phosphorus) loadings showed decreasing patterns. Also, flow rates and pollutant loadings showed larger differences between the maximum and the minimum values in RCP 4.5 than RCP 8.5 scenarios indicating more severe effect of drought and flood, respectively. Dependent on simulation period and rainfall periods in a year, flow rate, TSS, TN and TP showed different trends in each scenario. This emphasizes importance of considerations on time and space when analyzing climate change impacts of each variable under various scenarios.
본고는 식당 종업원 호칭에 대한 선행연구의 조사자료 및 그들 간의 의미를 재고한 뒤, 그 것을 토대로, 한 중 교재 속에 반영된 일반 식당 상황 하의 호칭어 사용 양상을 양적인 측면 에서 고찰하고 교육적 함의를 찾는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해, 본고는 우선 선행연구의 설문 결과 중에서 “여/저기요”와 “帥哥/美女”를 중심으로 시간에 따른 사용 변화 양상을 메타적 관점에서 관찰한다. 관찰에는 시대 흐름별 차이와 더불어 격식 유무별 차이 등이 포함된다. 그 로부터 얻은 결과를 기초로, 한 중 교재 속 식당 장면에서 사용되는 호칭들이 선행연구에서 보여준 사용 결과와 부합하는지 그리고 그 점에서 한 중 교재 간에는 어떤 공통점과 차이점 이 있는지를 양적 측면에서 살펴본다.
This study examines the use of kulay(yo) as a response token in spontaneous Korean conversation. The data for the study include approximately five hours of Korean casual conversation and the analytic framework is conversation analysis. Based on its cooccurring prosody patterns, the use of kulay(yo) is divided into two types: the one with falling or continuing intonation and the other with upward intonation. The former type mainly occurs in acknowledgements, the identification and recognition sequence of phone openings, and phone preclosings and closings. The latter type is found in contexts such as informings, counterinformings, and interactionally delicate action sequences mainly as news receipts. The results show that kulay(yo) is used in various interactional contexts, reflecting how the recipient of the prior turn's talk deals with delicate actions and carefully marks his/her stance with it.
This is a study about Jangs presented in the Cheminyosul. Scattered yeast and purified salts are used as ingredients of Jangs. Hwangeui, Hwangjeung and Eol are scattered yeast, and Sangmanyom, Hwayom and Inyom are purified salts. According to their main ingredient, Jang can be classified Kokjang, Yukjang and Eojang. Kokjang was made from soybean and/or wheat, Yukjang made from meat, and Eojang made from fish and crustacea. Eojang is similar to Korean fish sauce, Jeot. Three kinds of Kokjang, four kinds of Yukjang and seven kinds of Eojang are described in the Cheminyosul. Generally, Jangs were fermented and ripened for one day to one hundred days. Also, most of Jangs were made in cold season except Keonjeeojang and Janghae.
PALFAZE is one of ZE. ZE is One of the Chinese Sause. Especially PALFAZE is made from eight materials and used for the slices raw fish or raw meat. At first ZE was made from pickled vegitables that minced, or added vineger, some spices. But later when the garic-growing was spreaded it was changed to be made from minced garic, ginger mixed in vineger or added some spices, starch. Especially PALFAZE is made from garic, ginger, salt, vineger, mamanufactured plum, dried orange rind, boild chestnut, boiled rice.
This study was carried out to understand and analyze the cooking and processing methods presented in CHE MIN YO SUL, Chinese books of husbandary was written in sixth century. This book was composed of two parts-part I is Agricultural production and part II is product-Utilization. Especially, wines and yeast(NU RUK) written in part II were studied at this study paper. Most of yeast was made of barley and wheat. These materials had been prepared as raw, steamed, and roasted state by proper ratio with kinds of yeast and then fermented as dough state. Occasionally, various kinds of soup made from cocklebur, leaves of mulberry tree, wormwood etc. put into yeast dough. Yeast doughs were shaped round and square with or without hole in the center, made in July of the lunar calendar and fermented for 3 or 4 weeks. There were 43 kinds of wines in this book. Most of them were made of all kinds of cereals grown at that time-rice, waxy rice, millet, waxy millet etc. These cereals had been steaming or cooking gruel with grain or powder state and then fermented with yeast. These wines were prepared by single or double brewing methods and the kinds of double brewing wines were more than single brewing wines by two times. There were none of wines made from fruit and distilled wines. Generally, single brewing wines were not made in Apr., Nov., Dec., of the lunar calendar and double brewing wines were not made in Aug., Oct., Nov., of the lunar calendar. And ripenning periods of wine brewing were various, from 1 day to 7 months for single brewing, from 2 days to 8 months for double brewing.
This paper has two goals. First, it aims to carefully examine whether a bi-clausal (movement) approach to -yo attachment in Korean Right Dislocation (RD) constructions is tenable. Yim (2013) argues that -yo marking on an RD-ed element lends support to what is called the 'bi-clausal' approach to RD in Korean. We present an issue and data that solicit reconsideration of Yim's view on the syntax of -yo attachment. In particular, the bi-clausal approach endorsed by Yim is shown to have difficulty capturing two types of coordinate structure, namely interwoven dependency and additive coordination. Second, we demonstrate that the availability of these two types of otherwise puzzling coordination in the RD construction involving -yo marking can be captured under a 'mono-clausal' approach, in conjunction with M-K Park's (2009) midway conjunction analysis, where External Remerge, originally suggested by de Vries (2009), is assumed to play a crucial role in building coordinate structure at issue.
The present study investigates kkunhe(yo) in telephone conversation closings in Korean. After laying down the theoretical foundations on the canonical telephone conversation closings and the termination vs. leave-taking views that Clark and French (1981) propose, it revisits previous studies on Korean telephone conversation closings and illustrates that some group all terminal exchanges together under leave-taking in spite of their apparent contact termination view. It then advocates for the termination view of kkunhe(yo) rather than the leave-taking view in light of the fact that it provides better explanations for the focus of kkunhe(yo) on the contact termination as a speech-act pair even when the second-pair part is filled in with a silent act of a hang-up. In so doing, the study also demonstrates that the termination view adequately differentiates kkunhe(yo) from other terminal exchanges (in particular, leave-taking exchanges such as annyeng).