
水産經營論集 KCI 등재 수산경영론집 The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol 47 No 3 (2016년 9월) 6

2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this research paper is to segment seafood market and find the factor and process that divide the segment market. Cluster analysis and in-depth interview was performed to identify meaningful segment market. The result of the research found three segment market such as seafood integration familiarity group, domestic seafood familiarity group, seafood unfamiliarity group. Seafood integration familiarity group is active consumer that consume both domestic and imported seafood at home. This group have high preference and familiarity about seafood. Seafood familiarity group purchase imported seafood for the reason that imported seafood is cheaper than domestic seafood and have similar quality level. Domestic seafood familiarity group consume mostly domestic seafood and not purchase imported seafood for the reason that imported seafood have low quality and safety. This group have high preference and familiarity about seafood. Seafood unfamiliarity group is low preference group about seafood and seldom eat at home. This study found that the main factor that divide segment market is seafood familiarity that formed by experiencing seafood in youth and seafood familiarity is main factor that determine consumption degree of seafood at home.
2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aims to analyze effectiveness of the resource use under the total allowable catch system (TACs) of Comb pen shell, a species among TAC targeting ones through its stock assessment based on the surplus production model such as the Clark·Yoshimoto·Pooley (CYP) model. Particularly, this study is separated into five analysis periods in order to understand changes in Comb pen shell resource and its efficient use after TAC system implemented in 2001. The results of this study are as follows. First, five sustainable yield curves (SYCs) and exponential growth functions (EGFs) produced by the surplus production model based on Gompertz growth function to compare before and after implementation of the Korean TAC system show that the TAC system has generated a positive stock rebuilding effect for Comb pen shell caught by the diver fishery since 2001. Secondly, five profits based on differences between the sustainable total revenue (STR) and the total cost (TC) with respect to fishing efforts present that the TAC system has increased efficiency of resource use of Comb pen shell caught by the diver fishery after implementation of the Korean TAC system. In conclusion, the Korean TAC system has increased efficiency of resource use as well as has led a positive stock rebuilding effect for Comb pen shell.
2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper analyzed economic feasibility of aquacultural construction which of large-scale. The results of the economic analysis, cage cultural and water recycling cultural by post-water treatment were analyzed that NPV is 2,083,685 thousand won and -14,105,896 thousand won and B/C ratio is 0.590 and 0.855, respectively. These were shown economic infeasibility. But, running water culture by pre-water treatment(small scale) and running water culture by pre-water treatment(large scale) were analyzed that the one is 5,555,747 thousand won and 15,048,589 thousand won and the other is 1,154 and 1,1221, respectively. these were shown economic feasibility. In addition, measurement of B/C ratio through a sensitivity analysis on running water cultural by prewater treatment(small scale) and running water cultural by pre-water treatment(large scale) is economic feasibility in all cases. However, these were analyzed when the selling price was falling to 20 percent, it has shown economic infeasibility and when the selling price rises to 20 percent, water recycling culture by post-water treatment has economic feasibility. The significance of the study analyzed a sensibility as well as economic feasibility by methods and scales. It is expected that used as basic materials when constructing and operating of land aquaculture in order to minimize the damage from natural disasters.
2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to explore the ecosystem service and benefit indicators of natural seaweed beds. Ecosystems of natural seaweed beds provide a wide range of services and benefits to human society including provisioning services, regulating services, supporting services, and cultural services. Indicators for each of the ecosystem services are chosen by marine plants ecologists and as follows. Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for provisioning services are well-being food(amount of seaweed harvested/amount of fish landed, fish biomass, area of natural seaweed beds, the number of species, contribution to the second production), raw materials(amount of biomass by breed, amount of aquaculture feed), genetic resources(amount of genetic material extracted, amount of genetic material contained by age and habitat), and medicinal resources(amount of medicinal material extracted). Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for regulating services are air purification(amount of fine dust/NOx or SO2 captured), climate regulation(amount of CO2 sequestered), waste treatment(amount of N, P stored, biochemical degradation capacity COD), and costal erosion prevention(length and change of natural coast line, amount of sediment prevented). Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for supporting services are lifecycle and maintenance(primary production, contribution to the second production) and gene pool protection(amount of compositional factors in ecosystem, introduced species). Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for cultural services are recreation and tourism(the number of visits of an area) and information for cognitive development(amount of time spent in education, research and individual learning about ecosystem of natural seaweed beds).
2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study examines the effects of consumer beliefs for food certifications on the behavioral intentions and the behavioral intention biases to purchase the certified seafoods by a subjective probability model which is on the basis of the mathematical probability model and the covariance model. The food certifications used on this study are‘Organic foods’,‘Traceability system of food products’and ‘. HACCP’. The representative foods of fishery products on this study is seasoned laver. The current study showed the following results. First, consumers have more than two different beliefs each for all certifications which are the subjects of this study. The beliefs of the certifications have an impact on the consumers when they consider to buy the certified seafood products. Second, consumers try to persuade by themselves to ensure that their particular belief about the certification could lead to a purchase the seafood products. Consumer beliefs of the“environmentally friendly production”on the organic foods certification is an important factor as much as the“guarantee of food safety”belief making a positive purchasing behavior intentions(PBI) bias for the organic seafood products. Consumers also have a positive PBI bias for certified seafood products in all certifications as long as a certification is considered to “guarantee the transparency of the food distribution process”as its belief.‘Traceability system’was the only one which didn’t generate a positive PBI bias from the belief of“guarantee of food safety”out of three certifications.
2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Most of the changes that make paradigm shift have been involved international level problems related to environment, resource and structure problems in these days. Resolving those common issues the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(UN FAO) has played most important role in fisheries with publishing the series of the technical guidelines for responsible fisheries papers. The guidelines for responsible fisheries have introduced for applying the concept of sustainable development with considering overall changes in fisheries domains. And also have objectives that establishing the discipline of fisheries worlds. Although these papers are remarkable, there is still few research or education contents of them in Korea. Fisheries business administration is a kind of social science that influenced by environmental, social changes so called paradigm shift. So one of the most important thing that has the education of sustainable development is accommodation or adaptation of them with grasping the phenomenon continuously. The aims of this study are exploring the FAO’s the technical guidelines for responsible fisheries documents and contents of college’s fisheries business administration and finding out the overall systematic topics and themes of fisheries business administration education. The result of this study shows that the contents of fisheries business administration did not including the concept of responsible fisheries even were out of date in using statistical data. And there is some missing issues that including fisheries policy, resource management, and related law should be enhanced. This study suggests the framework of fisheries business administration with comparing analysis on FAO’s document and college’s course of study in Korea. The proposed framework of major topics of fisheries business administration that still needed to be improved should be a milestone of understanding and debating the core factors of fisheries business administration education and research.