
현대문법연구 KCI 등재 Studies in Modern Grammar

이 간행물 논문 검색


제15권 (1999년 3월) 11

1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Norvin Richards. 1999. In Defense of the T-Model. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 1-21. A great deal of recent work in syntax has concerned the nature of the derivation; should syntax be modeled derivationally? and, if so, what should be the nature of the output of this derivation? In this paper I try to defend one classic set of answers to these questions, sometimes known as the "T-model." The argument is based on the nature of multiple-wh constructions in a number of languages; we see that languages which leave all wh-phrases in situ (like Japanese and Chinese) and languages which move all wh-phrases overtly (like Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian) behave similarly, and crucially differently from English, with respect to the Path Containment Condition. The T-model is the one model of the syntactic derivation that has been proposed that naturally groups the languages in this way. An account of the distribution of the data is then offered which makes crucial use of the T-model. In the course of developing the argumet, the nature of movement to multiple specifiers more generally is investigated.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Man-Kun Yoon. 1999. Unselective Binding and Multiple Wh-Fronting Constructions. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 23-41. The first aim of this paper is to argue that any event in our world necessarily co-occurs with four adverbials such as time, place, manner and reason adverbials which can turn into four different wh-adjuncts; when, where, why and how. This paper further argues that this phenomenon is language universal. Second aim is that unselective binding applies only to wh-NPs, not wh-adjuncts, and hence covert raising is necessary for the checking of wh-adjuncts. Although wh-NPs can be interpreted in situ by unselective binding, case checking of wh-NPs requires covert or overt raising of them. Third aim is that nominative wh-NPs can be checked by C。 and accusative wh-NPs by C^(omax). More elaborate purposes are given below in introduction:
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Lim, Kihong. 1999. Dependency Theory in Korean. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 43-53. Drawing on Fiengo and May(1995)`s claim that the conditions on bound variable anaphora are not coextensive with those on sloppy identity, I propose an account for the question of why only the monomorphemic reflexive caki, but not the pronoun ku in Korean can take a quantified expression as its antecedent, whereas both can be read sloppily under ellipsis. We will also see how Fiengo and May`s Dependency Theory together with my pragmatic reasoning explains some intriguing phenomena involving phrases with mace `even` and man `only` operators.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Lee, Soo-Jae. 1999. Interpreting and Processing Null Arguments in Korean Relative Clauses. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 55-78. In interpreting and processing relative clauses in many languages the issue has been which element is relativised, a subject or an object. For instance, experimental evidence shows that it is easier to process the relative clause in which a subject is relativised rather than an object. In processing Korean relative clauses with two null arguments the issue is how to resolve the ambiguity of the two logically possible interpretations: either null subjects are coreferential with matrix subjects and null objects are relativised or null objects are coreferential with matrix subjects and null subjects are relativised. By providing various cues I will demonstrate that Huang`s claim that null objects cannot be coreferential with matrix subjects cannot be supported in Korean. In Korean (though not in Chinese) null objects in relative clauses are very flexible in interpretation.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Hee-Rahk Chae. 1999. A Definition and Classification of Locomotion Verbs. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 79-100. In this paper, we will, firstly, examine morphological, syntactic and semantic issues related to the analysis of locomotion verb constructions. Secondly, after showing that locomotion verbs cannot be properly defined syntactically on the basis of the complements they take, we will provide a semantic definition of them and then a new classification of them. The classification will be based on a couple of parameters: whether the "Figure (moving entity)" is a subject or an object, and whether it is an Agent or not. In providing the definition and classification, we will make it clear that locomotion verbs are different from "motion verbs." In addition, we will factor out a group of "pseudo-locomotion verbs" from the group of locomotion verbs in the traditional sense. Lastly, we will clarify the relationship between locomotion verbs and the -le complement, which is assumed to uniquely characterize the Korean locomotion verbs in syntactic approaches. We will show that there are two groups of verbs which can take the complement (one is a subgroup of locomotion verbs and the other is a group of non-locomotion verbs), and that the complement shows different properties in each of the two groups.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Chung, Moo-joo, 1999. The Topicality of Prenominal Possessive Constructions. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 101-117. This study was written to investigate the properties of the prenominal possessives with reference to Lagacker`s reference point analysis. On the reference point analysis, the prenominal possessive constructions invite the addressee to first evoke the possessor entity, which is introduced to serve as a reference point entity for the subsequent identification of the target entity, denoted by the possesses. That is, the possessor is invoked to facilitate the identification of the possesses, so the possessor needs to be more easily accessible, and to show higher topicality, than the possesses. There are, I suggest, two factors that are likely to render a concept cognitively accessible. In the first place, a concept is rendered accessible by the discourse context in which it occurs. This was referred to as givenness. Second, certain concepts, by their very nature, are inherently more accessible than other concepts, irrespective of discourse context. This aspect was referred to as humanness. The givenness and humanness of possessor nominals were confirmed in a quantitative study. The following conclusions were drawn concerning possessor nominals. a) Possessor nominals refer to entities mentioned in recently preceding text. b) Discourse topics tend to be amongst the preferred referents of possessor nominals. c) Possessor nominals are overwhelmingly definite. d) Pronominal forms are frequent. e) Human possessors serve as a reference point for inanimate possessees.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Bok-hee Lee. 1999. Ways of Scope Taking in Event-Related Readings. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 119-137. In this paper I concentrate on two consequences of the pair quantification approach, which explain why certain contexts block the event-related readings. First, the pair-quantification approach predicts that we need a configuration in which the NP introducing the object variable and the vP introducing the event variable join the restriction of the quantifier. It is necessary to quantify over pairs. Focus and relative clauses can make the event-related readings available for strong quantifiers. Second, I argue that the pairs form join semi-lattices. Events are thought of as having a join semi-lattice structure and the pairs inherit this structure. In section 3, I discuss Weak Island effects on event-related reading. The Weak Island effects on event-related reading follow in virtue of two auxiliary observations:(i) those scopal expressions that block event reading need to take narrow scope with respect to the subject; and (ii) the same scopal expressions require either meets or complementation to be performed.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Oh, Myung-Ki. 1999. Negative Polarity Licensing in Negated Because-clauses. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 139-155. In this paper I`ll argue that NPI licensing in negated because-clauses can be properly accounted for, only if a causal statement can be captured as a combination of the antecedent, the consequent, and the corresponding negative counterfactual. In this context, this paper shows that NPIs in because-clauses can be explicitly licensed through the steps of derivation of the truth of negative because-clauses.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kim, No-Ju. 1999. Tone under Focus in North Kyungsang Korean. Studies in Modern Grammar15. 157-168. Investigating tone in a focused prosodic phrase (P-phrase) in North Kyungsang Korean, this paper proposes two constraints that are required to make a focused word the most prominent within a P-phrase. First, a H on a focused word-final H, which is highly avoided in an unfocused P-phrase, is retained. This generalization is expressed by the constraint *Toneless Focused Word which prevents a focused word from occurring toneless. Second, tone doubling, which occurs across a word boundary in an unfocused P-phrase, is blocked in a focused P-phrase. This generalization is captured by the constraint *Align (Focus, r; H-toned, l) which requires the right edge of a focused word not to be aligned with the left edge of a H-toned word. These two constraints conspire to make a focused word the most prominent within a P-phrase.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Lee, Seungjin. 1999. Chaos-Complexity Theory in the Whole Language Context. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 169-189. This paper attempts to suggest ways in which complexity theory can become a more explicit tool for understanding students` learning and design of learning processes. These are remarkably consistent with whole language approach in schools. Although complexity theory is based on mathematics and physics, many of these principles are equally relevant to a second language learning situation. Now that complexity theory is in its third decade in the West, and has been evolving, it seems that the time is right for a fuller look at the language teaching principle offered by chaos-complexity theory in the field of a second language learning. This paper reviews complex adaptive systems theory through neuroscience and brain research to learning theory and practice. The complexity theory originated not in linguistics but in the mathematical field, and it is interesting to observe that both complexity theory d whole language theory having taken different routes, came to many of the same conclusions about teaching students. Both complexity theory and whole language theory show a very high agreement on issues such as method, approach, affect, effect, role of the teacher, psychological needs of the language learner, and the philosophy of engaging the learner beyond the cognitive domain. By looking at the chaos and complexity theory for learning process, I discuss that learning occurs at the edge of chaos through equilibrium, whole-brain involvement, and "risk-taking". Finally, it seems that complexity and whole language theory affirm the recent shift toward a richer, more open, and more comfortable environment as the most effective way in which educators can optimize the natural human capacity for the learning process.
1999.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Ko, Young-Jin. 1999. Linguistic Competence as an Intermediate Goal of Foreign Language Education. Studies in Modern Grammar 15, 191-211. This study aims at finding out some problems of foreign language education, particularly in high schools, and suggesting some alternatives. From the investigation of the sixth foreign language education curriculum, this study points out one of the most serious problems overlooking the importance of the acquisition of linguistic competence. So this study suggests one proposal for establishing the intermediate goal in English education. In my view, while the acquisition of communicative competence is the supreme goal in language learning, to reach it is too much to expect in our foreign language education circumstances. So we need to establish an intermediate goal on the way the highest goal. That is the acquisition of linguistic competence in Chomsky`s sense. And this study claims that the establishment of an intermediate goal will improve foreign language education, especialy English teaching and learning in our high schools.