
현대문법연구 KCI 등재 Studies in Modern Grammar

이 간행물 논문 검색


제11권 (1997년 12월) 10

1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kim Eunil & Park Soonhyuck. 1997. The Construction of Database of English Sentences Based on Syntactic and Semantic Types. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 1-16. Our database is to help researchers easily find the type of English sentences they want to discuss by clicking syntactic and semantic types or typing in words. The database written by MS Visual Basic 4.0 and MS Jet Database Engine 3.0 has 3 modules--i.e. search, input, and DB manager. The search module helps users find English sentences discussed in linguistic journals by using 62 syntactic/semantic types, words, sources, or grammaticality. The input module helps users make his/her own database while the DB manager merges two DB files.
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Park Sang-soo. 1997. Verb Raising in Early Modern English. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 17-38. From the viewpoint of the history of English, the Early Modern English period, especially from about 1500-1600, is characterized by the complete loss of inflectional system, the disappearance of overt verb-raising consequent on the change of the verb feature of tense from strong to weak, and the emergence of modal verbs including dummy verb do. The erosion of inflectional ending system made the overt verb-raising impossible which is necessary for the checking of subject-verb agreement in the functional category of T or AGR. The change of verb feature of tense in the late 16th century is closely related to the loss of agreement system by 1500. During the Early Modern English period of the 16th century, the verb feature of tense was either strong or weak. This means that both the overt verb-raising and do-support are allowed in this transitional stage of tense feature. When the verb feature of tense becomes weak, the overt verb-raising from the verb position of lexical category to T was suppressed. The change of verbal system implies the agreement of formal features between subject and finite verb is checked off not through the overt verb-raising at the level of syntax but through the covert verb-raising at the level of logical form or through the operation of do-support. From the end of the l6th century do-support was forbidden in an affirmative sentence, but it became obligatory in a negative sentence or an interrogative sentence. We can explain such grammatical operation using the economy principle of `last resort` in the Minimalist Program. This change, of course, resulted from the weak verb feature of tense and the impossibility of the overt verb-raising. The dummy verb do originated from the development of the raising verb do in the Middle English period. The raising verb do was reanalyzed as a functional element of tense carrier from the late 16th century.
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Lee Jae-choel. 1997. Island Sensitivity. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 39-56. The purpose of the paper is to explain island phenomena in terms of Fewest Steps without barriers. If the barriers system is introduced in order to explain island phenomena, the types of barriers can not be integrated. As the notion of government is eliminated in the framework of Minimalist Program, the barriers system should be removed. The paper adopts the Oka(1995)`s assumption that the asymmetry of argument and adjunct extraction from islands are attributed to the difference of thematic relation between arguments and adjuncts. Arguments are rather closely associated to lexical heads and must appear in the positions required by them. But adjuncts semantically function as modifiers of something, and rather freely appear anywhere and modify something in a certain configuration. This paper adopts the economy condition on derivation as following.; A derivation is blocked by a competing one with fewer steps. We assume the a referential wh-phrase and a non-referential wh-phrase respectively have a different structure on head D. If a wh-phrase receives a referential interpretation, the head D is assigned wh-feature and forms operator-argument variable chain. The derivation starting within islands does not have another derivation experiencing fewer steps that start outside islands. So, the extractions of referential wh-phrases from islands obey the economy condition. But if a wh-phrase receives a non-referential interpretation, modifier, not head D, is assigned wh-feature and forms operator-modifier variable chain in logical form. The derivation starting within islands has another derivation experiencing fewer steps that start outside islands. So, the extractions of non-referential wh-phrase from islands violate the economy condition. If NP is a modifier of D in DP structure, NP-modifier and adjunct belong to modifier types which can not be extracted from strong islands such as subject island, adjunct island and relative clause island. If argument is extracted from weak islands, it is assigned referential interpretation, and operator-argument variable chain on head D is form at LF. But If adjunct is extracted from weak islands, operator-modifier variable chain is formed on it.
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kim Myung-Bae. 1997. Uno studio `sull`origine dei soggetti nulli in italiano. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 57-77. L`uso dei pronomi, nel fiorentino antico dal Duecento al Cinquecento, era molto piu´ frequente, forse addirittura obbligatorio in certi contesti. In linea massima si puo´ stabilise una generalizzazione di questo tipo: l`italiano moderno a il Latino hanno un minimo di pronomi e un massimo di pro. L`italiano antico(il fiorentino) aveva un use piu´ largo dei pronomi. Il fiorentino moderno ha i pronomi obbligatori come il francese. Nei testi del Cinquecento, possiamo osservare che i pronomi sono estremamente frequenti. Questo fenomeno va considerato come un tentativo di rimediare alla liberta´ sintattica dovuta al declino della legge Tobler-Mussafia. Ma subito dopo esso viene annullato dal declino rapido dells sintassi `Tobler-Mussafia` e dalla costituzione dei diversi patterns dell`intonazione chiari a regolari in italiano. Cio´ spiega l`origine dei clitici soggetto del fiorentino e il germe dei soggetti nulli dell`italiano moderno.
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kim Young-Suck. 1997. The LF Analysis of Scrambling. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 79-90. Such languages as Korean and Japanese can scramble and have free word order, unlike English. Some linguistic theoreticians proposed English is configurational while Korean and Japanese are nonfigurational. Since Saito(1985), it has been standard to view the free word order as being derived from the optional, transformational operation of scrambling. Since the optional operation of scrambling has been problematic as it seems to apply without any driving force, this paper is to propose a novel analysis of scrambling. It will be argued that `scrambled` elements are actually base-generated in their surface positions and undergo obligatory LF movement to where they are assigned θ -roles. Since scrambling in this sense involves only LF movement that has a driving force, this analysis not only conforms to the last resort principle, but also explains why it is `undone` in LF. Moreover, the LF analysis provides support for the minimalist assumption that LF is the sole level at which interpretive conditions apply.
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Hak-youn Kim. 1997. Expletive Constructions in Optimality Theory. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 91-105. The main purpose of this paper is to suggest LRI (Last Resort Insertion) instead of Subject in the rank of Subject > FI for optimal expletive in non-pro drop language. The general framework of Optimal Theory in syntax is introduced focused on Ob-Hd constraint in subject-verb inversion in English, and Subject and FI constraints in English and Italian. However the Subject constraint defined as "subject position must be filled" is not enough to cover all the expletive constructions. When the so called associate-NP is definite(DP), it can satisfy EPP feature in Infl without expletive. And Default Agreement of Subject in Icelandic also blocks an expletive in the subject position. Instead the last resort insertion of expletive occurs in order to satisfy the EPP feature only when the associate-NP is indefinite(NP). This is because the expletive functions as a determiner. Therefore I suggest to replace Subject by LRI.
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Rhee Sang-Chaul. 1997. Etude sur la ge´ne´ralisation des bases verbales. Studies in Modern Grammaticall Theories 11: 107-131. Les diverses altemances radicales re´sultant des conditionnements phone´tiques comme le balancement de l`accent, la palatalisation, etc. tendaient a` s`effacer par l`action analogique. Cette tendance, observe´e sporadiquement de´s la pe´riode pre´litte´raire, se manifest remarquablement en moyen franc¿ais. De la sorte, la plupart des anciennes alternances ont disparues du franc¿ais modeme. Dans cet article, qui a pour but de ve´rifier des hypothe`ses avance´es par quelques me´die´vistes( : Brunot et Bruneau, Fouche´, Picoche, etc. ), nous avons examine´ tout d`abord les deux paradigmes forts : l`indicatif pre´sent et le subjonctif pre´sent, ou` se trouvent ensemble le radical fort aux personnes 1, 2, 3, 6 et le radical foible aux personnes 4, 5. Les verbes en -ir du 2e groupe, maintenant toujours la voyelle the´matique I Tongue latine, ne pre´sentent jamais d`alternances vocaliques. Les alternances consonantiques, a` la diffe´rence des alternances vocaliques, ne sont pas en relation avec le balancement de l`accent. Pour ces raisons nous ne nous inte´ressons qu`aux verbes des ler et 3e groupes dont les paradigmes subissent l`alternance vocalique. La conclusion de notre e´tude se re´sume de la facon suivante : (a) l`extension dune base forte nest pas le cas exceptionnel : le pourcentage de l`extension de B2 n`est pas infe´rieur a` celui de l`extension de B1 (b) e´tant remplace´e par B2, B3 s`efface ge´ne´ralement a` la ler personne d`indicatif pre´sent (c) les diphtongues qui sont propres a` la base faible ( B1, B4 ) se remplacent par le vocalisme de la base forte (d) les paradigmes qui consistent en 3 bases n`existent plus en franc¿ais moderne
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Chung Jung-Seung & Kim No-Ju. A Constraint against Identical Maximal Pronections in Phrasing. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 133-141. In the phrasing of sentences without focus, a multi-word prosodic phrase (henceforth P-phrase) is preferred to a one-word P-phrase due to the constraint Phrase Minimality which prohibits a one-word P-phrase in North Kyungsang Korean (hereafter NK Korean) (N.-J. Kim 1997). However, a one-word (unary branching) P-phrase is forced to be formed due to the two inviolable constraints C-command and No Identical Maximal Projections (`IMPS). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a role played by the constraint IMPs in mapping syntactic phrases to prosodic phrases. The constraint IMPs prohibits any identical maximal projections from being organized into the same P-phrase. For a role done by the constraint C-command, readers might refer to J.-S. Chung & N.-J. Kim (1997).
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Hong, Se-Il. 1997. Pragmatic Function of Questions: Their Illocutionary Forces and Social Hierarchy. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories, 11: 143-161. Questioning is a speech act which affect the way of conveying meaning and the meaning of questions must be partly dependent of rules governing social relationships. The primary purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between the pragmatic functions of questions and social hierarchy between speaker and listener. Three oral corpus of English and two TV drama scripts of Korean were examined and three different kinds of relationship (intimacy, authority, social distance) were assumed. The findings are as follows: 1) Questions can be classified in the modes of their pragmatic function: information questions, examination questions, rhetorical questions, requests, statements. 2) According to the English data, when information is requested, we have the expression of immediate concern. The function of examination questions is to control the respondent`s knowledge, while questions of indirect requests function as requests. Formality characterizes the use of questions of indirect requests and social relationships the use of rhetorical questions. 3) Korean data show that social hierarchy influences more heavily on the speaker`s discourse strategies in choosing the mode of questions. < Table 2 > manifests that information is easily obtained by friends or close family members, while it is rarely or indirectly obtained by senior members or authority figures.
1997.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Chung In-Soo. 1997. Synaesthetic Transfer of Korean Adjectives. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 163-180. The purpose of this paper is to establish the semantic system of synaesthetic transfer of Korean adjectives. The result of this study can be summarized as follows: First, spatial sense can be transferred to acoustic sense, visual sense and gustatory sense. Visual sense can be transferred to acoustic sense and acoustic sense can be transferred to visual sense. Gustatory sense can be transferred to acoustic, olfactory and visual sense. Second, the mechanism of transfer in Korean adjectives shows almost no difference with that of English or Japanese adjectives, which contributes to the universality among those languages. Third, when an adjective is transferred to another sense, the transferred adjective cannot be directly combined with the other adjective itself, but the sense is combined with an attributive noun with the exception of transfer of gustatory adjective to tactical sense. This is because the meaning of transferred adjective is not its core meaning but its peripheral meaning.