We present the calculation of X -ray spectra produced through Compton scattering of soft X-rays by hot electrons in the spherical shell geometry, using fully relativistic Monte Carlo simulation. With this model, we show that the power-law component, which has been observed in the low luminosity state of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), is explained physically. From a spectral. analysis, we find that spectral hardness is mainly due to the relative contribution of scattered component. In addition, we see that Wi en spectral features appear when the plasma is optically thick, especially in the high energy range, E≳100keV. We suggest that after a number of scattering the escape probability approaches an asymptotic form depending on the geometry of the scattering medium rather than on the initial photon spectrum.
담배나방의 알의 고추화 담배에서의 포장내 공간분포와 식물내 분포 특성을 조사하였다. 식물체 1주를 표본단위로 할 때 고추포장에서의 알의 공간분포는 집중분포 유형 (a=1.3915,b=1.1648)을 보였으나 담배포장에서는 균일분포 유형(a=1.6.35, b=0.6880)을 보였다. 알의 고추 부위별 빈도는 잎(76.2%), 과실(16.8%), 줄기(6.5%), 꽃(0.45)의 순서로 대부분 잎에 위치를 하였다. 잎에서는 70.1%가 잎의 앞면, 25.2%가 잎의 뒷면에 위치하였다. 담배의 경우도 대부분 잎에 위치하였으나, 잎 앞면과 잎 뒷면이 각각 33.7%와 66.3%로 잎뒷면에 더 많이 위치하였다.
Magnetostatic models of starspots of late type main sequence stars ( G 5 V \~ K 5 V ) have been constructed to investigate their physical characteristics by using the similarity law suggested by Schluter and Temesvary(1958) and later employed by Deinzer(1965) and Yun(1968). The starspots are assumed to be single, circular and in horizontal magnetostatic equilibrium. In the present study we considered only those model spots whose area covers less than 12 % of the entire stellar surface as suggested by observations. The computed surface field strength of our model spots ranges from 10 3 \;to\;several\;10^3$ gauss and their magnetic flux is found to be 10 \~ 100 times that of sunspots. The field strength is sensitive to spectral type, which increases with later spectral type. In contrast to the field strength, the area of starspots depends strongly on the total magnetic flux. Finally, it is noted that the computed field strength of model spots belonging to G 0 V \~ G 5 V falls below the equipartition field strength at their parent stellar surface unless the coverage is less than 2 % . This suggests that the observed spot on G 0 V \~ G 5 V stars is likely to be a group of small starspots.