
한국한자한문교육학회 국제학술대회자료집

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제3회 한자와 한문교육 국제학술대회 (2012년 8월) 87

2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
本文为北京师范大学本科生科研基金项目《基于汉字文化圈视角的简化字历史与现状研究》的阶段性成果,该项目旨在追溯简化字来源,考察民国年间教育部推行的汉字简化方案字形以及建国以后大陆颁布的简化字方案,同时探究汉字文化圈的简化汉字运用状况及其中可见的对汉字简化的态度。本文作为其阶段性成果,旨在在前人研究的基础上,整理《说文解字》、《干禄正字》、《宋元以来俗字谱》等三部字书中沿用至今的简化字,并结合《简化字总表》,追溯简化字的起源,总结汉字简化的原则与方法,理顺简化字的历史发展脉络。在接下来的研究中,还将基于汉字文化圈的视角,以日本、新加坡、韩国等国家和地区汉字简化方案为例,对比文化圈内简化方案的各自特征,探究其中的联系,蠡测其中的发展趋势,同时调查汉语文化圈内简化字的使用和推广情况,进而分析 简化字的推广在文化交流中的作用。
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
By contrasting the two representative dictionary from ancient to modern of WuhouqingZihai(《五侯鯖字海》)with HanyuDazidian (《漢語大字典》),we come to conclusion:“ying(孾)”,girl, this is to retain the“ying(孾)” original meaning;“ying(孾)”,“baby”, this is the uprising of the“ying(孾)”.“Pā(􀁪)”, the voice of stone cracking;“bā(玐)”, the voice of Jade;the two are not variantions, but the voice of the two are similar , so can pass.“Miào(􀁫)”, meaning “the name of the drug”,“yào(藥)”had false from “lè(樂)”in the process of copying.“Suǒ( )”, meaning“zhī(只)”,“zhī(只)” had false from “bèi(貝)”in the process of copying;“suǒ(瑣)”is the new words from “suǒ( )”.“Yú(臾)”is original meaning of the justice for catch hair bundle while dragging, and pictographic characters, “kuì(㬰)”is original meaning of the lifting apparatus, and the pictographic character;“kuì(㬰)”and“kuì(蕢)” are variantions. “réng(礽)” is divide variant of“réng(仍)”. “Zhī(祗)”and“zhī(􀁭)”,the samesound and meaning, the radicalchoice ofthe sameconfigurationheterogeneouscharacter.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Oracle inscriptions in bovid scapulas were engraved by certainregularity, that is no matter left bovid scapulas or right bovid scapulas. Oracleinscriptions that closed to the cut were first engraved. JiaguwenHejiShiwen甲骨文合集释文 usually arranged its order according to intervals betweensexagenary cycle, and sometimes according to whether the question is positiveor negative and whether the oracle inscription is integrated, but these ways can’t correctly reveal the order of oracle inscriptions. Thus, the writers thoroughlysurveyed bovid scapulas in JiaguwenHeji甲骨文合集 Book 1 to 6 and reordered the oracle inscriptions that were mistakenly ordered in JiaguwenHejiShiwen甲骨文合集释文according to oracle inscriptions that closed to the cut were first engraved.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Chinese characters are ideographic system text. Therefore,Chinese characters is through its body structure to express meaning. Thisis the basis of Chinese characters can be created, resulting in theprinciples of radical.Correspondingly, people recognize Chinesecharacters only through analysis of the body structure of Chinesecharacters in order to know the original significance of a singlecharacter. Therefore, understanding the Characters and the principle ofradicals is very important. However, in Chinese characters search, inorder to search easy people set up another radical system , this set ofradical system were re-classified and positioning of Chinesecharacters.Of course, considerable part of the radical is coincident with.Therefore, in the teaching process we should distinguish the principlecomponents and characters principles of radical differences, it is acorrect understanding of Chinese characters, and accurate use of Chinesecharacters.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
“非”是个独体字,许多学者都解析了“非”字及一些以“非”为构字部件的字。综合分析“非”字的形、音、义,我们认为:“非”是“飞”的分化字,“非”的本义是“相背”,“非”也有“飞”义。人们探求汉语中字与字之间的关系由来已久,“右文说”“因声求义”“语根”等都是重要的理论。1988 年,蔡永贵先生在《“右文说”新探》中把“右文说”定义为一种“母文表义”的理论,认为“右文”不是声符,“右文说”所论对象不是形声字,而是一种“母文外化字”,即在“母文”上加注表示具体事类的偏旁(简称“外化符号”)为外部标志而产生的孳乳字。采用蔡永贵的“母文表义”说,引用《说文解字》系列文献资料解析了《说文解字》中收录的“相背”义、“交错”义、“错、反对、讥讽”等义、“两两相从,成双成对”义、“隐盖、隐藏”义、“飞扬、上腾”义、“赤”义的“非”族字。
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The ancient and modern scholars have differentinterpretations to traditional word creation regulation of echoismin thesix categories of Chinese characters. The article seeks the regulationsintention closely the word on the basis of carefully studying thedifficult words“ Shi”( “事” )“ Ming” (“名”)“ Bi” (“譬”)accuratemeanings according to the disadvantage that the statements avoid to mention the definition of words, but vaguely explain the structure of name and definitions content. The article proposes a new interpretation of the regulations of echoism in order to make mutual credit and blend into one harmonious whole between the name, definition and the solution of example word, at the same time, the article proves the name motivation of “ imitative ” and “ pictophonetic character ” which are synonym of homogeneous to echoism
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
三国史记,三国遗事等国内的文献资料以及中国或日本的史书上记录的关于新罗的国名, 官名, 地名, 人名等, 大多数都存在于异表记. 按照异表记的原则来说, 它们应该都是同音或近音. 本考以王力提示的音同或音近基准的叠韵, 对转, 旁转, 旁对转, 通转(韵母), 双声, 准双声, 旁纽, 准旁纽, 邻纽(声母)为根据, 从音韵学的角度对这些新罗时期的名词是否是异表记进行考证. 人名接尾辞异表记, 在ⓐ'知,只,利,兮,巴'与ⓑ'次'中, ⓐ为双声, 准双声,叠韵, ⓐ和利, 次通过邻纽, 通转为近音. 而兮和巴并不是互为近音, 前文的ⓐ和ⓑ也不是近音. 地名异表记, ‘伊骨'与‘一古'中的伊和一是双声, 对转的近音. 骨和古在上古音及中古音中不是近音但是在近代音成为了同音. 官等名异表记‘飡, 湌, 餐, 囋, 飧’中餐是本字, 湌是异体字, 飡是俗字, 囋, 飧是异表记字. 官等名異表記‘沙咄干’的咄虽然看作是叱的误记但是从音韵学的角度是无法看成误记的. 官等名異表記‘柰麻’中‘柰, 奈, 乃,那’的奈和柰是两个不同的字, 但是因为在上古, 中古音中是双声, 叠韵的同音所以可以互用. 官等名異表記‘翳飡, 伊湌, 乙粲’中, ⓐ‘翳和伊’是双声,叠韵的同音, ⓐ和‘乙’是双声, 对转的近音. 官等名異表記‘沙湌, 薩湌’中, 沙和薩在中古音里是准雙聲, 對轉的近音.官等名异表记‘吉支智, 吉之, 吉士, 吉次, 稽知’的‘吉支智’中的智是接尾辞. ‘吉支智’的接尾辭'智'除外的‘吉支, 吉之, 吉士, 吉次, 稽知’中的吉和稽在上古, 中古音里是双声, 对转的近音. 後部要素ⓐ支, 知, 之, 士在上古, 中古音里是雙聲或準雙聲, 疊韻或旁轉. 吉次的次在近代音时与ⓐ成为了近音. 在新罗国号的异表记‘斯羅, 斯盧, 徐那伐, 徐羅伐, 徐耶伐, 徐伐, 薛羅, 尸羅, 新羅, 新良, 志羅’等中, ⓐ‘斯, 徐, 薛, 尸, 志’的聲母心,書, 邪, 章母是准双声, 旁纽, 邻纽, 韻部之, 支, 魚, 脂韻通过旁轉成为近音. 但是新罗的新因为和前面的名称们差异较大所以并不是近音. ⓑ‘羅, 盧,那, 耶, 良’是双声或旁纽, 叠韵, 对转, 通转的近音. 王號異表記寐錦和尼斯今中的寐和尼在上古, 中古音中是邻纽, 旁转的近音. 锦和今则确实是双声,叠韵的同音. 尼斯的斯, 就如同在日本书纪中为了表现官等名柰末的末, 在奈麻后面加上了一个禮写做奈麻禮一样, 可推测是作为‘-ㅅ’的角色.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Compounding Binding words, transliteration words, and onomatopoetic words of Chinese language into the kind of onomatopoeia. Each word of its inside is called the character sued for onomatopoeia is thought to only record the one syllable sound without meaning. The result reveals, these characters are all independent morpheme, can all become words independently. The feasible reason of this research is, first, cut character temporarily ingrammar words. The second, word feature is different from word using. The third, Chinese character has its feature oneself ---- morphological features. This paper analyzes down from a point is identical with linguistics western. Enumerate seven reasons of the needing for internal word. Illustrate its morpheme, morphological feature, and use with examples. The researcher has the experience foundation that analyzing “hé”(和), in idea has the commonality cognition - -morpheme between Chinese and English, the attention of the independent unit of Chinese - -individual feature of Chinese characters. This research can reset Chinese character’s location in linguistics.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Etymological character is a term of traditional linguistics.The understanding and use of etymological character shows a certaindeviation in terms of modern linguistics system. There is a contradictionin the use of etymological character in traditional documents, both in itsconnotation and denotation. So the term of etymological character even in Encyclopedia of China needs to be searched out. In fact, the form of anetymological character can integrate into its meaning, and shows a kind of inner essence. Of course, the characteristics of etymological character should be followed in the study of dialect.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Explanation of mu is different. By dialects, differentpeoples’ languages and foreign languages, we think mu was thumb,then developed as middle finger by metonymy and big toe of feet by metaphor, and jiangzhi is the middle finger and big toe of feet. But MU doesn’t acquire the third finger of foot. This is why different meaning appears.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Chinese Characters with thousands Reflections and Practice of Chinese Characters Teaching of history, appearing with Chinese culture, will go on. They are the main carriers of Chinese culture, living fossil of Chinese history, a part of Chinese culture and history. With the frequent communication between Western and Eastern culture, Chinese characters play a more and more important role in the world and show more advantages. However, some bad phenomena appear during the course of using the Chinese Characters due to the influence of different factors. Not standard, mistaken phrases or words are often used, which badly damages the normative and purity of languages, then destroys the harmony of the language and culture environment. Thus, the language teaching has to be reflected upon agai
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The article states that the writing style determines the forms ofChinese Characters during the process in shaping the characters by analyzing the Characters both in Pre-Qin Days and in Qin Dynasty. In other words, the way of writing influences the result of writing------ the forms of Chinese character directly, moreover, any kind of change in characters’ evolution stems from the slight difference from the previous writing style. Characters are presented by using writing, characters on Bamboo or Wood strips in Qin Dynasty are kept more in the inking words in the early forms of Chinese characters; meanwhile , writing style in Qin Dynasty is a transitional form in the change from seal script to clerical script; at the same time, it includes both the writing motivation of seal script and other writing styles, such as, clerical script, running script and cursive script in the following periods and conceives rich connotation in writing styles. So, we know that , to some extent, the writing style can restrict or improve the process of characters’ evolution by researching the writing styles’ influence on the following characters’ shape. And as an internal factor, it is writing style itself that influences the Chinese character’s shapes. In this way, we push the traditional static research of forms of joining different parts to form the Chinese characters and that of changing rules of different parts in Chinese characters to the dynamic level in Chinese characters’ research.
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Phonetic Complement of the homophone system in ShuoWencame from different periods. The Character-building ability of the same phonetic complement is different in different periods. According our study, more than half of the phonetic complements in ShuoWenhave already existed in the Shang Dynasty. Only 10%-20% of the phonetic complements were appeared in the other periods. Almost a third part of characters which existed in the Shang Dynasty were largely chosen as phonetic complement at that time.
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