
현대문법연구 KCI 등재 Studies in Modern Grammar

이 간행물 논문 검색


제94권 (2017년 6월) 8

2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Recently, Chomsky (2013, 2015) has abandoned the concept of the endocentricity of phrase, which has been taken as a near axiom in the tradition of phrase structure theory. Instead, he proposes an algorithm for labelling (LA; labelling algorithm) by taking it away from the Merge operation. This, in effect, is a measure for solving the so-called specifier problem a la Adger 2012, and then enable novel explanation of the non-existence of specifiers. Paradoxically, we will see in this paper that Chomsky’s (2013, 2015) effective elimination of specifiers not only renders the configuration of multiple specifiers possible, but also helps us to try simpler explanation of them.
2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This paper is concerned with how NP/DP or PP survives as a remnant in English pseudogapping when an intransitive verb plus a preposition is used in a postcedent clause. In this regard, this paper makes two major claims: first, the criterion for reanalysis vs. non-reanalysis of the intransitive verb and preposition depends on semantic properties, and second, focus movement cum-deletion mechanism yields the remnant of NP/DP or PP.
2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the semantic structure of the three types of English articles—indefinite, definite, zero articles―with respect to the supposedly flexible boundaries of English nouns under the framework of Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 1987, 1991a, 1991b, 2000). To facilitate this, a new notion has been proposed: Boundedness Filter (BF), which is thought to play a decisive role in determining the activation or inactivation of noun boundaries in relation with the selection of corresponding articles. BF is supposed to operate in a variety of cognitive domains such as physical space for the indefinite article and psychological space for the definite article. This paper further claims that the count or mass-like property of a given noun is not fixed originally as prescribed in dictionaries or grammar books; rather, its boundary has a flexible feature depending upon the context in which it is used. This is why a common noun with its indefinite article as a boundary marker can sometimes be changed into a mass noun without any article. The BF and flexible characteristics of English noun boundaries can also be used to explain the reason that some apparently visible boundaries are not realized in physical space as indefinite articles.
2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The suffix -cil in Korean seems to take heterogeneous nouns as its bases. For example, sensayng 'teacher' in sensayngcil 'teaching' is an agent, kyeycip 'woman' in kyeycipcil 'womanizing' is a patient and kwayngi 'hoe' in kwayngicil 'hoeing' is an instrument. Therefore, the suffix -cil has been regarded as having various meanings. However, from the viewpoint of cognitive semantics, the various bases of the suffix -cil can be interpreted as consistently referring to an event through metonymy. In sensayngcil 'teaching,' the base sensayng 'teacher' refers to an event through AGENT FOR EVENT metonymy. An agent has a conceptual contiguity with the whole event because it is one element of the event. Similarly, the patient, keyecip 'woman' in keyecipcil 'womanizing,' and the instrument kwayngi 'hoe' in kwayngicil 'hoeing,' as participants of an event, refer to the whole event by the PATIENT FOR EVENT metonymy and the INSTRUMENT FOR EVENT metonymy, respectively. Close examination of -cil suffixation reveals that all the elements in an event can be a base of -cil suffixation because each of them metonymically refers to the whole event. Therefore, it can be concluded that, from the viewpoint of cognitive semantics, seemingly different meanings of the suffix -cil can be unified to one when the different bases consistently interpreted as an event through metonymy.
2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
After pointing out both the paucity of research on cross-cultural telephone call closings between interactants whose dominant languages differ and the lopsided attention to telephone call openings, the present study first illustrates the reciprocal duplication of the identical terminal elements between the conversationalists across the American telephone closing turns and the progressive unilaterality by one interactant, and in response, the repetition of yey ‘yes’ by the other interactant in the Korean telephone closing turns. Then, it turns to an English telephone call closing between a North-American English speaker and a proficient speaker of English whose native language is Korean and whose total length of stay in English-speaking countries is limited to between one year and two years. The data illustrate that the Korean caller’s telephone closing sequence in English resembles that of Korean more than that of North-American English in light of the absence of lexical duplication, minimal reciprocity, and the terminal silence in response to bye in English. The source of the Korean-like behaviors in the English telephone call closing is traced to the influence of the telephone call closing sequence in the speaker’s dominant language (i.e., Korean in this case). The present study identifies it as conversational transfer in order to put more weight on the sequential interdependence and reciprocity of cross-cultural telephone conversation closings without limiting the participants to second language learners. Suggestions for future studies based on the limitations of the present study are also offered along with some pedagogical implications.
2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study attempts to investigate the perceptions of the Korean and native English speaking instructors teaching English in Korean universities toward the importance of motivational strategies and how far their students feel motivated when their teachers use these motivational strategies. In total, 78 instructors and 220 university students with two different English proficiency levels participated in this study and responded to questionnaires. Both Korean and native English speaking instructors' perceptions toward the importance of motivational strategies have a similar pattern. In the responses of both groups, the top three important motivational strategies are proper teacher behavior, recognizing students' effort and promoting learners' self-confidence The lowest rank-ordered strategy is promoting learner autonomy. Instructors' perceptions of importance and students' degree of motivational state show a similar pattern and there are no significant differences between the lower and higher level students except the difference in the mean scores.
2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The present study aimed at examining the effects of English collaborative writing and learners’ reflections on the experience of collaborative writing. The study was classroom based, and the participants (n=33) were Korean graduate students majoring in English education. The study compared texts produced by pairs (n=22) with those produced by individuals (n=11). Among the participants, nine students, involving the collaborative writing, participated in the follow-up interview. The study found that collaborative writing had an overall significant effect on students’ L2 writing. In particular, pairs produced better texts in terms of content, organization, and vocabulary, but not grammar and mechanics. The results of the student interviews showed that collaborative writing helped them pool ideas and provide each other with useful feedback. Most students were positive about the experience while a few of them demonstrated some reservation about collaborative writing.
2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the motivational factors of Korean middle and high school students in learning English. Additionally, the current study examined whether there were any differences between high school students and middle school students in therms of the motivational subtypes. 172 middle and high school students participated in this study. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to address the research questions. For analysis, data was collected through a questionnaire adopted from the Language Learning Orientation Scale (LLOS) of Noels et al. (2003). The results indicated that the hypothesized model, which includes seven motivational sub-types of self- determination theory, was acceptable to measure Korean secondary students’ motivational factors, showing good fits in most fit indices. The seven dimensions of motivation that the current study explored were amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, intrinsic motivation-accomplishment, intrinsic motivationknowledge, and intrinsic motivation-stimulus. Also, the study found that the difference between the middle school group and the high school group was not significant in terms of their motivational orientation. A meaningful implication of this study was the scale’s possible use by secondary English teachers.